Other urls found in this thread:
fire emblem 3 houses, dota 2, mlb the show 17
twitch, mlb baseball GO TWINS, harry potter and the half blood prince
the rocket summer, russian circles, oasis
malazan book 9 dust of dreams
might make a pizza later or go get something
coffee right now, black cherry mt dew enery drinks later and some tea
pretty good
Warhammer: Chaosbane, Dead by Daylight, A Robot Named Fight.
gay emo shit
Yea Forums
Maybe later
Good. It's kind of grey and rainy out today so I'm thinking of firing up some Castlevania or something else that's spooky. Recommend me some spooky things to play.
KF2 and Ground Branch
Doom stream of Trailblazer
lewd threads on /trash/
toast with peanut butter
Femdom, MILFs, anal, incest, /ss/
Fire emblem three houses and Fallout 4
YouTube shit and gonna try and find some gorehound shit on shudder trying to avoid well known ones so I can save them for October
Harley Poe
Nothing today
Pulled pork sandwich on a buttered bulkie roll
Water and homemade soda
Yaoi and erp
Honestly real good had my anxiety act up hard last night due to family issues but I was lucky enough to take emergency meds in time so staying calm today and tomorrow going on my yearly visit to Salem
Will play some space engineers later
80's dragonball
Charles Manson songs (great musician really)
Just had pizza
Chocolate milk
Will later
Tired from the gym this morning and I am minding my sister's kids until 7pm, it is currently 3pm so nearly there. They are a joy to be around so not a bad time
You can't drink food
>gay emo shit
What ones some of that shit is unironically good
KOTOR 2 and Avp2, pure boomer tonight
The good the bad and the ugly
Just started the Snow Leopard, its really good
BBQ pork sandwich
Dr pepper
Not tonight
Real damn comfy, its heavily raining outside
Kingdom Hearts II, Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
SsethTzeentach, Sunburned Albino, and AVGN
Hall and Oates, Pink Floyd, and Eurobeat
Some tomboy stuff, like this: e-hentai.org
Pretty good. Been seeing some good progress on my workout.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Gems Of War, picking up Kill La Kill IF (for my Nintendo Switch) after work
Rewatching Kill La Kill with the nieces and sis last night (they’re old enough to handle it now, here’s hoping I don’t have to be there once they reach the Ragyo episodes, shit’ll get uncomfortable from there
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck
Boston Market chicken and a hot pocket
Honey Lemonade soda
With family last night, so nope
Working today, but hopefully the KLK game doesn’t suck because I’m picking that shit up after work.
Ah you fapped with your family last night so dont need to today, cool.
Keep up the workout user I started this year and noticing progress is the best feeling ever.
The good the bad and the ugly is top tier, good choice also patrician tier drink user
>What ones
Pls no bully
Battlefield 4
Mad max fury road
Suicide sheep
Ninja turtles ghost busters cross over
Idk maybe a burger or some grilled wings
Probably bud light and water
No desire
Welp todays my birthday(34) and besides going to grab a beer after work with a coworker I'm just going to be home alone. Girlfriend just broke up with me the other day too. On a side note should I get persona 5 or wait for the rerelease? I've been dying for a good turn based rpg so I've been looking at this and dragon quest.
AoE2 and Risk of Rain 2
/int/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /h/
Maybe later tonight
Bored and tired. I've only slept for 4 hours trying to fix my sleep schedule.
Probably emulate some PSX JRPG I missed as a kid. Some guitar too
No movies or series interest me much these days
Post-punk, jazz
Yea Forums
Scrambled eggs
Coffee, water
Antsy, expecting my wife to go into labor in the next week
>Recommend me some spooky things to play
Fatal Frame? I'm a horror pleb. Castlevania is a solid pic but I prefer the Hammer Horror "vanquish evil" type stories than pure horror
>watching the Eagyo episodes with the family
>get to the mom fingerbanging incest scenes
Oh god.
>Fatal Frame
Good shit.
Why don't you guys just go outside and have sex
Wipeout Omega
Evangelion rewatch, its been years. Both better and worse than I remember it.
Boards of Canada - Old Tunes Vol. 2
Kazuo Ishiguro - The Unconsoled. It's like being trapped in an endless stress dream, though I rather think that was the point. Bretty gud.
Jacket potato with some meat or something, not sure.
Just coke.
Nah I've already tossed my salad once.
Had a poor night's sleep last night and I'm already fucking done with this entire day.
First postan in like 2 months
I'm in a drought I want to get Greedfall
The Boys
Louis the Child playlist
Brand Now
Veggies or something light
Im saving my spunk for a lucky lady
I moved to a new state for my company two months ago and its been great.
Was so stressed the first half of this year, my business was falling apart, and then my partner and I landed a huge contract that has taken off.
Now I got a comfy gameroom set up again, getting back in shape, and I have my first GF in about 4 years. Stay tuned for when it all fails.
how is Chaosbane? Good outside of beinga warhammer game?
Also BB is always a great kinda spooky action game. I replayed Condemned recently.
I have worked through so much of the quality Shudder catalog. Let me know what you find.
based boomerpost
If P5 is cheap grab it, tons of content. Happy birthday user. Sorry about the gf get your shit together get back at it
Happy birthday user, keep your head up.
Bend over
Because I'm rich or good looking
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
LobosJR videos
whatever is left at the fridge
29yo and i can't get hard anymore because of depression meds
like shit and thinking about how fucking terrible it will be to go back to wageslavery
>How is Chaosbane?
It's alright. Environments are kind of bland and the enemies are all basically the same but there's some good ideas in here. It has potential, it just needs some more content.
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Yes - Roundabout
This site
Yuengling tonight, Diet Coke now
Foot tickling if I'm up for it
Tired af. I cannot wake up today at all.
Fucking nothing
Classic simpsons
Freedom Call
Lord of light
Just been to a restauraunt with my dad and ate a shitload of meat
Stari Lisac
I do not fap
What we call "fjaka"
Waiting on PlanetSide 2 to finish downloading, later I'll be playing some SC2 trying to git gud.
I'm watching a SC2 stream while I eat but later I'll be watching the new episode of Accelerator's spinoff when subs are out and Maidens of the Savage Season.
I really shouldn't be listening to anything while I play PlanetSide but I'll to Hellsing OP, DMC OP and Rock Queen on repeat or this SC2 stream.
New Watamote chapter, as well as new chapter of Negative Hero and Demon King.
yandere and/or loli
Could be better but could be worse.
Killer mains?
I think it's only 15usd right now, depends if you rather wait for the rerelease. I rather wait so that's what I'm doing, plus I'm also waiting to find out if Lavenza can be romanced.
Surely you mean the Classic Sneedsons
>I have worked through so much of the quality Shudder catalog. Let me know what you find.
If ya want a meh movie with great kills I'd say the collector
red orchestra 2
sitcoms from the 80's
the skin from the corners of my fingers
>Killer mains?
Trapper and Piggu mostly but I'm loving rework Freddy so far.
Ocarina of Time, Xenoblade Chronicles X, The Wonderful 101, Katana Zero
Maybe some anime later
Vidya OSTs
Yea Forums
Empty and devoid of soul
Destiny 2, Monster Hunter World
YouTube shit, maybe kill la kill, maybe end of evangelion
100gecs, Coldhart, Horsehead, Convolk
Twitter and in game objectives
English muffin halves baked with cheese on top
Vanilla protein mocha concoction
Phat tits
Tired, been up for 20 hours cause I'm trying to fix my sleep, excited cause of that new Destiny expansion(pic related), and horny cause I'm sleep deprived. Also happy cause my dog has finally figured out that she's here to stay, so she's finally settled.
Why do retards reply to this gamer thread?
Trying to beat Agent 3 in Octo Expansion. Most of the time I can't even beat her first phase. I was able to get all the mem cakes and do the expansion without help with relatively little trouble, but this is just like an adult vs a child for me.
Nothing really, nothing good on.
NIN and covers of various pop songs.
Yea Forums, /vr/, Yea Forums
Squishy rice cakes for .80 because I'm super fucking low on money.
Lots of water, fuck the sun
milf; mating_press; fucked_silly; fertilization
I'm fucking mad.
he says as he replies
Why did you?
Thinking of modding FO4, but at the same time I don't really want to waste my time on the game.
Gonna finish watching Jojo.
Potatoes and sausages.
If I'll get around to modding FO4, then that, if not then Sadpanda. Thank God it and ATF are back.
Pretty good. Might also go out for a bit and get even more drunk.
League tonight with the guys, been having a blast and popping off lately
Started watching that lifting anime, pretty okay I guess
My country playlist
All Quiet on the Western Front, havnt picked it up in a few days though
Gonna buy lunch at work today, probably a burger or something
Did last night, meh
Idk, have 2 interviews today and I forgot to shave, but I bought a new suit yesterday and I’m not super nervous so hopefully they go well.
Happy weekend bros
>joels gta sa streams
>dad rock
>ero mahou
>fried chicken
>water or coke
>koikatsu oppai lolis
Kill la Kill IF
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fate/Grand Order
Probably some Danmachi S2 later.
Official Podcast
Yea Forums
Not sure yet, feeling kinda ill so nothing too strong.
Maybe later.
Other than mild illness, just an upset stomach, mostly fine. Just sitting here enjoying my NEET time. I need to play more multiplayer games and talk to more folks though.
>Old BmtH
You're alright
Just fucking around on Kingdom Rush Frontiers
Some speedrun videos.
Vintage cheese and flatbread crackers.
Gin in cola with a little lime juice.
Turns out I've probably been living with "extremely severe" depression for who knows how many years now. Asked for a referral from my GP to see a specialist, but will be back to my doctor next friday to talk further on the possibility of anti-depressants, which I am still feeling very hesitant (and far too stubborn) to rely on.
Underrail, Celeste
Kitchen Nightmares
Jungle by Night
Catch 22
Haven’t decided yet, probably leftover pasta
Pretty amazing, graduated last week and got hired for the job I’ve been wanting for the last couple of years. Also really enjoying the new underrail dlc. And the free money I got from selling crates due to the recent tf2 team fuckup is the cherry on top.
>I'm fucking mad.
Why though?
I really don't understand what the appeal is of new BMTH, even as pop synth punk, whatever the fuck they count as these days, band they just sound so bland and generic.
