if you've never played a FF before
Are these games worth trying?
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Lightning Returns is unironically the best FF game
XIII is one of the worst games ever.
XIII-3 is one of the best games ever.
what about xiii-2?
I legit didn't know there were THREE ff13. What the fuck were they thinking.
No & don't play 15 either.
Any other game is fine.
It's the same shit as XIII only easier and with traditional jrpg backtracking and sidequests
fuck no. they're all horrible. the only ff games worth playing are the first nine games and the spinoffs.
LR is by far the best game out of the "subseries" and it's like a 6/10 if you're being generous. Good combat and customization let down by mediocre to bad everything else, including things that feed directly into gameplay like level/quest design and enemy variety
Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility so we could build a home and raise a family together
lol no, they are irredeemable garbage
If you wanna know what happens in the games just watch the cutscenes on youtube.
XIII-2 is better than the original and LR has a cool battle system.
>extremely linear beginning
>bland cast characterization
>beautiful graphics
>excellent soundtrack
>dull leveling system with no individuality
>decent weapon customization
>better leveling system but not by much
>better written protagonists
>much more freedom to explore
>more ways to customize characters
>graphical quality not as impressive
>more post-game content
>more post-game DLC as well
>blatantly 'inspired' by Valkyrie Profile
>best combat system
>lots more subquesting
>extremely uninspired environments
>horrible writing
>derivative story
You shouldn't play them as your first FF game, no. FFXIII is not as bad as everyone says it is. But to understand why, you kind of need experience playing the myriad of FF games that came before. The game flips the typical FF formula on its head.
That said, flipping the formula doesn't make the game good. The pacing and plot are fucking atrocious. Most FF games start off with a good premise and building characters, only to pull a bullshit plot twist out halfway through and make all the previous plot/character growth invalid. FFXIII starts off with a total shit premise and intentionally avoids developing any of the world/characters until Chapter 8. Once it finally gets around to developing stuff, it becomes decent.
As an aside, you can just skip all this nonsense and play Final Fantasy VIII. Which has a similar setting, better premise and probably the best first half of a FF game ever. Yeah, it still fals apart in the last half. But at least you're not tearing your hair out for the first half the game like FFXIII. If you want a more modern game, play Dragon Quest XI. Which has many of the same gameplay and design concepts as FFXIII, but done correctly.
Not at all. Start with 6, 7, or 9.
I want Lightning to dominate me
One name. Yoichi Wada. He tried to milk a mainline FF for all its worth expecting it to be the next FF7.
I don't like that XIII didn't open up till the halfway point, and even then backtracking took ages. I don't like the linear system for gaining new skills and abilities. I did like the frantic battle system, where you constantly shift between paradigms. I never played XIII-2 but I did play Lightning returns. That game really sacrificed graphics for an open world that honestly wasn't as large as the developers claimed. Having a game timer doesn't mean much. Battling gets you points that let you freeze time and you can even rack up a bunch more days. But even so I found my momentum ruined, going through central story missions, making it JUST about to a boss and getting forced into the sky because my day ran out. I also don't like that completing missions is the way to gain exp, especially when you can spend a while day looking for a lost teddy bear and finding\returning the wrong one.
Gentle femdom is patrician
nah, none of that gentle shit
X is much better than VIII or IX.
Then you're a faggot and a bitch who doesn't deserve to be near the Goddess
Lightning, Fang, and Vanille are hands down the sexiest vidya women of all time. The game they are in is alright, I guess.
>liking the Strayan dykes
the only FF games worth playing are 6, 9, and 14 if you don't mind an MMO
don't waste your time on the rest of the series
The writing is horrible and the characters range from horrible to decent. Said that, you can skip cutscenes and everything else is actually good. I personally like the trilogy a lot, so go for it.
>not liking Strayan dykes
you gay son?
Rude. The Goddess is for all who welcome Her
She deserved better games
Not even worth a (You)
The Goddess would never be tainted by filth like you
She deserves the world
At least post Lightning images instead of shitposting
XIII-2 just for the Devil May Cry Vibe
someone post the spine doujin please
>linear is bad
if it wasnt linear you'd have to talk to every npc to learn what you have to do next
No, just fap to futa lightning
Next question
>that 10 minute animation he made recently
If Lightning Returns didn't have that stupid fucking time mechanic, I'd probably really like the game. I can't get into it with it there. I don't have the patience to learn and retry areas over and over so I know the timing of when a gate will unlock. It's just not for me.
Did someone say Toblerone?
Posting Lightning is shitposting.
>that stupid fucking time mechanic
>he doesn't know that you can completely finish the game in less than 4 days, including all subquests
Yes, they are all fantastic, don't listen to the faggots saying no or this is the worst ever. Just play them for yourself and find out if I am a retarded faggot or everyone saying no.
