MH Thread

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Okay, regarding that interview.
He says they chose Glavenus because he's the first monster they (or he) think of when thinking of G and GU. Then the interviewer says it'd be nice if every flagship made it into IB, the response is yes that'd be nice but they won't, followed by a laugh.

I'm sorry, jet people.

Would be kinda lame it turns out not every flagship is not in. What's the point of teasing them like that every trailer? Especially when they look identical to the anniversary poster

He literally said not every flagship is in. Also the point is that people get hype for recognisable stuff.

Mind you he doesn't actually mention Lagi. Neither does he mention Brachy as gen 3's representation which technically could also be because he's not "revealed" yet per se.

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I mean there's always hopes for DLC and he TECHNICALLY doesn't outright deconfirm him but it doesn't exactly sound likely. I was gonna say he's not exactly stylistically fit for W anyway but neither are Brachy or Glavenus so w/e. Gore would be nice though.

They never teased them all.
The poster is something they did for the 10th anniversary too, it's just a celebration thing.

And in trailers they are only teasing one monster at a time.

This is now a Valphalk Thread

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It's Fatalis is gonna be in Iceborne they are assholes tho.

Yes the poster was also a 10th anniversary thing. but they didn't start teasing flagships for the game after that. It's obvious that people expect them to be all in, would be lame to use this strategy and not having them all


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It takes two rage modes before Valstrax starts inhaling. When it starts inhaling, attack its chest to ignite its bioenergy reserves and trip it over!

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I´d really like a God Eater collab.

Actually didn't know what exactly caused him to start inhaling, so thanks for that.

So whats Icebornes new Zorah\Kulve monster event gonna be.

Ice-covered Kulve

Water Zorah

It's gonna be a long 2-3 years before we see him again Valbros :/

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Zorah 2!

So you'd rather just not have them tease any flagships at all?

Fuck that gay jet dragon 2bh


I disagree but I'll admit he's a little out there.

Diamond Kulve
Yellowstone Zorah

Big Nigga 2

Okay, fuck Lagiacrus Astalos Mitsuzune Zinogre Seregios Gore
Just give me Valstrax.

Lagi will totally be in the next game, r-right?

user, I...

>Mystery of the Monsters

Once the big faggot Ryozo decides to do his job and fix the supposed clipping problem instead of copypasting plesioth 7 times

Yes, alongside Ceadeus, Laviente and Gogmazios.

no jetboy, no buy from me (well unless there is a price cut)


I came here to laugh at your kind.

Look, World's entire story gimmick was the Sapphire Star.
You can't just ignore the Crimson Comet here, you have to include it.

Come here user, I'm sorry but

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Asking again, does anyone have that pic with all the added/old monsters for IB?

How about fuck you buddy.


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He's in

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Where's the source on that thing about new stuff on the 3rd/4th? Is it from the interview?

The neck fuckery wasn't the only problem, the other issue was they made Ancient Forest less swampy compared to that early demo and no longer had a good map to put Lagi in

Just put him into Elder's Recess and say he got very confused and lost.

Name my band Yea Forums

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The Wyverns

Supposedly, it was said after the Glavenus stream. While the date is being debated right; they did say that the next dev diary would be in the first week of August.


Dumb 2bh poster

t. makes Sonic OCs

I'm really curious to see how he'll translate into W.

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You really don't need to change much from his 4U iteration. He already generally turned with attacks instead of robo turning once you got to G Rank

I mean stylistically, mostly.

Might as well stick with GU. Atleast that game has all the flagships and then some.

The Lopers

Do you just not understand how games work

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Look at 15 Anniversary you can see Brachy render is different from your picture.

>supposedly the single most cancerous monster there is, even saw a video of a speed running tranny complaining about it
>decide to fight him
>supposedly unavoidable slam is negated entirely by rolling to the right

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His fist licking will look so goofy

Like this.

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It's almost like people are fucking retarded


Don't listen to speedrunners they complain about everything

Why do mentally retarded people like you always imply MHW doesn't have normal turns? The animation is just a bit more fluent, otherwise it's mostly the same fucking shit as ever, and that's a good thing.

He's still too metallic but you tried.

I don't get it

Imagine a MH spinoff which takes place entirely underwater in the deep sea where you fight adult gobul and other weird monsters

The thing is that he can do it whenever the fuck he feels like and it comes out super fast, so you have to treat him like a big Garuga.
My bigger problem with AT Nerg is when he follows up a knockdown with the flying dunk, you can't stay on the ground long enough to avoid it but if you don't get up immediately you're fucked

Fuckin bitch ass CB player who only spams SAEDs, glad he got his anus ravaged by AT Nerg

The Gusicians

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Capcom would hopefully go bankrupt afterwards.

Also this, they usually have very specific pet peeves about games that prohibit their kind of playstyle.

I think it's easy to figure out which Aragami they would choose.

But more importantly, which music would they use, God Eater soundtracks are fucking kino

Vaal Hazak

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They don't do
>90 degree turn
>90 degree turn
>Shuffle to line up an attack
Like every single monster used to is what people are usually talking about. The new skeletons in 4th gen generally didn't either (frogs, bugs, Magalas) and would usually either back up to face you or turn with a jump or one smooth motion

>make a weapon which is both gun and lance
>the gun is worthless and you get the most damage by whacking the lance around like a big club

August.....we are forgotten....

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Just stop it. When I stand behing Xeno there is a 80% chance he just turns around and lets me hit his face.

Velkhana giving itself an ice collar strikes me as very vain.

this meme is stupid

Yeah you’d know who’d make Sonic OCs

I think the entire design behind Velkhana was making an Elder Dragon as arrogant as Zinogre

Does he turn 90 degrees at a time then awkwardly shuffle his feet to aim a laser? No? Then shut the fuck up you illiterate pavement ape

Yeah, so I heard. Ice cold, so to speak. I like that notion.

