Times when outside forces demanded ridiculous shit

>In the latest issue, the magazine printed a memo sent out by WWE to members of the video gaming press covering the upcoming SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 video game. WWE wants to control how the game is portrayed in previews.

>WWE told the video game press that they could not show any screenshots of the Superstars bleeding or using weapons. Additionally, WWE said in their memo that they aren't allowed to show screenshots of digital Triple H "in a defenseless or vulnerable position."

>WWE was said to be furious that the memo was published

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Holy shit I hate triple nose

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Haitch is the biggest jew in wrestling history

Triple H has always been a bitch he got the stephanie and kurt angle love story to be squashed because hes an insecure no dime drawing asshat

what kind of boomer shit is this, you retards know wrestling is fake right?

>50 50 booking works! We have to build up all of our superstars so they can be successful.
>I need to win every match I'm in. Also, no media can show me losing. Otherwise it could harm my character.

Nose mentality.

If it's from 2009, you can blame Vince, not haich

Imagine being a modern day wrestling fan.

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Kek what a bitch

Is this just kayfabe or what? Im actually confused now.

>not watching NJPW

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look at those stats

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What the fuck.

do you know what a video game is junior

HHH married the bosses daughter and basically did what he wanted for almost 20 years, he can still step in and bury anyone he wants

>Triple H

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They should have known better
The only way to get the gaming press to do what you want is to bribe them

Companies like wwe would rather threaten someone than pay out

The absolute fucking state of triple bitch

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>charisma 92
jesus christ Haitch let me guess your dick is also 14 inches long?

AEW GAME WHEN??? Fuck 2k

>overall: 90


Like a real legit marriage and not just ''marriage" for content?

Well she popped out three of his spawns, so it's about as legit as the law can recognize

>3 daughters

His daughters are white, cumlord.


it was a work at first but then they got married for real and kinda just stopped mentioning the drive thru wedding

Their partners won't be.

R-Truth, hands down the funniest man on WWE, had a spot where they'd pause the match for a 5 second dance break, that would last for like 30 seconds
It went over really well for about a month.

How weird is it that rednecks love to watch barafags dry hump in spandex on a stage

No one watches WWE for the wrestling anymore, they watch it for the awful story lines, like morbid curiosity to see how bad things can get

If you want to watch WRESTLING, you check out New Japan or AEW Coming soon to TNT

Because there's literally nothing else like it. It's dangerous, people do shit you normally don't see, Injuries, even deaths can happen and it's all live. Kind of like modern day gladiator fights but less gay

They USED TO. Back when wrestling was actually relevant. Nowadays the only casual audience are kids & minorities. The only whites who watch wrestling in 2019 are smarks, and the skew heavily towards urban libshits

I watch it for the fuck ups, kind of like racing.
Like a few weeks ago when taker and goldberg nearly killed each other because they're old fuckers that can't pull off the moves.

Can confirm, my friend who likes wrestling is a smark. He's Cali and Lib. Not urban though, lives in a shitty desert town called Farmerville. He's basically my source of all info on it

>tried out Lucha Underground some time ago
>fell in love and watched all of the episodes
>turns out there won't be another season
>we'll never get to see Aztec Gods fighting in the temple

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I didn't watch the Saudi Showdown
It derailed actual plot lines because people refuse to go to that shithole country

Taker botched a lot of moves and fucked goldberg up pretty bad. The "oh fuck" on his face after the last botched tombstone was priceless.

nah it was worse than that
Goldberg posted himself early in the match and wrestled through with a concussion
Expecting Goldberg and Shaun Michaels to be having redemption runs later this year.
Taker already had his with a Roman tag match, for some reason.

>raw smackdown
I enjoyed this more than i should've

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