Would you get augments if you were a Deus Ex, Yea Forums?
Would you get augments if you were a Deus Ex, Yea Forums?
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I'll probably get a Neuralink 10-15 years after launch.
yeah i'd like to augment my anus so when I shit I don't have to wipe
My neck and back are fucked so I'd get muscle replacements. Probably eyes as well, since mine suck.
just get a jap toilet
i already augmented myself from boy to girl tee-hee
I'd wait for nanomachines. You're a fucking fool to gimp yourself like this and I pity any augmented NIGGERS that I see out on the street.
>just get a jap toilet
you'll still have shit on your ass
>if you were a Deus Ex
Every limb so I can dab on /fit/cucks and maintain my health with solely cardio and healthy onions alternatives.
If go full transhumanism. Fuck flesh prisons.
Research the Metastreumonic force
I would took your 'brain-box' and run Joe_Biden_experience.exe in a loop.
>half of the world, including most of your friends and family, gets transhuman brain implants
>it makes you feel squeamish so you dont
>over time you come to realize that something has with the implants is horribly, horribly wrong
well played
Several types of brain aug, probably. At least to fix my mental problems and give me better control over my memory.
Beyond that a smart digestive system to replace my winning GERD/colitis combo. as an added bonus.
how do you know we haven't already got them?
This, some sort of smash digestive system to reduce my anus painus as well as weight
And some sort of nano system to take care of and maintain my muscles and bones. I don't wanna be superhuman, just effortlessly healthy and fit
>no hit girls
garbage game, anyone who plays it should be shot in the head
unironically this holy shit
I'd get something to fix my homosexuality I guess
>augment my anus so when I shit I don't have to wipe
The horse anus is a marvel of evolutionary biology
Digestive system implant so i can finally drink mil without fucking killing myself with diarrhea
I'm sorry for your loss
>unairgaping your brain
>get implant
>think wrongthink
>implant deactivates
I would never get a brain implant, no. Not unless it was made out of biological material, that is.
I'd upgrade my shitty brain and get prosthetics everywhere possible. I want to be more machine than man. I want to be able to crush a watermelon between my thighs and bend rebar at a 90° angle with my bare fingers.
Fuck off you tree hugging shill. You can talk to me about your fucking spirit when you are dying from organ failure and I am laughing over your limp body with my automated lungs and permanently pumping heart. I will live untill it's possible to bring the dead back to life and when I can i will bring you back from the grave and laugh at your mummified body while I still look as fresh as a grape. Immortality will be yours if you simply accept the superiority of steel my friend.
Deus Ex is a pretty cool guy
Fuck. I don’t want to be a retarded old man.
>Dude just pay thousands of dollars a month for anti-rejection medication lmao
>Dude homeless niggers tore your arm off to sell to a pawn shop for crack money lmao
>Dude you're a literal zombie now because the literal Illuminati can mind control you with your implants lmao
For a series that won't stop wanking off mechanical augmentation the Deus Ex prequels sure as fuck have the least desirable augmentations of any series I can think of.
Nu-tits or gtfo
Your sacrifice will help us better evolve and manipulate our organic form.
>get hacked
>be completely inferior to everyone else
tough actually
I'd get an artificial stomach so I can eat anything I want and never get fat
>and never get fat
You want an artificial intestine for that
Depends on safety and costs. And I would never get a first-gen aug or something that I could not upgrade later.
>implying its possible to wrongthink once you have the implant
Id augment my brain to stop being so retarded
Arms or legs but only if there's not way to connect wirelessly
I'm a full on transhumanist, and dream of being a full cyborg like Motoko Kusanagi, basically a mech with just the conscious parts of my brain left intact.
If you're dumb enough to not hop on the transhumanist wagon when the time is right the only thing you're going to realize is that you are getting left behind. Robot limbs and shit probably won't catch on or even be that useful outside of a few cases, but whether you like it or not every extrapolation of current patterns says the singularity is going to happen sometime within our lifes and if you don't evolve with it you are going to effectively be an insignificant being in comparison to humans connected to super computers and entirely sentient AI.
This guy gets it
The nonstop drug cocktail you have to take to keep your body from rejecting the augs is enough to keep me away
All I could. Memory and motor coordination augs, prosthetics arms and legs, artificial lungs and heart and so on.
What if they are nanoaugs like in DX1? Literally no downsides.
I'm big on transhumanism but Deus Ex augs suck.
Needing to take anti rejection meds for the rest of your life is no good and the actual effects of the augs aren't all that impressive either.
Nano augs are better but you basically need to be gene modded from birth if you want those. Unless those were an option to me I think I wouldn't get them. It's just not worth it barring a need for prosthetics.