Vinesauce Joel
The Molice
Text from ESO
Dunno. I've been fasting, so I guess it depends
Water and Tea
No thanks.
Great actually. I've been working out as of late and it feels good to be active again. Thanks for asking Yea Forums!
Gratz user, got the job i wanted for years aswell lately, persistence does pay off
some shitty arcade racer later while drunk
Sopranos like always
also rewatching S1 of mindhunters before S2 releases
blonde on blonde
finished mythology about to start the iliad
maybe some artaud later as well
chicken tacos
tequila and beer in copious amounts
probably have sex
Crash cart. Pretty sure the event starts today. That Smash, or Tooie.
Videos of people playing Hero. They've been golden so far
Yea Forums posts. RP
Had a muffin for breakfast. Haven't thought about lunch/dinner
A monster. I'm looking for a heart attack.
The biggest, thickest asses.
I'll save you the blog post and say I left work early because I almost called a customer a mother fucker. I rather fuck over the my co-workers than end up getting fired because I'm in a bad mood.
Monster Hunter 3 ultimate, just got rank 2 of those 3 ranks, I guess the actual hunt is beginning now. At least a buddy of mine gave me that "you havent seen shit yet" grin
Started that "do you even lift bruh" anime and until now its alright. Although i have noodle arms ive been lifting for the past fyeah and it feels great, thats why its kinda nice to see how an anime encourages the viewer to try some physical exercise in a comedic yet entertaining (and sometimes odd) way
Black keys - lo/hi
Raconteurs - bored and razed
Slaves - sockets
Only game news and some Yea Forums shit
Lots of bread from the neat bakery nearby
Man, /trash/has been turning me into a racoon lately, an anthro male on human female racoon. Good filth
Great. Finally the job i want, improving well, doing enough workout, spending the cash on all the food i want. It was worth pushing through those shitty working class dog years
>Why though?
Tekken 7
Game Center
Not today
Pretty good. I've finally figured out what I want to do in life, I'm just still trying to decide how to get there.
also meant to put Evo in WATCHAN
Destiny 2
nothing much
Yea Forums
Salami and Cheese Sandwich
skirt suits
Okay i guess.
OSRS for now, Assassin's Creed Rogue later
I was watching RLM but someone is streaming Hunt for Red October so I'm watching that now
Taking Back Sunday, Senses Fail, Brand New, you get the idea
Yea Forums and OSRS guides
I'm gonna go make some eggs and toast soon
Arizona Mango tea
Just fapped to my rule 34 folder
Good, quit my job, I'm leaving for the army in about a month and it doesn't sound as bad as I thought
Digimon World, possibly a Bloodborne run but not sure what to build
a random episode of doraemon out of curiosity
construction noises
Lovecraft short stories, they're a bit difficult for me because I don't really read
I'm thinking fried rice
grats, dude.
what's that underrail dlc like?
Gears4 because it got free on Xbox Gold, Warframe, RE5, Breakdown, Panzer Dragoon Orta because Orta is my footwaifu and I loved Saga.
NotLD colourized
Hotline Miami OST, NieR OST and Silent Hill OST
House of Leaves that some user recommended to me.
Don't know yet.
Feet, MILFs, tanned tomboys, smell and female robots/androids. I've also been fapping to a certain Atelier Ryza pic, where she has a dick between her thighs and her feet against a guy's face. It's one of the best images I have ever seen in my entire life.
Just waiting for RE5 to install, otherwise I'm feeling fine. Also what should I get? EDF2025, ZOE HD, or Ace Combat 7? I play on Xbone.
>Femdom, MILFs, incest & /ss/
Patrician taste!
>Fallout 4
I quite enjoyed that game despite what people said. The mod support only made it better.
>raining outside
Damn, where I live it's cold but still sunny. A little rain wouldn't hurt. I'm jealous, user.
Tanned tomboys are pure perfection!
>Killa La Kill IF
Is it truly as bad as Yea Forums claims it to be or are they just sheeple?
Happy birthday user. DQ is really good so I'd recommend it.
I hope you're not watching the Netflix version.
>foot tickling
I have wondered why people like this, why?
>Tekken 7
Does it have barefoot waifus?
>Killa La Kill IF
Meant Kill*
Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Susumu Hirasawa
Tezuka Osamu's Buddha
Instant ramen
Sports drinks
image galleries on exhentai (praise the lord)
pretty good, though need to do some studying this weekend
Hollow knight, Digimon World, The friends of ringo ishikawa
idk probably Dragon Ball Goku vs Tien
Hunter X Hunter, Tosukuni no Shoujo and Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Rolling Rock
Eh its 9am here
Bretty good starting Aircraft Mechanic school 5 days
Will play/practice Anarchy regins later.
Web design/GUI/Javascript videos.
Javascript event loop tutorial video.
Exam material.
Already did. Seasoned tomatoes wrapped in smoked salmon.
Mixed. On one hand, have an upcoming exam presentation on monday. On the other, been buying some old games for low prices, lately. So, looking forward to when those arrive.
I said I was gonna do my second playthrough of Valdis Story later, but I ended up going back to it anyways. The game is just way too fast and addicting for me to put down right now, and the other characters all have something immediately interesting to rope you in. I highly recommend it to anyone that wants straight-forward, combat-focused metroidvania. I think a good comparison would be something like Megaman Zero. Also playing Tokyo42, which is really great if you want a big cyberclean world to kill people in with a camera that's also trying to kill you.
Tejina Senpai. I'm 90% sure I have a thing for dumb girls with huge tits.
I've on so much on-going manga right now that I think I'm good for awhile. Currently follow Kaiji, Kengan Omega, Chainsawman, and Dr. Stone.
Gonna figure that out.
Not tonight, but Amazon doujins next week once I'm pent up.
Pretty good. Gonna see a movie with my pops soon, and The Megas live with my friends later tonight. Also got a good outline for my podcast written down finally, so I'm excited to start recording once I've got some free time.
How's The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa? Also, you should really stick with Hollow Knight until you're done with it. The game is absolutely massive, and I think I sunk something absurd like 80+ hours into my first playthrough getting 110%. It's really worth it too for the most part. Godhome is the only thing that seems a bit excessive to me.
So is Yea Forums actually gonna start Anarchy Reigns lobby on the regular from now on? I'm fucking stoked if so. Gonna order myself a new copy of the game since my old one is ghost.
9/10 fetish tastes, I really just don't care for me feet that much, though I guess wanting to bury my face in a MILF's armpit while hammering away is the same difference.
hollow knight, shadow tactics, maybe tis-100 and some demos
tried watching 2001 but i got bored after 40 minutes. i liked the monkeys though
maybe i'll watch somy oneyplays later
dress down by kaoru akimoto
what am i, some kinda gamer?
what's with the gamer posts?
>So is Yea Forums actually gonna start Anarchy Reigns lobby on the regular from now on? I'm fucking stoked if so. Gonna order myself a new copy of the game since my old one is ghost.
Seems like it. Apparently, some dedicated Yea Forums dude will create threads for awareness and host a lobby regularly on Saturdays.
Fallout 4, getting my mods setup and i'm gonna make my character look like Larkin Love.
The Void, damn good Lovecraft type movie. I love cosmic horror.
Lady Gaga, I still like her music.
Nothing besides my phone and this thread.
An omlette I made
Either Helen Parr or Larkin Love.
Pretty good, just relaxing today.
Euro Truck Sim 2 and also Squad
Generation Kill
random euro radio
chicken caesar salad
water atm, maybe beer later
Sore, managed to rip my thumnail almost totally off earler.
>Fallout 4, getting my mods setup and i'm gonna make my character look like Larkin Love.
there's a fallout 4 mod that makes you look like venom?
FFXIV! Finishing up Bloodstained hopefully, or getting close! maybe some FFX too.
Takagi-San! And some seasonal anime later today
I blasted some future funk to get my day started! Jinsang and potsu later
Yea Forums threads! messages from the bf!
an estrogen pill. its dissolving in my mouth. maybe some eggs later
Comfy! I hope it rains today.
I don't believe so user, but then again I haven't looked so maybe there is.
if you don't know then how the hell are you gonna make yourself look like larkin love?
Fallout New Vegas on a shitty laptop
Trailer Park Boyz
Eagles, America, Led Zeppelin, Zappa, Allman Brothers, other 70s rock
(you) guys
Just had that dank Embassy Suites omelette.
Coffee and orange juice
to two getting fucked on exploitedcollegegirls
Shitty. Stuck in a hotel in LA cause of my shitty fucking job. Rather be home being a NEET but also want money so I'm stuck in a rock and a hard place. Enjoy your day slash vee
Based twins poster
>that PLAYAN
>that EATAN
Based as fuck user
I hope it rains for you user
Is this some joke I don't get? The fuck does Venom have to do with Larkin?
Ultra Street Fighter IV. Playing through Arcade to see all the endings. I think I'm the only one who plays fighting games for story. Dragon Quest Builders 1. Might start Street Fighter x Tekken, though I'm not too familiar with Tekken characters.
Stranger Things, Overlord, YouTube, mom anime
Rap from late 90's to 00's. Elton John, Axel Rudi Pell, Ys, Final Fantasy, Future
One Piece
KFC. Why are there pickles on the chicken strips?
Pepsi, Pepsi Vanilla
J Cup No Bra Sheer Boobs Tutoring Correct Answer Every Time Auntie Titty Fucking Summer Course Nanami Matsumoto
Tired, sore. Moving out of state plans starting from square one again. Fuck. Stuck at retail job because I need job to transfer to whenever I finally fucking move out of state. At least there are JAV boobs.
I found to enjoy Dragonball more than I did Z.
PS2 night or hd remakes?
Happy Birthday. Hope it gets better.
Depression meds fucking suck and so does wageslavery
Assassin's Creed Rogue is really underrated
Wish Larkin Love would dress up as Helen Parr
Long tongue
>How's The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa?
Its super cool. Basically Shenmue with a #chillhop soundtrack and actual combat. Randomly started a fight with the green dudes and then I got stopped by leader of the group on the way home and we had to renegotiate the deal between our gangs because "we go way back, so I'll let this slide." Max comfy.
Hollow knight so far is in my top ten already. Good shit.
>I hope you're not watching the Netflix version.
