Do you feel enemies are too aggressive in this game? I feel they took a bit too much from Bloodborne. It doesn't really work for a game that should be more methodical. Also poise is fucky.
Do you feel enemies are too aggressive in this game? I feel they took a bit too much from Bloodborne...
>Do you feel enemies are too aggressive in this game?
No not at all, I prefer the faster paced gameplay.
>It doesn't really work for a game that should be more methodical.
It's not supposed to be slow and clunky like 1&2.
>Also poise is fucky.
Hyper Armor works just fine, it's really the best poise system from any souls game.
>Having trouble with the easiest one of the souls games
Git gud
>it's really the best poise system from any souls game.
1 is the easiest by far.
No I actually liked the fact enemies felt threatening for once. Also you can still sword and board like in the old games and it plays just fine.
Bloodborne came out 2015
Dark Souls III was 2016
What the fuck I swear Dark Souls III was first
Not that guy but he's right.
>Not that guy but
Compared to most proper action games, like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Bayonetta, etc. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are still quite slow.
>Anime picture
>Dumb post
Just roll towards the enemy slighty to the right. This is the easiest of all three Dark Souls games.
>Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Bayonetta, etc
You're a fucking retard.
No, it's called enemies being reactive. In garbage like 2, enemies feel braindead because it takes them forever to react to your presence and movement. 2 is the only game where the enemy just feels like an asset and not something trying to kill you.
I felt like 2 was the easiest and I only used the Great Club
Not an argument, sweetie.
Those aren't RPGs, so go be retarded somewhere else.
God when are you people going to think for yourselves you fucking waste of oxygen.
My point was that BB & DS3 weren't like action games, ESL-kun.
I want to see Dark Souls 3 before they redid the entire game
But they aren't and never were you fuckig idiot
For sure. Common trash mobs were harder to fight than Black Knights/Red Eye Knights
explain hollowing mechanic to a brainlet
dodging is so powerful with teh stam regen, the enemies needed to be bloodborne speed.
Though that priestess boss in ariandel is absolutely insane. Faster than anything in bloodborne.
does nothing in ds3 besides changing your appearance. You only go hollow if you interact with the dark lady
Gotta love how retards like you think DS3 is preferable to 1(which it isn't), but never even spend a moment to realise that 2 had the best poise system in the series, by far.
he thinks I'm a girl
Any point in reversing hollowing in DS1 if you don't do PVP or Co-op?
You turn into beef jerky, ruin the character you perhaps spent 15 minutes on creating and your shadow bugs out which is apparently a feature of being hollow now.
Increasing your resistances and drop chance.
You need to be human to kindle a bonfire
Doesn't resistances and drop rates increase by simply popping humanity?
Ah, fair point.
oh, yeah, my bad
out fucking skilled. get rekt casul.
It's the same aggression as 1 only the entire game is about 1.4x speed
Basically every enemy gets poise broken with no effort
A lot of the fast flaily enemies get stunned(and take bonus damage in that state) when they hit your shield so being defensive is still useful
Enemies are faster, but so are you. Your roll is improved by a huge margin and the weapon swings all feel faster.
>rolling attacks ignore poise
Don't talk shit about the best Souls game you faggot git gud
KH2 has a faster and better combat system than soulsborne and also is an RPG. It's also a lot harder than souls borne on Proud/Critical.
You're right but using shields is for faggots so don't
Just a tip for the people that get buttmad at the "stunlock" enemies.
is there any statistical downside to being hollow?
do people just reverse it after yoel dies?
Oh yeah they're faggots by default so it's no problem if they use shields
Not even close to true. Compare High Wall to Burg, hollows were much less aggressive in 1 and the ones with shields tend to be more much more defensive than of the hollow soldiers in 3. 1 had to do that because the combat was paced much more slowly anyway.
My only complaints with Dark Souls 3 are that magic is terrible and that strength builds just feel too slow for the game. I don't get the latter either since strength builds worked great in Bloodborne. Ludwig's Holy Sword, Hunter's Axe, and Whirligig all destroyed. I always end up respecing later into a DAS3 playthrough if I try and use greatswords/strength.
Git gud.
Heavier weapons just require more patience. Your openings on bosses tend to be one hit then roll, two if you’re lucky. And the spacing advantage against weaker enemies makes up for the speed disadvantage. There is no good reason to respec just because you’re using a heavy build.
Enemies in this game have no distinct personality or attacks. Theyre all gorillas and even make no sense in the areas theyre located thematically.
>those spidery hands
Dark Souls 3 was the videogame equivalent of Let it Be, they didn't care anymore and just wanted to shove out the final obligation of their contract so they could go back to making material they wanted to create.
they all just spam attacks with unlimited stamina
its fucking annoying
>He doesnt luck build
I mean they also dont evrn mimmick whst theyre supposed to. You know what a zombie should do or what you imagine it would be. Ravenous, clumsy, maybe slow. Not here. Everyone is hussein bolt on cocaine. A strange looking monster? I wonder whats its habitat and personality: its cocaine. That proud looking knight? You know it, its on meth and cocaine. A dragon boss that lurks on an abyss feeding on rotten corpses? Nah it feeds on speed and cocaine.
