This is your healer for the day, say something nice about him

This is your healer for the day, say something nice about him

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can I suck your cock?

but i want to heal

Damn, he's buff

unironically 99% better than cattranny trannyra bunnytranny middietranny or trannyzen

id rather he tank for me so i can watch his ass

This is your tank for the day, say something nice about her

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>still can't mute/ignore/blacklist people in dungeons

how does square enix keep getting away with this

>still can't black list sellers from my PF

Remember to lock your fucking Hotbar.

deserved it

man i really wish i could land some real fucking passive aggressive weirdos or something
the worst i ever got was a tank that was trying to blame me for getting us all killed on a big pull at the start of a dungeon then immediately apologized when i responded "well at least pick a stance before pull"
that is literally the worst i ever got when playing this game, other than someone trying to curbstomp my character in some weird attempt at cringy roleplay
this was back when heavensward was the hottest shit though, maybe its just gotten worse

no you dont

Serious question, why are all healers fucking huge sluts?

what made you reach that conclusion?

Not on this game.

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honestly i just suppress the shit out of it even if i find the roleplay/idea hot as fuck. ultimately i know i dont want to waste my time with that shit
again couldn't tell you why outside of thinking the idea is hot. i choose not to act on it.

What happened to my regular healer?
This isn't covered by my insurance.

I'd like to punch your right eye and also turn it red, you heterochromia looking fuckface.

Gotta be honest with you, user. Your OC looks like pure fucking garbage.

>quit FFXIV because bored and tired of the autistic drama.
>Hear shadowbringers is exceptionally good.
>Get urge to play again.
>See this shit.

I main tank and seen all kinds of bullshit in dungeons. Thanks for convincing me to not go down that rabbithole again.

Should i play whm or sum?
I kinda want both, but not sure which one would be comfier for msq.

Cluster Beeeeeeeeee
Sometimes you just know someone was regularly locked in a closet when they were kids.

The worst I got was a sprout tank asking me the healer why I wasn't topping him off to 100% health but was instead doing damage most of the time. I explained to him that there's really no need to keep him at 100% all the time, as long as I keep him alive the goal is accomplished, and that we as a group are better off with me helping speed up the run by doing damage as well, to which he replied "Yeah, I guess that makes sense." and we carried on and finished the dungeon without any fuss.

I've gotten worse shit in WoW to be honest. Like tanking deadmines with a warrior and people started harassing me because I don't have heirloom gear. Like 2/3 of all dungeon runs were like this until I started playing dps.

WHM feels like fucking god at 80.

well whm is a healer so youll at least enjoy the incredibly short queue times throughout msq and as a someone who pretty much only plays healer its one of the more braindead jobs(i think all the healers are braindead though)
i could not tell you much about smn though. my best friend is a smn though and he enjoys it. i think he's very good at it too. its dps so queue times might be longer, but remember that first timers often get priority anyway.
its amazing what a well-thought out reply can actually do some times, especially to a newbie.

I want to pin him down

what if he pins you first at missionary position

>no thread on Yea Forums, check /vg/
>they're still unsalvageable
>check back on Yea Forums
>this thread is all there is
Maybe the janny was right.

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What would you like to talk about, user?

It's like 8am in America, what did you expect?

You're not often see retards and drama queens but they're real. They don't have any self-awareness and actually double faced. The worst - FC circlejerk full of shizos or memers. They're not even trolls, just troglodytes

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I wouldn't resist nor would I mind

>xivg is still on meltdown
jesus why cant mods just purge that general and give everyone there posting global one month ban

>Get Sor Khai
>Healer wants to speed run and continuously pull ahead of me
>Gets to group of adds after first boss
>Once the Zu spawns he runs past it and pulls the second
>Decides to stand right next to me when two Zu's are cleaving me and several of the chicks are doing aoe damage
>He dies and then I promptly dies
>Calls me a shithead for causing a wipe
>Tell him he shouldn't be standing with me when those two adds do cleaves
>My screen goes black
>"You have been dismissed from the party"

I'll always remember you Aj Mahammudi; go fuck a goat you stupid shit.


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>mod the game to look worse

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They're unashamed ban-evaders. It does nothing. /xivg/ is literally all they have.

Based meltdown healers

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I need a good dancer glam for my female midlander
Please help. I've been using the rainbow shirt of aiming but I want something a little fancier

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How do i get rid of sprout/crown thingie, i came back to xiv for i dunno, a month now? and still have the damn thing, makes me feel makes me feel like i should know what dungeon strats are.

Why didn't you kick that fucker as well? Passing Aggressive players who act high and mighty deserve to eat a shit sandwich.

Or just keybind every potentially relevant ability, especially if you're raiding savage
what a dummy

The healer was queueing with a friend and friend needed to brb, rest of the party wanted to kick him.

You only need half of the party to agree to kick.

Yeah and after they kicked the first guy they should've kicked the healer as well. Is there a rule against being able to kick someone when a spot is vacant?

Are the really people who don't bind every skill to a key? It's one thing not to do it during leveling, but if you're max you should never be clicking on things.

>never get any drama
Maybe you should stop attracting it

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You laugh but, fairly sure this guy will NEVER let you die ever.

I think you belong there. Just stay there with rest of you mentally ill.

You probably have the returner icon, in which case people will know you've been gone for a while. You can remove it by targeting yourself and editing your search info, or typing /returnerstatusoff.

What happened was that me (the tank) and the other dps kicked his friend, he had his meltdown, the other dps left, and then I kicked him shortly after that screenshot. It took me a minute because I've never kicked anyone before since I'm rarely confronted with such relentless autism.

>just don't play MMOs!
Epic solution

Well I think you belong there.
Now what?

I'm surprised he didn't just leave, you don't eat a 30 minute lockout if it's less than a full/light party.

Not them but I also rarely see drama on my parties.

h-heal me straight in the b-butthole

He stood post for 18 straight hours once in Afghanistan user, 30 minutes is nothing to him

18 hours is pussy shit

Oh thanks user.

Only had drama one time and that was when a guy found out their was a girl in the guild then started to bitch about a girl being in the guild. He got kicked a few minutes later.

As a Blood Raven scout, Indrick Boreale remained unmoving in a sniping perch on an icy cliff for eighteen solar days before granting the traitor mercy with a single shot.

>multiple people clearly from the same FC in the raid
>use party chat instead of FC chat to spam emotes and shitty tranny in-jokes

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Based and redpilled

>When I play healer I tend to go for either cute or tastefully fitting attire
>But now that I want to play XIV again and will likely go Gunblade, will probably aim for a fe3h Byleth aesthetic

Good job OP, re-enforcing how gay this game is.

>Demonbook fight
>Tank keeps stepping in slow heavy goop
>He can't for the life of him slide during ice floor
>Keeps dying during book slam
>I cure all this shit before the attack starts
>Keep dying
>Blames me
That's why i quit healer and now i wait 10-15 mins to play

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After 400 dungeons tanked i stopped tanking.

See he has to, since everyone knows he's a faggot highlander, and therefore a man, and men have to be good at vidya. If he fucks up he's out the window.
If you're smart like me and play a melezen healer, no one suspects you to be a faggot and instead thinks you're a fujo, and will forgive you fucking up since women are bad at vidya.

