Will you come back now that they are making proper multiplayer and you can travel to the Yea Forums planet where people are just making thousands of giant dick statues?
Will you come back now that they are making proper multiplayer and you can travel to the Yea Forums planet where people...
no. multiplayer is the last thing i ever wanted from this game. they need to overhaul the gameplay system, it isn't fun.
>go to Planet Yea Forums
>someone terraformed it into a giant Wojak
No thanks
Have they fixed the god awful inventory system yet?
No, Sean, I'm not buying your game.
You should take some lessons on how to sell garbage time and again from Todd
>technology recharged
>technology recharged
>technology recharged
thats all I hear when I play this damn game!
Multiplayer isn't at all what I wanted from the game. I will give them credit for working on the game for so long without asking anything in return, but it being a faux-MMO was never why I was interested in the game to begin with.
I agree. The whole fake outrage at this game coming from people who weren't even interested in it in the first place led Hello Games to make it into something completely different from a design perspective.
These. If I wanted an autistic space MMO then I'd just go back to the clusterfuck that is EVE or god forbid Elite Dangerous.
no, but I'll sensibly chuckle at screenshots of the planet of the dicks
>actually enjoying next
>look at wiki for community portals
>there is basically no community
>no /vg/ thread
>gacha phone shit has /vg/ threads
let me know when you faggots stop hating everything
Yea Forums and hating on games are like yin and yang
you can't have one without the other
This game led to the collapse of Mass Effect
Not sure if sad or smug
It's at least kinda noble that they worked all this time on bringing (some of) what was promised at launch into the game, but that doesn't stop the game from being nothing but Grind for this, grind for that, now go over here and grind for some more things.
What are some games that aren't given up by devs even when they were awful at launch?
What is it with people.
game has no multiplayer
"whaaa wheres muh multiplayer"
game adds multiplayer
"whaaa i never wanted multiplayer"
notice how all of those clips are on PS4
You should blame the fact that, I don't know, they god damn fucking lied about everything and any self respecting person doesn't play this pile of lies? Now fucking shit there's no community for it.
>3 year old game with horrible release that is NOW just getting the features to make it decent has no community because everyone already moved on at this point
you are a fucking retard
there's no community cause there's nothing to do
It's almost like different people have different opinions or something. Or that Multiplayer was promised at launch and not delivered. Or maybe, it's both at once, imagine
>there's no community for it.
there is a HUGE reddit community for the game. inb4
>Or that Multiplayer was promised at launch and not delivered
No. They never promised "full blown multiplayer, explore with your friends!"
>game devs lie to consumers for years
>they try to turn their shit around but it's too late, they are already too deep into the single player formula
The most retarded post I've seen on Yea Forums today.
I know its rough, but Empyrion hits the points for me that NMS was claiming to.
Despite all the well-deserved flack NMS got at launch, the amount of free content they've given since then has been impressive.
That wasn't the statement being made, though. The promised multiplayer of a sort and had exactly nothing.
tea and noms
>tea and noms
tea and noms
>tea and noms
tea and noms
>tea and noms
tea and noms
>tea and noms
tea and noms
>tea and noms
tea and noms
>tea and noms
ikr three years after the game launched, it's still receiving updates
and that's from an indie company with ~16 developers no less
I mean, technically fortnite. I hate that shit but original fortnite was omega ass.
they earned my half off purchase. kinda pissed that a big update is dropping right after me and a friend started a save file... unsure if we should start fresh since our playtime is so low or if we should keep trucking on
Fair enough, and that was added in a very early update. Then they added the full blown multiplayer "everyone" wanted when NEXT came out, surpassing their original promise. But let's keep being mad at them for the bad launch.
I think you should still be able to carry over some progress, but it probably would be worth starting fresh, if this update is as big as it seems to be
but they kept working on it and its not shit now, still no one gives it a chance.
dont tell me to fucking kill myself you edgy summer child.
Hey, I'm mad cause the game is still grindy and not enjoyable dispute all the updates, the bad launch issue is long gone.
I agree, the main gameplay loop is severely flawed. Hopefully this update fixes it!
>But they kept working on it and its not shit now
Yeah and everyone fucking moved on. Tons of new games released since then and some even does the whole exploration shit even better.
>stop bullying Sean and hello games
It's barely been changed in all the many previous updates, they probably think it's fine and all that they need to do is add content on top of it. I'd be very surprised if they changed it to any significant extent.
But if they did I'd take back everything bad I said about their game.
its nice
>and some even does the whole exploration shit even better
Name them. I'm genuinely interested.