Nah, though that was the impetus for the rewatch. It's [2D4U]'s BD rip, I've had it on an external drive for years.
Honestly nothing right now. I can't find a game that's really grabbing me. I beat Hollow Knight and Va11-Ha11-a like 4 or 5 months ago and I was hooked. Haven't found anything since.
Waiting another hour for EVO to start
Been listening to Future Funk and Mallsoft lately
JoJo part 7, House and Powers of X
Poor fag so I got Taco Bell for lunch and feel like I want to die
Baja blast and water
Did this morning to some random clip I found. Wasn't planning on it, it just happened
Really good in some respects and stressed as fuck in others
Finally about to graduate college
Getting back to making video essays for fun
Getting married soon
So broke
My sex drive has been really low lately
Worried about career prospects because I have a stupid degree.
Idk bros. Gotta take the good with the bad right?
>Long tongue
OHHHHH, Goddammit that took me way too long. Thanks user. I wish she would too, Helen Parr is great.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses if the Eshop wasn't fucking down. Team Fortress 2.
My TV screen.
Yea Forums.
Pizza and chips later on.
Hilda, Shuten Douji.
Pretty good. My roommates are leaving for the next week so I have the house to myself. I'm actually permabanned from Yea Forums I'm just permaban evading using mobile.
mountain blade
something spooky
90/00s punkrock
sausages and rice
ur mum :^)
got the weekend to myself, so bretty gud
>Either Helen Parr or Larkin Love.
Good taste.
I want to know what the fuck is up with this evil cunt's eyes. I'm just waiting to find out if she's a demon or not.
>day off
>picked up some green
>ex messaged me on facebook
>not sober me is lonely and wants a girl to talk to
This is the most dangerous game to be playing of all. Its essentially playing with fire here.
What games go well with green outside of Harvest Moon-like life sims?
Tip for your situation
Get high as fuck and message her back immediately.
I like that too actually. I like both feet and armpits, but feet is my no.1 fetish, then armpits at 2nd place, and then smell at 3rd place.
Almost Top tier taste lad. But that's not Power
Teppen and maybe some Switch stuff because my PC/TV will be for WATCHAN.
EVO baby. Mix of main-game pools and AnimEVO shit today, SCVI and some of AnimEVO have Finals today too.
Gygax, just learned of the band yesterday and they're the shit. Also Youtube has been recommending me Sleepycast highlights.
Yea Forums & Dr. Stone
Sandwiches with salami & cheese, burritos with beans/beef/cheese, Salt & Vinegar chips, and later tonight coffee ice cream. Only the best to watch Fightan.
Seltzer, Ice Tea, Lemon-Lime Gatorade, Modelo, and Jack Daniels Cola.
Sadpanda is back baby, but I also found a new artist on Twitter that I like.
Not bad at all. Gonna be a lazy fuck today and tomorrow, and Sunday only has 4 Top 8s so it's not that crazy to follow.
Enjoy life where you can. Another year doesn't mean it's all over.
Great to hear that user.
>Wonderful 101
101% Nice.
Kitchen Nightmares is great to just throw on while doing something else.
Not the way I enjoy fighting games but I do like the characters in most of the games I play. USFIV does have some nice arcade endings at least. SFxT's are almost entirely silly unrelated endings. The game is also kind of unbalanced and there's like 14 DLC characters (12 paid and on-disc, 2 free and actually downloadable) plus 3 characters exclusive to the PS3. The trailers for the game are kino though, watch those.
Finally another EVO watcher.
Be sure to watch the Sailor Moon S side tournament at EVO. Top-tier kusoge.
Backbreaker Vengeance
the Let's Get Electric album
Chicken (seasoned with peri-peri salt) and rice
Pepsi-max cherry
Malene Espensen, probably
Irritated. Waiting for an electrician to come out and fix the wiring for my heater so I can finally get some fucking hot water. Got some PC parts coming tomorrow as well
>PS2 night or hd remakes?
A nice PS2 night for me.
EVO is the only time of year I bust out multitwitch. Makes it so easy to watch different shit. Honestly I don't know what to expect this year. The numbers are bonkers. I just hope DBFZ isn't a snoozefest and Undernight is fun too, this is gonna be the first time I'm watching Undernight tourneys really
>SFxT's are almost entirely silly unrelated endings
That's a big letdown to be honest.
Football Manager 2019
The Ashes Cricket, Football highlights from Chelsea, 'Murican Football highlights from the Pats, The Boys, Nineteen Eighty-Four
King Crimson, Kasabian
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Fishfingers, chips and peas
Tea at the moment, might have some water and beer later on
I'm very happy
Just finished Alena's chapter in DQIV. Time for fat nigga.
Above two and NWA.
I have a Thoreau book near me but I don't know if I want to read it or just play vidya.
Deez mixed nuts
Black coffee and water
maybe later
Tired, couldn't sleep for shit last night.
>chicken and rice
The eternal classic.
What did you get permabanned for?
Nice pic. Zinc might help with your sex drive. Depending on how long you've been with your SO it might be due to lack of variety. Not looking at porn helps with that, but easier said than done.
>rap from late 90's to 00's
mien neger
Doctor Stone
the rain outside
this thread
leftover bread
ehhhh not feeling it
feelan comfy but tired, it's midnight here and i procrastinated all day instead of doing my assignments. will probably do it tomorrow after my morning class
Which 4X space game should I get?
Something like endless space and I don't care for warfare, just comfy exploran.
Thinking Quake 1 and Dirty Bomb
YouTube later. Wanna try watching dance vids. Have wanted to try it for a while
Whatever is on the radio atm
Yea Forums
Pork chops and rice
Will be either fucking a MILF or nothing
Might be going on a date with a MILF later on. Not really feeling it. Was on board until she dropped that she has a 2yo that she sees every other week. If we can keep it to fuck buddies, I'll be fine. If she wants more then I'm out. I might be an asshole but finding a MILF to fulfill a mommy fetish in Omaha fucking sucks
Thanks user. I might pop some zinc. Me and my lady have been together a long time (almost 8 years) but our sex life in generally fantastic. Her sex drive is usually really strong, but mine kinda comes in waves. I think it's a combo of stress and just being on one of the downslopes of one of those waves.
Fire Emblem Three Houses, maybe some dotes
New sseth video
Sseth vid
Yea Forums
Had a pizza
After work
Okay. Got a bad case of the shits and I've got work in am hour. I'm enjoying fire emblem but wish it was a little bit harder.
Told the "Gamer" posters to go fuck themselves.
Persona 4 later
A bunch of seasonal anime I want to catch up on
Podcasts, stuff on youtube
Steins;Gate elite
Chicken nuggets
Always a little bummed out that I have to go back to wageslaving tomorrow. If my schedule has me off tomorrow I'll be happy though.
The CM posters.
Thanks user
Although I haven’t seen much of the new areas, the time-altering psi-abilities are a blast with how much you can exploit the combat system
Xenoblade 2, pretty comfy game
probably some homemade lemon-lime juice
Pretty good, it's been a long week of work.so it's nice to be relaxing at home.
>going for either Arsenal or Spurs
Deadly Premonition
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
Mizzurna Falls english patched
Twin Peaks: The Return
Sailor Moon
the new Saint Pepsi album
Fax from Sarajevo
Coffee with milk
I need to stop.
pic related
the biggest
BBC porn
i can get my pathetic white boy hands on
cant wait to cummmmmmmmmmmm
what's going on user? why you feel like depressed batfleck?
CB* God fucking dammit.
Desktop Dungeons Extreme Edition
SFV, SamSho, SC6 pools at EVO
Kokou no Hito
Blueberry waffles with lemon marmalade
Blackberry sparkling water
Sadpanda's back baby
Such an abstract feel, good luck, I don't blame you for not wanting to be stuck with someone elses kid.
very comfy
>London clubs
Euro Truck, might try to get back into ESO but it's been a while
Death Note
Sonic Youth, maybe Aphex Twin later
History shit
Probably frosted flakes later
Later maybe
Alright. Burnt out on videos games right now though, trying to find something I enjoy. Depression meds might be helping finally, so that's a miracle.
re4 and minecraft
the same music as always, goddammit
probably scat, i'm a gamer
better than usual
not good, but better
i hate the sun
I ain't a Manc or Scouser though. Hell, I'd follow Sunderland if I lived there.
Most of it is family stuff. I haven't seen some relatives in over a decade because no one gets along with each other. I also went from having an active social life and being real healthy to being an overweight shut-in. The city I've lived in forever has also turned to shit thanks to bugmen transplants. I hope you're doing better than me, user.
>Backbreaker Vengeance
Holy shit based as fuck. Wish Madden would use that physics engine on their games. Isn't that the engine rockstar used for GTA 4/Red Dead? Wish Backbreaker was a little more polished, could've been football kino
NieR RepliCant
Nothing today. No G1 Climax, no 全力!脱力タイムズ. What a bummer.
Religious choirs.
Nothing today.
Chicken Sandwich.
Guava Juice.
Pretty good.
wow vanilla, age of empires, and maybe some league of legends later
Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse
P i z z a C a r b o n a r a
Budweiser, and maybe some vodka
maybe later
as shit, but tool's music can actually repair my emotional damage
>Most of it is family stuff. I haven't seen some relatives in over a decade because no one gets along with each other
that part i feel you 200%
I really wish you all the best user, don't fall that easily in that vicious circle of shutting yourself in> hating yourself>not moving because of it>hate yourself even more.
I'm sure you're better than that, you're gonna get through it good luck
Fair enough i suppose
Yeah, Backbreaker was basically the tech demo for Euphoria before R* licensed it for Table Tennis. BB Vengeance was an XBLA spinoff gauntlet thing -- still pretty fun though
Prey: Mooncrash
This DLC has no fucking business being this good.
Nothing today, though I'm considering getting Amazon Prime to watch The Boys.
Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm
And a bunch of other punk, metal, and ska.
Spider-Man: Life Story
Peach Mango Bang
I dunno why the Boomer meme is Sugar Free Monster. Not nearly enough caffeine.
I made sweet, sweet love on Sunday and haven't fapped since, and so I'm gonna see if I can make it a week. I don't think I've gone more than a week in... 16 years.
I skipped work today to mow my lawn (and phonepost while I do it). No regrets, life kicks ass.
