He games on Windows 10

>he games on Windows 10

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=windows 10 october update 2018 deleting files

Why not?

>she doesn't game on Windows 10

Sage and move on.

Still using windows 7 currently. everything i hear about 10 is conflicting.

ryzen CPUs are not supported by windows 8 or earlier, and it's enough trouble installing windows and trying to cut out as many of it annoying features than trying to hack in the driver for a CPU that is gonna bother you at every update.

I will just keep using W7 and hope that the next OS isn't some "we want iOS audience" garbage with artificial loading times and massive buttons.

It does store your data and even fucking runs ads if you have tiles on your start menu, but I need it for VR and I can run the more troublesome programs in compatibility mode anyway.

>ryzen CPUs are not supported by windows 8 or earlier

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isn't VR compatible with windows 7 already.

>next OS

Mostly, but I heard there were some features with the Oculus Rift that weren't compatible with 7. I could be wrong on this, though.

It's absolutely a botnet, but luckily for you the backported the botnet into 8 and 7 through security updates.

The only sane version is Enterprise/Long Term Support

I was bored so i upgraded, then i was too lazy to go back to 7 and got used to 10.

Im upgrading to a 3700x pretty soon and am torn between keeping 7 or switching to 10. I really dont want to have to do the shenanigans necessary to get 7 to work on the new processors, but at the same time i hear so many horror stories about 10. I dont know which is worse

Cuck here, simply got used to it as well

>Cuck here
can i use your GF?

I have a strange fucking problem here bros. And it just fucking started.

>can't print from libreoffice
>can't print from openoffice
>can't print from regular ass notepad
>can't print from notepad++

The page will be sent to the printer... And the page will be blank. But I can print from Outlook and Yahoo webmail and
>Gamefaqs (these Panzer Dragoon Saga side quests are fucking bullshit)
just fine.

Literally what the fuck bros?

>I really dont want to have to do the shenanigans necessary to get 7 to work on the new processors
You just need to use that Acer Updater to update your W7 ISO's drivers, and a patch fix to stop Microsoft's annoying messages (or avoid installing the update related to them).

Been using Win10 since its launch and haven't experienced a single BSOD even tho I've been using fuckloads of software and vidya on it.
I dunno how many people out there are experiencing BSODs frequently on win10

>Been using Win10 since its launch and haven't experienced a single BSOD

Its not BSOD so much as it is the system completely fucks out and restarts.

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i'm going to switch to linux once it becomes viable for gaming

If you use windows 10 you're basically an ignorant normalfaggot helping the system

Being forced to. If I didn't have to, I'd never use this obese, nosey asshole of an OS.

>hear so many horror stories about 10
Are you talking about those faggots who set their update settings so it will restart their machine in a middle of a game so they can be cool and have a reason to talk shit on the windows 10 boogyman?

But GOG.com games work fine. Hell, I can play old games I had in ISO images just fine with DOSBox.

Huh? I've had no such problems whatsoever.
It still baffles me how everyone is complaining about their win10 install being unstable and here's me using it for years without any problems.

is anybody else having trouble connecting their controllers to Steam? How do I fix this shit?

enjoy your botnet cuck

Windows 7 won't be any use when it's not supported & later vulnerable for viruses.


i don't get it. original age of empires 2 works fine on w10

>playing on a PC
thats what console are for, PCs are for working.

It found mine after restarting steam

>not using ltsc which is basically w7 but better

>not supported

Total fucking meme. What support do you need exactly? How are you gonna get "viruses" unless you're a literal fucking grandma who never used a PC before?

>tfw most good racing games don't work on Proton yet
Nearly everything else does though so that's nice.

i thought the general rule of avoiding viruses was don't click on questionable links and don't download questionable shit.

Here's your problem. I have no idea how after all these years printing still is the hardest fucking thing to do on a computer

No amount of security will protect you from "viruses" if you go out of your way to install them on your computer.

