Why was her game a success in Japan? I though Japan didn't care for open world games

Why was her game a success in Japan? I though Japan didn't care for open world games

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die teen

>it's another jizzmind episode

why do you loser gaijins care about Japan so much

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>another CB thread


have sex
have sex

fuck off gamers

That's not a Crash Bandicoot thread.

Hello, semen-cortex.

Play video games.

i bet it would sell the same, even more if it was linear, stop being retarded, they didnt buy it because it says "OPEN WORLD", they bought it because its a zelda game

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already did. your mother squealed like the disgusting pig she is

Is gamer filtered?

FUCK off dickhead


C u m b r a i n

My name is Jay Irwin and I disapprove of c󠛡u󠛡m󠛡b󠛡r󠛡a󠛡i󠛡n

lol, struck a nerve?

This whole meme is really boring and artificial. Please go troll Reddit or something, it’s more your speed : )


*sounds of sloshing cum inside their skull*

Are we being fucking raided or something?
Its either a Discord tranny organized raid, or some sort of Google jew psyop.

Excuse me. Could you all please quiet down? I'm trying to partake in some quality video game discussion and your shitposting and porn dumps are actively hindering that.

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>lol, struck a nerve?
lol, struck a nerve?

they produce about 80% of all good video games, their market trends are important in predicting the kind of good games we can expect in the future.


>cumskull cannot comprehend that he might be in the wrong and that Yea Forums is against him
this is your mind on cum

You came to the wrong sub jizzmind

apparently not, BotW sold something like 4-5 times as many units as Skyward sword so there's more to it than just "being Zelda"