Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I was about 2 minutes ago.

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Fuck it OP. Today's the day. I want to play an RPG and I don't care if it's JRPG or whatever.

Recommend me a game. Unless you just made this thread to bait

Not OP. If Action RPGs are fine, play Ys.

Attached: ys_chart.png (1600x900, 145K)

I can vouch for this based and adventurepilled man, Ys is kino.

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Finally started Dark Souls 1. Beat the first boss after 3 tries, off to a good start I guess.

Are SMT 1 and 2 good? I kept going up and down on how much I liked MT 2, at times it was awesome but mostly it was tedious

Because I'm at work. Just started Resonance of Fate and holy shit I wish I played it when I was a kid. It's so fucking fun.
>JRPG but all weapons are guns
>steam punk environment
>turned based combat, but has movement in fights
>positioning matters
>offense and survivability share the same resource so you can't go full offense or full defense without killing yourself
>every action looks so fucking cool
>doing the right action at the right time feels super satisfying
Aaaah, it's just so fucking good. I still need to properly buy it though.

Attached: resonance-of-fate-zephyr-screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

My man. I finally remembered how to actually be efficient at that minigame so things are going a little bit more smoothly

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Bought Labyrinth of refrain.
This shit looks more complex than EO.

Needs to get a decent discount on PS4 already.

if only. It's sadly pretty shallow despite the looks.

If you dont recognize everyone in this picture you literally dont know SHIT about JRPGS.

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I don't recognize a single character

Don't know what to play. Have octopath pending and lots of snes/ps1/3ds ones. Also not sure if I should pirate dragon quest 11 on pc or get it on switch with my last voucher, there's nothing else I don't want/have


My favorite dungeon crawler, it's absolutely fantastic.

I'm not a degenerate gamer, sorry.

>This shit looks more complex than EO.
Yeah, keyword being "looks".

I'm on the shitter

I keep getting distracted by cunny to start a new game

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I play jrpgs only for their story, gimme some kino story jrpg

Fucking gamers, I can't be asked to start a new JRPG playthrough

>I play jrpgs only for their story

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Is this that omega oppai game?

Thanks user, i will give it a shot

I have to be in the mood to play one. Even then, every single JRPG I've played I always drop. Not for any specific reason, but I find a good stopping point, quit that night, and I never pick the game up again. Rinse repeat for the next one. And the next one. I don't know how to stop doing this I need help.

Actually the only JRPGs I can remember beating are Neptunia Re;Birth 1 & 2 years ago.

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Only recognize the Grandia characters.

Do you want to kill empire scum and win the loli pope in exchange for your little sister's blood? Heres a pretty underrated one.

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Will play Pandora's Reflections later. I'm level 40 already, 10 more and I'll max all of my units level, then theres upgrading weapons that has a side effect of making impact circles harder. Soon, I can get out of that Hiyoko hell. 2500 AP per free battle is too hard to pass up.

Exact same, brother. This game is so fucking fun. The only thing I dislike is it taking literal eternities to progress through arena ranks, took me like 4 hours to go from rank 1 to rank 23.

SMT 1 is okay. Abuse Estoma. SMT 2 on the other hand feels less like a Wizardry clone, is more balanced, and is honestly a pretty great game.

I am, currently grinding some levels/additions in Legend of Dragoon also while farming cash for legendary casque and armour of legend.

because i just nutted. i'm only interested in lewd games/vids/etc when i haven't nutted in a couple days.

Oh, I guess it is still fun to play, right?
Can't remember the name of the Artist, is it Minato something?

i think it might be masuda

I wish this wasn't a Switch exclusive, I enjoyed Omega Labyrinth Z but I'm not buying a switch for that

Cumcranium thread

I'm playing Zero no Kiseki at the moment. I really wish it was more technically optimised instead of being a last psp port, but I'm really enjoying the game itself

If you like the look of LoR you'll love the game itself.

Taking a break from Dragon Quest Builders 1, playing Ultra Street Fighter IV. Might start Kingdom Hearts III soon or play the second part of Nier: Automata.

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The 2d women and oppai are hot. Is the game fun to play?

>the second part
Ending B?

I love this graphic style.
Where you play as 9s. Pretty sure it's not a spoiler by now.

Zero is awesome. The sequel is one of my favorite JRPGs. Remember to take your time talking to NPCs in Ao, as the translation is much better than Zero.