>Death Note
first time?
kino, I always replay it around October
pokemon crystal
/diy/, /k/, Yea Forums. /vr/ and some manga
gonna do a drinks run before work
Whatever's left of my favorites
somebody said something at work that made me realize I really do like my partner but she's like a 2/10 and it's got my brain in a twist
Don't blame you in the slightest user.
Getting out of the vicious circle is the hardest, but I'll manage. Thanks, user. I wish you the best too.
Your turn to die
I love those games
Nothing, every anime this season is shit
Uplink OST
Old James Bond books
Porn games on VR
Pretty good, it's fucking friday
She ain't a milf if she doesn't have a kid. That's the law, my guy.
lobotomy corporation and league of legends.
queens of the stone age
haru no noroi
nothing for now.
pretty shitty.
Dragon Quest 1, Smash, maybe Danganronpa if I get the time for it.
Fullmetal Alchemist, SuperMega.
DottiR and might craft a D&D campaign playlist.
Dragon Quest guide, also probably going to craft some Magic decklists.
Just had Captain Crunch.
Already did today.
Under pressure from late registering for school and I'm not quite sure where I stand with the girl I'm talking to. Other than that, I can't really complain.
EDF5, Gunstar Future Heroes, Animal Crossing New Leaf. About to start Ratchet & Clank.
Devilman Crybaby, loving the soundtrack and general style of it.
"Buddy, Ryo" from the Devilman Crybaby soundtrack.
Vinland Saga. I haven't actually read anything in the past month though.
Cute boys.
Tired. I barely sleep as of late. Otherwise just kinda lonely.
user we can all use a little help sometimes, it's true you shouldn't rely too much on meds, but they can help. Don't be afraid to give them a chance.
I feel you about the water situation, I was out of hot water for almost two weeks recently because of a heater leak and poor wiring. Hope the electrician shows up and fixes your wiring soon!
Which book?
>NieR RepliCant
do you know if/how to share rpcs3 configs by any chance? I'd love to share my settings with friends sometime
Idk guys, I thought they were all gonna team up and take out the enemy. Dont really want them to kill each other.
You'll probably finish it today. Fun time regardless.
Skullgirls, Guilty Gear XRD Rev2, Dead by Daylight
Serial Experiments Lain, Kill la Kill, Prison School
Blarf - Cease and Desist
Gokushufudou (The Way of the House Husband), JoJo Stone Ocean
Nothing currently
Not right now
But if I was, tomboy, gentle femdom, ss
Pretty good
under night in-birth, it's got a 3 day free trial or something so i figured id give it a shot, im switching computers so there's not a whole lot of options right now. I just got Tekken Tag Tournament in the mail, but i won't get a chance to try it out for a while. just trying to get into fighting games.
nothing right now, maybe ill try making my way through love live later, or maybe ill just watch some youtube. i might tune into evo.
the new miyavi album
4chin, maybe some shitty vns later
v8, arizona green tea
better than i was a while ago. still not great though. I wish i could be more excited to go on vacation, but im not going anywhere all that exciting. there's just a lot going on right now, and its a little daunting.
>first time?
yeah enjoying it so far, about half way through. Gonna watch lelouch of the rebellion once I finish it
Supreme Commander FA and Team Fortress with my racist ecchi minecraft friends
Nothing today but maybe Konosuba when I get my pizza. And the price of chainlink.
/biz/ and learning german
Oatmeal and a pizza later
Loli butts after the gym
Got a good haircut and i'm getting the first pizza in a long time
dark souls
C# tutorials
random calming youtube playlists
C# tutorials
fried fish and veggies
orange juice
pretty shitty, too much fappan
>Homer Simpson mower
C'mon, man. Get something with a motor.
What's your picture from?
Sekiro, RDR2, Mother 3
Rewatching Rick & Morty, LOTR
New Wave
LOTR: Return of the King
Salads and PB sandwiches
Lexi Lore
Depressed, been separated from wife for 8 months
Happy weekend niggers
maybe Wasteland 2, it's good
recently I got Keeping Up Appearances DVD collection for few bucks, so maybe that
Spotify weekly recs
/vee/ and Yea Forums
sauerkraut soup
beer, a lot of beer
tired after work, but okay. Gonna get drunk and play some games
FE3H and Doom 3. Weird game.
No idea
Coffee probably
Gonna celebrate sadpanda coming back later, probably loli and scat.
Pretty good I guess, finally applied for some jobs last week. Rejected by one, no response from the others. Need to fix my retarded sleep schedule before I try to work anywhere though.
the secret by swain
>the secret by swain
Thanks user.
wait, sadpanda is coming back?
GTA Online, casino's bretty cool and I've been using the new exploit for funbux
Gauntlet Dark Legacy if my co-op mates come by later
Lupin III part 2, this might still be the greatest dub in anime
this thread, others. Hi guys
Kickstart black cherry
bretty gud, I have Friday off for the first time in a month and its sunny in the Midwest
Max Payne 2
Nothing. Maybe The Godfather II
Kanye West and Kid Cudi
Cereal. It's 11AM
Nothing today
Looks like my boyfriend is breaking up with me again. I wish he wasn't a gullible fuck
Been bored of my PC games so went back and tried some PS3 games I never got around to finishing. Bayonetta and Dragon's Crown tonight.
EVO, Fraiser in the background
Spotify weekly discover
Tortellini with a white sauce
Coffee. Trying to be better about booze
No fap for the week. But tomorrow, it's on with some Tomboys
I haven't had a decent nights sleep in a few days. Was rejected by a coworker last weekend after I made an obvious move, but we're still good. Maybe one day. fucking what ifs. I'm lonely, but I know that I shouldn't rush into anything out of convenience. Another girl I'm talking to is into me but a bit closed off. Seeing if she wants to get together this weekend because she's good company when she loosens up.
What was it about Doom 3 that made it so decisive? Not a scat person but do you I guess.
Sounds like a good plan. Hope your weekend is amazing.
What caused the separation if you don't mind me asking? I hope you find some light in the darkness though, user. Love is tough.
Had to cut back on the FAPPAN myself. Skin wasn't having it.
Having shaved my head since 21, I miss the feeling of a fresh haircut. But you'll never know what it's like to put your freshly shaven head against a cool pillow.
Was gonna try UNIST myself. DBZ too, though I don't quite like the 3v3 stuff. What are you looking for in FIGHTAN? My favorite genre.
Wew I miss playing Xrd. Wish my friend was coming over so I could have some fun matches. Jack-O and Ram are my waifs.
>no sleep and lonliness
It'll get better for us user.
>I'm not quite sure where I stand with the girl I'm talking to
I'm too old to be playing dumb games, I just wish more girls would realize this.
My man, hope you get some more of that FAPPAN soon. is it Love?
>My man, hope you get some more of that FAPPAN soon. is it Love?
I sure hope so.
It's my wife.
At a boy. Hope your weekend is filled with more of the same. I'm happy for you.
Everspace -- Been playing all week, it's grindy, but hitting all my grindy satisfaction points, may become my go to comfy game. Could become too boring though, too soon to tell.
Also been tempted to start a SP vanilla Minecraft world again.
Stranger Things
Right now? Todd Terje, it..is...awesome!!!!
Deep fried potatoes and a frikandel!
>Jack-O and Ram
Good choices but I'm a Jam man myself
You wouldn't happen to be looking for a match or two? Though I'm not the best at the game.
Been on nofap for nearly a week myself, good taste in FAPPAN
Final Fantasy 14 Trial
Yea Forums and wiki's
homemade raspberry juice
already did
Worms and pathfinder 1e hopefully
dnd and pathfinder shit
Pathfinder and dnd shit
Coffee and Sams cola bitch
Happy to discover dnd
Wouldn't be able until super late. Leaving work in a bit for another camera gig and chances are i'll be (at least trying) to pass the fuck out.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service and Goldfinger
dark souls
the boys
sappho translated by carson
macaroni cheese
red wine
fat chicks
Wolfenstein Youngblood with my bro, then TF2 probably.
rwhitegoose, creepy game urban legends, HL2 beta contest stream.
Surf Rock. The best rock.
Gonna get a burger from a restaurant with some bros later. Either that or Chinese buffet.
Reds Apple Ale, Diet Cherry Pepsi, and mostly water.
Hot, steamy, chubstrong milfs with some hair on 'em.
I feel good but currently it feels like my throat's sore because Domino's has fucking awful pizza that does that to me.
Path of Exile
I Hate You Don't Leave Me
White Castle
Fruit Punch
Burnt out, can't wait to leave my job in a month, fuck this place.
Shame. I think of the major chains, Dominos is the best. Though I usual go with Ledo Pizza myself.
Hero in Smash and getting on the new grand prix in CTR
Spotify on shuffle
Yea Forums threads
Like an unproductive piece of shit
Oh nice. I still haven't read OHMSS (I should since the movie is one of the best) but Goldfinger is definitely a favorite. Enjoy!
Hopefully some Fire Emblem Three Houses after work, I've barely been able to play at all
Full Metal Panic IV, Gundam Seed Destiny I'm enjoying it greatly honestly
MSI, Seed/Seed Destiny OP's
Yea Forums threads
Nothing yet
Water, coffee
Probably not tonight
Great, just have one more night of work before a two week vacation. Going to finally see family on the complete other side of the country
If you'd like you can drop a Steam and I'll add you, what time is super late for you
>Hot, steamy, chubstrong milfs with some hair on 'em.
I see you are a man of culture as well
Domino's in my area used to be my favorite pizza place and I hated Pizza Hut. Ever since they removed a lot of the garlic from the pizza and got sloppy with how they make it, I prefer Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut used to be shit around here and Domino's was king, now it's the other way around. Their chickens good though, ordered it last night plain and they put buffalo sauce on it for no reason.
Thank you!
Terratech and TF2
random shit on youtube, fact fiend and F1 stuff.
nothing really.
Francis of the filth
when the kids are in bed, a fuck ton of mash, fucking want that shit at the moment.
Pepsi max cherry!
Dont do that shit.
accomplished as got alot of stuff done today (normally a very lazy bastard, wife hates it.)
Xcom Terror from the Deep
Sseth videos
Max Hastings' Vietnam
Nothing atm. Will probably make a sandwhich later
Tea, no sugars and a small splash of milk
I ain't a fapper
Comfy desu
>Enjoying GSD
You didn't hit the bad parts yet.