If there is anything that is useless about gunlance is the shield, they should just completely remove it and make the weapon more agile

>God Eater soundtracks are fucking kino
By God it is. But probably with the one the Aragamis is closely related to.
But I would hope for

Why can't we Wyvern Fire upwards yet?

In one of the new interviews the devs said they designed Velkhana to exude elegance and skill in the same way Nergigante exudes power
You forgot this one too

>mfw Dyaus Pita theme

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I ship them.

They also said that one of the unique things Velkhana does is completely ignoring you as if you're not even a threat, which isn't unique at all since all World ED do it

To be fair I think that's mostly people from preview events speaking and not Capcom themselves.
And I think all EDs in W eventually aggro anyway?

Nergigante does after something like 10 minutes

I think he actually just roars once or twice and then attacks you if you're close.
Top taste

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I guess? When I was farming tempered elder tracks he was just sitting there scratching his ass until he eventually aggroed when other times he'd be hostile almost immediately, it's weird

maybe when he aggro'd immediately he was hongery

>Nergigante is Power
>Velkhana is Technique
>Power and Technique are main attack types in MHST
Who will represent Speed to complete the RPS triangle?

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After adding Chameleos

Velkhana is also speed.

Nerg is all on proximity after he spots you once
Teostra and Kushala won't aggro when they're already sitting down, unless you stand in front of Teostra
Lunastra and Vaal will murder your ass on sight

That song is so fucking good, never fails to get me motivated.

Why are dalamadurfags so retraded? Like? Why do they keep insisting that the everwyrm is a dalamadur?


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Vaal is completely docile tho

You haven't seen nothing


Because the name alludes to snek. It's obviously not gonna be Dala tho.

You can. Have you tried aiming it the same way you aim slinger?

Considering made up classifications for mythological creatures wyrms are supposedly snakelike

Also doesn't help that the literal skeleton of it is in the game.

There's not just one Dalamadur

I know. I was just adding to his reasoning.

The Japanese text for the achievement translates to "the Great Existence" or some shit so who knows. Probably whatever the usual big endgame giant fight is this time.

>Play MHW for half a week to do some content I missed
>Get bored and go back to GU
>Decide to hunt some Shaggy to have an easy and relaxed time like always
>Carted 3 times within 20 mins

Getting used to World is poison

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He probably does it in a cutscene and the fight isn't even initiated after it.

nice blog

Thanks bro.
You too.

Wyrms, if you go by the historical origin of the word, specifically refers to sea serpents and sea dragons.
In classical literature the Wyrm was used interchangeably with Leviathan.
Japan itself often just uses Wyrm as a high tier dragon. Hell, Capcom itself has used Wyrm for traditional dragons more than anything else, like Grigori.
Not only that but Everwyrm is only found in the English localization. Most of the other translations are just variations of eternal or old dragon. Meanwhile Asia just calls it the Great Existence.

Maybe it’s because I’ve never stayed away from any generation for very long (aside from 1st), but I’ve never had trouble with adjustments back and forth between games. There will always be something familiar about pre-World MH whose feeling will never be lost to my hands.

Lagiacrus confirmed IB's final boss

Valstrax literally. Again, it would be a waste if he's not in Iceborne because now he would complete this trio with Nerg and Velk.

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It's actually Amatsu. That's what the water weapon tree on the dragon chain is for.

Listen user

>jet thruster dragon
lmao that stupid shit can stay in the clown games.

I hate that

The OWOs

Tasteless fags, Val would look great in World.

they should of gone with the gryphon design on velkana

I'm just saying he won't make it in.

>Overdrive Valstrax vs Ruiner Nergigante vs Something Velkhana turf war
Would be sick as a 3 way turf war

The real reason Val won't make it into W is he'd just explode if he crashed into Nerg.

She's still birdlike tho

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The original design was a literal gryphon covered in ice
It sucked ass

I dunno the face looks a little stupid to me
ill probably like it when I see her in motion more


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Oh sorry then, I thought you didn't want Val like that other user.

now its a literal dragon covered in ice
your point?


Nah I genuinely do but I like to be honest.

Scrap the monster altogether

shut the fuck up it was definitely more interesting than the generic lizard with wings that we got

Stop replying to yourself listfag.

Which rigs aligns with the anatomy/physiology of canines and felines respectively, those rigs being the Kushala and Gore skeletons?

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>dunk follow-up
I kept a close eye on the animation, and I swear he has 2 different slams. You're basically flipping a coin on whether getting up or staying down is the right call.

Kushala skeleton works for dogs and cats
Gore skeleton works for actual fucking dragons

The way Gore walks around with its shoulders raised is very reminiscent of big cats

>90 degree turn
degree turn
They do though.

Male is the default sex

now where have I seen that mug before...

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Why does it have eyeliner

Yeah no, World's areas aren't built for Val's attacks

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>Gore skeleton works for actual fucking dragons
Considering no monster on the magala skeleton looks like a classical dragon, and lacks the serpentine features of the classical dragon, I'd say you're full of shit.
At least use the only actual dragon in the franchise as an example next time.

I'm no lizardfucker but her voice was fucking hot

The fucking streaks hanging off the eye is so stupid

The only classical dragon in the series is Fatalis, Kushala looks like something out of dnd while Fatalis looks like it could be depicted on the bible

Which ones use Gore's skeleton, him, Nerg and Val?