If you like mystery dungeon gameplay, sure. As someone who had been along the ride from the original OL, it has been a great ride seeing them improve game after game. It's not still the most complex one but there's a nice amount things going on. It's not shiren, but it's still pretty enjoyable especially if you're into tiddy fanservice.

>mystery dungeon gameplay
Oh man I suck at those. Guess I can just watch gameplay of the fanservice.

This thread has many people of jizzful minds.

I'm about to start Xenosaga, shut the fuck up.

It feels weird to call it the second part when it isn't as long as the first and is longer than the third. Playing only a chunk of Automata is like not playing it at all as most of the emotional response comes from endings C-E.

>Almost done with Utaware Zan
>my FE copy still isn't here because Russian post is shit
Recommend me something old and short to play.

I assume you've played the previous games, yes? Get your dick ready for Ao, Zero is just the foreplay. Best game in the franchise.

>Recommend me something old and short to play.
Jade Cocoon

Was Ys VIII any good?

I didn't know what to call it. Second playthrough I guess?

wish they made a yknow, Vita version
as they did with the previous two titles
not gonna buy it on PS4

Yes. This is coming from someone who hates 7 and Celceta and the party bullshit they introduced with a burning passion.
8 manages to be a lot of fun in spite of it.

Because JRPGS suck
>random encounters
>random encounters arent scare, just drain time and resources
>might have to grind said random encounters for exp
>bosses are 30 minutes of tank and spank
>often buffs are useless
>status effects do not affect bosses or are too weak to really change things up
>option to just spam potions
>only tiny bit of story smeared out over 4 disks
>villain is either onedimensionally evil or evil but sad

There are JRPGs without random encounters.

Then maybe Grandia 2 may be a jrpg for you.

>I have never played SMT or EO in my life: The Post

I was just playing Dragon Quest III a few hours ago.
Let a lazy nigga shitpost.

There are other JRPGs besides Final Fantasy and Pokemon, you know.

They look boring.

Yeah if I played bad JRPGs I'd probably have the same viewpoint as you too. I can handly blame you because good ones are hard to find.

I just finished playing one
it was a shitty RPG maker game that was way too easy. at least the porn was good

Just beat Tales of Vesperia. It was super fun. I really liked it. Two questions that I didn't find in my playthrough
Why did the dog have a pipe? There was some mention of it tying to his previous owner but the previous owner never was revealed?
Why was Patty so young despite actually being old?

Easily the best Ys so far, but still extremely mediocre.

I've been playing Final Fantasy VII all week on PS4. First time playing the game, since I didn't enjoy JRPGs as a kid. Honestly, I love it; just started Disc 3.

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Action RPGs though

Typical cum*brain

Help me pick Yea Forums
>Ys Origin
>Radiant Historia
>Trails of Cold Steel
>FE Echoes
>Persona 1
>Lost Odyssey

I googled it quickly and found this
As for patty, apparently she IS Aifread. Something about a spell being cast on him to transform into a little girl and forget memories.

Lost Odyssey is so good

I've only played ToCS so that one.

It's only been brought back so you faggots can archive everything before it's finally shut down because the owner is too fucking dumb as shit to find a successor among all the Epstein-level rich perverted faggots who is especially autistic about defying laws, security, and keeping his degeneracy running, and there's plenty of those.

I knew that first part about her identity but didn't ever see a scene about the transformation spell. It left me very confused.


DQ9 is fun but it's really designed around co-op, so if you don't have pals to play with i would just get a different DQ

Dark Souls is a japanese WRPG

Sorry, only recognize the Grandia series characters. Since is Game Arts I'm assuming the rest are Lunar people.

Wizardry is a western JRPG

>the GOG releases are easy to pirate
>search returned no results
k thx

Play Lost odyssey.


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How are the Ni No Kuni games?

Radiant Historia is really good. Try the original DS version first.

Precisely what you heard.
The dumbshit bronyfaggot owner stated so themselves about being tired of running sadpanda and ehentai in general. Dutch lawfaggotry, and EU rules every nation pisses on, are an irrelevant excuse.
The dumbfaggot has already proven themselves a dumbfaggot when the purge of licensed shit started a few years back with the fakku thing, and instead of just leaving the thumbnails and putting a redacted label in the title and tags of translated but copyrighted works so we know what's missing, the dumbfaggot started deleting them outright.