Stardew Valley and BotW to tide me over until 09/13
Old DC animated shit
Eryn Martin, Trippie Red, Lofi and Chillwave
Probably retarded twitter shit
Had some pancakes from scratch
Not sure yet. Probably milfs
Lonely, stressed but okay physically
Get the cheesy bread with a cup of Garlic sauce. Make that shit WORK FOR YOU user. Have a good one though.Feel better.
I know that things supposedly get bad but I'm just going through episode by episode without thinking about what I've heard. I did this with Seed and wound up liking that one fully, so I'm hoping I'm the one faggot that just likes GSD fully
Warcraft 2 and Smash Ultimate
Nothing really
Yea Forums
Chicken tendies
Diet Dr. Pepper
Pretty good
Mordhau and Sekiro. On NG+2 and going for the purification ending and a lot of the content I missed. Man, there's a fuckton of little side bosses tucked away here and there, I thought I had covered just about everything.
Started Succession on HBO and like the first few episodes. The dopey ne'er-do-well cousin is comedic gold.
The Beatles
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Just got back from a joint that serves a great burger wiuth beer-battered cheese and jalapenos. Delicious.
Water currently, might go wild and crack open a Dew tonight.
Damn good. Summer job that I took on for some extra cash has netted me about $3,500 already, and that's on top of my regular gig that I still have extra each month from. Diet is going well as I finally unfucked my metabolism, and I plan to spend the weekend doing /boomer/ stuff around the house and visiting family.
Sup, fellow Twinslad? I'm trying to enjoy the season for the ride its been but feel a dark sense of dread about our bullpen and our division lead.
>accomplished as got alot of stuff done today
My man. Honestly I love the days where I get up and do stuff around the house in the morning, then have most of the afternoon and night for gaming once the kids are away. That perfect mix of productivity and fun is heavenly. Hope your family is well.
My man, whereabouts you at?
Guardian Ape bro
thanks man, family is alright, both kids have a cold, wife is pregnant with 3rd and had a tooth out today, fair to say she isn't feeling too good.
hope you and your family also is doing well.
Don't let monkey trouble get you down, user.
Congrats man, that's awesome. Hope everybody feels better soon. My family is also doing well, we hope to try for kid two here in the next few months.
Blue Dragon so i can finally get rid of my Xbox One
Venture Bros, EVO
Penn Station Italian sub
Lonely no sleep user here, I appreciate it. Don't know the particulars of your booze situation but good on you for sticking to coffee. Dragon's Crown is a blast, hope you enjoy it!
Me again. I'm very sorry to blog, but I feel like if there's anywhere to do it... I just need some opinions here.
well she wanted to confess that when we were dating years ago, she miscarried an accidental child we had. She was so scared to say anything, she didn't even go to a doctor she was so worried. This was about 3 years ago and she's just telling me. I had a child... and it failed, and I didn't even know about it. She doesn't blame me, which is fair since you know it takes 2 to tango, but I feel like the biggest scumbag in the world for not knowing or doing anything.
and you know the absolute worst of it? I still have her lewd pics she sent me ages ago, I still look at them from time to time, and I have to remind myself that she was very high maintenance, frustratingly nervous and scared all the time, and... I mean she kept this secret for years, so overall I cannot think she's a good fit for me. But damn does she have a sexy bod...
I'm going to cook some eggs and maybe sit down to play more Zanki Zero.
making a map csgo hammer
LOTR later
calm tunes open for suggestions similiar to these
i dont have the attention span for games yet alone books
i made cookies
black tea no sugar and maybe my third coffee today soon
tomboys but not rn
idk what to feel anymore lolololo
Risk of Rain 2. The latest patch from a month ago has fucked the game up a bit (crazy high enemy spawns that the devs admit is a bug and it turns my game into a slideshow five maps in) but I'm addicted to this stupid game. All I have left to find are the new enemy logs and the gold golem's log entry and I'm 100% until next patch.
Youtube stuff
To John Micheal Godier and Isaac Arthur talking about Boltzmann Brains. I always love it when they get together for an episode.
Random threads
Cheese tortellini with tomato and garlic sauce poured on top. I had it last week but its good stuff and only takes about five minutes to prepare.
To Jill from Va-11 Hall-A. Haven't played it in a year but suddenly feel the urge to look up porn of her.
Alright I guess. Just had a hard shift and I need to go in to work tomorrow because its my turn to work a saturday. I hate working in community pharmacy.
Guys I'm really hungry and want a good meal but I'm trying to treat my acid reflux so I can't have anything spicy or acidic
What should I order for dindins
Deadwood, youtube, twitch
dunno yet
w a t e r
pretty okay
happy friday Yea Forums
I will be meditating
that new fire emblem game, only just started and not sure whether to pick red, yellow, blue
will watch some nathan for you before bed
murakami's book on the 1995 sarin attack
just had some home made pizza
pepsi max
will do in a bit
okay, i'm tired, recently started dating after a long relationship, and this is my first of two days where i have no dates, and i just want to sleep
fruit and veggies do well here, like a salad.
Binding of isaac afterbirth +
Overwatch league
Trying to listen to all of welcome to night vale
All the replies after my gaming is done
Red baron pizza with ranch
Already did to JOI
Good school is coming back soon and I cant wait
Forza Horizon 4
This thread
About to eat some birthday cake leftovers
Sadpanda is back, might go jack off later.
Pretty okayish. It's a quiet day so there's nothing much to do.
Chrono Trigger (Square, 1995)
Batman Returns (Warner Bros, 1992)
Prince and the New Power Generation - Diamonds and Pearls (Paisley Park/Warner Bros., 1991) (Prince is super based)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable (Jump Comics, Shueisha, 1992-95)
Pepperoni pizza and chip shop chips
A coca-cola can
Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Stardew Valley, comfy building in Minecraft.
Patiently waiting for the Friends of Mineral town remake, Rune Factory 4 rerelease, and new Story of Seasons. I love these types of games.
Nothing, been wanting to get back into anime lately but not sure where to start. I think the last thing I watched was Soul Eater back when it was new and hot.
Nothing, same as watchan, kinda want to get back into manga but unsure what to start with.
General Tso's chicken with fried rice and an egg roll
Water now, got a mountain dew code red as a sort of... Dessert/treat later as retarded as that sounds. I was craving it.
Big titty emo girls and horny milf doujins
Grand, it's the weekend. Been feeling creative lately, ordered a used iPad with a pencil. Think I'm gonna start drawing again, maybe a comic or something. I need to find a comfy board to share comics and drawings with other anons. Judging by /ic/ that's wishful thinking though.
Destiny 2
random shit on niconico
Yea Forums
maybe later
I just beat Ace Attorney: T&T. It was great and made me tear up multiple times at the end which not many things do. Will likely play Bloodstained next.
I re-watched The Last Picture Show.
I'll get a burger.
Pepsi Max
My financial situation isn't the best, I'll probably be able to sort it out, but it's a pain to deal with.
This is Hoenn right, from where you land in Slateport?
I tried playing wipeout omega but it's disappointing so I'm trying nioh instead
not him but looks it
Team fortress 2
country music from the 60s
local newspaper, textbooks for uni
Chinese food
bro, what mode?
It comes again lads, hope you all have a good one.
Oblivion, finally got all natural and immersive interiors Wirkung for max comfy. Any other comfy mod suggestions?
Dark, rewatching S1 before starting on S2
Basia Bulat
Red Storm Rising
Ice cream sandwich
Water now, gotta get hydrated for tonight
/ak/ threads on /k/
More paranoid than usual, girl I’ve been talking to for a few weeks might be a spy, but otherwise not too bad. Gonna go bar hopping with some friends tonight.
I always like to play Dishonored 1 when it’s grey and rainy out, fits the ambience.
Been trying to get into RO2 but it just feels so overwhelming. A realistic feel I guess but getting domed from a few hundred yards by enemy infantry for the hundredth time is wearing me out.
Tasty sounding drink desu. Glad to hear about the dog. What kind is she?
Great book. I like the 1970s version of the movie too with Ernest Borgnine
I know that feel. I have to force myself to hang out with coworkers when they ask but I’m finally starting to get out there
>Hunt for Red October
About as close to a perfect movie as you can get in my opinion, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen it.
>Hollow Knight
I need to get around to finishing it but I don’t want to bear the wait for Silksong
regular ones (ie pl, koth, cp). I've been to jailbreak and medic vs. engineer servers sometimes too.
Nier automata and bloodborne dlc
Nothing at the moment, might start NGE soon
Efap podcast
Family Italian restaurant next to my house has some bomb ziti
Good, move out of my parents house next week and start my post grad job on the 12th
Detroit Become Human. Having so much damn fun. Except for the girl, holy shit is this out of place and blatant as fuck. Has some good scenes, but 70% of it is boring or just poorly written. Gonna load up some other shit once I'm done.
EVO and other shit. Not really invested until top 8 stuff happens though.
Diet shit in a few hours.
Not feeling it.
Alright. Had another interview today, went well. But I'm not really expecting to get it. My tongue injury still hurts, but the worst has passed. I think I bit it in my sleep and it hurt like hell for the last three days. Broncos won yesterday so I feel pretty good overall.
One thing I'm trying to do is limit looking at pics of my ex. Her body was phenomenal but she is a terrible fucking person. I don't want to go down that path and the best way to do it is to honestly just get rid of them.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Earth Defense Force 5, Final Fantasy XIV
New Half in the Bag from the Hackfrauds
Spicy Chicken Deluxe from Chic Fil A. Rip asshole later
Dr Pepper
I'm doing a no fap starting as of yesterday.
Ok, a tad tired and worn out from having overtime for the last 3 weeks. Ends next Sunday hopefully. Hopefully I can get back into drawing some more.
Hyrule Warriors. I might play Dead by Daylight if I get drunk later.
Trying to find a Midsommar torrent but no luck so far.
This thread
I had hummus earlier
Water now, beer later
Pretty good. I applied for the Honor's Program at the Uni I'm transferring to and I'm hopeful that I'll get in
Pokémon bronze (rom hack)
Give me a suggestion. I have hulu and Netflix
Nothing really
Again. Nothing I don't have anything interesting to reas
I'm going to weigh myself and take it from there. Trying to lose weight
Latina maids. It's a bummer I can't fo d anything by this actress I really like.