>Considering no monster on the magala skeleton looks like a classical dragon
Not him but what on earth are you talking about? Aside from the claw wings they're perfectly dragonic.

is there anything important to do to prepare for iceborne? the only armour set im missing is at nerg

Gore trio
Nergigante supposedly
Shitty glowing giant Nergigante supposedly

Xeno uses it

The normal slam you can just stay down for, but the 3 hit bullshit where he flies into the air first and then slams is the most obnoxious move in his entire arsenal now that he can use it to follow up any other hit

>playing with friends
>"hey guys, Xeno's available!"
>i laugh
>they laugh
>we then proceed to hunt something that isn't the Series' worst final boss

not really, but the nerg chest/gloves/boots are worth crafting

There's no "supposedly" about it, compare their knockdown animations

no I mean the 3 hit one, the startup has 2 different delay amounts. if he slams down early, staying on the ground keeps you from dying, but there's a second one where he waits a little longer that will kill you if you stay down.

I've been hearing that Nerg is actually a jagras skeleton.

Should've just used AT as the standard final boss.

No he doesn't.

Decos are the only things that are likely to remain useful. Go beat up jagras if you're missing any good ones

>perfectly dragonic
If you've stretched dragons to include moths, falcons, and hedgehogs sure.

Fatalis is the only true dragon in the franchise. Maybe Amatsu if you want to stretch it to fit the far east.

Elder's Recess, Hoarfrost Reach and maybe Wildspire wastes have wide enough open areas for Val. There's also the Guiding Lands, but we don't know what that looks like yet.

>If you've stretched dragons to include moths, falcons, and hedgehogs sure
None of why have features like that.

How else are you going to one-up the Kush tush?

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I'd argue Wildspire is actually the best area for him.

>he does not know

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>Nerg isn't a hedgehog
>Valfalk isn't a falcon
>Gore and Shaggy aren't moths
Now you're just lying.

Odogaron confirmed to be the only dragon in monhun.

>Gore and Shaggy aren't moths
On what planet are they moths?

Fatalis is gonna be in some Disney CGI live action shitty reboot of some movie soon with his dumb neck, you just watch

>he doesn't know
Capcom based their designs off of moths and butterflies. Even Shaggy's horns are based on moths.

>Gore and Shaggy aren't moths
>implying they are

>There's also the Guiding Lands, but we don't know what that looks like yet.

Attached: Guiding_Lands.jpg (640x360, 115K)

>Capcom based their designs off of moths and butterflies
Yet they bear no resemblance whatsoever in look or animations. Whatever moths capcom were looking at certainly weren't moths.

It's gonna be ass waiting out 2-3 more years for his next appearance Valbros, but oh well. Who's ready for the long haul?

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>implying they're not

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The 3DS games were shit and had some of the worst graphics of all time.

It's gonna be annoying as fuck for people to spam Val all the time in these threads.

Having falcon/moth traits doesn't automatically make you a moth/falcon
Valstrax isn't a bird, it's inspired by a bird
Meanwhile Bulldrome is just a boar

Know what they aren't inspired by?

Looks like we almost got dragon Mothra.

what the fuck is barioth's problem

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Not exactly proving your point there.


You know who else Val is inspired by?

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What other reptile has 4 legs and 6 wings

Valstrax is shit from a shit game and has no business in World. Frontier had better designs than Valstrax. Also, there's already Bagel.


>There's already Budget Deviljho

How is Bagel a better substitute for Val retard?

>Budget Deviljho

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>angry nigger that won't stop bothering you and whose whole purpose in the game is being a poop target
yeah he's a bootleg jho

Bagel already has an airplane motiff based on his military-like theme. And Valstrax is retarded over the top shit. Leave him in the trash bin alone with styles and other Nintendo barbage.

Frontier did over the top monsters much better.

>not even the final design un-mothlike design
You tried.

At least pretend to try.

Valstrax, Nergigante, Velkhana. Pretty good trio of the newer Elder Dragons in the franchise.

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>big spooky monster that appears in HR to cause you suffering while you're trying to hunt something else

your opinion sucks.

Don't argue with listfag.

That's just invader monsters in general. I'm talking in comparison to the monsters. Only similarity is invasion, nothing else

Hold the fuck up I'm not listfag. I'm just confused why people compare a FLYING bombardier to a giant walking hitbox other than both being a pain during hunts

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That's literally why.

You're right, unlike Bazelgeuse Deviljho has a moveset

t. guy mad he triple carted at HR29

>implying Bazelgeuse's gigantic ugly face isn't a weakzone in itself

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now THIS is the listfag

If you didn't want to get caught you shouldn't have used your usual variety of bait.

A Bazelgeuse, a Deviljho, a Fulgur Anjanath, an Ebony Odogaron and a Dodogama walk into Area 8 of the Elders' Recess...

Are you going to pretend Bazelgeuse has attacks that aren't
>bombing run
>once in a century fireball
>tailslap if you're behind him

Who the fuck triple carts to bazel?

He has the Gravios bodyslam but with bombs, also rarely used

People who can't let the two tempered ones kill eachother

>let the two tempered ones kill eachother
>being this much of a pussy
>not killing them one by one yourself

Will old area have new places or not? They seem kinda cramped with all these new monsters.

This image looks like their expressions after Barioth says nigger

Doubt it.

>mounting attacks are actually hitbox based
>mfw CB hits Tigrex's arm during the mounting attack instead of its head

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>he doesn't have attacks except these attacks
just stop

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>consoles September
>pc January
I'm mad

>they're all weak to thunder

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>monsters only have 4 attacks
I could understand your reasoning if this was FU and every monster was just a recolored Kut Ku but come on

That new roar alone sold me honestly.

