Why? are they retarded?

why? are they retarded?

Attached: ooblets.png (556x458, 303K)

It’s because it’s childish to cry about needing to go to Walmart for your toys instead of Target.
Like wise, it’s childish to cry about needing to go to 1 free game store over another.
Plus it’s hypocritical for PC gamers to make fun of console wars while fighting over which video card they use and which game store they buy games from.

people behave very differently when they no longer need others' money

>game hasn't even been uploaded to EGS because Epic have to manually add games and it can take weeks for a single new title to be added

god forbid a patch happens or another high profile title shows up, indie faggots get pushed back and can do nothing about it.

Can't wait to report on your death

probably made by trannies. those fuckers are so passive aggressive.

It's hard to resist the urge to mock steam drones because of how incredibly pathetic they are.

oops, I just downloaded this stream of 1s and 0s to my computer.

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>One Angry Gamer
have sex, you professional victim

This, desu. They're set. They don't even need to perform anymore, they have guaranteed income.

OneAngryFaggot should just buy a banner instead of shilling here constantly

I’m actually saddened, I wanted to give this game a chance because I love Animal Crossing games, but the way they just go on about shitting on us really makes me upset.

If they don't want money, then they should have no problem with everyone pirating their game instead.

To be fair, it's stupid to have a problem over PC client exclusivity. On PC it takes a few minutes to install a new client. Console exclusivity means dishing out $300+ for that one exclusive you want to play. Of course, I'm not defending Epic's terribly underdeveloped platform either or the developer's behavior.

>we don't want your money!
It looks like the devs are mocking themselves actually.

>To be fair, it's stupid to have a problem over PC client exclusivity.
>But I also acknowledge that EGS is shit

have sex, retarded gamer

The exclusivity isn't related to the functionality.


On the other hand if one of those stores has all manner of features the other lacks, there's a point.

Likewise if one store pushing processing fees onto the consumers, while the other store eats those fees for consumers, there's also a point.

In addition, if one store gives out free games every two weeks, and you install them, uninstall one later, and it disappears from your library, only for customer support to say you'll just have to buy the game... and there's now hundreds of reports of this, while epic does nothing to fix it? There's a point.

There's also an issue that buying a product at Target or Walmart, as you prefer, is fine, but if Target were to target an item that had been advertised as being at Walmart, buying it up, and forcing Walmart to not sell the product for a year, there is a problem.

There's the issue of the roadmap, and that certain features aren't on it, and Epic have said they'll never have those features.

There's an issue when a Store suggests Reddit as a place to go for a game's social experience. A severe and unforgivable issue.

There's also an issue with Epic having said they'll do certain things with the Epic store, and exclusives, only to do the exact opposite - making them liars.

The amount of things they've done to fuck over consumers is actually quite extensive, and the idea that people continue to make the issue about DURR I DONT WANNA USE TWO STORES! is dishonest in the extreme.

There's also a problem with the bonuses given to Developers/Publishers when using the store. A lot of misinformation about who exactly benefits from getting more money out of these Epic deals. Publishers and certain indie devs certainly benefit, but don't think for a second some code monkey at a dev studio ever sees more money despite busting their ass in requires "not required" overtime and crunch.


Not him, but
If you really wanted that game, and its exclusive. Get it on EGS.
If you can buy it on Steam, do so.
Don’t cry about it online.

Reminder that the Ooblets team is entirely made up of a wife and husband, in which the wife actually makes the vidya and the husband handles the business side and 'PR'

So not only is the husband a useless shit, he's effectively tanking their own game among fans with it

>game devs turn out to be cunts and show their true colors when they no longer need to pretend
Sounds like it's a bunch of females.

why? it's obvious he actually wants people to see his shit.

>buy merch and donate to a promise
>"Yes we still plan on launching on Steam and Live! Store first"
>Break the news on the first of the month so Patreon donations get finalized
>talk like an assbrain instead of just saying, "Things didn't pan out, so we just took the easy money. Sorry"
>double down
>forced to use an objectively inferior product
>now have to pay out the ass because my inferior flyover country dollars cannot be processed normally through ass backward eggs store
>"you guys are just being babies"

Attached: PUT YOUR HAND INSIDE.gif (336x318, 388K)

>Sounds like it's a bunch of females.