PvE in this game is definitely the most 0olished and balanced. Even the shitty hollow mobs can be a challenge if you're not careful. I also liked how they made it so you can't just spam r1 to win against enemies like in the other games.
>you can't just spam r1 to win
yes you can
>you cant spam r1
Hohohhoo its all there is in this game
You're encouraged to spam R1, just like BB.
You know what? Shut the fuck up.
I mean you can sorta of like against weaker enemies like hollows. But the larger ones actually have ai designed to punish players who just spam shit. The enemies in the forest for example have hyper armor to one of their moves and the crusifyed dudes can dodge back when you start spamming. Also the big knights in the other areas have ai that punish players that fish for backstabs with a shield bash.
DaS2 gimmick was more enemies/mobs.
DaS3 gimmick is non-stop attack spam.
>wearing heavy armor
>stunlocked by dagger
yeah brilliant
I'm really sick of the "generic enemy flailing wildly for 10 seconds straight" gimmick.
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
What are the problems here?
You can stagger every enemy with 3 hits from the straight sword, in fact, its preferable to do so
You go in, combo them, stagger, get two free more, roll back and wait for their sperging for 5 or 10 seconds from a mile away. Then, when the super armor is off, do so again. If you use a heavy, slow sword they dont stagger at all, and youre more open to their inevitable gorilla chimp out. Its not worth it or optimal to use anything else because poise doesnt work like that.
So in DaS3 youll spec a lot in stamina because of it.
Spam r1 is the best method to kill everything except for maybe bosses and some of the larger enemies, particularly if you have a fat weapon
Which is sad because it breeds the most casual player base. It's why you see so many dudes with frosty swords spamming r1 till they're out of breath.
It applies to Hollowed weapons somehow. I don't know if it's OP or not, but, beyond that, it only affects appearance and plot progression.
I'm 100% sure that drop rates are increased WHILE you are HOLLOW. Not sure about resistances, but I don't think that matters too much.
It's an aesthetic change, also lore wise its basically there to show a lack of humanity. It also makes hollowed weapons hit slightly harder the higher it is, but they're unbelievably shit. Some hollowing is needed for one of the endings, but I think once you get past the point where you can't get any more free levels from turtle priest you can go cleanse it and get the ending.
Basically it's a pointless feature that was clearly going to play a bigger part but DS3 is designed to appeal to brainless so no fun allowed
>KH2 has a faster and better combat system
It really doesn't have better anything than Dark Souls. Nothing that game does is as good as Dark Souls.
Yes it does. I was dueling some time ago an invader and we got both similar build with straight sword. We were at a stalemate where each hit was a stagger but also the healing is so fast you cant interrupt or get an opening to kill anyone. So at some point i couldnt attack nor could he. In DaS2 theres estus and healy crackly stones thing for a reason. I think we both gave up, it sucked.
My biggest problem is how big the enemies have gotten
What made me fall in love with Demon's Souls back in the day was how you as the player were on one level with the enemies and if you either saw a dude your size in sick equipment or a dude bigger than yourself you know you had to take it seriously
This concept was lost over time and in DS3 you just fight random huge dudes all the time
The entire design scale for enemies was multiplied by 1.5 relative to the player and it really annoys me
PVP is fucking atrocious in DS3, the only decent fights are when whoever your fighting is decent and doesn't chug estus. Otherwise due to the ridiculous amount you get a simple fight turns into a 5 minute battle of attrition.
>more mad about Bloodborne not having most of this cut content in it than I am about DS3 being shit
To think how much more we could've had if not for Snoy. I don't actually know if Sony is at fault but I dislike them so it's easy to blame.
DS2 was hobbygrade-made for gamers tier.
You guys should admit this much about one of the finest installment in soulsborne.
There is so much in ds2 that is a clear improvement on the series, such as ambidextrous weaponry and powerstancing. It's just a shame they dropped the ball in so many other ways that it got lost in translation.
The biggest issue it suffers from, however, is that people take SotFS as the primary way to play it, when it was actually designed to be a challenge run for people who already completed the original, making peoples view of it even dimmer
>i only like when franchises are ruined by missing basic points established years ago
Dont you have to go play infinite warfare?
Enemies arent really any more aggressive they just throw more at you right away.
The real problem is that Froms idea of "extra difficulty" is just
>add a silly delay to the enemy attack
Do this on every enemy in a sad attempt at roll catching and you just made das3
From hasnt actually completed a single game except maybe deracine and sekiro.
Tons of ideas are always recycled into the next game.