I'm hoping the next sadpanda clone works this system out properly.

Try Skidrow Reloaded, RARGB, or x1337

>Try the original DS version first.
You can just use the old portraits if you are butthurt about it.

I played dragon quest 1, 2 and 5, criminal girls: invite only (dropped that) breath of fire 1 and 2, blure reflection (dropped), some atelier game I drank away (dropped) some JRPG where you stick swords into the world map to change the dungeon (dropped 90% in because I got stuck on a boss) Persona 3 and 4

Fuck JRPGs and fuck JRPGfags

Ys Origin is the only great game on that list. The rest are ok, except Cold Steel. Don't play that garbage.

>owner stated so themselves about being tired of running sadpanda and ehentai in general
This should be common knowledge to anyone who cared, but what does this have to do with JRPGs?

I think I can only recognize Luna and Alex on the left.
Pretty sure the flying pink cat is from Lunar sequel.
Are those on the right from Wild Arms?
I should probably know the guy with white hair and the one with green headband
who the fuck is the loli?

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It's not just the old art direction that got fucked with. They added some pointless third timeline and changed some of the game's balancing to incentivize item pack DLCs.


Play SMT.

Ah shit, wrong thread, my pardon.

What a fucking casual

I think you wanted to post this on /h/ you degenerate

The third timeline can be relegated to NG+ if you pick the original mode, but some of the other balance stuff will still remain

No, i wanted to post it in the other thread on here talking about it.

>Make carbon copy sequel
>Add anime girls
This is Tales, SenKag, Xenoblade, Nep& Atelier games in nutshell

Pretty basic.

>carbon copy
the biggest complain about any new xenoblade game is that it's not enough like the last one

>stuck on the bridge fight of Growlanser for ages
>find out you can cast buffs out of battle and have them persist into missions
>steamroll the level and never play it again

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I am, Im playing Chrono Trigger on my modded Snes classic mini

>being this much of a basic ass bitch
Jesus Christ

so a bunch of shite games and also dq5. yea, you sure are an expert, faggot

>resort to namecalling
typical JRPGniggers

Attached: old laughing anime girls.jpg (1436x1080, 271K)

>This is Tales
Only the recent ones. The jump from Symphonia to Vesperia to Graces were all pretty big. Abyss has their own niche, and then there are all of the 2D ones which were all always improved.

Really wish the combat system was ruined by AoE spam in the 2nd half of the game

I’m not a c*mbrain, so why would it?

But you're extremely gay so provocative women shouldn't diminish your video game experience.

>being proud of being a basic ass bitch
Maybe play some JRPGs that don’t have random encounters and what not? Jesus, it’s not that hard.

what about golden sun. Ill tell you whether I played it after you embarrass yourself promising me that that game is the exception and actually good.

Why are you bringing up a game with random encounters?

Never played it. I was talking about stuff more along the lines of TWEWY.
>choose when to fight at anytime
>you can chain these encounters together in multiple rounds, with the reward of increased drop rates and more EXP
>you can even get an item that allows you to chain up to 16 battles at once if you’re feeling daring

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If I finish the game and find out its the same old junk, can I come back and bully you.

I am. FFVI

Playing FFX right now. Not having a second monitor to have the guide there and just alt+tab all the time kills the mood a bit tho. And yeah this isn't the first time I'm playing it, just want to get the 100%. Also I remember FFXIII to be really bad except maybe that big zone nearly the end of the game that let you explore a bit. Should I buy it to confirm this while waiting for FFXII to drop in price?

It's obviously Yukiu Con, fag

>never played golden sun
fucking zoomer zooming all over the thread
play the BASICS before giving opinions

TWEWY is legit one of the most unique games out there. There’s literally nothing like it.

Attached: twewy combat.jpg (256x384, 54K)

>the one fucking game that should have been on 3DS gets put on switch when the mountain of shit remakes on 3DS should have been on switch
switch version of twewy was terrible

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>J-pop stops
Thank goodness.

Not a kumbrain

It's one of the three filters of G4, together with the angel stroll and the village assault, rest of the game is piss easy.

