So I’m a total DMC noob who’s just gotten to playing Dante, and I’m fucking OVERWHELMED...

So I’m a total DMC noob who’s just gotten to playing Dante, and I’m fucking OVERWHELMED. Any tips on how to play him effectively? Is it just a case of ‘git gud’?

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Play dmc3 first. You play the whole game as Dante. It gives you time to get used to him. Then play dmc4 and finally 5. 1 is good too.

None of the DMC games are hard, you'll make it eventually.
Start off simple and then start experimenting with what Dante can do.
Focus on weapon switching or style switching then eventually combine both.

Don't worry about trying to do too much at once, just figure out what everything does first and build from there

>Any tips on how to play him effectively? Is it just a case of ‘git gud’?
That's the thing; you're the one to decide how you want play him. Conjure up your own style. It's mostly a case of getting better at Style, DT and weapon switching, keeping an eye out on your enemies while sending button inputs concretely. Once these get intuitive, it'd be like forming sentences. So blah blah practice blah blah neuroplasticity blah blah git gud.

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you really should play 4 if you want to get good at dante, his kit was perfect

Do I have to keep constantly switching style or can I stick to one? The royal guard jibes with me pretty well desu

Pick one melee weapon, one ranged weapon, and one style and just learn to use them, once that gets boring add another. And then another. And so on. Dante is DMC dialed up to 11: you're given way more than you actually NEED to worry about, adding more on is just for the style. Do it as it comes naturally, that's the fun.

stick to a style, and a couple of weapons, then switch to others and finally try mixing them for your playstyle.

Style switching on the fly is an an upper intermediate technique. Stick to either Swordmaster or Gunslinger at first and try to get your basic combos down. Then move on to weapon switching. Then try style switching once you've got the muscle memory worked out.

Do whatever you want, honestly. The game gives you options, which is one of the best things about it. You can go for just 1 weapon for ranged and 1 for melee, while choosing a single style. It's just not as stylish to look at and makes it harder to achieve higher grades/rankings. Also, style switching is basically used for all of the styles' function, i.e, it's facultative. For example, Trickster's Air Trick could be used to go near an enemy if you want to, Swordmaster for more combos and functionalities(Launching enemies above, polearm for Cerberus, midair combos for Rebellion and Sparda, etc) and so on. And the mentioned abilities of the said styles aren't the only one- each style has a bunch.

A good tip as that's how I learned, you also can not switch styles on the fly, so if you want you can try to play one at a time. I really liked Trickster when I started as it helped me avoid attacks. Unsurprisingly I am now a Vergil main.

Yeah. DMC3 had only 2 melee and ranged weapons and no style switching, you can do a 2 weapon loadout and stick to either swordmaster or trickster, or even gunslinger if that's your jam. And then practice that.


I am a filthy animal

Welcome new friend. Use the battle space or whatever it's called to learn all the combos one at a time. Take your time on it and don't feel bad if you forget some.


If you're locking on all the time, stop doing that.



>we get to see the moment Nightmare is created
This manga is great.

coming from the only good dmc player on the board, play DMC3 extensively first

then use dante in DMC4 (playing the shitty campaign is unnecessary), after you learn how to fluidly utilize his shit (involves learning a neutral reset and how to go into your option and then return to said neutral state) and all of the advanced glitches like guardfly that arent even in 5, stop playing 4 and play 5

In 5 if you learned those two you can use him out of the box as long as you learn how all of his tools work in 5

So, redpill me how you beat Goliath on higher difficulty when he is attacking 99% of time, has insane tracking and you can't can your moves?


Use i-frames.


literally mash trickster and swordmaster, you'll have so many iframes you can do whatever you want

this game is only hard if you're autistic and trying to make an anime fight scene, you can beat this game half asleep with one hand desu

play instead of posting on Yea Forums

Which character?

Use enemy step to dodge his shit.