>he posts retarded, unfunny, furry bullshit on Yea Forums

Imagine being THIS simple minded

I use 10 and it's mostly fine. Everyday use, majority of gaming, using a DAW for music production, all fine. The only issues I get are when trying to run specific older games. 99% can be fixed and problems circumvented, but it is an annoyance. The current problem I have is running STALKER: SoC. It used to be fine (with Complete MOD), but I did a fresh install and tried vanilla and could barely get through menus without crashing. Then I installed AMK and had similar problems, though I managed to get into the game briefly. I dunno what the deal is, thinking of just re-installing Complete and playing that again. I had hoped to try out AMK though.

fuck printers. i don't know what their problem is.

I guess Windows 10 can't be all that bad if the only thing you retards can say is
>muh botnet

you mean the default setting that only pro hackers can disable?

>The only sane version is Enterprise/Long Term Support
What is the difference? Less annoying updates?

it's funny how people say that windows gets virus and shit easy and that they're for stupid consumers. I mean getting viruses are on the user's end, so if they can't not get viruses on windoes then :bigthink:

I'm been using it for over a year now Literally never saw le sad smiley face

to kill smash threads

>he games on PC

Please, even an asexual like myself know you should only be using a 666 petaflops quantum computer

>Imagine being THIS simple minded
by playing those games you are just going to fill it up with viruses

i've seen it few times, but it's hardware problem for me. not software. that's what you get when your mobo is half dead and your too cheap to get new pc.

Ive seen it at work like... once or twice, but at home, I have never seen it, that said I dont play much on it.

I don't care about the botnet, just the functionality. I've had several problems with Windows 10 with my PC over the years. I haven't updated it in years either because the updater NEVER WORKS no matter how many "solutions" I try.

You can disable most of this shit by completely breaking their system.
Didn't receive an update in months after that.

in that case, carry on

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I want a girl to ride me while talking to me like a fucking babby oopsie woopsie fucky wucky cummy in my belly

- updates only after months/years (except secruity)
- no Metro interface
- literally removed all non necessary shit like IE and WMP

It is the best version if you want a "clean" windows.

>implying I wasn't talking about using linux as the best alternative

>implying win7 isn't a botnet.
Yea Forums is retarded.

I'm chaotic and badass
Don't get on my bad side GNU-ers >:)

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No one has proven that

I love how freetards spend almost all of their time "gaming" on loonix by trying to emulate windows as accurately as possible. Consistency isn't a word the freetard is familiar with it seems.

The windows 10 BSOD screen is objectively superior to the old one

I've only ever had a BSOD with 10 when they released released that rushed spectre "fix".

blue screens should be angry, fuck these modern politically correct sad face blue screens

You really think microshit doesn't have have access? Don't be naieve.

>he doesn't OC

Attached: 5.2ghz 1.207v.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Windows 10 has made improvements to scheduling specifically for ryzen. Do not use a decade old OS for a modern day CPU

works for me :)

Why is it bad that freetards are trying to reimplement WIndows functionality?
Are you mad that freetards get to play games that were made only for Windows?
Are you opposed to emulation of consoles as well?

Sounds interesting, especially the "no Metro" part. I will take a look at it.

come home, old man. pick your poison

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Still, no one has proved its existence

Never had ads and I've being running it since day one. I've seen new PCs with some pre-installed aps or something, but you tell them to go away once, and they never come back

>using the OS of a literal secret god


I've seen many problems on other PCs with 10 but it Works On My Machine.

Oh yeah, botnet. Okay. It's CPU-level now so even if you run your own fork of Loonix on a modern Intel or AMD CPU, you're a part of it.

The ads appear on the start menu when you have tiles (the squares and rectangles to the right) enabled. I don't mind removing tiles because tiles are shit, but there shouldn't be advertisements on an operating system.

Attached: adsinmenu.png (1200x876, 513K)

I don't like Stalker but I coped the game from my notebook after getting a new Win 10 PC (based on first gen Ryzen) and tried running it later and it works without installation. It's a pirated version though, and I installed some Russian bugfix patch (not ZRP because I know Russian and so my version of Stalker is Russian and ZRP is English-only and would rewrite some text, I think). I didn't play it a lot but I could load a save and run around a little so maybe not entirely a Win10 problem.