It's actually the husband of the married couple team acting like the retard

I had no idea this game existed until it was Epic exclusive.

Retards who dont know how to run a business
The response is simple
>We understand the concern of not being able use Steam to play our game. We decided to release it exclusively on Epic Games because we were offered a much better earning opportunity if we did so. We are simply maximizing our earning potential as a young indie developer studio so that we can continue making great games for you! Thank you for your support! [*game dev name*]
How hard is that?

>proper, significant and well informed critique of a consumer hostile game store
Reminder that when people use language like this, it's because they know they're wrong, and can't defend their position - so they simply paint any other viewpoint as crying or whining. This makes the other side look insignificant and childish, thus in no need of being addressed in any logical or critical manner.

There is no defense of the Epic Store, nor the people who use it. Using the Epic Store supports an anti-consumer platform that aims to be the new monopoly in gaming. There's no interest in competition here, only market dominance, not through a battle for the consumer's favor, but by giving the consumer no other choice, and providing a service that is inferior to the competition, and hostile to the consumer, at the same time.

I wonder if that's a tactic dev's are trying now.

Go Epic just so people would even notice them over it

Don’t help them out dude, they’re going to be disingenuous about it no matter what.

Grew up on Twitter and quadruple level irony culture.

you're just easily riled user, calm down

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reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sellouts! don't buy their game, gamers rise up!!!!!!

You were probably just ignoring it when it was it was presented at E3 a year ago.

Me too, I thought it was that pokemon clone but looks like it's something else entirely.

What's their plain for their next game? Do they think Epic will pay them forever?

When you have to host their entire store it changes things. I'd rather host a Walmart than a gas station, especially when the gas station takes as much room as Walmart with 1/26th of the features

By their next game in 4/5 years zoomers will be already be using EGS in droves so it won't be a problem.

The husband managed to land them a million dollar exclusivity deal, and they're even getting free press about it from agitated incels, so they must be doing something right.


How does getting easily riled up have anything to do with voicing concerns? Every shit dev I've come across either comes face to face with whoever shittalks to them, or they pretend they're above them and scolds them. Garry Newman may not have great games, but god damn if he's not the best asshole game dev to deal with to date.

But sir, your game costs more than it would cost on the competition's store. You see, the Store charges normal fees, under most Western circumstances, but any payment method outside of that, especially those used outside of the west, incurs processing fees. This isn't actually new, this happens on every digital store - but every other store out there, except the one you chose, eats those processing fees. The store you chose charges more at a base, as a result. Therefor you've cost me additional money by choosing this store.

Further, several of my friends, sir, have tried the EGS, which you chose. Unfortunately when uninstalling their games, after beating them, they found those games disappeared from their library. When talking to Epic, they were informed they'd just have to buy the games in question again. I don't think I can trust the store you've put your game on to keep my game library in tact, as this practice has recently made the mainstream news, yet the store you've chosen has decided that it's still not worth fixing or addressing.

As such, I'm afraid I can't justify buying your product on two fronts. Sincerely, a concerned consumer.

does it matter? they have been on this game for many years. even if they do make a second one, the video game audience is fucking stupid and wont stick to their guns.

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There are zero worthwhile epic exclusive games.

Tetris Effect is kino and GOTY.

Hades is the only one I care about, and that's in early access with the full release on steam anyway.

I've noticed a Lot of companies have problems with this extremely basic PR now. Not just Indies like this one, but legit big companies like Creative Assembly and Insomniac

I know better than to respond to you, sneakshill.


Imagine being this entitled.
Imagine whining so much.
Imagine being a Steamdrone lol

Hades and Pheonix Point is it for me


Imagine tripfagging on Yea Forums

Timmy's already paid for your copy of Phoenix Point anyway. DLC will be done by the time of the steam release if you wait.