Fulgur made Anja bump up into one of my favorite Brute Wyverns. I didn't dislike the original, but I felt the design was too generic coming off of the other Brutes in the series. The subspecies really makes it unique and stand out more.

it's pretty out there, reminds me of tigrex desu

Yup it's probably the best out of the new subspecies even if they're all pretty good, made me appreciate monsters i never cared about like Pukei Pukei or Tobi Kadachi








I'm partial to edgleord Oda and his armor set looks phenomenal.

Really hoping Transmog is in. All signs indicate it is. Have they done weapon transmog before?

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Transmog is in, you can craft layered armor now

That's been my understanding from tooltips that have been translated. Has there been anything more official about it?

I just don't wanna get my hopes up.

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One of the few times I prefer the female armor

>Male version is edgy as shit
>Female version is also edgy as shit but also hot
Both worlds are perfect

based edgybro

I'm mostly looking forward to having a different "armored Bodysuit" look for my Hunter. Eventually I need to complete Extremoth so I can combine the Diver and Drachen sets.

>Glavernus is the first monster people think of in gen/u
Well yeah. Glavernus weps were broken as fuck in G. So that was endgame. Japan has shit taste however. It'd be Mizutsune if capcock wasn't lazy and reusing an anjanath skeleton, and thank God the fastest damage sponge remains awayyyy

Fuck that bing bing wahoo fucking dogshit monster anyway lmao

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How the fuck can Brachydios even work in world. Maps too small and cluttered minus the Diablos zone

That's not Extremoth with pubs

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Wonder why they included GU for Glav though.

Why is he so scary now?

Is it true that he uses the metero 5 times in a row? i have no intention of fighting him since the rewards suck ass

Meant for

Replace Valstrax with Glavernus and you have a stew going.

He decided to stop being a bitch

Where can I see the translated tool tips for Iceborne?


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Do a super deviant g-rank in sub 10m guild style no HBG GS or Charge Blade, no hunter arts at fucking all. Then see how the game is balanced around the anime shit

>not gunlance

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>Very well liked monster, both by devs and the fans
>Skeleton is already in World
>Wouldnt be hard to implement Chaotic and Shaggy if they add him
>But he still won't be in Iceborne
Why capcom

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It's not like he's gonna show up in any of the tiny Ancient Forest rooms. Elders Recess and Hoarfrost will have plenty of space.

Do an extremoth solo in sub 10 minutes with no HBG GS or Charge Blade, no fucking mantles at all. Then see how the game is balanced around that bullshit

I don't get it.

All they've said is not every flagship is in. I'd honestly say Gore is one of the more likely ones since they can get 2-3 monsters out of one moveset

So I normally play solo but I kinda wanna try and do Extremoth this weekend. What's the best way to find a group so I'm not getting wrecked with ransoms?

>Skeleton is already in World

Am i missing something? Brachydios is just a normal sized brute wyvern

Nergigante uses the Magala skeleton

Well hes got a better change than Lagiacrus or Valstrax, I hope they didn't go the easy route and just added seregios instead

Gunlance is actually getting buffed compared to the beta

Him and Val both, there really is little reason to keep them out of Iceborne. Lagi is atleast understandable with the whole skeleton issue.

プケプケ亜種 Coral Pukei-Pukei
トビカガチ亜種 Viper Tobi-kadachi
アンジャナフ亜種 Fulgur Anjanath
凍て刺すレイギエナ Shrieking Legiana
オドガロン亜種 Ebony Odogaron
ブラントドス Beotodus
バフバロ Banbaro
バフバロ亜種 Ardent Banbaro
イヴェルカーナ Velkhana
冰に産まれたイヴェルカーナ Iceborne Velkhana
悉くを殲ぼすネルギガンテ Ruiner Nergigante
ヴァルハザク亜種 Plegic Vaal Hazak

イャンガルルガ Yian Garuga
傷ついたイャンガルルガ One-Eared Garuga
リオレイア希少種 Gold Rathian
リオレウス希少種 Silver Rathalos
錆びたクシャルダオラ Rusted Kushala Daora
ティガレックス Tigrex
ティガレックス希少種 Molten Tigrex
ナルガクルガ Nargacuga
ナルガクルガ希少種 Lucent Nargacuga
ベリオロス Barioth
ベリオロス亜種 Sand Barioth
ジンオウガ Zinogre
ジンオウガ亜種 Stygian Zinogre
ブラキディオス Brachydios
猛り爆るブラキディオス Raging Brachydios
怒り喰らうイビルジョー Savage Deviljho
ディノバルド Glavenus
ディノバルド亜種 Acidic Glavenus
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
アルバトリオン Alatreon

Brac needs a lot of space in order to compensate for all the explosive puddles he can create otherwise fighting him will be a clusterfuck. Monsters being in unsuitable areas can be a fucking nightmare like Uragaan in area 3 of Volcanic Hollow in Gen.


>Iceborne Velkhana

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I like the Handler

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Me too!

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No seriously, when do you think they'll release it?
I heard that maybe this weekend they'll show a Dev Diary...

Put your glasses on

List is dissapointing enough to be true

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how exactly? that's more monsters than previous G-rank expansions. Also
>believing text leaks cause its in jap
this is the same one that had Lagi and a different named Nergigante. It's fake you fuck

I'd like her to never leave the fucking camp. Ever.

No gore means dissapointment

You have no idea about suffering as I do. Once Gore is officially deconfirmed, then you will feel it

t. Lagibro

Its either going to be Gore or Seregios and Seregios is a shitty choice

Silence cuck

>thinking they'd add Lagi when they haven't added underwater combat
You did this to yourselves

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>that one guy that's still trying to push fake leaks
Lmao he used to have all the subspecies be colors or minerals too. Oh, and he used a shitty youtubers OC donut Zinogre as a subspecies before on top of that.
Now he's trying shit like plegic vaal and iceborne valk lmao

MHGU doesn't have underwater combat and Lagi is there

>What is Ivory Lagiacrus
>What is MHGen

Listen man, Gore is my absolute favorite monster but Pinecone is still very good

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I wouldn't mind him being in if it didn't exclude Gore

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It's tickling my 'tism that the CB axe buff icon doesn't have a "not active" icon

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>and he used a shitty youtubers OC donut Zinogre

And it's his worst iteration by far, putting Lagi on land is like putting Rathalos in a cave.

