How will Bethesda manage to dumb down TES further?

How will Bethesda manage to dumb down TES further?

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3 weapon types
No more skills just perkboy perks
Make the clipping for building things even worse
Get rid of what’s left of enchanting

>"You need to go to cave X"
>Teleports you to cave X
>If you leave cave X, there is a warning that you leave the quest area
>You can teleport there again if you persist on leaving, progress is saved
>Teleporting is tied to a huge epic cinematic that shows you ride a dragon or whatever so they can shove it into your face how awesome you are
>Cave X is not accessible otherwise

I can actually see that

why not just remove caves

Is it somehow more fun to not know where the fuck you're supposed to be going?

Great idea, that would be a fast and intense experience !

i don't have a lot of time to play, because of work and children. Bethesda should streamline their games further, Skyrim was a bit too hard.


Caves come to you.

I disagree

>you were the cave all along

it's fun if it's properly designed and there's good directions, but those games use markers to excuse not have to give directions

morrowind at least tried, but it certainly could've done better especially with some more prominent landmarks to help figure out if you're even in the right rough location

You actually know, just read directions, talk to npc and use your fucking brain. Is it hard?

Great to see you agree my dear friend, for the hardcore gamers one can add a QTE for each teleport that kills all the enemies inside the cave if done correctly!

cúmbrain detected

>No skills, just perks and stats.
>Enchanting and alchemy removed. You buy magic gear and potions/poison or find them.
>Magic is now Destruction/Conjuring/Restoration/Mysticism. First is just lightning/fire/ice magic, second is a small list of summonable monsters only, third is wound healing and poison curing, fourth is invisibility/charming enemies/night vision/water breathing and nothing else.
>No disease
>Crafting is back but now armour is all one set and not components
>Weapon types are: bow, sword, axe, club, and dagger. That's all.
>You climb towers to reveal all markers on the map in a region.
>Dialogue options are now yes/yes, but sarcastically/ask more/goodbye.
>No joinable guild questlines, at all. You join one and as a member get some perks but that's it.

Because dark samey caves with copy pasted enemies and props are so much easier to make compared to a fleshed out overworld or other structures

why not removing the overworld

>caves are the sole enemies

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I think Oblivion was a good compromise.
>if the location is a notable person or place, it gives you a waypoint on your map
>if you don’t know the person or place, you have to ask certain people on your own
>sometimes there are no waypoints, you just have to explore

Personally, I couldn’t give a shit about alchemy

Just leave the wiki open and use that map to find the location.
Not the best solution but a serviceable work around.

I would like to do the QTEs, but I'm not really a hardcore gamer. I would love to see an option to solve these automatically. Perhaps I could pay money for it in some kind of included store?

>complaining about quest markers that can be turned off

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Morrowind directions are only bad from the journal. If you pay attention the text you get when taking a quest is always perfect. It's your fucking garbage journal summary and the quest NPC refusing to repeat them is where issues arrive.

Now there's an idea, fellow user

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They could go the Witcher 2 route and have difficulty sliders for the QTEs.

It's fun to explore an area and find the place you were looking for. It's not fun to explore the same area fifty times and not find the place you were looking for. Quest markers get rid of both of these things.

you will not know how to get to your goal otherwise. the game is designed so that you NEED the quest markers. NPCs and books do not give you directions, unlike Morrowind

That sounds Awsome! And there could be armor sets and exp boosters to help speed up exploration even more!

So look up the quest location online and use your physical map to find it from there. Why on Earth would you complain about a feature you can disable?

could have majestic underground cities (some doors in rocks), and long one-way tunels that sometime use different rock color

by the end of the game you'll finally get to the surface and the credits will roll

"Here let me point it out on your map"
> But it also points to the quest objective when you enter"
Switch to another quest
> But why should I have to?
I can't help you if you are determined to be offended snowflake.

Who are you quoting schizo-kun?

The way Morrowind does it makes a more lasting impression than games where your eyes are glued to your compass. It's not always perfect but despite putting almost equal time in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, I can still remember way more of Morrowind's directions, landmarks, routes and locations than I can with the other two

Finding a place I'm familiar with like Casius Cosades'/Ahnassi's house or certain dungeons you need to find by memory and direction-following makes the game feel more like a place I've lived in, rather than a series of samey walking scenes where the only goal is to keep the white triangle in the center of my compass

>Why would you point out flaws in a system? Are you a discerning, intelligent man or something?!