Anxious and frustrated being a neet
>Dead by Daylight
Killer or Survivor?
Congratulations user, you can finally join the Golden Toothpick gang, we've been waiting for you
Good taste
>give me a suggestion
Babylon Berlin on netflix
Get Prime and watch The Boys
Overwatch with a friend. First day I got my PC back after a month. Feels good. Fuck my PS4.
Deathwatch. I wanted a WW1/WW2 horror film where soldiers are hunted by a lovecraftian creature in the trenches.
Eissenhorn second audiobook
Lords of Silence by Chris Wraight
Remy Lacroix, as always
Pretty good. Turns out my friend is silver, and barely.
I'm reading /tg/ 40kg & aos threads too.
thinkin bout gittin high and laying in bed like i always do
Thanks! I equipped it and immediately took it off. I just love my Veemo in her bandana. Also for me, it's Destiny Dane, Juliana Vega, Kitty Caprice, and Rose Monroe.
>Killer or Survivor?
Probably survivor. I play killer only to farm BP or to get dailies done.
Apex, Monster Rancher 2, KoToR 2
The Boys, it's pretty good so far
A7X, In This Moment, R.E.M
Kengan Asura again, fucking love that series
just some bacon cobs
THICC fanart
pretty damn good
Ah shit yeah son, I can't wait for their new album in a couple weeks. Also:
>mfw they released all of their music on Spotify today
Apex la, bit of Hearthstone. Reinstalling Darkest Dungeon to try out some mods
Paint dry
Ordered some chicken
Angry Orchard and Koppaburg
Gentle monster girls and their giant mammaries
Hitman 2
Gothic 2
The Mask, Jim Carrey makes it worth watching
frozen dinner
water, coffee
pretty good
Doom 3 is just so completely tonally different from 1, 2, 64, and 4 and Eternal, even though it isn't out yet you can already tell. It's got that early 2000s gritty, serious atmosphere and it's so out of place compared to the others. Also it's the only one to have the main character not be the same guy as the others. It feels way more like a reboot than 4 does, that's for sure.
And yeah, didn't mean to get into it, just clicked a random sadpanda link a couple years ago and found out it got me inconcievably hard. Life takes us down many unexpected paths.
Oxygen Not Included
Rekeita Law now & live PD later tonight
To my wife practice piano
Anxious. I've been a NEET for 1 1/2 years and I'm starting a job at a call center on Monday. Fuck I'm nervous.
>there are still Tool fans on this planet
I'm surprised
>Call centre job
You done goofed, user
>country music from the 60s
Based. Buck Owens best be on that listenan
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
A book about symbolism and religion
Pretty good
Xcom2, some Endless Space
Have dragonball super on a tab, fuck watching 100+ anime episodes
Good ol' pizza
Good ol' beer
Nothing I am just endlessly searching for high spec porn games to test my new rig because autism
Pretty good
this chess game on the library computer
the clock
some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit
this thread
not tonight or ever maybe
had some water in from the fountain in the lobby
Dick for cash most likely
fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.
>I have wondered why people like this, why?
I can't tell you why besides the fact that it just gives me a boner.
Ac dc
The fall of Hyperion
Are you browsing Yea Forums on a library computer?
Of course not, Library is closed. Just like every week.
Do you have any friends or family nearby that you can stay with? Why are you on this website instead of trying to improve your situation?
As the kids say, you’ve been jebaited.
took long enough you ignorant fuck
based autist
who hurt you
>there are still people that fall for library user's reverse bait
these are the same people btw
I fell for it because I stopped reading when he said he was at the library. Now we just wait for white Knights to offer a place to stay food advice etc
Final Fantasy 7. I really want to get into jrpgs and I figured this is probably the best place to start (I got ff9 to play after this unless ff8 remaster releases first)
RetroAhoy's doom/quake retrospectives for the 100th time
The TOOL songs that dropped on spotify today (yesterday?)
Take a wild guess
Water. Stay hydrated losers
Bored but ok
You are watching their anime, right?
Anime is for incels, so no
Tool great and I hope to see them live next year
Super Mario Maker if my friend comes over, modded M&B WB if not
Nothing if my friend comes but Duck You Sucker! if he doesn't
Phantom of the Opera
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Kinda sad Yea Forumsros. There was a girl I really liked that I went on couple dates with, but she just told me Wednesday she doesn't want to keep going. At least it's the weekend
Xenogears and Stardew Valley, finished the Silver Case yesterday which was great
Started the Sopranos
Susumu Hirasawa
Philosophy of Time
Toast with peanut butter
and at least I have my friend to hang out with
my friends who seemed pretty eager earlier to play some vidya with me tonight but have stood me up with nary a reason
Playing attila total war rn, watching both blade runners later with some steak and bourbon
Not sure, I started up Grim Dawn but it feels really boring and doesn't really have anything going for it. Is it worth continuing?
nothing RN, might listen to a podcast
dunno, probably some bookchin essays
gonna have some spicy peanut tofu with rice
whatever craft beers I have left over in the fridge.
My friend tonight too user. Just cheesing SFV survival to get fight money so I can buy Poison.
>Started the Sopranos
Feels like years since I finished, enjoy it
FF7 is a great ride, I'd suggest playing a version with speed up options though
I was considering buying this, is it worth €12.50 without the expansion do you reckon?
>Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Which House did you choose?
>Kengan Asura
FE3H, Alan Wake, the latter isn't really my kind of game, but it was free on EGS so why the fuck not, right?
Psycho Pass
Manga backlog
>Is it worth continuing?
Yes user, bite the pillow and go on
Modded Skyrim
bad, my job is terrible and im dreading monday already, I might actually kill myself if I have the chance
>FF7 is a great ride, I'd suggest playing a version with speed up options though
I'm playing the ps4 port of it, which includes things like 3x speed and a no wild battles toggle. and a mode that makes you impossible to kill and instant limits which I use to grind
Persona 5
Money Heist
Paul's Boutique
John Rector
Fried some garlic and herb crusted chicken breast in canola oil w/ curly fries (TENDIES)
Arizona Arnold Palmer
Been really into shoplyftersdotcom videos on pornhub.
>xcom 2
It is pretty good nonetheless, especially with mods,but I'd still advise grabbing the expansion, which is standalone and runs on separate launcher, which also optimizes the game much better than the original release, and has a fuckton of content
I'll just wait till the bundle lowers to about €20 then, I haven't played all of EU yet anyway.
Fire Emblem Three Houses and some nukige later.
Danmachi and Joshikousei no Mudazukai
Like a gamer.
Have to finish the second season still. Took a break after Brother-san went on a business trip or something.
>Antsy, expecting my wife to go into labor in the next week
Congrats user!
hang in there bro
Jojo is over so nothing atm
Nothing atm
Chicken curry and rice
pineapple soda
Crush offered me a trip to the beach just the two of us. i just want to fuck her so hard i don't even care if i end up impregnating her.
>Fatal Frame? I'm a horror pleb.
Did you try that Fatal Frame style 3ds game? Might be good for a pickup/putdown game as a new papa.
Good luck!
grindin Smash Ulti and playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 in between
Junji Ito collections
okay i guess
why are you grinding in ff7? you shouldn't need to
Ratchet and Clank 2016 with some MK8D thrown in
XQC or Miz
Twitch and some lofi playlist
Yea Forums and /pol/
Kraft Diner
Not today
Pretty good, got final exams everyday next week so I'm enjoying my last day of chilling
>Persona 5
I had a blast playing that game user I hope you're enjoying it
>grinding smash
Nothing major yet, but just keeping it in mind just in case my using the no encounter option comes back to bite me in the butt.
Loving it! I will give the occasional game a go on my PS4 even though it's harder for me to play below 60 fps, but the game's combat and story more than make up for it.
This shit is still alive? No way
>combat and story
Same I loved it a lot. So much that it made me want to try out P3/P4 but their availability fucking sucks, I'm hoping for a PS4/PS5 port or something.
> Mazan
My nigga
Death Grips
Nacho chips
Nigga i've been playing this shit since i'm 12, i'm 25 now lmao they're still up but they're doing the PoE bit of making temporal servers with a gimmick. keeps them afloat it seems.
its just so unrewarding and janky. why isn't there a transparent map overlay?
EVO. There's so many good games this year. Really liked BBTAG earlier today. Samsho's pretty good. Anime Evo's always got a good side tourney going on. Such a great tme. I hate that I got to work tommorrow cause EVO is always a treat to enjoy.
My Code for the VN I'm working on.
Gonna buy an onahole so I'm waiting til that.
>Sadpanda is back
Good Luck, user. I'd would say to try a draw thread instead but even those guys can be downers sometimes. /i/ might be a decent place to look as well.
Good taste with Fappan as well.
I love Jill!
ASMR Banana Chewing (Relaxing/Whispered)
some random osrs streamer for background noise
job apps
stuffed bell peppers
nah, only like twice a week max
kicked out 3 days ago, already enjoying the new living situation more i miss my cat though
I can't fucking read
Beef pie
water ... hopefully a little wine later
not in the mood
ok I guess. Better than terrible. Maybe even comfy...
Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Doom 3.
Hey Arnold via Hulu
David Bowie.
Black Coffee and water.
Old and hopeless. Getting married in a couple of months and I feel trapped. I want to find a young, hot broad and fuck her and go on dates.
Fire Emblem 3H
Evo - UNIST pools
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Water, OJ
The vicious cycle of Evo. Watch evo, convince myself to play fightan, never commit, quit, rinse and repeat
YouTube stuff, mostly Chrisraygun this evening
My typical lists of anime ops
Chaos;Child manga
Coke and beer
Alright, my typical mood
Been obsessed of 5pb/Mages inc lately. Good guys
How are Darkest Dungeon and Darkwood on Switch?
Sleeping Dogs
Been so long since I played it I forgot how dope it was
Battle rap is one of the few kinda corny things I was into in high school that I still really love
random wiki articles
barbacoa tacos
pbr 5.9
no sir
Good, going back to my dads with my brother this weekend, both of whom i havent seen in a while so i'm pretty excited.
what death grips are you listening to?
also, anyone got good podcasts to listen to? i can work with headphones at my new job but i only really listen to cum town, rap battles and last podcast on the left. need more content
Team Fortress 2
David Attenborough Docs
Yes, Pink Floyd, and Jesus Christ Superstar
Fight Club
Ellio's Pizza, just put Chicken and Broccoli in the Oven
Water and Gold Peak Tea
Bretty good
Splatoon 2.