XIII is a real chore to play because of how monotonous it is. Just walking down corridors, fighting battles that might as well be unavoidable and watching cutscenes which are mostly just a bunch of dweebs being miserable.
That being said, the game still looks nice to this day, the soundtrack is stellar and the combat is very solid once it opens up, despite the >muh autobattle meme.
I'd still say it's worth playing through it once just so you can make the most out of the much better sequels.
>should I buy it
Just pirate it dude.

>hating J-pop

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>Squeenix is full of retards
What else is new?

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jpop sucks, listen to actual good japanese music

Cold Steel. FE and RH are also decent choices. Avoid Persona.

I didn't TWEWY's soundtrack very much. Not my kind of music at all.

>not listening to a variety of genres and appreciating them for their own qualities
Get a load of this pleb.

kpop and rap are bad
anything else is fine

>rap are bad
>t. only listened to mumble trash

Just finished playing this. How come I had never heard of it? It's like an oldschool Tales game, but in space

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What are some good JRPGs that have either a modern/urban setting or fantasy medieval setting? Not fantasy-scifi mixes, and preferrably not longer than 40 hours.

Because I am waiting for classic WoW and if I start a jrpg right now I probably wont finish it in time. I will play FF XII when I take a break from classic. Also, how is YS VIII

How are the sequels anyway? There's a 8€ deal for FXIII/FXIII-2 on G2A right now.
I'm too retarded for it. When I download something I just want to press play or double click an exe and not having an ISO file that will need to replace X files/folders and rename some shit to make it work

Parasite Eve takes place in modern (circa late 90s) New York

this board isn't for your normalfagget

>How are the sequels anyway?
Improved, with lightning returns having a great gameplay.

But normalfaggots listen to mumble rap, you retard.

TWEWY takes place in the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, and is pretty much urban fantasy all the way. It’s also not too long to play through.

Attached: twewy station underpass.gif (500x413, 155K)

>How come I had never heard of it?
You're either young or casuals, or both.
Fact is you played it so it's fine.

>Also, how is YS VIII
Better than Seven (and Celceta from what I played), but not reaching Felghana or Origin.
Jumping/platforming is back, but Flash Guard and dodge are still a thing.
Overall a bit longer than it needed to be, but exploring the island was still fun.

Because it goes downhill after the second game.

>spell turned a feared pirate into a loli
Man, Japs make some odd decisions

Star Ocean 2 (that one) and 3 are literally the best in their series and are talked about here on occasion. Both fun af and have a lot to do. SO3 just has a lot more cringe with the story, however.

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i finished your turn to die yesterday
it's made in rpg maker

because it's your first day on Yea Forums

they listen to rap in general

>How are the sequels anyway?
XIII-2 fixes just about every single issue the original had, aside from the story which is somehow even dumber. Lightning Returns keeps the trend of exponentially dumber plots and is also a strange mix of Majora's Mask and Valkyrie Profile with a more active version of XIII's combat. It's weird but also really good.
If you're planning on buying them from some third party key seller, keep in mind that the ports for XIII and XIII-2 are shite and need some work to function properly. XIII-2 in particular might run like shit even after fixes.
Not Lightning Returns, though. That port turned out fine somehow.

It's amazing how you didn't understand anything about Patty's story despite it being told in the most straightforward way.

do you actually enjoy playing video games or are you a game journalist or something

Nice, thanks for the response user. Did you play it on the ps4 or the switch? I have both but I have read that the switch port performs poorly when it comes to visuals.

>some JRPG where you stick swords into the world map to change the dungeon
what game is this?

I'm finishing up my Claw run in Ys Origin and starting Oath in Felghana over the weekend. Origin really is a top tier RPG.

To be fair, I'm just parroting what I remember being told to me. I never actually finished the game because the Double-English dub was too grating and Patty's existence felt forced. In my opinion. I played through it on the 360 so I got used to the not "complete" version.

Is Lost Sphear worth $15? I disliked the demo, but can get it for cheap right now.

>To be fair, I'm just parroting what I remember being told to me
That explains how you came up with such nonsense.
Don't do it.

if I knew I would call it by name instead of like this

I played it on the Switch. 30fps is what you'll get at most, but I am not bothered by that.
Sometimes enemies that can be seen in the distance move in sub-10 fps, as though they were under a stroboscope, and it looks pretty pathetic to be honest. Overall I was not bothered by the performance in terms of not hitting my guards or anything.
But I guess if you don't value playing it on the go highly or handheld on your bed or something, go for PS4.
As a sidenote, Switch version has DLC costumes included.