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fem? if so based and still cutepilled. i love her tights

>male Elezen

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Any one have preset for Ardbert?
I wanna gay him out

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Depends on how I fantasia.
I actually like male Byleth's aesthetic overall more by a bit, but considering I'd still have WHM as my healer choice and want to try Dancer, I'm not sure I'd want to deal with figuring out a fitting dancer outfit that doesn't make me feel gay.

What does that skill do?

Common thing I think people fuck up in the sliding part is that on kb+m, you have to hold down both mouse buttons to get to where you're pointing. If you see a player get to the side and then just keeps bumping to the wall, he's not pressing them both down.
>Blames me
Fuck that guy though

I don't understand how there are so many people dying to that mechanic of that fight. Every time it gets into my roulette I have the rest of the party wipe, despite them already having multiple lvl 80s. Luckily I can solo the fight with DRK, but it's a slog.

>Finally clear e1s
>The shitters who kept causing wipes get the loot
Fuck this game, go back to the old system where it drops slaying/maiming/etc.

>"Sid, take out that jagged dragon dick and pulp my little half-dragon hole until it's a bloody mess!"
Woah what the fuck Ishikawa?

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>clear e2s but only parse at 50%
guess im a shitter

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i relate somewhat. i sometimes have a real cool vs cute struggle
cant help you with the male dancer issue, though. my characters female and i still dont see myself ever playing the class.

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What Skyrim mod is this?

Can't fix retards with a 150s cooldown.

When will people start unsubbing?

It's already starting, hence the Fantasia promotion. Savage isn't for everyone, so lots of people will leave until 5.1.

probably next week, i dont really feel like attempting leviathan or titan in a pug, and i'd need to pentameld all my gear anyway.

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I already did since I'm done with MSQ, sub ended today. Many will do the same, just play the first month or two.

depends on ur gear.

>Lewding Ardbert, the haver of a hard life

fuck you

if you clear it your parse doesn't matter. it only matters if you constantly wipe and are looking to kick someone

levi is doable without full pentameld

Why are healers always the most insecure and generally the worst players in any given group?

enough to do it once to make it easier to 3man later on when he dies on second transition

my sub will run out in a week
gotten all four roles to 80 did the main story did role quest now to play classic for a few months and when that dies 5.1 should be out and I'll level up dragoon through NG+

Damn bro, you’re a healer? You’re looking hot as fuck!

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Are you samefagging? They look the fucking same

what necklace is that?

Here's your raid group bro

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Why do people say this is better than WoW? Looks gay as fuck.

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You cleared, that's the important part. Optimize more next week.

Why am I raiding with only 5 people?

Limit break
its a gauge you fill over the duration of the fight. Afaik all primals have a partywipe skill at the end of the fight, making it a last minute dps race that pretty much requires a dps to use LB.
That said someone else could've easily done LB instead so they're all kinda morons

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that tail is THICC

>Since I don't care about Savage have a ton of VIII Materia
>Sell them on the Market Board
>Get at least 1 million every day
This is nice, I now have a budget to fast level all of my low level crafters.

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Skunk man in the back looks like a certified pussy slayer. I'd bro it up with him.

>I'd need
Savage is tuned to base line ilevel now. Gear only matters in Ultimate.

I should start selling it. I do hunt trains and have a ton of the stuff.

>only gay threads are safe from gamer spammers

I'm scared to do savage bros I haven't done it before

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>none of the DPS feel satisfying to pick up as an alt job to play on the side
So this is the power of the tankpill...

Thats literally me since I took that screenshot

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Play BLM

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terrible hair


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I know, but its chuuni on purpose

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>''Ninja is the hardest job atm!! We need potency buffs!!''
>Well, fuck it, i like challenge. I`ll try my best with NIN
>Turns out the most hardest part of NIN is the opener. His rotation is piss easy
Wow, just wow. I`ll stick with MNK

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Speaking of which, are there fflogs for BLM that never use leylines? I mean it's only a theoretical 15% damage drop, right?

>be a shit noob BLM
>just started playing it a few weeks ago
>always getting rescued from standing in shit
thank you based healers

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It was only a three-day ban, right?

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because you have to be the most beta passive bitch to heal people

t never use meisui optimally

>thread with man in panties
>0 instances of c umbrain

Confirmed that it's literally about hating waifus.

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Once you start wiping for hours and hours it kind of just makes you numb. I wouldn't do savage unless you REALLY want to hate this game and community.

This is a dumb question. People that manage to use it well know their job and the fight better. People that literally never use it aren't confident in their job, don't know the fight, and aren't going to be allowed in serious content.

If you can do Ex Titania and Innocence well then you can do Savage

I'm interested in the baseline of the class so I can calculate the error margins and how they affect DPS overall on statistics. I don't care about your powertrip about how they're not allowed for serious content. I want statistics and not anecdotes.

background to this?

>duty roulette
>get praetorium
>silent chat
>except for one guy
>he is replying to all npc dialogue
>laughing at his own comments
>thirsty for comms at end of run

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Fuck quietus in e2s

I just like being able to decide who lives and dies

heaven forbid someone try to make Praetorium a little less mind-numbing

>people dont talk preatorium
shit group he didnt deserved to be non-commended

If you can't get your clear this week good luck for the rest of the expansion

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>log in late night for a quick dungeon run before bed
>pull big, astro has some trouble but I survive so I keep going
>wipe on the second big pull, I might've rotated my defensive cooldowns sloppily but it happens, I'll just try to do better on the pulls after the boss
>healer is completely silent the entire time, not a single word typed
>get to the first boss, we wipe because they died to mechanics, literally had fucking nothing to do with me
>walking back to boss
>suddenly I'm removed from the instance, got votekicked

I still don't know what the fuck I did to piss that entire party off enough to kick me, as far as I know they weren't even together.

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a BLM without Ley Lines isn't "baseline," it's outright playing wrong.

I mean all they had to say was "I'm a shitty healer, please do small pulls" and the tank would have obliged

black bunny is a pedo that posted modded screenshots of the ingame children on twitter, with se name on then still and also his ingame name

You are a fucking idiot that doesn't even understand the meaning of either word. You're literally not doing your job if you're not using your abilities. Might as well drop Enochian and never use Thunder spells while you're at it. You're in a roundabout way asking is it okay to be lazy.
If you want to see the DPS difference, try a training dummy.

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I've literally never heard of that show until a month ago so I thought I'm like the only one who's seen it, and look what I ran past today
>inb4 "Hey thats me"

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bros i'm scared of getting into content harder than hard mode trials and the like, what do

>3% void walker enrage
>1000 raid dps short with no deaths
welp time to buy crafted gear/tomestone accessories for everyone, i didnt realize how hard of a handicap 340 pieces would be

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Why is fire 2 and blizzard 2 so shit? I can't wait to remove these two waste of space once I get umbral hearted flares.

>momopoco already cleared E4S
This artist is based.
I still can't clear E1S with pugs

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There are like 20 e1s parties up at any given time, just join a learning party and give it a shot. If you've done e1n you've seen half the fight anyway.

I cleared I'm just mad I died
>sideway ahriman during protean wave

Top one?
Dumb streamer threw a hissyfit at people pulling before countdown finished, then afk'd. Got reported and a 3-day suspension. Considering he did this frequently, it's deserved.
Bottom one:
/xivg/ ebinist and redditfag had a twitter in which he used mods to lewd Minifilia/Ryne and Khloe. Someone from /xivg/ reported him because he was too retarded to not leave a social media trail, and got a ban for it. Might be a perma-ban, 20 day is just the minimum. The lesson learned here is that you can successfully get modders banned, so feel free to do so.