Based INTlet doesnt need fortify strength 1000 potions

Literally just a Zelda game in a corridor

I'm amazed that argument still exists

Go try playing skyrim without quest markers, you smooth brain.

>lol just look it up on the internet then
You don't see how needing to have an internet guide open for the entire game would be a problem?

>"Here let me point it out on your map"
Did they even bother doing that on Skyrim? I remember it just being
>go to Draugr crypt #23 and pick up the thing.
They had some occasional directions like the bee keeper's quest by Riften but it most of it was magically slammed into your brain's map.

>load into game
>npc runs up to me
>"you need to go here and there"
>loading screen because I got teleported to quest location
>npc tells me I should enter the cave
>loading screen for cave
>inside an npc tells me I need to clear out the cave before he dies
>hollow a straight tunnel while playing whack-a-mole
>last enemy tells me why he is evil
>kill him
>loading screen
>back outside cave
>loading screen
>back at city
>loading screen
>inside city
>npc tells me I need to go to another cave
fun fun

Truly a wonderful idea! To support the community they can also allow other users to sell their work in this store.

The user whining about the lack of written directions.
Just pointing out how it is explained in game.
And then dispensing with the bog standard responses.
Saved us all a bit of time.

i think you might have autism

>highlights a trail for you
Why do Oblivion zoomers need to rely on hyperbole?

are you genuinely a fucking retard? do you think that being forced to look up shit on the internet is good design? do you wipe your ass with your hands? dumbfuck

there is literally a spell that highlights the exact trail you need to take for your current quest, given to you early in the game

Yes a fair number have the "Here let me show you on your map"line.
You are correct that not all do.

He's one of those faggots that let some cuck play the game for him through a guide

More like

>You're going to a draugr dungeon on the other side of the country
>it's marked on your map/compass
>some random peasant lost his ring in there, for some reason he was in a draugr dungeon on the other side of the country and he, a random peasant, lost his ring
>he wants you to go get it for him, cause it means so much to him he wants you to cross the entire country and enter a crypt of the dead to find his fucking wedding ring or some shit

Fuck, you reminded me of the directions to one of the locations in the ashlands, can't remember if it was a burial mound but it used the wooden doors surrounded by rocks and was on the opposite side of a hill you'd pass by, also the directions themselves used a vague geographical term not normally used, I think it was for a cooled down molten stream or something.
Someone must know what I'm talking about.

The quest marker argument has been rehashed thousands l of times.
There will be nothing new in this one or the one after that.
The old timers who don't like new things hate it everybody else ranges from OK with it to prefer it.

Oh oh! And we can make it have always online multiplayer so you can show off all the stuff you bought to other people!
Plus it would go even further in helping to remove all those clunky rpg features.

igneous volcanic rock?


Yes, I could show my wive's son the new armor I buy to get more involved with the family!

Imagine uber zoomers of the future finding Skyrim "old and clunky" imagine them wishing it was more streamlined like TES 8

Now imagine what TES 8 must be in that case to make Skyrim look like how Morrowind looks in the eyes of a zoomer

>3 weapon types

How is it possible for someone to fuck up image compression this much? It's just a picture of text on a white background.

1H Sword, 2H Axe, Longbow

physical melee
physical ranged
magical ranged

Fuck that sounds great. I'd be happy with fleshed out dwemer ruins.

It's rehashed because it's a good one. No wonder why no one is complaining about the changes in the combat system.

>magic as a weapon type
Magic will be some not-shouts system

The fuck? Oblivion's magical pizza slice was dumbed down to hell.

>And he's a compass

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This post gets it, some people just can’t read maps and this is the only way to help those people because good luck teaching someone to read a map.

magic will be removed. you pickup staves that are charged with a spell

TES 6 will have online multiplayer "live" service components, I guarantee it.

No, they will try to rehash the fusrodah memery and sell it as a new feature

>map always shows where you are rather than have you check your surroundings to figure it out

They already added fast travel from interiors in 76.
Long overdue.