I hate Barioth.
I hate Brachidios.
I hate every fucking monster that starts with a B.

Alright I've been out of the loop for a long, long time.

When is Iceborne?
What monsters are in it?
Will it be good?
Can someone hug me?


>huge roster with 18 monsters already confirmed, including many returning and new ones
>leaked LS weapon tree from the preview builds hints at 7-9 unannounced monsters, easily bringing the roster to 25+, and MHW total roster to 60+
>weapon tree also shows many weapons with needed elements/statuses like Ice, Water, Poison, Paralysis, Sleep and Blast
>as shown in the videos from the preview build (and not the heavily modified beta), Master Rank maintains the tradition of old G-Rank, with monsters that are way more aggressive, attack faster, have more damage and lot more HPs, flinch less and have better resistance to flash pods
>slinger and clutch claw are implemented deeply in the gameplay, from new movesets to modificed skills
>Seliana is maller and features a much better layout, allowing hunters to reach the different facilities in seconds
>the new hub looks gorgeous and it’s actaully functional, including quick access to every facility
>riders make travelling through maps more practical and much faster
>needed nerf to weapons like Bow and LS
>weaker weapons in the beta, like the Gunlance, will get new mechanics and numerical buffs in the final release, indicating the team is looking at the feedback with great attention
>Hoarfrost Reach is a drastic improvement over Ancient Forest and MHW maps in general, featuring a simple and readable layout and flatter zones with less bullshit getting in the way
>returning monsters like Nargacuga, Tigrex and Glavenus gains abilities from Deviants and/or brand new attacks/abilities, like Barioth
>unlike in the base game (Black Diablos, Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos), subspecies are extremely different from the base monster, featuring tons of new attacks, animations and mechanics. This is especially clear with Fulgur Anjanath, Acidic Glavenus and Coral Pukei-Pukei
Continue in the next post

He tried to use ragegaming's flashing zinogre oc donut as a sub before.

Waiting for Gigginox

>more monsters appearing in multiple areas (Fulgur Anjanath and Ebony Odogaron in every map, Tigrex in at least 3 maps, Glavenus and Velkhana at least in 2), adding extra variety
>New Tower area dedicated only to endgame, the Guiding Lands, with “regions” that can be levelled up
>achievement to reach Master Rank 200 instead of HR100, indicating a much longer planned endgame
>achievements hinting at other unannounced new systems like Treasures in maps and Pendants
>many needed nerf, including aerial weapons damage, elementless skill, maximum might, and buffs, like Defense Up and elemental skills
>huge nerf to temporal mantle. It lasts 120 seconds (30s longer) but for every attack auto dodged the duration is riduced by 20%-25%, so you can avoid 3 or 4 attacks maximum
>confirmed multiple post-launch updates with new monsters and more powerful versions of the existing ones
>greater amount of unique weapon designs, possibly complete like old games
>return of EX armors
>new menu at the weaponsmith to craft layereds with materials obtained in game, divided into HR and MR layereds, hinting at a much bigger (if not complete) layered system
>layered armors can now be associated to specific armor pieces and sets, like transmog in GU
>complete room personalization system, with 120+ confirmed decorations and more options to locate critters
>more unique critters, now with small and big crowns
>improved options for camera, HUD is completely customizable
>music still not perfect, but generally improved with tracks like Hoarfrost Reach Theme, Seliana Theme, Glavenus Theme and Nargacuga Theme
>Behemoth and Ancient Leshen are not returning in Master Rank due to licensing troubles

Don’t feel free to add to the list, you would just add rumors and lies

Realistically, I can see Power Prolonger being a must for Savage Axe mode sets, to reduce the amount of juggling between Recharging the Shield and reactivating Savage Axe mode.

Shit would be great, he was pretty fun once you got used to him

Okay guys, no more jokes, where's my Overdrive Valstrax confirmation?

Why couldn’t KT Gamma use 5 tickets like every other set.

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>returning monsters like Nargacuga, Tigrex and Glavenus gains abilities from Deviants
what monster got deviant attacks?

It's almost like more recently announced things lend themselves better to current conversation you absolute retard

Where did this Overdrive meme come from?

pc friends how are you coping ?

Wow there are a lot of thing in that picture that look fucking stupid

playing minecraft

>When is Iceborne?
Next month. January for PC
>What monster are in it?
Returning Flagships Brachy, Glav, Narga, Tigrex, maybe some more.
MHW subspecies as usual. Edge dog, glam rock anja, shittier rat, you know the drill
Oroshi and Alatreon from THE LIST are probably in.
Velkhana, obligatory endgame elder dragon
Don't have exact numbers yet, it's mostly guessing until the info leaks or the game releases.
>Will it be good?
Shaping up to be your typical G expansion, so if you liked World you'll probably like Iceborne.
>Can someone hug me

Attached: 1528808306909.png (800x571, 357K)

>Narga gets PTSD
>Tigrex is just confused because he doesn't know what it means

Narga has the the bleeding, Tigrex has the 180° degree instant rotation while charging an attack, Glavenus has something but I can't remember

I never did any augmenting or arch tempered stuff so I'm catching up on that, currently farming for a daora gem to make the handicraft charm.

okay cool
I wonder what brachy will get

Did Hellblade even have unique moves? He just got cheeto dust everywhere and somr altered patterns from what I remember.