Just join practice party. You will not reach even adds with them so don't worry
pots maybe?

hey guys I just started playing this game a couple weeks ago. I'm at ~70 of the 100 quest preHW nightmare. My first MMO, enjoying myself a lot, hope I get really good and everyone likes me. okay thanks for listening

What do you play

i'll give it a go, thanks user

You can start getting out right after the slicer, it's way easier than Chaos.
Pretty sure my clear had most people under 450 and it was fine. Most likely your DPS were shit and kept getting damage down during cycles.

>Cleared E4S with my group yesterday
>But i do not feel joy at all

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The first 2 raids in a tier generally are not much harder than an ex primal. If you're pugging it you'll probably wipe over and over until you could do the fight in your sleep

good luck user keep having a good time

>pug life
>e2s down after 6 hours of trap party dps getting hit by adds
>e3s filled with people lying about how far they've progressed and joining post tsunami 2 parties
gib early morning static pls

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We keep hitting enrage but with the boss at 10-14% HP

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>You're literally not doing your job if you're not using your abilities.
I don't care what your opinion on this is, get this into your head. I don't care for your personal agenda. I don't care if you think it is lazy or not. I want the statistics. I want links to fflogs where BLM's did not use leylines to calculate the margins on how 15% affects overall performance when the rotation is otherwise performed perfectly. That way I can train a machine learning model and get hard data on the performance of single skills in any perfect rotation. Like, can you stop thinking like a single cell organism and actually get it into your head that I want DATA on this?

why is my healer dressed like a fag?

>blue parse because healer let me die
it hurts bros

>9th because healers can't heal

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there are probably like 300 parses for your job currently. you're being compared to 300 other people who cleared

>finally clear e1
>82 because i'm retarded and used despair two gcds early

>probably has the most boring combat in the world
>probably has the most archaic, old and poorly designed login system in the world

good luck resetting your password if you forget it

Only if you're a AST main.

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as a healfag in training i think a lot of them tunnelvision on keeping tanks and other healers alive. a couple of times i've found myself letting dps die out of fear the tank might die, only for it not to have been a real issue

>Ninja mains

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Look at this manly man, takes life as is, keeps other responsible. This game truly has a great community.

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You're not going to see fflogs of that, because no one does that. You're not asking difference between people who use food + overmeld + potions vs people who don't. You're asking stats of people not using their basic job abilities, when anyone who does that content will also use their leylines because it's a basic part of their job. If somehow someone's not using leylines, then they're not of equal skill and the stats aren't comparable between people who do. Do you understand?
If you want numbers, try training dummies.

>New people wipe on E4
>Tank ragequits
>3 other people leave
>Get new people

tanks won't die during stack markers

Fucking hate people begging to get kicked, it's so annoying they get no punishment when kicked. Cunts

>all the monk bandwagoners
yikes, that job has been unpopular since 1.0 and now that it's overtuned and even more boring than before everyone's playing it

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>debating using the free fantasia to make myself look like the stand in midlander from the trailers
>the new stubble isn't available

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i joined an e1s party as a tank and the first tank kept shirking me while the boss was using spear of paradise even though he said he was going to holmgang it. i told him he should wait until after i provoke it after he takes both hits but he never acknowledged me.

did i run into a true tank chad or a legit retard?


>ogcds gutted
>don't even need to care about positionals anymore
can't wait until they add that effect to open eyes and LotD

stupid ass lalafell.

>all those cries for WHM nerfs
>WHM is only 300 dps above SCH
B-but WHM does more dps than tanks.
B-but WHM doesn't lose dps using gcds because they have afflatus misery
B-but SCH dps is weaker now
B-but AST cards are shit

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this faggot shit is why only trannys play that game.

I am newfag. Playing Scholar. Any quick nuggets of wisdom not to be shit or will I be fine just whackamole healing

Also Alphinaud best girl (male)

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Fuck me, what is it exactly about MMO's that draws out all the autist?

>Skipped his SAM look
Lmao, yeah, it wasnt good

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In prog groups white mages are usually the ones healing everyone up while scholar spams broil because they have lower HPS and are mainly there for shields.
Try actually raiding.

>stood around afking for dungeon queue
>three lalafells in questionable outfits gather around me spam emoting for about 10 minutes
>figure they're trying to get me to leave or something so i just watch youtube

why is it always lalashits

Why would I ask the difference between food or not, when those are pure stats that I calculate pretty much with no reference on my own? That's like doing 1 + 1 and I wouldn't ask in this thread, because most people are not brainlets who couldn't do that.

Here is what I need more of:

I can't train my model like this, because with these few it will tell me that Leyline uptime actually decreases DPS, which obviously can't be true.

SCH is braindead 'i wanna afk but also heal'
Alphinaud is a stupid fuck

Nice reading comprehension.

Gonna create blind pfs for savage this weekend for the wagies, what am I in for

Its amazing how more realistic they made the poster WoL look over the expansions without majorly fucking him up.

No man should be that handsome.

anyone with half a brain realized that WHM wouldn't do absurb damage in Savage, once they actually need to heal they stop doing so much damage. The EX fights had no damage at all.
Scholar players just endlessly whine even though they're always the best healer.

>poison vice of virtue
>BOTH healers go for me
why? is it because i have manaward

You're going to see WHM soar above the other healers next week.

They're generally unenjoyable and poorly designed with heavy repetition in mind.

So they tend to mostly attract women, retards and autists.

You watch your fucking mouth

What about this game is good? There's 0 class customization, character customization is literally pick 1 of 5 presets, the combat is boring as fuck and from what I hear crafting is absolutely pointless because bosses drop best gear.

Why the fuck are people playing this shit?

I wish he'd die.
Literally most uninteresting character in the game.

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Fuck off healer faggots, nobody plays your homosexual role.

I always went for the dragoon for their bloodbath.

little b-b-b-b-bitch baby boy, leave or deal with the run or maybe use your words much more meaningfully when asking to be kicked. That way people might see you're human for once and will actually kick on demand. Kind of like how teachers taught you to use full sentences to ask for tendies or your diaper changed again

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Good, more free materia and instant queues for me.

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>get castrum
at least you got the good raid.

What was that? You need 15 dps? Too bad, you still need to get 6 healers.

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Story gets interesting from Heavensward on, boss fights are very flashy and well presented visually and musically, and the fashion/housing systems are very strong.

Those are pretty much the only reasons anyone plays it. Oh, and it's pretty much the only real weeb MMO out that's big, so it also gets a lot of retard weebs who don't play anything without catgirls.

Basically, look at

Game is full of fights like that.

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>doing downsynced content
>hit something with inner beast
>don't get a chunk of health back
>don't get a short def buff
Dammit, it's not fair. Yoshi should have just deleted this class with how fucking hard he butchered it. War excels at absolutely nothing while also being the simplest tank. It NEEDS some kind of edge. Yes im a little upset.

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Wait, is that why FrogOperator is private now? Lmao

Unfortunately, no, I went for an OC name. You'll be surprised how many name references to obscure-ish shows there are among XIV players.

