>legendary blade of myth that is hyped up throughout the entire game
>requires a quest to restore its true power
>when you do, it's actually comparatively weaker than the weapons your other party members have access to at that point
And this shit is supposed to be the greatest RPG of all time?
Why is Chrono Trigger so adored?
Just get Rainbow nigga
Frog, Magus, and...
The master sword is the only reason Ganondorf's waves of darkness didn't kill Link instantly in ocarina or encase him in a crystal like it did to Zelda. It's said that it's the sword "evil may never touch" but what that really means is that it is PROTECTED from evil's influence and that extends tot he wielder, meaning Link himself is being protected by it. If that dumbasss young Link didn't put the master sword back in the pedestal but kept it with him, majora wouldn't have been able to transform him into a deku scrub. In twilight princess, getting the master sword literally breaks the evil curse on wolf Link so he can become human or wolf at will.
There will never be a better sword than the master sword in zelda.
Also in botw it really kicked ass whenever there were malice-corrupted enemies nearby. It even delt tons of damage to other enemies just because it was too close to malice.
They need to get rid of that dumb quirk where it can only shoot beams when Link has full hearts, though. Fucking make it an upgrade in a game then from then on in zelda you can freely use the sword beams.
I guess one problem is that the master sword wasn't the only weapon that could deflect Ganondorf's attack in ocarina. That was definitely a screwup, much like the other screwup where the mirror shield can't reflect deku nuts while all other shields could when it was really suppose to be the reverse of this but for some reason they decided to make you able to reflect shit but did so by switching the mirror shield reflection trait, a lazy solution to the issue they took with dealing with octoroks and deku scrubs, it seems.
I guess I can't blame you for thinking the master sword isn't all that when Ninendont get it it right.
Your point? A 1d12 + 3 sounds like its comparatively weaker than other greatswords in NWN2, this comparison is working against you.
>Your point? A 1d12 + 3 sounds like its comparatively weaker than other greatswords in NWN2, this comparison is working against you.
Are you blind? The power of the Silver Sword of Gith lies in all the abilities it grants, and all the various on-hit effects and passive bonuses it has.
It's also not a greatsword, but a longsword.
Likewise, the legendary part of CT's Masamune has more basis than just its damage stat.
>Perfect pacing for a JRPG
>Combat is simple and efficient
>Characters are interesting and their development is not convoluted
>Good amount of side content
>Each character have their own optional plot side quest
>Main quest is simple
>Amazing soundtrack
CT is a good game.
>Likewise, the legendary part of CT's Masamune has more basis than just its damage stat.
What, the extremely situational trait of it healing Frog when he attacks the Mammon Machine, a single enemy in the entire game? In fact, that trait is arguably useless, since it only applies on normal attacks, not the much more powerful techs Frogs can use.
How does that even remotely comparare to the dozens of unique abilities and traits of the Silver Sword of Gith that are ALWAYS useful?
Did you intentionally not mention the unique tech for wich the sword needed?
Or you were going to downplay the example anyway.
Wow, one triple tech that is one of the weakest in the entire game when the game a has a billion far more powerful triple techs. In fact, it was so useless that I almost forgot about it until you mentioned it just now.
You are joking, right?
my god i got an insane craving to play the first neverwinter nights again. what version is the best? i see torrents of an enhanced version but i have no clue what that is
>and he actually downplays it
Be less predictable next time.
You are posting in a WRPG-kun thread.
now this is autism
Downplay what? Let's recap. Your argument is that the Masamune lives up to its legendary status because of
>a single ability
>that requires 2 other participants to even perform (in a game where you can only have 2 other party members with you, thus completely limiting your choice in party members)
>requires equipping specific items
>requires that all participants have learned specific techs as prerequisites
>all 3 participants in the triple tech are healers, which is a party setup nobody with any common sense would ever use since they make each other completely redundant
>despite that, it's still one of the weakest triple techs in the entire game
Do you realize how retarded you come across?
Tell me something I don’t know.
Dark Souls is better written than Planescape Torment and unlike the latter has good gameplay.
Smh Tbh senpai
Says the person who downplayed the gazillion special properties of Gith's sword:
>Your point? A 1d12 + 3 sounds like its comparatively weaker than other greatswords in NWN2, this comparison is working against you.
Well, what you say is true lore-wise and I wouldn't have denied that, anway. But don't Deku sticks do as much damage as the Master Sword in OoT? That's what I mean. And reflecting Ganons attacks with even bottles, like you mentioned. Though it is the only weapon that can land the killing blow on Ganon in the end.
Since you can't get around the Master Sword if you want to finish the game (barring some heavy glitches maybe), they can't make it outright the strongest weapon because why would you get the Biggoron Sword, then, except for style? A big part of the incentive would be lost.
In A Link to the Past, you can upgrade the Master Sword which I still find iffy but a little better.
Now as for BotW, here you can finish the game without ever finding the Master Sword and so they can make its power match the importance it has lore-wise, at least against corrupted enemies or when it's upgraded. And even outside of that, a respawning weapon is useful.