Who the hell is even buying games on Epic Store?
Who the hell is even buying games on Epic Store?
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Tim Sweeney on a bunch of alts
Zoomers and Chinks.
Everyone whose not a steam cocksucker
Mr. Snrub
Someone who doesn't care probably
*everyone who's a chink cocksucker
The people who actually care about the game and not some meta drama like DRM platforms
The types that buy games on Origin, uPlay, (not GOG because it has no exclusive), etc
If you care about the game you pirate it you fucking retard. Imagine actually supporting chinese expansion in any form.
>store literally just opened
Like that means anything?
Thanks for proving my point: The people who actually care about playing games (not you or most of Yea Forums) do not give a FUCK about that
The store opened in October of 2018, it does mean something
>if you care about a game you don’t support it.
Another piratebrain post
I care about actually keeping my country WHITE than supporting the global expansion of the chinese more than some dumb video games.
Cum.brains literally don't care about that sort of thing.
A weird bunch of people that go "muh steam evil monopoly epic will save us" but don't support the Discord Store, the Amazon Digital Store, GOG or itch.io.
>"Matthew Karch, CEO of World War Z developer Saber Interactive, revealed that out of over 2 million copies the game has sold, 700,000 of which were made on the Epic Games Store."
Ok and if we don't count the 500K copies bought by epic themselves as part of the exclusivity deal?
>SamSho's dev was approached and promised several hundred thousand "guaranteed sales"
>journalists refused to discuss this
>reddit refused to discuss it
>epic exclusive
So it's not best compared to steam, it's best compared to xbox and ps. Basically all this article says is that most of this game users are pc games, which is pretty fucking obvious. Too bad we can't know how much they would have sold if it was on steam, since it's exclusive, but I bet the number would have been at least double.
Also does the 500k epic bought included? Willing to bet it is.
Literally no proof Epic "buys" these games.
How do you know it was Epic other than your conspiracy theory? Hell, what if Windows 10 has a "guaranteed sales" clause?
See: Nothing about 500k mentioned at all you Steam drone.
Imagine selling out to epic then shill them like a wiesel by telling half truths and misleading numbers..
I wonder if tim promised them more exposure in return, or better yet, threatened to bury them at the end of the store if they didnt shill for him.
>Discord Store, the Amazon Digital Store, GOG or itch.io.
Name a game good enough for me to want to use them
Hell, GOG doesn't even have any exclusives to justify using it.
>How do you know it was Epic other than your conspiracy theory?
SamSho's devs literally said so. Hell, another game was recently rejected from Epic because it wasn't exclusive.
>>Nothing about 500k mentioned at all you Steam drone.
>He didnt even read the article he used to shill
Look it up, they talk about 700k sales.
>How do you know it was Epic other than your conspiracy theory?
"Kuroki director said, some PC download platform wanted an exclusive release on the condition of a pre-order of hundreds of thousands, but SNK CEO rejected"
>Get a better deal than what Gaben would give you
Or maybe they're grateful their game sold?
>SamSho's devs literally said so
They literally didn't. They said they were offered a deal, but only Steam drones made up who did it
Windows 10 is a PC download platform. Amazon. Discord.
500k sold isn't even that much. Mordhau is an indie game made by like 12 people and it sold over 1 million copies on Steam in it's first week alone.
If a dev cuts a deal with Epic for guaranteed sales it's because they are unsure of their game and therefore their game is almost definitely shit.
Your shilling abilities are so low you don't even worth a response. Hell, you're so bad I wonder if you're actually against epic and shilling badly on purpose.
I bought Journey. Pretty satisfied.
Fortnite zoomer.
I don't buy on Steam but not on Epic Games Store either. I buy where I get installers or just direct downloads, whether is GOG.com, GamersGate, Humble Store or ZOOM Platform. Someday, I will buy on itch.io, FireFlower Games and Playism.
bro, the chinese are already expanding and your looking to be a minority this decade. The 90's was the last White decade.
I was already using the launcher for a few years before Epic Store, so...
What does the current playercount have to do with anything? That doesn't change the fact that it sold over a million copies in one week alone on Steam.
Good question, here is another one.
Who the hell is even buying singe player games anywhere?
>translated by using Google
My sides
People who are not poor and like suporting things that interests them. People like you are the reason we get half baked games riddled with microtransactions.