>not being a craftchad
>actually gearcucking

Pre-pull Adloquium on the tank.
Alternate Adloquium and Physick if a bad tank is melting during large pulls.
Avoid gcd healing by making use of your ogcds efficiently.
Dissipation can be a dps increase due to energy drain if you don't need the fairy for 30s, it can also help with on-demand burst-healing if things are going wrong or you need three more lustrates for the tank. You can also use it at the end of a pull, the fairy will be back on the next. That's three free Aetherflow.

Other than that it's easy, you'll be fine either way.

I'm not. I just heal people because I want those sweet assists and points not attention.

Shit like this is so jarring and the main reason I avoid Limsa like the plague. Absolutely disgusting.

Attached: 5AB32153-5313-45EE-A60E-8CF386DA8A3D.png (952x717, 471K)

Attached: manofculture.jpg (448x401, 20K)

>There's 0 class customization
There is fundamentally no difference between a class with three (optimal) builds and three different classes. You just have the illusion of depth and choice when there really is none.

Adlo on the tank before a pull, and whenever he starts taking load of damage use that first before you start spamming Physick.
Use your fairy's Whispering dawn liberally, it's free healing.
Succor on bosses, and reapply it whenever it runs out.
Sacred Soil is a big pile of shit.
Lustrate and Indom are your panic heals.
Once you get Excog, slap that on the tank whenever it wears off.
Otherwise just DPS.

>not being a craftchad
Who said I wasn't?

Attached: 1544327782981.png (271x41, 10K)

>not doing hunt trains

Attached: 70704093_p0.png (240x240, 41K)

>another forced cringe meme

Why do so many people love the story in this game? It's fucking atrocious, padded out the arse and not engaging at all. I swear the people who love it are braindead and have no concept of what a good story looks like.

>Tfw WAR was always my favourite tank
>it can’t be that bad
>level it to 70
>okay, maybe it’s better at 80
>it’s literally the same
>only “new” ability is Nascent Garbage
>”advanced” abilities with enrage are just old/removed animations dyed Red

What in the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 54FCDAF4-1A5C-4D4B-B537-78066C40FE63.jpg (288x252, 24K)

I'm pretty sure there's like
not a single BLM player
that cares enough about FFXIV to parse
that is also retarded enough to not use ley lines
even just for fun

If DPS take avoidable damage and die before you have time to heal them it's their fault entirely

>zero fucking spam

Fucking knew it

Discord Trannies

So if tanks get harassed for being reckless idiots, and healers get harassed for being selfish incompetent backseaters, is DPS the safest to play?

Let me put it other words then. If you've been fat your entire life, how would you objectively know the difference if you would lose weight?

It's fine if you don't care and don't know, but please stop responding if you're such a brainlet.

I've tried to make WoL character but his face isn't really available, its similar but still custom in the end.

>try this shit on at Yea Forums
>get laughed at by the userbase
>throw a shitfit and try to spambot in response
>mods instantly shut you down and the next day block your scripts and filter your shitpost
>throw a site-wide kiddie tantrum all day
Get fucking shit on skiddie

Attached: laughingredjumperman.gif (245x320, 1.55M)

This stuff makes me actually cringe.
I shudder to think that someday I might be stupid enough to be paying for a subscription game just so I can grind boring chores to get arbitrary numbers especially when it's been proven time and time again that simply having one gathering and one crafting class and buying mats is much, much more efficient for making gil.

Make sure you are always casting a spell at all times and you are automstically better than 40% of healers.

>sacred soil is retarded
Don't be retarded. Not only is it an aoe lustrate after the upgrade, the damage rediction on the tank alone is better than a lustrate as long as he takes about 200% of his max HP in damage within 15 seconds (which happens easily in big pulls).

>Succor on bosses
This is also retarded. Do you spam medica 1 on WHM too?

tanks and healers only get harassed because everyone is above making fun of the DPS, they are expected to be retarded.

if you want the data for not using Ley Lines, you're going to have to do it yourself, because no one parsing is retarded enough to not use Ley Lines.

>What in the fuck were they thinking?
That people only play WAR for the BIGNUMBER!!, so they added an even bigger number now that every other tank has an ability stronger than Fell Cleave.
As for the animations, small indie company, please understand.

Yes, because you cant call out DPS for being shitters since the game doesnt give you methods to know which one is shit.

I've literally never had an issue

it was 300 last i checked yesterday afternoon

I don't play a BLM, though and from what I've gathered so far, less Leyline uptime actually means a better parse for some reason.

This request is still retarded because there isn't content that requires you to make that kind of choice and the ideal BLM choices are obvious, they only get messy if you didn't plan ahead correctly, you don't need to know the exact gain to know that any uptime is always a dps gain and more uptime is more gain

If you really must have these exact numbers just run it yourself, it will only take a few minutes

>stop having fun wrong

Attached: __khloe_aliapoh_miqo_te_and_t_kebbe_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_xiv_drawn_by_yana_mori__0f075a1c (1253x1770, 1.56M)

What are you talking about, are you okay?

>Try out new job in a group setting
>Queue up for trial, raid, or alliance raid
>Every single time it's a wipe-fest

This sucks, I'm always getting horrible first impressions of jobs in group settings.

No one even PRETENDS that leveling crafting is fun. Fuck off.

Yes user, I pay a monthly sub to play the game. THere's nothing cringy about it.

holy shit with that amount of eye cancer why the fuck wouldn't you play Black Desert? At least you get fun combat and better customization with that.

No I said Sacred Soil is a big pile of shit, not retarded, because it's a big pile of shit.
And you have endless Indoms? Literally what other mass healing spell that also gives shields do you use?

user you might as well check data for people who don't use any fire spells.

then I guess you'll have to play BLM to find out

>That people only play WAR for the BIGNUMBER
We also played it for the great self sustain-ability it USED to have. Now whats it got? Fucking nothing.

>send all week trying to force it
>sadpanda comes back up, drowning him out completely
that guy must be on suicidewatch lmafo

>using a fight with only EIGHTEEN BLM parses
you could at least be looking at Eden Prime

I misquoted, sacred soil is one of the most strongest things in SCH's kit because of the reasons I wrote. Even before you get the regen and it becomes ridiculous, it's still strong when there is an absurd amount of incoming damage, such as a big pull.

And you don't use succor unless you have no choice or for scripted big hits because you have tons of other things to aoe heal, such as indom, sacred soil, fairy wind, your co-healer, etc. Upkeeping it is stupid and is the equivalent of spamming medica the second you see anyone take any damage.

Did the CD on whispering dawn get reduced over the years? I played SCH in 2.0 and recently came back to it and now I feel like it's ready all the time.

>We also played it for the great self sustain-ability it USED to have.
Yes, but that would go against the job design team's decision to make every tank a different flavour of the same skillset. Can't have any tank be somewhat stronger in one area.

>upgrading a single 40 piece to 450 crafted is 400~ dps gain
>side grading a single blue 450 to 450 crafted pentameld is a 50~ dps gain
how is this not p2w
im losing 2300 dps just from being poor, and being a burden to my enrage parties

Attached: 1562275012063.jpg (720x709, 36K)

>retard eats shit and then blame healers

>how is this not p2w
You aren't paying for more dps. And you don't even need crafted gear in a month.

That's why I specifically asked for parses, because I don't have enough of them. Instead people chose to throw in their personal opinion about BLM.