The cold hard fact is that nobody here would even have heard of this game if it wasn't Epic exclusive and they were insulting people. And they aren't losing sales because they're talking about people who already weren't buying the game. They're scum, obviously, but this is a calculated decision.

This board isnt your safespace

How's that shopping cart coming along?

Attached: 1559213473753.png (888x894, 714K)

Don't worry
Epic is already doing damage control on every gaming forum (here included)

Anyone who defends DRM clients will never have a leg up in this argument.

They are not exempt either. Stop defending our consumer rights being taken away.

it was literally in an e3 press conference. microsoft i think.

Epic Store is cancer but so is internet journalism

>all these pcbro literally steaming

Except you don't need to stay at wallmart to play with your new toy, you can take it home

Here's the test of if Epic is good or not.

If Epic didn't bribe dev's for exclusives, how many people would actually give up Steam for it.

Who fucking wrote this article? There's not even a semblance of professionality or unbias

That's a terrible comparison, since both Walmart and Target both have everything to properly function as stores.

A more apt comparison would be Toys R Us (they still exist up here in maple-land) and a fleet of "Looky Looky" guys (those illegals that HOUND you with their merch they want to sell) since one is an actual shop where you can go in, select several products, and purchase and enjoy said products (most of the time). Meanwhile with the illegals you gotta buy stuff one at a time, and if you try to buy too much to fast they'll shank you in the gut and run off with yer money.

don't need one when they only have like 7 games

>shit devs sells theirs souls to satan
What's new about this?

Except there's a significant chance I'll have my CC info stolen if I go to Walmart.

Ok, since we're not getting rid of these shit shill threads that, admitedly, are getting better at disguising themselves, here's a real question:
Epic are running this model at a loss right now and at the customer's expense as a forced investment in their future. What happens when the 'good guy to devs' mask falls off?

General reminder that when the EGS had a sale, and people tried to buy multiple games - Epic banned their accounts for making too many purchases.


If they want me they'll have to give me keys for my 500+ games on Steam.

they already got paid by epic so it doesnt matter to them if no one buys the game

>posts the same image of a meme group over and over
It's fairly easy to say you want to boycott an indie single player game, and do it at the same time, for obvious reasons.

we could care less about the file size, it's the following contentions that most people have with the launcher;

Inferior store front.
Paying money hand over fist for exclusivity.
File behaviors comparable to spyware/malware.

And thankfully the second point won't be an issue within a couple of years since Fortnite's started to lose numbers

Guys, the shitposting and ironic shill memes are starting to get old. What can we really do to fight this stuff? I don’t want to live in a world where this becomes a standard and everyone on twitter pretends to be nice about it.

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I wouldn't bother responding to Gladium. He unironically thinks that it's okay to pay for console online because "the companies will use it to improve quality". He's lost the plot.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

This is a lie.

Can I buy this game on the epic game store without having to install cancer / without needing to launch cancer to launch the game?

I primarily use steam, but I am a big fan of gog and what they offer. Always try to buy from gog if possible. That's good competition.

I wish all you fucking cancerous chinese shills would stop pretending like good arguments don't exist

Epic unironicly kills games
Why make good games when you can get 2,000,000 for pong with a pink background?

Nice of their devs to show their true colors for once, Based EGS making developers and publishers act like retards.

>reddit the meme

>I call anything I don't like cancer
>I make good arguments

You have low intelligence.

imagine paying the same price or more for far less features

Epic is quite strict, tho.

>user can you show me how to download a game for free?

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the game got delayed by another year because of the cash they got

What makes the EGS launcher not shit compared to other launchers, and why is its DRM good?

>falling for this marketing shit
never heard of this shitty looking indie trash until retards starting bitching about it

That's standard for gamers, the large majority of the market is consoles.

except he made many good arguments. For example, he odoesn't like installing cancerous DRM. Why do you think many level headed people continue to criticize steam?


Dev sounds like a whiner 2bh.

inb4 "suck my dick choke on it"

They don't need sales now that they got their epicbux.

>steam drm good
>everyone else bad

Begone, chink!

I banish you back to the cursed land from whence you came!

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