Too long. Don't have the motivation to drop 50 hours on a game anymore. It sucks because I want to try xenogears but I'm a faggot

Ok thanks. Did you experience that issue with the enemy while in docked mode or handheld? I have seen some complaints about XBC2 in handheld mode but I only played it in docked mode and the game was gorgeous.

I was hoping someone else knew. Happen to remember what console you played it on?

What's the problem with it? There are a lot of missables and I want to get everything. As I said, I already played the game once or twice in PS2.

PC. but it was a really bad console port.. it was one of those anime games.

But 2 didn't even have a story.

I'm wondering if you derive enjoyment from playing video games and if so what specifically makes them enjoyable to you. What you're doing sounds like a chore to me rather than something fun, but like I said I'm curious about the appeal.

Fairy Fencer F?

My biggest problem with this game is that the "Z" Cups aren't even close to an actual Z. Also the breast size not carrying over to the skill cut-ins is terrible

Are there any JRPGs that take place in early 20th century Asia that arent Shadow Hearts or Raidou?

Towelket series, each game is really short too

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From what I remember, handheld and docked actually perform similarly, for better or worse.
That means you'll either get stuck with a framerate you won't like even in docked, or if you can tolerate it, not get much of a performance drop in handheld mode.
Maybe looking at some footage will help with that decision.

Persona :^)


did EP have a time travel segment? I dont remember any Persona game having that

Best jPRGs available on PC?

Grandia 2

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>Caligula good
Please be bait.

Because I'm drinking a beer right now. But I will, FE Three Houses

Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

Best girl even if the game was mediocre at best

I really need to replay this, especially with how ghost dad has aged

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The SaGa games.

If you like ys origin you should dislike dragon quest and vice versa

Why did nobody play her game?

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Barkley has aged like a fine wine despite 90% of the game being dead memes.
>Barkley 2 will never come out
>We'll never collect all library cards

I thought the vita version was supposed to be missing something? Should I play it on vita?

>he can't like different series based on their different strengths

not even worth the pirate


Because despite being a very fuckable thicc slut, her game isn't that good.

the PC and PS4 ports have added content and I would assume the vita version has constant and random framedrops all over the place like every other 3d vita game

I played all of them already

Because Grimrock is better.

Genius of Sappheiros
Labyrinth of Touhou
Touhou Mother

Attached: Thumbs up patchy.jpg (320x320, 31K)

Personally I would have bought Vita version, but that never came out in west so I forgot the thing existed. To be fair most people forgot Vita existed as well so it happens

But I'm gonna start playing Omega Labyrinth Life in just over an hour. Not only that, I've almost beaten Moero Chronicle and Ys VIII.

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I started with Ys VIII and it felt like a standalone game until like 3/4 through when some people said I look like some other red haired guy. That's literally it, why does it have to be played last?

Because WRPG are better and JRPG are for incels.

Nice stuff, user

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Nah, it's cool if you play the games in any order, Ys games are flexible enough to be played standalone aside from I & II. The pic is just going by the general rule of thumb of release date.

Oh, I think that order is more to see the actual evolution of the gameplay and less so about the story.
The games pretty much are standalone, except for II following right after I (they're basically one game) and IMO Origin should be played after I & II.

What is the preorder bonus for Omega Labyrinth Life? I'm gonna buy it twice since my Play Asia preorder won't get here till next week and I want my sale to count in the west.

What JRPG should I play on Switch next?
I've played Xenoblade 2, Octopath, Disgaea 5, Tales of Vesperia, Labyrinth of Refrain and Ys VIII
I don't like Fire Emblem

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Seiken Densetsu

Oh, I see it's a vibrator sword and pantsu shield. I take it they are nothing worth waiting for? Kinda wanna make use of the 3 day weekend.

I was playing Shining Force: Sword of Hajya earlier.
I have too many RPGs on my backlog and I don't want to try to play multiple at once.

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They're probably not worth that much really. I bought the deluxe version but I haven't bought those items yet. The DLC stuff really isn't worth it.

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Alright, I have now purchased the Deluxe Edition twice, once physical once digital. I've done my part in ensuring the creation of more of these games and distribution in the west.

She's the reason I bought Labyrinth of Refrain.

How's Tears to Tiara 2?