>months since I played world
>go back for the free atk gem
>play a bit
>basically I forgot evething
>and yet I can't wait for the expansion
what's wrong with me

I think Glavenus is just a G-Rank Glav with some new moves

I've been hunting Nerg all day, its not.

he had a run into tailslam im pretty sure that was unique

There's really not much to remember except optimized routes and roll timing.

Double spin I think?

pretty sure regular g glav has that

Lance Chads tank his hits with max Guard skill

HR Hellblade had it first, I think

Underrated post

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Hellblade had the double tailspin. If I recall, the devs had to cut the Glavenus gameplay at the Hong Kong event short because they didn't want to reveal more stuff about him.

Attached: 39264488_p88.jpg (710x664, 182K)

ah my bad

I used to be able to roll a few monsters' roars and I loved to fight temp azure rath because I knew every fucking movement. I went straight to him and carted twice.

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double spin. Exploding tailslam 1 shot (hits twice, once slam, once AOE). blast element on tail / throat independently or together. having an EX

Kulve is.

Loading Wyrmstake Blast now has GP frames.

Attached: 53849324_p24.jpg (1118x586, 186K)

That's because you've forgotten what the input delay for MHW is. I think it's a 6 frame delay on PS4 and 4 frame delay on PC. Animations aren't as tightly bound as fighting games obviously, but it's still an issue when you drop something and come back to it.

Oh, so that's why the cut the gameplay. Cool.

>"# MHW Iceborn I would like to talk about the changes in the Gunrance's Triggering Dragon Pile at the Press Experience, which I mentioned a bit during live broadcasting. Added guard judgment during loading. If you have a shield on your back,you maybe able to load without interruption even if you receive an attack . Was a mistake. I'm sorry…"
And then he goes on talking about damage for shells or something.
I can't into moonspeak so I have to deal with google translator. I hope that the GP thing is true, MHW gave me a GL hardon.

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Usually when cuts are that abrupt it's because something is about to happen that they didn't want to show, or forgot to turn off. Like how they accidentally showed night time Seliana at E3.

Gameinformer couldn't release the Barioth footage during their month long preview because Viper Tobi was in it as well.

Chameleos when?

Attached: 1467434116060.jpg (631x773, 86K)

He's already in.

>Emperor of hellfire
>Dragon of steel
>Hellish fiend
>Elusive gay faggot
Who else could it be?

Attached: Chammy.png (473x70, 10K)

So either they were about to stumble upon a new monster they don't want revealed yet, or Glavenus was about to do something really cool that they'd want to keep secret.

Yeah, pretty much. It's possible too that there are some map changes and they didn't want that revealed either, but that's a little more out there. Only real support for that is some cutscenes shown have had inaccessible areas of the Ancient Forest used.

Is it just me or Viper Toby is borrowing Hyujikiki's all-status gimmick

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When I finish a quest in MHGU and time ran out while in the rewards menu, do the items go automatically in the box or are they discarded?

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sold. game is designed from endgame perspective. by that point only taking one or two item rewards - if any - because box full

why did world remove the pause button

>Xeno worst final boss
>implying it's not Fatalis

Always online meme

>final boss
lmao don't pretend you played 1, G, or Dos online.

how do you play insect glaive? i have the taroth paralysis and i wanna try it out. what bug do i get with it

Fatalis is absolutely a worse fight than Xeno, don't even pretend that it's not.

It's not

Fatalis is a far better fight than Xeno.

In what universe?

>slowly plodding through MHFU
>main GS
>try to go for the most optimized route for weapon upgrade because of the guild HR monsters health pool
>spent 4 weeks farming for rathalos ruby to craft Siegmund
>people say I'm retarded and could just make Narga GS and move on to G rank
Does this guide lie? I've lost all desire to play because of this fucking ruby, but now it turns out all this time was also wasted.

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Ew. Hope that's fixed by release.

So what's Overdrive Valstrax and who came up with the idea?

This one. The only thing Xeno is good for is optimizing your ranged builds.

Double dipping, gotta dust off the PS4 and brace myself for 4 month’s worth of load times

At least I’m mostly caught up on events and decos


Even Nakarkos is better than Xeno.

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I think it's a idea for a Variant Valstrax.

Most of nargas weapons are really really good.

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I understand, but tried to go for the best in slot. So I farmed for ruby for almost a fucking month. Is there even a point in farming monoblos heart and crafting Siegmund? All my armor set has atm is focus and guard +1.

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>Odogaron's meat he keeps carrying around is nicknamed "the lunchbox" by the devs

>Velkhana being a G3* quest
I don't think so


randos who step near his scales when they are about to explode

Dont open

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It's even worse in color

I suppose it really depends on how much you buy into the sunk cost fallacy. Can you accept that you got cucked and simply go with the next best option, or will you decide that you've already spent a month trying to get it so you'll keep going? Up to you man. There's no reason you can't just make nargas and farm the ruby on the side.

Shouldnt it be Darkstar Valstrax instead of Overdrive since its Valstrax turning black from all that overflowing bioenergy.

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Attached: Totally not bait.png (800x346, 9K)

Who says you fight her at that point? It's probably just when she makes her first appearance, like Gore showing up on the Argosy in LR 3*, Valstrax invading the urgent quest to unlock HR, or Nerg interrupting the Zorah """""fight""""" in LR 4*.

devs call him a he so...

The question was whether Siegmund was the better option than Narga GS or I'm retarded for trying to craft an inferior sword while the better option was within the arm's reach. I need to craft Narga gs anyway since it is the best option for G2.

Yeah it's better but narga is still good.