>but luckily for you the backported the botnet into 8 and 7 through security updates.
>updating windows 7
lmao, I haven't updated in years.

Especially one that STILL has a pricetag

which one of those are ads?
also you can just unpin them

I do and I've never had a blue screen or any kind of error

Enjoy your NSA backdoors then

Beyond the botnet, it's just unusable if you expect an iota of control over your machine. It fights your every action unless you're a technophobic normie and is a bitch to use.

How do you even get a virus in a modern computer anyway?, i don't really know shit about them but i do get paranoid sometimes

sounds like something i couldn't deal with then. i have a lot of old porn games and some of them were a pain in the ass to get working right even on windows 7. something like windows 10 would just make me destroy my computer in a drunken rage.

How hard will Microsoft have to fuck you guys before you start thinking about moving to Linux?

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linux barely supports any games.

>thinking the NSA doesn't have 3 new backdoors for every one they're allowing to be patched

Barely any games support linux

Microsoft could fuck in one hole and come out the other, if there's no viable alternative then you have no choice but to grin and bear it.


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>ryzen CPUs are not supported by windows 8 or earlier

I'm a retard who doesn't know how to do computer shit and I got W7 running on my ryzen pc. The only problem is that W7's installer has weird issues with USB ports on newer motherboards so you either need a PS2 keyboard to be able to do anything or you need to set up one of those automatic OS installers that already has the USB drivers you need ready to go that will install automatically which I sure as fuck wouldn't be able to do.

I've honestly never had any problems with it, not even when installing and playing old games.

If Microsoft actually finds a way to force me to use a new OS that kills my ancient porn games and wacky japanese roguelikes, I will give your Wine/Proton/whatever a second try. I have no reason to uninstall W7 right now.

of 7 or 10?

cause you aren't using LTSC like a sane person.

I already moved.

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Normal W10 vs E/LTS W10, like the stuff listed by this user

>Consoles are for fat smelly neets
>PC is for professional millionaire businessmen
Oh no no no...

>not having the bloat-ware free version of Windows 10 (and I'm not talking about that shitty LTSB thing, that shit's just as bad as the original version)
>not having removed updates for fucking good
>muh viruses and support
Living the life

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I summon the Windows 10 shill.
Tell me how my computer will explode without the security updates.

I use the latest LTSC meme build and it's pretty good. Only issue I've run into is that NWN1 runs like COMPLETE shit on Win10 whereas it ran flawlessly on 8.1.

ltsc is literally just 10 without the bloat

I have literally never gotten a blue screen like this. I pirate most of my games too and have played old abandonware with no issues.

Not sure what kind of toasters you play with but maybe it's a hardware issue.

No reason not to in this day and age. If you use a phone companies are gathering just as much data on you as Microsoft will through Windows 10. The days of privacy are over.

>Used W10 since it was released
>Have zero issues
I don't know how people fuck this up, it's been great.

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This, I set updates to happen at 3am and I don't have CP on my hard drive so I literally don't care about muh data collection
How can people manage to have trouble with it is beyond my comprehension

Good choice
I hope it serves you well

The issue is if you do something as simple as tell windows updater to check for updates manually, it puts you in the beta tester program and your hard drive gets erased by buggy untested updates.

If you aren't having problems with windows 10 it's because you're gormless and not actually doing anything with your computer.

2003 argument is outdated and therefore not valid
No amount of seething can change that

>no viable alternative
If Linux is not a viable alternative, would you be so kind and describe the critera for "viable alternative"?

>Been gaming on a 2012 mid range laptop
>Had 1 blue screen since launch of W10
>Well optimized and can play new Xbox games
You're literally an inbred mouthbreather if you're still on anything under W10

There's better.
Way better.

i dont think i have ever seen a windows 10 bluescreen

when i can be arsed to download linux

1) just werks
2) is not splintered into six million snowflake distros with septillions of small but incompatable variables each

>b-but linux just werks on my machine
Every second or third time I follow along with a set of command line instructions (having to open the terminal is already a violation of just werks in and of itself), it simply doesn't work.
No errors, no broken repositories, it just fails to make go and the obscure forum thread about my issue that I spent the last half hour trying to find is now completely useless halfway through.