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Luca is a cute

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I do hope you enjoy the game as much as I do, user.

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I am, but I can't say I'm enjoying it all that much.

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Not him. How's the game? Been having a JRPG itch for a while now. This is looking good with what little I've seen.

That's heavily dependant if you like Mystery Dungeon type games. It's still not Shiren quality, but it's getting pretty good. And if you like this kind of fanservice as well you will find it enjoyable.

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Can you elaborate? I've enjoyed pretty much everything Leaf/Aquaplus has shit out since its inception.

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Should i give DQ11 another chance?
I liked the aesthetics but i couldnt stomach the MIDI OST and the excruciatingly slow opening.

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Why is Omega Labyrinth Z for PS4 on sale but not the Vita version?
Heck you

Just dropped suikoden, planning on playing nep rebirth 1 unless I can find something better to play on vita

Sony has been pretty weird with vita sales lately I west, didn't know it was happening in japan as well





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is that namasensei?


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Give me a jrpg with a cool chad protag
no silent protagonists
no "guy that acts like a loser but is really strong"
i want a cool likeable that doesn't act like a stupid ass trope
i want a game with Joseph Joestar or Rance

Ok, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Have a good weekend.

I have like 2400 JPY and it costs 2800 JPY

Shame. Though now that I've played life Z feels a little outdated

Grandia II
Shadowhearts I&II

I've only played the original so Z would be an upgrade for me

Final Fantasy 7

You CANNOT refute this.

Attached: final fantasy is a WRPG.png (1214x186, 103K)

>Skyrim is a JRPG
wtf I hate weebs now

I would love to play FE Three Houses but no switch.
Honestly considering buying one but even used the prices are bullshit.

>buying a Switch just for Three Houses
What do people see in that game?

waifushitters buy anything that makes their peepees hard

Even the waifus look ugly though

Well not just that I would also like to play XC2.

Definitely, it improves in a lot of things.

I'll second both of these suggestions. Yuri Hyuga is probably my favorite JRPG protagonist, and Ryudo is up there as well.

Because Im not a cumbräin, duh

doesn't yuri fuck his mom and become his own father or something? havent played the game obvsly


Great game, would recommend


A good Fire Emblem.

>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I'm more of an immersive sim man.

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2 and 2-2 port to switch when?

God I hope soon. I just hope Aquaplus doesn't stay on fucking mobile. Everytime I see a tweet from them it's about that fucking mobage shit. Which is understandable but fuck that anyway

Never ever

>does go out of his way to be a sanctimonious cunt about it
>doesn't at all express anything about what is correct, or elucidate on how he's wrong
You deserve to have itchy armpits but be unable to reach them.
You deserve to have every sneeze in your life not actually come.
I hope when you next have sex you experience extraordinary failure of libido.

I want you to step on Legos every day for the rest of your entire life.

>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I masturbated recently.

this is a JRPG, I'm playing it right now

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I'm trying, but I dunno man, been itching for one since I haven't played a jrpg in almost a year now, played 3 hours of Vesperia Remastered and FFX and both haven't really held my attention. I have been pretty busy and tired these days so gonna hit the sack early today and hopefully stick with fun and end up enjoying after a little more time.

xenoblade 2 or ys viii

why play a specific jrpg when there is 10 anime with the exact same premise and execution but without having to go through the rigmarole that is the usual grind?

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Can you fucking read? He already played those.

What's a JRPG with good gameplay, a good story, and cute girls?

I might pick DQ11 again and try not falling asleep.

hey mang I just woke up

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Interactive entertainment > passive entertainment

World of Final Fantasy, The Last Remnant, Romancing SaGa 2

Because watching anime is unironically a bigger waste of your time

omega labyrinth life is out on switch

Scrapped Princess is garbage compared to even mediocre JRPGs.

It's weird how anime rarely does fantasy adventures well.

>not relaxing, cooking a nice dinner, baking some cookies, working out, or having sex while watching anime instead of grinding the same boss in some "game" 28 times for a specific 3% drop that would be replaced in 30 minutes of advancing the story instead

Thousand Arms
Grandia (only one of the party members is a cute girl, but Feenais the last waifu you'll ever need)
Wild Arms 5

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>doing other activities while watching anime
Of course the retard with shit taste does this

>not understanding japanese
>plays jrpgs
>'has taste'

>Thousand Arms
>good story

Play better jrpgs

name a jrpg that requires no grinding for anything, including "special drops" or "best "

Yeah, Thousand Arms misses the mark I'll admit. Grandia is fine though, you can go back to your Mass Effect thread now.