How do I get past the boring as fuck LR in GU as fast as possible? Just do Key Quests?

I was fine with them in 3U, 4U, and MHW but now I'm tired as fuck and just want to hunt the big dick monsters

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You don't. There are over 300 gathering quests in GU in LR alone. And even more on HR and G-rank.

Thanks, user, I guess I will keep going.

that's even better then.

>that time when listfag defended gathering quests, something literally everyone shat on, and calls normal hunts boring
Seeing him getting deleted and ignored over and over just makes it sweeter knowing this kind of shit taste is punished

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I'm having a stroke trying to understand how his body works. Are those 2 extra arms or huge ass wings but without the skin. We should fight a healthy Zorah thats not hiding under a volcano

His shitposts were being deleted for only like one week. He still continues shitposting unpunished now. And there are a couple of other dedicated shitposters from /mhg/ helping him.

no fucking way, link to archive?

you can skip practically all of the gathering quests and all of the prowler quests if you want

What Velkhana would look like if he was human.

Attached: adrian-prado-final-fulgrim.jpg (1920x1920, 564K)

His wings devolved into arms

user, wings ARE arms, arms specialized for flying. They're even called wingarms. Zorah's are not for flying though, but for holding that steaming pile of volcano on his back, and thus lack the membranes and all the other wing stuff.

Wingarms to carry island landmass

They just uploaded the Comic Con panel if anyone's interested.

/mhg/ is ignored because it has more than just listfag so getting rid of him just removes one autist among thousands. Also, filters exist, hence barely anybody replying to him


I've fought lunastra and won a few times, but the specific, special quest in the arena that is 15 minutes is an absolute bitch. I've failed that one a bunch. Whether it's allies dying or running out of time. People don't know how to deal with the nova attack (IE jumping, taking some damage, supermaning again after 9 seconds). Am I the only one having this issue?

also if you do want to do gathering quests it's better to do them as prowler anyway because they don't have to worry about stamina pickaxes or bug nets

he got banned twice yesterday, what are you talking about?

Just do keys. With the exception of the quests that unlock the Fated Four quests and then like two in village HR there are basically no required gathering quests outside of village 1*.

Breh dont be a minmax autist before youre even at the end game. MHFU was my intro to the series and I soloed my way through g rank with just whatever bs I felt like crafting.

If you spend a lot of time grinding any hr rares in hr itll be a waste in the long run anyway because hr rares drop like candy in g rank.

/mhg/ isn't being cleaned up not because it'd be too much. Other non-specific shitposting does get deleted relatively quickly. But those few dedicated shitposters are part of the discord clique, as well as the janny, protecting them. Hell, one of the shitposters very well might be that janitor himself.

Are we talking gen 4 or classic fatty? Classic fatty is debatably worse. 4 is absolutely better.

>Classic fatty is debatably worse
Are you implying the made him bad on purpose?

Wait, did they?
Even the official Velkhana merch has a distinctly feminine look to it, i was expecting it to be a canon female.

Attached: monster-hunter-deformed-plush-velkhana-598911.1.jpg (1500x1500, 175K)

I imagined Velkhana to be more like Elsa desu

>he got banned again
See guys, is it that hard to not reply?

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I worry his mental health when Iceborne releases. Shit like that would create a shooter

same here but theyve calles him he multiple times

Will we get to fight a previously frozen Zorah that still has real wings in iceborne?

Man that barely looks like Velkhana at all

I'm more worried about Capcom's HQ

Attached: Capcom Headquarters Japan.png (1027x832, 1.49M)

I bet he's a pathetic HBG main and he's mad his weapon got cucked into easy mode. inb4 HBG was always easy mode

it literally was always easy mode, what alternate universe you live in?

Hbg was always ea-

Why are there two MonHun threads?

Is there a list somewhere of ATKT weapons worth hanging onto? I know that shits out the door soon, but I might as well hang onto some of it. Kind of want to sell the rest of it though because my box is packed.

I've been playin hammer a lot. By a lot I mean exclusively since 3. How is hammer looking in iceborne?

>prehistoric Zorah ancestor that flies

Attached: 1553982966188.jpg (803x705, 269K)

Still annoying as shit with slopes but KO tresholds dont look higher

>Gogmazios ptsd intensifies

>prehistoric Zorah ancestor that flies

Attached: 1423632845927.jpg (600x726, 50K)

He's gonna make the Kyoto Animation studio fire look like a fucking joke

This one is for shitposting. The other one is for shitposting.

Use flash pods to bait out supernova. Or don’t play with other people


>be bow main
>weapon gets turned into a completely braindead spamfest
>shitters end up stunlocking teammates harder than LS ever could

Not listfag, but I'm still livid that my baby got raped in front of me. I hate nu bow so goddamn much.

Triple Trouble

please dont tell me u trying to do every quest listed. thats only necessary for hayabusa feather. to advance in game you do key quests and the game doesnt tell you which those are, you search online. there's hub key and village key quests the two lines are independent but if you want to unlock transmog you'll want to do both. its easier to do hub first because G rank is in hub only, so by the time you beat hub youll have powerful equipment to beat village. doesnt work visa versa.

>all the ranged weapons are most effective at point blank range
seems retarded. i guess shotgun hbg kinda works though

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Huh, should we be worried about losing access to the Drachen and Witcher Layered sets in the future?

Spread is the most braindead shot ever made. You just strafe and shoot the head. You don't even need fancy gems or KT RNG. You just build Jyratodus's gun, equip the load up 2 charm and Lavasioth legs, and spam spread 2.

pierce in GU is pretty much just as braindead

I just want an option to have Seige Mode back desu

Where was the Behemoth/ Leshen bit confirmed?


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No, it means no Master Rank versions of them.