Love all the "I've never had any problems" responses.
>"I know there's an giant ass floating above my head but I didn't get shat on by it so there's nothing to worry about!"

>implying windows just erks
It probably does if you have top tier Stockholm syndrome
But I do agree with six million distros, that shit is bad and will hopefully get better in the future
>aving to open the terminal is already a violation of just werks in and of itself
but following 10 screenshots to find a setting hidden somewhere deep in control paner is fine and does not violate the "just werks" principle?

If I'm to buy a pc on this day and age, is there a way to ask for one without windows 10?

can I downgrade it later to windows 7?

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many PCs get sold with FreeDOS, which is meant to get overriden as soon as possible


Some stores will sell you builds with Linux, but that is rare in my experience.
You can go back to W7, but if you are really planning to buy a pre-built PC you probably don't know much about PCs in general, so it's better to just deal with W10.

get with the times old man

I have diffuculty understanding how you young fucks got used to Microsoft's cum to the point where you are actually enjoying it
Does it not bother you at all that sucking Microsoft's dick makes you gay?

Just got a computer with Win10 in the house. It's insane how much it tries pushing a windows account during the install. Can't wait to install Win7 on it tomorrow.

You would be inmensely wrong, porchmonkey lover.

>buy new pc with windows 10 preloaded
>windows 10 is activated but "PLS ACTIVATE water mark never leaves
>can't edit a single file on the same drive as windows, everything is ready only and can't be changed
>if the computer goes to sleep despite having top tier market components it can take 2-3 minutes to wake up sometimes
>weird 100% hdd usage at times for no reason
>trying to install windows 7 causes the entire computer to fucking kill over, can't use mouse or keyboard or anything

I fucking hate microshit

>trying to install windows 7 causes the entire computer to fucking kill over, can't use mouse or keyboard or anything

CPU is too new. You'll need to find an old PS/2 keyboard and specific install instructions for your exact model.

Use Acer Updater on your W7 ISO to update its drivers. Or follow advice.

He is retarded. I've been using it since 2015 and only had problems once. I've pirated shit, ran console and phone emulators, torrented shit, own 900+ games. The only one that had issues was Fortune Summoners running really slowly and that was only thanks to an old drawing method that's no longer in use with modern systems. I fixed it just by dropping a new .dll in the folder.

>just doing one mundane thing deletes your computer!

Yeah ok granny.

lmgtfy.com/?q=windows 10 october update 2018 deleting files

>if I call him a fag then his argument won't be valid any more

(Dabs on u)

I love how win10 randomly breaks.
Yesterday for example, I was unable to delete or rename files until a reboot.
Sometimes it won't me right click a task on the taskbar, until I reboot explorer.exe, and even then it's a 50/50 shot

>only affected people that moved folders from one drive to the other with a special tool that duplicates file structure

Riiiiiiight. Real common scenario.

You never know what's going to break next, it's consistently inconsistent.

I remember all my desktop icons getting deleted for no reason after booting, and having to do an extremely hacky workaround to have them show up

>Instead of relying on Windows Insiders, employees, and willing participants in testing updates, Microsoft has decided it is acceptable for regular users to receive patches before they are known to be stable if they opt to click the "check for updates" button on their own.


Works on my machine

Attached: 1494055767047.jpg (650x511, 22K)

>In some fairness to Microsoft, C and D updates are typically only applied when a user manually checks for updates by clicking the button

Was very common (dabs on u with my dick out)

It's literally the best version of windows to date. People sticking to 7 because of muh botnet are braindead tinfoil hat wearing retards.

Nice, another /g/fag thread on Yea Forums full of old people who refuse to learn and accept new things.

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That's not fair at all, that's retarded.
Making sure your system is up to date shouldn't give you untested unstable software.

You're posting on Yea Forums it's too late to be worrying about botnets.