Here are some samples from Titan and I seriously don't understand the correlation. Why does DPS decrease the longer BLM's stand in leylines?

29.69% 15,148.8
29.87% 14,131.3
29.91% 15,375.7
29.93% 13,825.7
29.97% 13,672.8
30.25% 12,173.2
32.12% 11,574.3
32.51% 11,694.8
33.93% 10,119.6

>The lesson learned here is that you can successfully get modders banned
No you can't, every time some retard posts about this shit on twitter it's because they LITERALLY. Had the URL to their twitter or the @ in their search info. Dilate.

not him but
>insecure healcucks gets defensive
Just go play another role if you're so thin skinned. I've had a healer that refused to heal because the tank pulled more than one stack at a time and didn't wait for his mana to fully regen before each heal. I bet you fucker would defend him regardless.

levelling gatherers is very comfy though

You getting 3x vuln or dying like a retard and then geting vulns again after I had to waste a GCD + mana to raise your sorry ass isn't going to force me to constantly heal your ass just so you can die like a retard again :).

>comparing goetia heroes to savage raiders

>flares+ stack markers
>eating shit
based retard healer

>crafting in XIV post ARR

>not casually levelling while shitposting, watching something or reading/drawing

Fucking yikes.


This is your healer for the next day, say something nice about him.

Attached: scholar.jpg (676x775, 451K)

and using tools to figure out which of the DPS is underperforming is a bannable offense
thanks for allowing me to be a lazy shit squenix

And comments like this make it even more apparent why you shouldn't be doing this and it's a waste of time, you would know all this already if you had bothered to try PLAYING THE JOB for a few minutes

You're probably looking at total leyline buff uptime and comparing to overall dps, but that won't give you any useful info on its own, because BLM works in phases of extremely high and extremely low damage

Someone casting leylines on CD every time will have more leyline buff uptime but less dps because it won't align well with phasing or fight mechanics or party buffs, so in an actual fight good players are holding leylines so they get maximal value, which results in less overall fight uptime but vastly increased actual potency per second, and PPS is the only thing that you're trying to maximize to get a good parse

You can't program this into a "machine learning" model and get anything useful because every fight varies and who gets targeted for mechanics when is semi-random so "perfect play" is variable in practice, against a dummy where you never have to move using leylines close to immediately is always optimal, you can't account for the factors that change that no matter how many logs you look at

the dps with flare isnt supposed to stack dumbass

>b-but i died to just flares
thats a party mitigation issue then

Maybe you should have put up mitigation sweetie

Better than another female character or faggot in slutglam

I really wouldn't use prog numbers as a baseline for anything, given how everyone is still figuring out how the fights work, how to adjust to movement, when it is that you can't hit the boss and so on.

maybe look at a wider sample size from another fight, or look at the top-ranked BLMs overall. People aren't going to go into Savage and parse with sub-optimal play just so you can figure out some statistical weirdness for a job you don't play. Also this .

Why the fuck are you stacking up for flare+stack if you're a dps? Only person that should ever be on that stack that just ate a flare is the healer. Dps who took a flare should not stack since there's not enough time to heal the stack +2 stragglers.

You got 9th percentile because you got carried.

Keep telling yourself that, modfag. It'll be your turn soon.

>pay to play a game
>do something else while “””playing””” it
go back to runescape

not a slut here; i like taking support roles because it makes me feel as though i'm the one in charge of the team's efforts by deciding who should be prioritised for receiving heals

you can call out DPS for underperforming, but as long as you don't mention numbers or that you're using a parser, they can't really do anything. Hell, you could probably get away with saying you were estimating based on the aggro ranking

Cope and seethe. you won't ever get me banned faggot.

>he can't do more than one thing at a time

>game has an actual trans npc questgiver

Attached: 5432543543543543.png (1057x727, 1.22M)

maybe the real janny were the threads we made along the way

I didn't have flares, I died because of the other people flares + stack, I wasn't the only one dying

so why the fuck does the botanist gathering guide always recommend logs for grinding over any/everything else?

What did you think of the two lesbian in that town?

But I'm the healer.

Attached: ffxiv_30062019_002805_613.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

This is a male lala.

Attached: 1543372802357.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

it means capital L Logs like Challenge Logs, not just gathering logs of wood.

Yikes and have sex :^)

Attached: helpful guide to v debates by anonymous definitive edition.png (2320x1100, 154K)

browse the catalogue, you'll know

>being mad other people are trying to make friends.
Everything you posted except the comms thirst was literally me 3 days ago. Like 4 other people were talking with me and shooting the shit and I got three comms anyway so suck my exodia log.

Literally only use your OGCD abilities to heal and spent as much time as humanly possible Broiling your enemies into dust

Could be i'm just misunderstanding 'IF' and it stands for something, or the guide is just utter shite, but it mentions farming for actual wooden logs. Like Oak Logs at 31 to 35, Walnut Logs at 21 to 25 etc.

>can’t multitask

Fucking brainlet retard.

seeing him in the shb trailer with his archer outfit looked weird, like a grown man trying on his high school uniform again

>Be the motherfucking WARRIOR OF LIGHT
>and homeless because housing lol

>When you join Giott at the Wandering Stairs, she appears to be faring better than one might have expected, given the circumstances, and is certainly cheered for your presence.

Can't you see it yourself? You care about math so much, fucking do the numbers dipshit. 15% increased casting speed for 30 seconds results in 2.5 second cooldowns to go to an average of 2.125. 12 casts without Leylines costs 30 seconds, whereas with Leylines it costs 25.25 seconds. You can literally get off 2 extra spells if all of them are cast inside of Leylines. How much of a gamer do you have to be not to see by the base math of it that it's a massive DPS increase probably by over 15% because of the amount of spells you can get inside of the rotation goes from 12 to 14 and those can crit or be more important spells like Fire IV?
>Just tell me WHY this is more or less a 15% damage increase?!?! Why am I too stupid to see that TIME is the major part of this equation I'm not looking at?

Maybe you should go to playing DNC or something, it's fucking retard strong. Stay away from BLM if you can't
just by reading the tooltip.

I keybind pots and duty action, but LB and sprint are pretty fine without it

Just buy an apartment.

well logs are pretty useful for crafters in general

Cool staff. Which one is it?

Lord Fortemps basically lets you live in his house

Male lala though.

Attached: 1558921801852.jpg (1509x952, 1.2M)

I spazzed out like a retard one time when I had the same disagreement from the tank perspective, and I have no idea why I was so terrified of being at low health. It was during the first few dungeons, and I guess I just wasn't used to the idea of healers being able to split their time between dps and heals.

is there really only 1 fish we can get aethersand from?

I was thinking that while BLM's are figuring out the fight they are more likely to misplace Leyline and therefore offer a more spread out data set.

>or look at the top-ranked BLMs overall.
I did look at them. Less Leyline uptime resulted in more DPS for them, while for the lowest ranking ones higher Leyline uptime resulted in slightly more damage.

>because BLM works in phases of extremely high and extremely low damage
I'm aware of this, but Leylines seem to have almost no effect on them from what I can tell. See picture related. There's only a slight bump in damage, if chance didn't already made the gain pitiful.