I was gonna watch EVO but I don't really feel like it anymore.
Might get myself a burger later.
Not really feeling it, but I might beat it to some Oda Non or Nora Higuma doujins if I get horny.
Like shit, but a bit better now that the sad panda came back to life.
>ramen and tea
Basado und rotgepillioso
Some highly unusual WATCHAN there, but saved by the delicious EATAN. How’d you get kicked out?
>I can’t fucking read
>beef pie
I didn’t know they had computers in the norf
>fappan to coworker
>getting married in a couple of months
Story time
Basic burger or you got some good stuff on there?
>coke beer and chips
The feast of kings
Always good to visit family, haven’t seen my own in too long
>Ellio’s Pizza
Taste of extreme quality
World of Warcraft/Puzzle & Dragons
Swedish Fish
Do the Dew.
I bought/preordered all four figures of Chiyo from Ane Naru Mono, both the untanned and tanned versions of Shimimaru's Tanaka Yuuko, and the statue of Toga Himiko. So my wallet hurts, but I'm still pretty stoked. September is going to be awesome.
>World of Warcraft/Puzzle & Dragons
Diablo II & OSRS
Dragon Ball Z &
Space Ghost: C2C
Ghost in the Shell
teriyaki chicken, rice
sunchips, and beefy jerky
orange soda, tea
& hot choccy
I shiver with power..
.I ache with disease.
..IIii am, Batmantis!
Sims 2
Comfy boomer music from the stream, but before that I was listening to this youtube.com
A guide on how to write a resume
Veggie burger since I'm on a diet
Matcha frappe since I'm not good at sticking to diets
Masturbation porn and fantasies of having sex with my s.o.
Good but I need to shower since I'm so sweaty from it being so FUCKING HOT FUCK I HATE SUMMER
is it good? i enjoyed the FUCK out of Steins;Gate.
We think she's a full great dane, but she's honestly pretty small as far as they go. She's got smokey grey fur, and when the sun hits it it turns kinda brown.
Totally, it is by the same creators after all so you can't go wrong
I already posted but I love these threads so I’m gonna reply again
Why don’t you feel like watchin evo?I really enjoy hardcore history. Guy goes into really neat depth on cool history shit
Similar cyclist here, just sucks since I can never find someone willing to train with, feel like that would be a lot more fun
Why are you getting married then? Call of the wedding
What’s your job?
In the middle of Two Towers as well, I love Tolkien’s writing style
You can do it user, I believe in you :)
What kind of music is TOOL? Heard about them a lot today
Me and my buddies been playing some OW as of late and been having a decently fun time, what heroes you guys like
Gonna hit the rift with some buddies, my Riven is looking real clean lately
roomie was gonna watch shrek 2 for some reason with his gf so I might join
Nothing, cute league streamer for background noise I guess
LotR, I love getting lost in it
had some leftover Chinese, was okie
meh probably not
Good! Had 2 interviews today and both went well. Chill weekend upcoming, life isn’t too bad rn
Minecraft, FarCry 3
X-Men 90s cartoon, movies
Girl, Interrupted
Had Burger King
Pissed off! Someone at work stole my Sennheiser headphones!
Ask your manager to check the cameras to see who did it unless it was them
>Basic burger
Pretty much. There's a local shack here that makes them with serrano peppers, very good.
>just sucks since I can never find someone willing to train with
This would be a godsend, but none of my friends are willing outside of Smash, and begging for games on Discord has almost never went well.
>Why don’t you feel like watchin evo?
Eh, dunno. I just don't feel like watching any of the games, I guess I'm just losing interest in FGs in general.
Thief Deadly Shadows and some TF2
Nothing, waiting for Mindhunter season 2 to drop
Going to make a bacon sandwich
Already did earlier
Empty, really need a game to get stuck into. I'm not into anime waifu shit and that seems to be all that's posted on this board well that or Smash threads and others praising the walking sim that is Pathologic 2.
>that normalfag coworker who'll take your shit and give it back the next day cause he was "just borrowing it"
I did he said he would check them and let me know.
Shining Force: Sword of Hajya.
AnimEVO VSav strema.
Stream sounds
Nothing at the moment. Want to continue Dune later, though.
A pack of cigarettes.
Tuner's Iced Tea.
Downloading FFXIV right now. Some coworkers wanted me to play with them. I havent played too many MMORPGs before.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Sweet, sweet silence.
Stuff on Yea Forums and Reddit.
KFC earlier
Arizona green tea. Jim Beam mixed with coke later.
No wagecucking for me tomorrow. Feels good man.
In my workplace even taking someone's lunch means you get fired. That's why I never take valuables with me to work. I have an extra pair of Earp. Hope you get them back
what was that ninja sword game (not Sekiro) you guys were shilling not too long ago?
Glory Hammer and Coheed and Cambria
Leo Tolstoy
Saudi kofi
sfw 3dpd
holy shit how is Rage 2 SO bad
now I need new vidya
>Already did earlier
to what tho
>will do in a bit
what to tho
The Division 2 with friends and Minecraft
Food Wars
See watchan
This thread
Not sure. Maybe Pizza
I'm ok now but I was feeling so stressed and depressed this whole week. I didn't go into work today cause I was pretty sure I was having a break down. I need to contact my doctor to up the dosage on my meds or something. I think I need to quit my job soon. Idk how much longer mentally I can take it
Damn I need to replay far cry 3
You think you did good during the interview?
>Matcha frappe
I work at Starbucks and idk why these have been so popular recently
How is Diablo 2?
I've been looking for a game to get into also but nothing yet
Which dew
Based reply user
Is Splatoon 2 dead or no?
Is TF2 alive still?
>Barbacoa tacos
Muh nigga
What kind of beer
Finished the last of the Brothers in Wolfenstein Youngblood. It's okay. Imagine Dishonored levels with TNC combat with somehow worse writing than either of those. But it's nice not having constant cutscenes.
Last night I watched Maniac 1980 for the first time and thought it was an excellent slasher. OUATIH put me in the mood for westerns, and today I watched For A Few Dollars More and I can see now why it's so beloved: it's fucking awesome.
John Carpenter
Movie blood tutorials
Sprite x lemonade
Probably tonight
Pretty good lately. Work has me beat. I've been mentioning it for months, but I'll be recording a video next weekend that I'm excited to share with you nigs when it's finished.
I'm on my break and don't have time to reply, but I hope you queers enjoy yourselves this weekend.
Not at all, still has a lot of people playing both regular matches and salmon run.
Heineken, the good stuff
Stay strong user, mental health is of upmost importance!
Old School Runescape
Critical Role
Critical Role
Nothing ATM
Might order a pizza
Rum and Coke
Exhausted. Been a long as fuck week
>good stuff
Matcha is kino and delicious but fuck Starbucks. Mine is from a local place.
minecraft alpha, hotline miami, postal 2, half life blue shift
Maybe some Angel Cop?
8/pol/ , /k/, 8/k/, 8/r9k/, Yea Forums
havent ate yet
probably gonna get some water
okay, since sadpanda's back up now
wtv, like, my opinion brooo
DOOM 2, Maximum Action, Fallout 4
Stop Skeletons From Fighting and Evangelion episode 25, 26 and the movie. the show hits hard and i relate to shinji so much, this show is wonderful
Yea Forums and twitter, practicing voice acting
Had some costco pizza, gonna have some white rice, then a bunch of snacks, got me some fuckin razzles, cotton candy, pop corners and warheads
water and coke
my gfs nudes, she has a wonderful ass
I feel really happy! I got a voice acting gig. 200$ pay for my first ever gig, i have to read an audiobook. i feel so fucking happy. i achived what ive wanted to do for so long. I can only go up from here! I feel hopeful. A little worried for my future, but again, I can only go up from here. But still, the depression and anxiety get to me. Maybe thats why I'm so worried for the future, but I'm young, so I know everything will be okay. Excited to finish Evangelion. All in all, I'm really happy for once and excited, but also worried for the future, but I know I'll be okay.
I love you guys by the way!
Fallout 4 is so much fun
Is dragonball good? Should I try to get into it?
Rain is so comfy man
Should I get Kill La Kill IF? looks fun
I'm sorry about your girlfriend user.
Holy shit that song kicks ass, gonna listen to this while I take a bath, thanks user.
Get that pussy user, proud of ya!!
I got off of my meds because of that, depression sucks, but id rather be able to jack it
based loli
ill respond to more of you anons later, i have 10 bucks on steam, im feeling really good so maybe ill buy you guys a game or something. i love you guys :)
>Old School Runescape
my man. what are you doing? I have a few months sub left but haven't touched it in just as long
nothing yet (pic related). pretty bored of everything and need a new game
will pick a film out tonight
the new penguin russian course
chicken and leak pie
lesbian analingus the last 2 hours
pretty good. getting my tax return soon and a bonus from work, so i'll be set for my new laptop and maybe a GPU down the line if anything decent comes out
Diablo 2 is really fun if you like that
type of game. I saw someone mention the
game as a Jew simulator and thats prob
accurate enough.
The char i use most often
is solely dedicated to collecting shekels
(gf barb)
the aesthetic is gr8 and the loot/skill systems r perfect
pair this game w/ a gud trade forum.
also the pvp is gr8 and i still see random builds there that
ive never seen b4 to this day; last week even (tele valk zon).
Diablo 2 & OSRS r nice 'wealth' generators. games that can fund other games as well as themselves
cheers 2 u, m8. hope things sort out
Am I allowed to shill my video here if I'm literally Snake?
I fucking hate Hunter so I am grinding 35-70 to try and unlock Song of the Elves
Think I'll finally give Diablo II a go.
D.O.A., which is some crappy compilation of various punk shows from the late 70's mixed with footage of fans, outraged Bible thumpers and Sid & Nancy being vile.
Neuromancer. I tried to start it the other day during my break, but the fat fucking obnoxious cunt from the office decided to watch some shitty clips on his phone with the volume blasting. The prick. I hope he dies.
Ice Cubes raspberry chewing gum.