I would post image of Fortnite and say the same shit you just said but I can't because Spurdoland is being constantly range banned.

Why would you downgrade to a shittier version of Windows?

Nigga I still use XP.
Fite me.

I made the horrible mistake of buying a """gaming laptop""" and have no choice

The only issue I have with W10 is the forced updates, It feels like 2/3 times a year one of the updates just fucks everything, or is mandatory for a driver update. How did that become a fucking thing suddenly?

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Your system updates all on its own, user. You know, the thing everyone always complains about when it comes to windows 10, even if in reality it only interrupts tech illiterate cunts?

how does it feel?

The button is "please ensure my system is up to date" not "Yes! Sign me up as a beta tester unwittingly because you fired your entire QA department and have to outsource that labor somehow!"

because you microsoft made it so that only uber-haxorz can disable that, and since there was not enough outrcy and not enough people disabling that, it become accepted as something standard that you just have to take like a champ

Why did windows have to get so bad?
>inb4 wangblows was always bad install gentoo
It never fucking forced you to beta test 500mb calculator updates

>press the "I want the absolute latest updates" button
>get them

No one is forcing me to install them day one though.

Attached: w10.png (582x588, 30K)

When you don't have to download a fucking emulator to run most commerical software

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Feels like time travel.

Ah makes sense. Let me just call every developer of popular commercial software and convince them to make a native Linux release. Expect native Linux builds of basically everything by tomorrow morning :^)

No one wants them.
That's why Microsoft has to impose them on unsuspecting users by disguising their beta opt-in button as a normal software update button.

>bitching about 7 vs 10
>when 8.1 was pure kino

>"normal update button"

See Pretty much everyone against Windows 10 is a computer illiterate memer or fags salty that they missed out on the free upgrade period.

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There are three problems I've had with Windows 10 since upgrading to it last year.
1. It prompts me for permissions every time I try to modify something in system folders like Windows or Program Files, or on my hard drives carried over from my previous computer. I haven't found any way to disable this prompting.
2. The 1903 update broke Explorer's ability to identify folders with media in them and switch to thumbnail view accordingly.
3. Another recent update caused severe freezing issues until it was uninstalled.

Given that I actually can turn off updates and not be bothered by notifications for them at all and have never had my computer do anything more than ping a message when new updates are available no matter how long I put off installing them, I am not particularly bothered.

"check for updates" is a normal update button.
It was normal in XP, in 7, in 8, and 8.1
Suddenly in 10 it opts you in to a beta test program because Microsoft fired their entire QA department and are shovelling that labor off onto you.

Except it doesn't

based retard probably still has cortana on his taskbar

Arguably the Solitaire Collection and Minecraft bits from the Xbox Live app.

7's botnet-esque features and easy to disable and aren't auto-enabled in the background when you aren't looking.

Except it does:

>year old article

Surely you can do better.

Most of the Oculus Dash features only work on Windows 10, so you can't access the menu/Windows desktop from within a game unless you have it. There's also a couple of games that require Windows 10, most notably Sprint Vector, and all WMR devices need it.

>microsoft has been opting people in to beta testing for years but i'm a dumb zoomer with ADD and short term memory loss so it doesn't count

Boy it sure is summer.

Wine isn't an emulator.

i didn't have a choice my MOBO + CPU literally would not let met install 7 or 8 so I gave up

I knew linux and win 7 fags are desperate but saying that win 10 is shit because it's not perfect after a fresh install is just retarded.
It takes like 5 minutes to uninstall those apps.

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It's by design just a glorified emulator.

>use Windows 10 at home
>use Mac OSX at work, and sometimes use a Windows 7 laptop
>work with dozens of Linux servers at work
>work with several Windows servers at work
>manage a couple Linux servers at home
>don't give a shit what OS anyone uses because I realize they all suck

reminder: there is no windows 10. there are only continuously untested and rapidly unsupported new builds of windows.

fact: builds of win10 all the way up to 1803 will reach end of life before Win7 does.
fact: anyone who was using win10 prior to november was actually signing up for an OS with less support remaining than Win7. imagine how stupid you were to use that as a reason to switch.

and to get longer support times, ms will force you to "upgrade" to versions that are known to be broken.