>You can't program this into a "machine learning" model and get anything useful
Of course you can. It's a question of how many samples you can get. It won't be able to tell you what the cause is for this paradox is, but it might draw a connection that Leylines give you an x damage multiplier, based on how the 1% uses Leylines.

Attached: 1535103663560.png (807x333, 25K)

wasn't my flare

It's not a lala though, it's a dwarf
And don't try to tell me it's the same thing when you're clearly ignoring the fact the game said it was a female

You need more variables than just Ley-Lines uptime. Are you normalizing damage to account for stat differences?
Like what mentioned why do you need a machine learning model when player optimizations can do the same thing?

Holy fuck, Exhentai is back!

>clear E1S but parse green because no more doubleweaving in riddle of fire throwing me off
Sitting on 12-13k in E2S without dancer padding now that I've adjusted

when your only other options are cul ingredients, logs look pretty enticing. Later in HW onward you can start farming weaver mats, so you can do that instead

Still uses a male body despite anything.

Attached: 1564737300053.png (250x228, 11K)

why are ff14 players always so bitter?

>it takes skill to hit a crafting macro and alt tab
based retards


Attached: ffxiv_02092018_145824.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)


Attached: 5747.png (394x830, 69K)

Oh, shit, gamer got filtered? That was fast, guess you just have to poke the right autistic mods at the right time like onions with /g/.

because you robbed us of our Ryne headpats

Nice reading comprehension.

>comes back up

We could do with more people like you playing the game

Male-exclusive ears (male and female lalafell have no difference between body meshes; notoriously the game only has a female body-mesh for lalafells that is used for both genders and it's just a yes/no flag that determines what gender-specific equipment you can use), female hairstyle and eyes, referred to as female by the game. {Don't worry about it.}

Exhentai moved its servers to Moldova and it's currently back up in full.

>a billion years ago
>be chanter
>single heal in dredgion
>get banned

>the game said it was a female

Attached: 1474175121696.jpg (405x270, 47K)

Panda is back up.

it's no exaggeration to say that lalafells are the cause of all of Eorzea's woes
>Ul'dah declares certain races beastmen and persecutes them
>beastmen in defense use primal summoning taught to them by ascians
>primals cause all kinds of problems themselves like tempering, crystal shortages and instilling aggression in their followers
This is more evident than ever in Shad Owbringers, where dwarves are a reclusive mountain dwelling society and the "beastmen" are well integrated with the rest of the races and generally very amicable

Female lalas have breast sliders.

Dad is cool, but you can't live with him forever.

Last I checked if you tool around in the screenshot tool that works on male lalafell as well.

Not him but the game does use female pronouns for giott. But it's a male body.

Attached: 1558453201974.png (399x138, 16K)

>because you robbed us of our Ryne headpats
That's not who deserved to be patted though

Attached: ffxiv_23072019_083134_496.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

It ain't to me.

Go back up the chain, somebody posted the quest log entry for the last healer role quest.

That's... a pretty disturbing thought.

Wonder if Gaia is in there. She does show up in game during and after Voidwalker, so she'd have to have a model, right?

The breast slider doesn't work on lalafell properly since it's only intended to give them the absolute slightest swelling, it actually gets hilarious if you try to raise it past their intended max size.

Attached: 1555947535325.png (222x421, 123K)

>want to give him a hug
>want to give Ryne headpats
>want to punch Urianger for his compulsion to keep secrets
>but cannot because lalafells exist
Every day I wish for another Calamity to rid us of the potato menace.

Attached: gas the potatoes.png (668x412, 357K)

No, you won't get any info that will translate into any kind of useful insight, because all the insight you can glean is already obvious and you won't ever have a dataset big enough and tracking enough variables to tell you how to optimize a fight unless it's a faust, which you already know how to optimize

Leylines results in higher PPS because you get to squeeze more spells into buff windows, you spend more time in high damage phases and less in low damage ones, and in less tangible but still significant ways like increasing overall uptime by using AM/BTL to handle mechanics, and a better GCD making it easier to slidecast targeted aoe, the latter couple not being things you'll be able to quantify because they aren't predictable and won't appear cleanly in any number other than DPS

>I say crafting is non interactive shit
>>uh no you just can’t handle alt tabbing
>alt tabbing isn’t gameplay
>>no u
no u

lalafell have nothing to do with limsa being land stolen from natives by faggot pirate roes and they also have nothing to do with the dragon war in ishgard

And people tell me I'm crazy when I say this game is made for faggots.

Attached: 1530813580516.jpg (192x245, 10K)

The only point they give you where Giott's gender could even possibly be in doubt is the male-exclusive dark ears, and they refer to Giott as a female both before and after the face-reveal.

been playing for a month now and the worst I get is when I get matched in a party with someone from balmung. had a guy sperging out at someone during their first dungeon ever and then another dps from balmung later who wouldn't explain the mechanics to a fight the rest of us hadn't done and refused to help until we figured it out on our own

Doesn't work on male lalas.

Attached: 1547081980386.jpg (1920x1080, 640K)

>female pronouns
>male body

Attached: 13D7CEF3-A859-4CC0-9A7F-C59418DBEA4C.gif (520x293, 499K)


that dps sounds based, don't be a baby wiping won't kill you irl

That NPC was among the ones added with 5.01, so that might be her.
It's an obvious placeholder too.

Attached: 454147454715.png (391x562, 41K)


That's a manly man chest.

Attached: 1535898342517.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

When you get the light cancer why don't you return to the Source to leave it dissipate there?

>hate the lalafells of the Source
>but love the dwarves of the First
what an odd feeling.

>I called him a she that means he's female!
your potato waifu is trans

Attached: 1558109715418.png (1171x1139, 695K)

Regardless of Giott's gender, I like the personality and think it's a good character.

That light wouldn't dissipate until you burned it all off in the fight against Hades, all you'd end up doing would become the Source's lightwarden after enough time.

I mean I don't think people are required to tell you how a fight works but the guy was being intentionally antagonistic about it. we ended up beating it without him and filling his slot after

>too much light aether on the first supercharges black rose which genocides 9/10ths of everyone living on the source

>i know i'll just drag all the light from the first over i'm sure nothing will go wrong

>hate midgets
>love emet-selch and the masterrace of giants
Kill all warriors of l*ght

Attached: 1534848948285.gif (300x212, 2.58M)

My penis and Giott's deep-fried babymaker say otherwise.

canonically we werent able to return back to the source until the very end

I don't think that's the oracle of darkness. She's really short to be a 100 height female aura model.
There's also the fact you can't undress the model in the boss fight so she's treated as a prop/boss model and not like a player which you can undress.

kicking people is also based

This is your mission squad for tonight, user.

Attached: Mission Squad.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

But too much light when the 8th calamity happens and there's the rejoining, at the moment you defeat Vauthry black rose is still not in action by the empire.

Who is that NPC then? There was no other masked NPC added in 5.01, right?

God I hate baratits

Lies, there's the portal in the oculus that we can use to go back at any time.

Actually nevermind. Just looked up her gear, the 9175 ID is this.

Attached: 1544923215573.jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

I bet you "main" dps.

Wouldn't that just cause a botched Rejoining like unleashing Bahamut did, except with umbral aether instead of astral?

Giot uses male body to throw you off before the face reveal, retards.

Because they're the other side of the coin from tanks. They know they're needed, so they act like they're doing enough for the party just by being there.