>People like you are the reason we get half baked games riddled with microtransactions
Yeah it has nothing to do with publisher greed or anything does it user
Formerly, Chuck.
>People like you are the reason we get half baked games riddled with microtransactions.
Yeah, i'm sorry for that. Thanks for funding my games
No problem, user. Someone's gotta do it. I could wipe my ass with $60 but I understand if it is a lot of money for you.
It's nice to know that people out there funds my games and they have no problem with that. I hope you are buying on epic when you have a choice. From what i know it's more money for developers and it's all it matters when it comes to being a buyfag afterall
That's why gog exists, you dumb chinese cock sucking retard
Why are you so mad, now we have both GoG and Epic. It's good to have more choices
I have bought at least three games in the epic store, it has regional pricing so games for me are dirty cheap
Why do Steamcels think anyone but them cares about their gay little console wars or wants to treat a fucking video game store front like tranny facebook? If Epic sells a game I want and it's online-only so I can't pirate then I'll buy it. Hasn't happened yet but who knows.
People who just want to play video games and don’t care about muh steam.
>giving it attention
Just don’t look!
Just don’t look!
Normies and pretty much who isnt some weird steam cultist
>Implying GoG will not be dead on less than 2 years because of Epic
lmao look at how fucking NUTS steamdrones are ahahaha
Most people who play on PC probably
>anti epic games store thread reminds me to claim me free weekly game
Thanks you guys! :^)
>buying videogames
the only client I use to download games is utorrent.
>utorrent and not deluge
There's tons of Steam cultists
Formerly Steam monopoly
literally what fucking reason do i have to go to epic?
there's literally only 2 games that interest me that are going to be ported to steam in some time, which are Metro Exodus and The Outer Worlds
>Not just grabbing the free weekly games and putting them into your GoG Galaxy 2.0 launcher
In the next episode of pc software wars, torrents
>The store opened in October of 2018
And almost a full year later they still don't have the most basic features of a digital storefront. Amazing...
The advantage of GOG is not needing launchers.
You're missing the point.
Tim's Rim & Skim
Formerly Gaben's
Pretty sure it was in december, faggot
Maybe you should consult with your fellow shills and get your narrative straight instead of hurling insults at people. It really doesn't make me want to use your chink store.
This is your brain on steam.
Less choices, because Epic buying exclusives takes games away from GoG
go home Tim
Dear Gabe, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you're changin' gears
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer peers
If you didn't wanna talk to me about the 70/30 split
You didn't have to, but you coulda at least Tweeted about it
That's my little Store Front man, he's only six months old
We waited at the E3 conference for you
For four hours and you just said, "No."
That's pretty shitty man, you're like my fuckin' idol
I want to be just like you man, I like creators more than you do
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein' lied to
Remember when you hired the guys who made those mods?
See I'm just like you 'cause
I never made my money bein original
I just didn't hire the people who did it all
I can relate to what you're doin' with your store
So when I have a shitty day, I buy a timed exclusive and tweet some more
'Cause my store aint got shit so that shit helps when I'm depressed
My biggest game was when I copied PlayerUnknown
Sometimes I try to see if I can make my own
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See every dollar you make is real, and I respect you 'cause you own every cent
My wife's jealous 'cause I only own 51 per cent
But she don't know you like I know you Gabe, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us comin' up, you gotta call me man
I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Tim is more successful than gaben, not only that he is not going to day due to obesity. Now that i think about it, maybe burgers can't accept Tim because he's not a fat pig like they and gaben? Intresting
This is hilarious to think, Tim feeding off the tears of Steamcels when he's gone
Not memeing, you should not buy through security breach store. Youre gonna get your credit card stolen by a russian or a chinese con man
Better question, what the hell would one even buy on Epic Store?
The main reason I don't use it is that to my knowledge there's not a single game on it that I'm interested in
okay khumbrain
Steam had two major breaches that involved leaking credit cards information.
EGS had none so far, epic forum had a breach a few years ago. If someone is trying to log into your epic account it's because your credentials were leaked somewhere else and you should enable 2f authorization and change your fucking password everywhere anyway.
Tim Sweeney. He buys a few hundred thousand copies of each game that agrees to the exclusivity deal.
There is not a single game on EGS for which “honest” sales numbers exist, they’re all either rolling in some undisclosed chunk of guaranteed sales because of the exclusivity deal or are free games.
Okay cum.brain