Pepsi Max
Nope. Meds kicked in so my cock is dead for the night.
My nephew was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis today. He's 22 years old. I'm absolutely devastated. My mother has had it for 20 years now and I've had to watch her suffer through it without being able to help. It's fucking horrible.
I haven't even touched it. I'm higher level than when I played as a kid but probably still a complete noob to most
holy fuck so many normies lmao
Fucking gamer newfag
Kill your self KYS
kys yourself sadcase
>Is dragonball good? Should I try to get into it?
Not that user but it's one of my favorite anime. It's a very fun, cozy adventure with friends. Doesn't suffer from pacing issues like the other Dragonball series. Highly recommended.
Plus the ending theme is great.
Just reunited with 2 close friends after months, and had one of the best gaming sessions.
Hope you're all having a great Friday and if not, hope it gets better. Eat well, get outside daily and take care of yourselves.
The lyrics I'm writing
Fucking nice. Wrote some absolutely lit shit. Finna be rich!!
EDF5 and mario maker 2
sseth new video
to cocks
good but pretty exhausted from all the fapping
New FE. Mua3. Madden qb1
Probably Workaholics or something for background noise
Probably nothing tonight. May give Circa Survives new acoustic version of act appalled a listen before bed cause it's gr8
A shitty frozen pizza
Cheap boxed wine
Good question
P gud.
What class are you running in D2?
A (You) for Nathan for you
>Some highly unusual WATCHAN there, but saved by the delicious EATAN. How’d you get kicked out?
that was just some memeing with the asmr bullshit. kicked out because my weedhead roommate was never clear on anything and claimed he told me several months ago august 1st was the day. being the kind person he is, he didnt say a damn word until tuesday night when he said i had less than 48 hours to be gone. thats that, i dont really understand it still, but fuck that guy.
Jordan B Peterson's 12 Rules for Life
shitty mall chinese food with 2 bros earlier, then they left to hang out with their gfs
prolly Gabbie Carter later
pretty ok, graduated engineering school a few months ago and got a good job but still dont want to do anything other than eat cheap food and play vidya. i dont spend any of the money that im making because i dont really want anything. i need some new goals
If you really aren't using the extra cash you could do some philanthropy for shits and giggles on the side. It's what I told myself I'd do if I ever hit it big.
An update if anyone should care. We fucked and it was good. MILF mommy fetish has been achieved and better yet she is into rough sex. Best thing of ll is that she doesn't want me in her kid's life. Just wants someone to talk to and be physical with which is A-O-fucking-K with me as I am in the same boat.While IDK how long it'll last until she want to get spr srs, assuming she even wants that, I'm gonna enjoy this new kink as long as I can.
Fire Emblem, Runescape, probably XIV when my EB gets back home
EVO! UNIST mostly, I wish Melty was on tonight
Some fried chicken
Pretty good, got a new bed delivered today and ended up sleeping most of it, kind of sad that I'm going to miss the first half of Melty tomorrow
i def dont have philanthropy money, just a lot more than im used to having. im fine with letting it sit in my bank account, the problem is more just feeling empty now than school is over and i dont have to study 10 hours a day anymore. you study for years thinking about all the money youll make then the money starts coming in and it's like "meh"
Could do small things. Won't save the world or anything but it's gotta be better than doing nothing.
Fuuuck m9, that’s rough. Hope everything pans aus for dich
>Think I'll finally give Diablo II a go
if you do I hope u like it. if it ever seems too bullshit theres prob a way to make it better.
also all potions stack, like thawing/antidote can stack respective res. gl out there
also nice readan, and well wishes to u and ur nephew.
my main is a pnb nec that I use for pvp now
I walked from norm Act 1 to Hell Baal in a priv game with that sum bitch this lad. this is my second ladder as a necro main. so much fun
also made a gold find barb last week and hes already paid for himself + some better inventory for my nec.
sheit is tite. thx 4 askan, sry I ran w/ it and cheers 2 u
Based. Deadwood S01 is GOAT.
World of Warships Legends
The West documentary by Ken Burns
Transformers G1 movie soundtrack
Yea Forums
Had some Costco Buffalo Chicken tendies
Diet Coke caffiene free
Pounded my meat several times to mature MILFS & GILFS
Meh. Have a 4 day weekend off. No plans but to sit and play Warships and be more depressed. I've spent about $500 on this game (I do love it), but I don't want to become one those microtransaction whales. Life is bland and boring. Had thoughts about an heroing but too many people counting on me to keep showing up to a job I am apathetic to at best.
What should I do anons? I'm 39 and feel like a lost child.
I'm just happy sadpanda is back
Cutback on jacking off so much. It saps your motivation away. Once a week and stay TF away from porn. Start working out. Take iodine and zinc. Ashwaganda can help too. EAT CLEAN FOR 90% OF YOUR MEALS. If those don't help increase your positive mindset then seriously consider looking into low T. Low T can fuck you over royally
nothing right now, maybe some guilty gear later
some old half in the bags
king gizzard and the lizard wizard
already drunk, had a peanut butter porter from a local brewer and some blue moon
dunno yet
i dunno, that same purgatory of just good enough and really depressed
want to jerk off to cocks while we both wait to get revived because an airdiver blew us up?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario Maker 2
Venetian Snares
Yea Forums
Leftover pizza
Weekend at Louie's
Pretty good. Finally done working six day weeks so I can finally get shit done around the place
yes but im an air raider
so am i
Yea Forums
blue cheese meatballs
Drunk. Got ghosted yesterday after trading numbers on wednesday, noticed a wedding ring on the woman I was talking to for hours tonight. Pretty frustrating, even if it kinda feels nice to get plenty of attention in bars now that I'm getting used to being properly single again.
Rune Factory 4, going through Sharnace Maze
Digimon X Evolution so I can figure out what this X evolution bullshit is.
Carrion Throne audiobook
Supergods by Grant Morrison
Cinnamon Roll with Cream Cheese icing
cheap soda, out of alcohol
Sansha Mendan probably, or Sadpanda is back
Feelin fine
we can blow each other up with airstrikes then jerk off to cocks when we're both dead
>The West documentary by Ken Burns
West as in Oxidant or Wild West?
do you have a discord user?
yes Bdbd#7370
>what was that ninja sword game (not Sekiro) you guys were shilling not too long ago?
c'mon bros this is important
Gonna back what this user has sagen. I fap what to ich mich, an fit takes a toll on me. Started eaten cleaner and working out more, especially running, and feel significantly egret than I used too .
I know th feel about the job. Mine is relaitowu interesting, but it the consequences are steep. I cope with beer and fäp, but you can do better I know
Injustice 2
Shark Tank
Comic Books. I learned that "the future is a riddle only time can solve."
Lamb and Rice
Starbucks Espresso Blend
Fat. I skipped the gym one too many times.
Eve Online and probably GTA Online because I'm a faggot
Youtube car videos
Yea Forums
diet coke
probably nothing
sad man
>GTA Online because I'm a faggot
That's okay, I like you anyway
Well I'll be damned, it is
And my favorites are intact
I could do a fucking cartwheel right now
Time to joyful fap to some degenerate shit
>Comic Books. I learned that "the future is a riddle only time can solve."
What can you Beat, but never Defeat?
And no, the answer is not "My Meat".
RE2 and Bayonetta
Serial Experiments Lain, A Certain Scientific Accelerator
Black Sabbath
Lolita, JoJo Stone Ocean
Hungry but don't know what to eat, probably pizza or Taco Bell
Sprite Zero, water
I shouldn't but probably some cam whore shit
i am lost i am losing i am drowning help me to breath
A drum?
alan wake
TMNT 1990
all dressed chips
JD and coke
Showing my gf Transistor, and getting fucked by the Colosseum of Fools in Hollow Knight. About to try out Mirror's Edge since I feel like fucking over a police state
Watched Queer Eye with gf
Been on a Carly Rae Jepsen binge since I saw her a week back
52 and Goodnight Punpun. Great stuff
Gf made amazing avocado pasta
wine and limoncello
Maybe weightgain
Really comfy but also productive. Prioritizing games on my backlog feels good
Also my girlfriend is getting kind of soft and it makes me wanna fucking grab her and jiggle her and kiss her and cum
I need to watch Lain. Looks like my type of show and I love the OP
>True form Midna
Good taste
I could go for some diet coke. Pity I don't have any mentos to swallow with it
Ooh I've heard the Asylum series is great. Need to check it out. We're reading Mera: Tidebreaker for my comic book club right now. It's cute
Top Gear YTP
>no (you)s after 10 hours
guess I suck
i know the feel
baller user
My man. How old was she?
I spent about two years after college fucking MILFs almost exclusively, including a friend from high school's mom. Shit was cash, miss those days sometimes.
It happens. Lupin's great.
I've been wanting to try Lupin. Glad to hear it's a good dub
damn, well im just glad to have written all of this stuff down
I think Lain is a 10/10 but it might be a bit slow for some people
>Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Doom 2
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Random Anime
I need to do that soon
I already did
Source film maker stuff
Comfy and great almost done with summer class
I realized this was too short
here you go
Good music
Uncharted 2. Picked up the 4 main games back during the PSN sale. Hadn't touched the series since 2007. Boy the first one has aged liked ass, but having fun overall.
Random retrowave shit on the Jewtube.
See above.
Been working my way through the Divine Comedy for the first time, currently on canto 24 of Paradiso.
Scotch, specifically Muirhead Silver Seal 16.
Not at the moment.
Pretty chill.
Dunno yet. Might restart God of War, Spider-Man, might get back into Rocket League... I was sucked into Detroit: Become Human but just the one playthrough was enough, I know there's a shitton more the story has to offer but I feel like I've had my fill for now... Maybe there's something else in my PS library from all the PSPlus free games that I should try.
Might watch Endgame for the fifth time. Hell, might back-to-back Infinity War and Endgame since I actually can now.
Gonna tell Alexa's bitch ass to shuffle songs by Shinedown while I make lunch in like 14 hours.
Nothin but texts from a friend who I cherish the fuck out of. Stay awesome, friend.
Stuffed mushrooms and a salad for that lunch I was talkin about.
Diet Dr. Pepper
Some depraved shit I'm sure
Pretty alright. Not the best I've ever felt but far, far, far from the worst. I hate summer heat and humidity so that's a downer.