Except half the time, they're shit healers who can't manage cooldowns or burst

The exarch tells you that because of how you came to the first, you can follow your aether trail back to the Source and warp to aetherytes there. You canonically can, you just never do.

why? it's just the aether of the lightwardens, not the whole first.

Plenty of custom models use the basic data of player models though, for example Emet is considered an elezen.

Thought the previous dude was an autist

Think this guy was just based

all classes in this game are just different colored dps

Here's your oracle of darkness. Placeover at least.

Attached: 1550576755170.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Which is your favorite primal, bros?

Where's her Keyblade.

Did Koji fucked up again?

what the fuck is happening my ping is 220 from the UK to chaos DC


no, just autism over the devs deciding a vagina-haver should have dark ears

>hehe funny clown man so silly

Attached: 54C2373B-0BE4-409A-9E54-FDA63478841A.jpg (441x549, 59K)

your husband misses you

Attached: 729445aa71.jpg (587x492, 29K)

>four votes for alexander

Attached: 1554623530276.png (523x863, 418K)

I hope next little ladies day gives you a dance like this:

Pure speculation from me but the original jp might have left the dialogue rather ambiguous about Giott's gender before the unmasking with the character having a "manly" way of speaking but it would be difficult to translate in english.

>Susano tied with Hades for #1

I hope next little ladies day gives you a bottle of bleach to drink

Yes, my favorite female-race combination is roegadyn. How'd you guess?

Attached: 1543420125922.jpg (542x559, 31K)

Omega, Eden, and the Auspices aren't primals

Good animu

Attached: 53623533.jpg (1193x1421, 119K)

Male highlanders have the worst case of sameface in this game, every single one I see is either this exact face or the rarer ones are the old man one.

I used to tell jokes during the MSQ dungeons, but 90% of the times no one ever said anything in chat, so I stopped doing it. I could only assume everyone is tabbed out for the majority of the dungeon.

what crafting/gathering class would be most efficient for gil making if I were to level one of each? might as well make use of my new player 2x exp


Culinarian or Alchemist and Miner, probably

shut the hell up egghead lmao

>because they LITERALLY. Had the URL to their twitter or the @ in their search info
No they didnt you retard. It was never linked in game.

>Playing aion

>E4 normal, against Titan
>Group wipes a couple of times, one healer starts blaming the other for not healing.
>Check parse, not only is the healer that's getting blamed putting out higher amounts of healing and less overhealing, they're also doing more DPS.
>Conflicted on what to say, since I don't want to reveal I'm parsing.
>Wipe again, votekick initiated against the healer.
>Finally snap and write up a post detailing the fact that not only is the healer we're trying to kick doing more heals, he's also doing more damage while the second healer is literally doing nothing but healing and doing worse at it.
>Vote no, but the healer is kicked anyway.
>Group disbands.

I'm probably going to get tossed into GM prison for this, but fuck it, it was the right thing to do.

Attached: 1556595670140.png (829x624, 408K)

>It's another "AST in Nocturnal sect during trash pulls" episode

Attached: 1549325930853.png (500x500, 221K)

it's funny because femroes look like that

>How'd you guess?
that fact you have naked dude pics in your hd gave it away

>this nigga doesn't want his mind blown and his penis destroyed by vaginal muscles that could shear sheet-metal

Attached: 1548842879466.png (720x804, 173K)

>it's another "trannies get upset by femroes" episode.

Jealousy. We performed magic before Louisoix even knew what aether was. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Ser Aymeric and them elezen homos ever got around to it.

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>it's another femroes are the worst posters episode

I had a fever dream one night and realized we could single-handedly fix the queue system for all non-raid, non-trial content by implementing attached trust-like NPCs by default.

For example, take a 4 man dungeon, scale it to eight people, but make it only need four humans to queue. No matter what the humans queue as (Tank, healer, or DPS), four NPCs fill the roles they don't have, ensuring you only need four people no matter what. Bam, no more troubles with adventurer in need or anything else, everyone can play what they want. Same goes for Alliance raids and MSQ, just fill in the missing roles with NPCs. You could still manually queue for a light or full party, but roulettes and solo queue would be treated this way.

People acting like faggots would do so no matter what race they play, just look at /xivg/.

Imagine how disgusted Emet must be by a lala WoL.
Seeing what was once a tall proud perfect being shattered to the point of being a tiny cutesy midget must be heart breaking.

>It's not a lala though, it's a dwarf

If Dwarves summoned a primal...which one would it be?

Ah yes truly a majestic single player experience

you look like that lmao #gottem

I thought you guys said NIN was good.

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Start with The Fragile, if that does not stick, it's not for you.

good for you. I don't know why they don't just pay one of these add-on makers to just make an in game parse system.

This is your 5.2 ex primal.

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I don't participate in every thread I see or anything, but I have probably never seen anyone say that.

It would be hilarious if fucking lalas could summon something like Anima.

who the fuck said that after ShB

>listening to Yea Forums
dumb wojack poster

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Best part about Nascent Flash that is it's actually our self-healing removed and given back to us in the form of a 25 second cooldown that only stays up for 7 seconds. Warrior was in a far better place back in SB than it was in ShB.

I see what they're trying to do with the tanks (Homogenize all the mitigation abilities, nerf tenacity just in case anyone could find a use for it, remove main stat melds), essentially they want their mitigation to all be identical and only scale from gear giving more VIT and the only thing that changes between them is the flavor and the rotation for damage. I don't really agree with it, but if they're going that far, just make tanks full fledged DPS jobs in rotational complexity and damage output, they're already expected to maximize their DPS anyway, if you give tanks and healers similar DPS output to actual DPS jobs, you now homogenize the skill required to beat content since a couple of bad DPS can be carried by non-DPS jobs.

>It's another AST episode

Faster to just kick them at the start and wait for a real replacement class than go through an entire dungeon with them.

buff sam

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AST is crazy good now with the new changes to it. The only problem it has to make it unviable is its damage, its actual healing went through the roof.

It actually barely caught up to the other healers in terms of healing.

They need to turn up the volume on the skill Confiteor. It looks and hits hard, but it sounds like a wet noodle.

MMOs are garbage yes. Why are you playing them?

do people really do this? I parse purple usualy without it and have made like 4m+ gil since the start of ShB selling my materias on market board
>oh no, my dps is 0.5% lower than it could've been!
autistic as fuck

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FSH and LTW definitely

>will never clear e2s because of bad healers
you have 3 buttons

>he still plays sam

If expert/alliance is the hardest thing you do please refrain from talking about balance thanks.

thank god these people dont play wow

you'd be parsing orange with it, probably

I think melding is anywhere from 6-10% extra DPS for most jobs, it might help if you're group's barely failing the enrage, but I doubt a lot of times it's going to make that big of difference.

>playing a mhigger job

Why don't you roll healer then? You can clear by being a good healer.

how bad do you have to be
just by his voice you can tell hes retarded


Do you mean overmelding? Or are you really asking whether another gear piece's worth of bonus stats is worth it?

Gib me some penor

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Because I'm not a woman.

I have both ultimates cleared and my casual 3 hour a day group is working on clearing e4s right now. Astro has a really good kit outside of its damage numbers which are an easy tweak.

For once, no. Other localisations also refer to Giott as a she.