Well, like I said, I could never get into it to learn about the intricacies of how it all works. I got frustrated by not being able to explore, or I'll miss world events, and I just stopped playing it before I figured it out. I really liked the opening of the game though. When I think of games with excellent openings that bogged down afterwards, I always think of this game, and Metal Gear Solid 5.
ffx is trash. it has all the same flaws as ffxiii but gets a free pass due to nostalgia.
what a faggot
The only reason to play XIII is to know firsthand how fucking bad it is.
post more lightning you fucks
There is no XIII-3. Its called Lightning Returns
Play Alphinauds game instead
The only type of people who will say no are anons who love one of the faggiest FF title - 6.
No unless you're the kind of person that likes reading waifu fanfiction
/ss/fags are right behind futafags in needing to be lynched
FFXIV would be a better game if it was offline. I would like to see Yoshida make a single player game.
No you just unironically have bad taste
Hasn't there been rumors that he might be working on the next one
Alphinaud has boobs?
These are actually some of the best titles to start with if you've never played an FF before. There are legitimate criticisms to be had with these games, but most hated them because this trilogy circumvented the expectations of what a "traditional" FF should be. Since you won't have that bias, you'll experience the games for what they are.
Don't get me wrong, the dialogue, characters, and story are pretty bad in 13, but the combat system really shines once you fully unlock it. One of my favorites in the series.
He's working on a new game. But that could easily be the next MMO. Since FFXIV had a planned 10 year life cycle. And they need 3-5 years just to start the next one. Yoshida also very much prefers MMOs over single player games.
Sauce? Translation?
>people rag on Lightning when the worst character in the game is Vanille
>the entire conflict is based around her mistakes
>literally is willing to sit there and watch her only friend die to avoid having to take responsibility for her actions
>could have avoided 3/4 the game and characters dying if she just fucking opened her mouth from the start
>once everyone finds out she's the cause for literally everything, they just pass it off and forgive her
Fuck off game.
I had a friend translate it, but it could be wrong:
"I wonder what they'll think about this". Probably in reference to the costume.
I think I'd like to breed her
LR is actually fun to me and somewhat kino, and I enjoyed the second one as well but I like Noel's character and time traveling was fun and interesting. The first game was trash to me, like it does a poor job setting up the story or making the player even care about the story or characters.
But yeah, LR is pretty fun though.
how about you talk about video games instead of jerking off your little 3 inch cocks to hentai.
>Spend like half a decade basing a game about your ideal waifu
>Pretty much destroy your franchise because you catered so much around her
>Cloud has to come back and save it.
>played XIII back in 2010
>never finished it because it was friggin boring
>it has two sequels
what the what
Lightning is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Lightning!
I love Lightning, I will only ever love Lightning, I could only ever love Lightning, my heart belongs to her!
Have you thanked Roy12 today?
I'm still pissed this one hasn't been translated. It's one of the oldest XIII doujins
Man those games were shit but Lightning gets my dick hard and the music was pretty good
Almost worth the terrible gameplay and linear progression
Story was shit in the first one, continued being shit for most of the second game but improved towards the end, became average for the third and had a ending that was so retarded I could only love it
but you are already
check the time stamped post credit scene youtu.be
HD remaster when?
>HD remaster when?
Is on steam.
I need 60fps unlocked though.
It's capped at 60, but you still need to fix some shit though.
And on steam there is a mod for improved cutscenes.
>games I find boring should never get a sequel
LR was some if the most enjoyment I had out of 7th gen.
The game doesn't need a remast-
I just searched ffxiii on amazon and saw that there's a tcg for ff. Does anyone know if it's any good or not?
It hasn't been 10 years since it released, wait until then and it'll be considered kino by Yea Forums
All FF's are their own story completely except the direct sequels like 10-2, and 13-2. 13 is decent. Not as bad as people say but there are far better entries, I would say for a sale price 13 is worth.
X is one of the best in the series. 12 is great.
Dumbass retard
13 is probably the worst FF to start with minus 2. I would even recommend 15 first. 13 is alright but terribly slow, putting off even long fans of the series.
FF15 is so cheap right now. I see the PS4 version for $5 used regularly. I'm tempted to just give it a shot for 5 bucks.
But 15 has nothing but gross boys. Why would I ever want this over a game with a cute girl?
Would I like 13 if i'm almost to level 40 in ARR and have enjoyed it so far? And have never played through a FF game before.
they get better gameplay-wise but severely deteriorate in the story department with every installment.
i still play xiii-2 every couple years and enjoy it and LR has some redeeming qualities in its combat. I particularly enjoy being able to bring every enemy but like 1 type to extinction.
Thinking about picking these up since I've got an one x. Kind of enjoyed the first one, sue me.