>magicka will narrow down to destruction and restoration
>restoration will include alteration and illusion spells
>destruction will include conjuration
>health, stamina, and magicka will become flat percentages without leveled increases
>pickpocketing and speechcraftwon't be skills anymore
>only two weapon trees, archery and melee
>return to leveled enemies
>all dungeons will be procedural, ending all environmental storytelling except for key story based dungeons
>main and guild questlines will be padded with procedural quests instead of actual designed quests
>racial bonuses will be eliminated
>weapon suffixes will be akin to Fallout to encourage grinding for best in slot gear
>boss fights will be more "cinematic"

The first few times sure. At this point it is like theNV threads and itis just the same anons making the same points to the other anons who make the same response.
It's Kabuki theater at this point.

Exactly. Actually all video games should be accessible to blind armless trisomics.

>racial bonuses will be eliminated

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So new players are the dunmer of the player base?
Neither one of them can read a map. That causes an issue.
Why is the dark skinned race the only ones not smart enough to read a map?Seems kinda racist.

How about having both proper directions, and markers, but the markers go away if you select hard mode.

Everything in Morrowind felt like it was hostile and just seconds away from fucking you up while you were traveling. Whereas nothing in Skyrim even seems like a threat and the landscape feels much more safe.

How about we make a Normal mode and a Easy mode only and if you select Easy mode your house blows up lol

It's going to happen, just you wait. They were inconsequential in Skyrim, they'll be non-existant in VI.

warrior/mage/thief skills with their own fallout 4 style perk charts, no more leveling up destruction or restoration it all levels together as the mage skill

Just remove the map markers, remove the compass, remove the map. You can purchase an inaccurate map for specific sections of the continent and as you move around you'll correct it. If you want to know if you're going North or South you need to look at the sky

Get to level 10 and Morrowind loses all sense of danger.
The only way you will die is if you forget to pause when you go to take a leak. If you meta game you can get to the point you can't drown as a nonargonian without using water breathing.

While Morrowind may have felt hostile you are in no danger.

This. No stats, fatigue, skills. Items streamlined to have a single "power" stat. Three different perk charts; rogue, warrior, and mage.

Im not going to defend when directions got fucked up for one reason or another as more then 1 quest in morrowind had incorrect directions. But being told the location is near Caldera has alot of implications. First you have to get to caldera a location you may have never been to before then you ask around which involves interacting with the place then you have to go were they told you which naturally involved coming across other locations your free to explore. Again though sometimes directions are wrong which is BS and sometimes the directions are way worded poorly.

Yeah they already listened to a bunch of idiots and made a game based around survival mode. It bombed.
I would hope they are done listening to morons.

Thanks now I know to never play Morrowind. Just get lore from YT

Who even plays games these days? Much better to just watch a stream.

Yuck, a faggot below the age of 30

No its not. Its much better to play seamlessly, not get lost looking for every location. Im glad that dumb larp mechanic is gone

You may not be up on the latest but 76 was a survival game that tanked hard.
So the one good thing that came out of 76 is that the survival meme is ded at Bethesda. Hopefully it takes item degradation with it.

Races have no difference and there aren't any stats tied to your character but you start out the game with legendary dragonfucker metallic/leather/cloth armor and a legendary dragonfucker sword/bow/staff which have their own attack power and defense. As you play through the main story your dragonfucker gear will be powered up. You can't unequip any of your gear and enemies don't drop anything. You aren't able to open chests because you're too good for them. When you go into town everyone recognizes you as a hero and gives you free food. You get everything you might want (you don't need anything) for free so you don't collect any gold or other kind of currency. Enemies never get stronger throughout the game. You start off 3shotting everything but as you power up your gear you'll just 1shot everything

>You get everything you want
>Enemies never get stronger
> You take three hits to kill things at the start but end up one shotting everything

So back to Morrowind

Fuck they'll probably just remove races all altogether and give some bullshit excuse like "there was no player interest" or "they slowed down development"
Next game
>the only playable races are nords, high elves, and imperials
>casual players and games media will, as always cheer their removal for no explainable reason