Attached: windows10_unsupported.png (583x624, 47K)

Still on 7 and I'm staying on 7

>everyone keep saying windows 10 is broken
>it works fine on my machine

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yes, we are the 96.28%

So by your own admission something went wrong once years ago and that's why windows bad? Ok.

linux users on suicide watch having to make fake images
works fine on my machine :)

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>>Fortune Summoners
>part 2 never ever

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and what Microsoft is going to do ? Steal my CP ?

Only incels aren't already on Win10

You can also entirely disable updates.

The only people that didn't upgrade for free are of the "I'm so much smarter than the rest *tips fedora*" kind.

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the forced update is shit, but honestly w10 support for old games has really improved over time and it's by far the most stable windows in recent memory, even that error log shit actually... works sometimes now

Better as in the one that literally comes with half of sys32 deleted and a readme that says "lol we tried, if shit breaks that's your problem?"

Don't joke like that man, I like to make the habit of reporting everyone just in case.

I run ryzen on a dual boot of windows 7 and 10 they run the exact fucking same minus some of the performance improvements with programs which run under windows 10 (rpcs3 for example)

lol cuculus

But I don't. I use superior Linux

Got pushed onto 10 from 7 due to a broken pc, its fucking cancer, couldn't get away from it quick enough, even after going though the process of disabling updates and all the shit the many vids on youtube tell you to disable the fucking thing was still shutting down on me while using it without my permission, its absolute and total botnet

Now got myself onto linux and despite taking a week or 2 to get my head around some of it i will not be going back, my pc breaking was the best fucking thing that happened to me OS wise

Working on my machine

or the devs of linux could grow some balls and tell copywrite laws and the us government where they can shove it.

I'm already considering. If I ever leave Windows 7 while Microsoft's current OS is still shit, I'm going for Linux.

You don't even need to do that. Just make a windows 7 usb with gigabyte's tool that slips in usb/nvme drivers. Couldn't be easier

I pre-emptively bit the bullet and went to 10, I pray every day that either Microsoft goes back to something XP/7-esque or we get some combination of mass Linux adoption and Wine actually working both scenarios are equally absurd.

>The only problem is that W7's installer has weird issues with USB ports on newer motherboards

I didn't get this. The USB 2.0 ports on my motherboard wouldn't work with Windows 7. Why?

Old drivers on the original W7 installer that nobody supports anymore. But pretty much all major mobo manufacturers have a program that updates the USB drivers of an Windows 7 installer, so you just need to download it.

Pretty hard sadly, Linux gaming is far better than a decade ago where anything at all getting released was a godsend but it's still bad. Even if every developer started supporting Linux tomorrow Wine would need miracle-tier updates to support the giant backlog of Windows games.

>tfw can't do that because 7 won't even recognize any usb input devices and my board doesn't have a ps/2 port
Fuck my life. I don't want to downgrade to 10.

When linux supports 99%+ of the windows library, which isn't gonna happen.
Everyone has their favorite obscure bullshit game that only barely manages to run on windows thanks to compatibility mode or something, but still works.
The second you tell the user trying out linux "this game doesn't run on linux" you've immediately lost that person.

It's not enough for linux to support a lot of windows games, it's not enough for most games, it has to run nearly every game supported by windows.
Linux will NEVER have mainstream appeal until then.

I don't understand what kind of dead-end you are talking about, but nothing is stopping you from installing W10, updating your W7 ISO with your mobo's driver updater, and installing W7.
And you can probably use a linux OS to do the same (maybe you will need Wine, though), Ubuntu even lets you boot and use the OS without installing it.

I mean... We're on a website that's free to use.
Only reason I continue to use Win10 is because I got used to how to work it. It's pretty easy for me to navigate everything and make things do what I want to do. If I could, I would absolutely go back to XP since that was pretty much the only system I used until I needed to get a new everything due to a dead motherboard.