>>not understanding japanese
>implying I meant it was just about understanding the dialogue
You really are beyond saving. Why waste your time consuming an audiovisual medium if you aren't willing to meet it halfway?

watch real anime, user-kun

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Chrono Trigger

Everyone has seen Princess Mononoke, user.

which one/system

pic related

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Any of them.

Fine is sort of different from being able to recommend to someone asking for a good story. It's really average JRPG stuff.

Yes it was a joy playing it again. I'd recommend also getting dark cloud and it's sequel if you haven't, from the psn store. They are wonderful ps2 games.

Because some have fun gameplay.

Dark Cloud 1 gets tedious really quick, around the time you get to Queens.

They are all fantastic. You can't go wrong with any of those. But it would enhance your experience with ys origin and trails of cold steel if you played those games in order.

name jrpg with best gameplay that actually has a tangible story along with it

Grandia 2

Story can't be "tangible"

I've been using my 3ds for SNES and GBA lately. What should I play?

I'm pretty stuck on a JRPG to play at the moment. I forced myself to beat FFIX when I didn't like it that much. And I think that kinda burnt me out. I have FFXII that I've been picking away at, but no desire to play it. Also debating playing Trails in the Sky but I think that may be just too slow of a burn for me right now?

Any recs boys?

Battle Network

do not play trails. It sounds like you need something shorter but faster, try a Ys game

Just go play walking sims since you've got laughably bad taste.

TWEWY? Game was a blast to play through, especially on Level 1 Ultimate.

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but the fact is there are tons, but you seem to want a list for every single one

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>story can't touch you and make you feel it

There aren't, and Lodoss isn't good user.

I did play some DT2 on my lunch break.

Don't you jave hatemail to write to SEGA about Sonic's arms?

>Lodoss isn't good

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It's plot is much more basic compared to the original, none of the side characters felt that good.
There was also a game-breaking freeze bug with a cutscene on the PS3 version so you had to actually skip the cutscene to proceed with the game.
TL;DR the plots boring and only tarte kept me going
I didn't finish the game I got too bored playing through it.

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Is that Deus Ex?

i already jerked nonstop for 3 days until by dick broke

now my life feels boring and empty

I mean sure, it has a nice style and charming designs, but it's devoid of substance or any meaningful story/characters.

play a jrpg

I've had Ys VIII on the backlog for a good long while. Maybe I'll play it. I really like the aesthetics.

I'm wagering you're butthurt about me shit talking IX. I honestly think that game is a step backwards in most respects from even Final Fantasy VII. Half of your cast is absolute filler in the narrative. The pacing is dogshit with constant back tracking and filler nonsense yet still somehow only manages to clock in at like 25 hours for a playthrough. Fucking Quina. Game is laughably easy. Combat is molasses. Fucking Quina. Dagger's narrative makes zero sense. And I could go on, take off your nostalgia goggles.

I actually thought the game was generally fine, but since you're being a shit I'll be one as well

>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

just came back from a day trip to a nearby city and I am burning through the AP I have in FGO

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whereas the best jrpgs have this, of course, right

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Uwaaaah, user-chan wants spoilers but he's too tsundere to ask properly, how cute.

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Tales of Vesperia

>doesn't yuri fuck his mom and become his own father or something?

no but one of the party member in SH2 does go back in time and fuck Yuri's dad to become Yuri's mom

jrpg for this feel?

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i said jrpg, not porn game for jerking off

there's no diffrence

Shit's too difficult.

Attached: fuck.webm (956x716, 1.95M)

Is this an RPG or an SNK fighting game?

Any good, semi-recent JRPGs where the antagonist(s), who are obviously the good guy(s), lose in the end?

Attached: squealer was the good guy.webm (888x500, 2.82M)

Is SNK that bad?

>Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
I already pre-purchased Astral Chain and I'm trying to save money. Also the real version of Dragon Quest 11 in September.

They probably were back in the day.

>this triggers the american

I liked it


Radiant Historia

>I liked the aesthetics but i couldnt stomach the MIDI OST
The Switch version is going to have a toggle in the options to switch the OST from Synthesized to Orchestrated.