What are the bad, bad healers doing now?

you're the only constant

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but aren't healers just dps according to everyone lmao. why would they heal

You didn't had to tell me, I guessed you were a faggot from your first post.

You already suck healer's dick though.

t. rangetard that stands halfway to Afghanistan instead of in range for aoe heals

think you can suck all these

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Green DPS occasionally use an oGCD that heals the party, but I think that’s a side effect

And both the other healers have really good healing kits, so I dont understand the issue? AST has incredibly high potency heals with good mitigation cooldowns, and short cooldown oGCDs.

Because rarely do people use it in a good way like that user did. Most people will look at the meters and start kicking people and barring people from content when it's almost unnecessary. This game does not need to be like wow

I may be a ranged tard but stay close thanks

>tank makes big dick pull in akadaemia
>50k blm, 32k whm
dios mio

I don't blame him, that's exactly the reason I don't play healers unless I'm with friends strictly, and even then they tend to do stupid big ass pulls and ask me what went wrong like pretending I was afk or something. This stupid League of Legends playstile where people think they're some kind of hyper carry and boom rush everything and if anythign goes wrong it's never their fault induces hair pulling stress in an activity that's supposed to reduce it.

Most of the people begging for an in-game parser half-got it with the changes to tanking anyways, DPS can be measured by order of who's where on the aggro list now.

Because they have absolutely no reason to spend the time, process, and put the controversial target on their backs when they can just let neets do it for them.

Saw them all the time. My theory is that all the normies moved on from MMO's and the autists, trannies and other social outcasts remained.

I'll just hang on to nostalgic memories of when MMO's were novel and fun.

>AST barely caught up
>was already better than WHM back on 5.0
>it's even better now
WHM only feels easier because of the mitigation holy gives, AST should not have issues healing through dungeons at all, mainly now.

>I do big pull in anus academia
>go through all of my cds and invuln while healer is busy fisting his bf asshole

Also think, for a while now WoW has been all about pulling whole rooms in dungeons, stunlocking, and AoE burning down groups. I bet you a lot of these tank shitters are trying to pull the same shit.

Im I dont think AST was really better than 5.0 WHM in the slightest, if you're talking about dungeons. AST had a lot of issue with managing oGCDs due to gravity cast time and its heals were weaker and had less QoL. WHM having access to better dungeon mitigation (temperance) and holy + misery will pretty much always trump AST in dungeons, not that dungeons matter at all. AST feels really good in a raid environment now.

healers adjust
>melee standing on me during e3s puddles
wtf retard

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Yea Forums shouldn't talk about game-balance period if we're going with that criteria.

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>giving a shit about parses

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but that's exactly what you should be doing in FFXIV. in 99% of dungeons every two pulls are gated by a big wall that opens when you kill everything. if you can't heal through two pulls at once you're a shitter who shouldn't be healing.

>that gif

I would immediately leave too, whether he's trolling or not.

There is literally no dungeon pull in the game that cannot be healed.

Healbro > shit > healslut

>BRD main
>DRG tethers me
>have to spend the next 20 seconds within melee range while wearing a literal "I'm with stupid" sign
dragoon sight is the dumbest fucking ability in the game

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okay, i dont care about this game, but i really love jesus aesthetics
he's so fucking cool looking and nice and shit
i love that guy

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Unless the tank sucks.

Theorerically? Sure. In level appropriate gear, no, there are many pulls where the mobs will outdamage the highest HPS a healer can output.

Why do ranged think they have to always be at max possible range? You know it makes no difference, right?

Assuming competent teammates and everyone's geared well, sure.

>doesn't stand in melee as a ranged dps
Shitter spotted.

Name a couple, because I've been playing this game for 6 years and never had an issue with pulling to a wall in any dungeon while leveling in it.

>undersized parties not allowed
I just wanna check the boss's aggro range nigger

Read it in Al's voice.

I'm now imagining little lala kemet believers and little lala black Israelites.

>ifrit on leveling roullete
fucking waste of a queue time, piss all for exp

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this is based

imagine playing a video game and acting like your time is valuable lmao

Most of the xp you get will be from daily bonus which is fixed, unless you end up in a dungeon that's close to your level.

~lv. [X]5 in general will start pushing your shit in at augmented Ironworks/Shire/Scaevan or minimum dungeon item-level. Bardam's Mettle in particular is punishing if you go in at gear-level or under and try to do huge-cock pulls, but I imagine it's more manageable with the Arm's Length changes.

>Don't vote dismiss me or I'll report you!
>Holding the party hostage and trying to control how others play is literally against the rules, while her(male) wall of text would be accepted as a rightful harassment dismissal.

>It's a "tank doesn't use CDs until they're almost dead" episode

Sure is fun using Low Blow/Leg Sweep to stun a fucking primal though

>check OF
>guy posts on how healer dps doesn't go over tanks like people thought
>all those comments afterwards
People want WHM nerfed no matter what huh?

Snowcloak the ice sprites will massively outdamage any healer if they're in level appropriate gear, the golem pulls in Well, the long pull in Bardam, etc.

Honestly any tri-pull and some particular double pull won't work in level appropriate gear or even if you can physically do it you'll be slowing yourself down because you'll barely scrape by and the healer will go oom

That being said chain pulls are much better than they used to be now that every job has decent aoe, but if you're in level appropriate gear pulls where the healer has time to dps are faster than chain pulling

>people calling this spergout based

It's less for trials, just like castrum is less than praetorium

Aurum Vale is one. Dzamael Darkhold can be one too, if someone falls off the little ledge towards the end and grabs more enemies than one can handle.

Bardam's mettle is rough if the whole party is right at the minimum item level too. Well. At least at the start. Those first couple mobs are all that can be shitty. Get past them and it's easy enough to run hog wild.

>static all on vacation the week savage comes out
>cleared e1s and got e2s to 20% the one night we raided
>every e2s group i join is a full 2 minutes behind on enrage if they even manage to not die to 2nd flare

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I had no issues with Bardams full pulls in base x0 gear.

>The long pull in Bardam
>The golem pulls in well

I have to ask what level appropriate means to you, because those are both easy as hell to do. I did them both while leveling and had no issue with it on any of the 3 healers.

Yeah we get it the game is easy and you managed it 0 problems.

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>pls no big pulls

Whats the point? That's almost as bad as those fucking healers that force big pulls and do 0 damage.

Yes, that was the point of the question. The pulls in this game ARE easy. Like, OBJECTIVELY easy, I'm not trying to prove myself on a fucking anonymous russian handbag forum, I'm genuinely trying to ask what people are having issue with if they believe they are "performing the highest healing output"

AV and DD I could see, DD especially if people fall off. I think the first pull in AV is probably doable but that dungeon is so ass, I would saying anything past 2.0 is pretty fair game to pull nonstop though.

finished shb, hit level 80 on all the classes i want to play, what is there to do in the game now other than make gil to buy cool glamours

You had a tank that was overgeared then, because even if you're somewhere like Bardam's and the tank has been leveling exclusively via dungeon and replacing gear to be level appropriate if he tries the long pull he will take so much damage even an 80 healer synced down will not be able to keep him alive

>AV and DD I could see, DD especially if people fall off. I think the first pull in AV is probably doable but that dungeon is so ass, I would saying anything past 2.0 is pretty fair game to pull nonstop though.
>moving the goalposts
you were wrong, just admit it before the thread 404s