Not him but what would be a good set to take into hub quests. I'm at HR 7 village and kinda would rather do hub instead. I got a mix of gore/shagaru armor and Nerscylla GS cause fuck skills atm

>not the Black Gravios gun

>>more unique critters, now with small and big crowns
That is not a good thing, at all

>its easier to do hub first because G rank is in hub only, so by the time you beat hub youll have powerful equipment to beat village. doesnt work visa versa.
It's easier to just alternate between them so that you don't have to slog through shitter monsters way below your level when you're done with one.

>Behemoth and Leshen not getting MR versions

I hate Valfuck's armor and design but his moveset and theme is the fucking best

>not liking Valfalk's armor

How's it feel to be using a guy.

How the fuck can you hate this

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Just call it a she (male) anyway
literally who cares about the monster's sex

looks like something out of a shitty mmo, it's dauntless tier shit

>using the world mod

Mah Nigga

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i used alloy x and uragaan armor the most. weapon changed according to monster. i looked at monster's armor stats at smithy to know that monster's weaknesses. it served me well but then again i played the game properly and took my sweet time, not rushing it. most hub key quest stuff was with people of same rank so was a decent challenge

It's silver Rathalos armor with much worse skills

Alatreon is confirmed right? Doesn't that mean Fatalis is out?

Of course Alatreon is confirmed
>Doesn't that mean Fatalis is out
No, grandpa has to teach these kiddies a lesson

You don't have to collect them all for achievements

Alatreon was in the original accurate leak and related files were found dummied out in World so he'll probably show up eventually

Wheres this alatreon comfirmation?

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What the hell don't people understand ?
It's really cool. He has arms on his back and uses them to hold a giant rock shield in front of his face.

Screw the skills, I'm talking design. World needs a splash of over the top/edgy designs. Xeno was a step in that direction.

Fuck off listfag.
Nobody likes you.

It just looks horrifying

Another user here. What's the importance of hub quests again? I don't like fighting monsters that are scaled for 4 players, especially when everyone's in G-rank. Also, can G-rank be solo'd?
look closely

Attached: 1483586472866.jpg (500x500, 54K)

I'm talking actual leak,a screenshot, something that proves he's in. Not some list that came out a year ago. We don't even have Oroshi Kirin so until then, list is horse poop. I would love it to be so, believe me user

Does the Behemoth you have to repel have different stats to the one you have to slay?

Not at all, what the hell. Doesn't gore magala have a set of 4 arms as well ?

No, it just runs away after the first tage and takes 7 hours to do the comet

Why does Zorah need a gigantic heavy island stuck to its back

I noticed the one you have to slay takes a lot more damage from the falling crystals.

Power lifting

So I asked in the other MH thread, but Ill make it short here, HH, LBG, GL, or stick with my beloved (but way to good) HBG for Iceborne


Yes but in that case they take the shape of wings
In Zorah's case they're literally arms sprouting from his back

>What's the importance of hub quests again?
They're just quests scaled for multiplayer, and G rank is exclusive to Hub (Village only goes up to high rank). There are also usually some monsters that exclusive to Hub or can just be fought way earlier there.

can I still solo them?

>in KT lobby doing the things
>some guy from lobby starts sperging at me in whisper then leaves the lobby

Attached: image.jpg (935x778, 255K)

Yeah, it's perfectly doable. They're only scaled up to two players, so they'll take a bit longer solo but you shouldn't have much trouble as long as you keep your equipment up to scratch.

What did he say

Something about gear and the rest of it was not very clear since 3/4 of it got mature language filtered. Hadn’t done a single round of it with him. Very bizarre. First encounter like that in a World lobby.

Well yeah i can see that. When i saw Magdaros in game i didn't think he was cool because i didn't understand what he was until i saw this picture. I didn't understand what the molten spikes i was hitting were, i didn't get how he moved his second mouth.
Zorah Magdaros might not be a fun fight to play but design wise it's my favorite monster in the game.
He's like true earth dragon with no wings to fly but instead his dragon wings are an impenetrable earth shield to turtle under. Ultra cool.

At least you had some kind of interaction in World, the only kind of human interaction i had with randoms was one guy getting mad at me waking up a Legiana while he was taking hours to arrive(i mean come on it's just fucking Legiana)

He's roleplaying as a tortoise

Yeah, Zorah definitely is much better concept and "story" wise than gameplay wise
Also, second mouth?

Bigger version

Attached: img_75_30_l.jpg (700x600, 243K)

I long for the good old days in Loc Lac, when people hung out in the main lobby and bullshit around in chat before hopping into a room for some honts. World is not a very social experience with randoms, unfortunately.

I thought his shield closing over him was his mouth as i said i didn't understand how he worked at all, in game he looks like a mangled mess of dried lava rock.

>full band tries to eject.gif

The mistake part was about increased ticks for wyrmstake

I mean yeah? Boulders do a set percentage of total hp as damage

it's cause they wrecked the lobby system with the always online server meme, now the best way to hunt something is to use SOSes rather than lobbies and the fact that there's no distinction between village and hub quests means there's no real advantage to playing online since quests' difficulties will just scale

Attached: ai.gif (400x346, 963K)

I think he would have been more understandable if his body wasn't the exact same colour as the shell.

If in doubt, take a piss!


Attached: LOOK HOW HARD I CAN PEE, PARD.webm (800x520, 2.88M)

I always wondered where the fuck the water was supposed to be in the Coral Highlands

What happens if you cut the tail?

It's a jet of blood instead

Have friends.

can you die from death animations

>featuring a simple and readable layout and flatter zones with less bullshit getting in the way
As somebody who actually likes ancient forest, this sucks.

Attached: 1563597949610.jpg (800x600, 98K)

come again?