Based Blizzard! Meet the new mommy with yummy milkies in Warcraft! Calia Menethil!
Based Blizzard! Meet the new mommy with yummy milkies in Warcraft! Calia Menethil!
Just wait until they make her tits smaller and cover up the cleavage.
>it's another gamer thread
Have sex
>undead fetish
They really are going to use that awfull lightforged forsaken shit?
oh no the retarded gamer didnt get enough attention in wowg :(
I think the based HoTS devs are now on WoW again. I think delicious milkies are on the menu now boys
>Meet the new mommy with yummy milkies
what subhuman talks like this
>lightforged forsaken
I haven't been playing for a minute, what the fuck does that even mean?
So when I heard critics make excuses about Fortnite all year long, saying “it’s not my thing” or “this doesn’t make me feel cool” or “I’m getting killed by children”, I thought: of course. When I saw critics balk at the cartoon silliness but rub themselves raw over PUBG and later Apex Legends, I thought: so you want games that look like military ass, that focus on the good guns, that you can win, got it. When I saw critics emphasize the social aspect over everything else, their precious culture, when I saw them shrugging off the actual game month after month, even as the comet landed and the rocket launched and Kevin the cube began to roam, even as Fortnite happened, and kept happening, I thought: lord, this takes vigilance, this is some serious shirking. And when I heard critics joke, “Where we dropping, boys?” as if that meant anything to them, I thought: and where did you drop? In the same old place, with your same old gamer games. Not Tilted, not Anarchy, but right back into your same old gamer self.
why did you feel the need to point out that hes a gamer?
>blizzard decided to kill off the last of menethil line
It’s still in PTR
>My brother was evil and now I am evil too because my brother was evil
Christ this writing is just pathetic
When did they even retcon him a sister?
Technically she is back.... also if she’s lightforged can she have children
her skin is made of stone, not really good for milkies
Calia Menethil "redeems" the forsaken, because apparently all the heroic world-saving shit that players of forsaken characters have been doing for 15+ years hasn't redeemed them quite enough
She isn’t evil nigger. She tried getting humans and forsaken to reunite as one
Its not stone, its necrotic
But why? What is the motivation?
>I am good
It's just as bad as my "brother is bad"
Holy zombies. It's really bad.
so can they lightforge a fucking rock so someone could have rock babies?
i know wow lore wasnt that great to begin with BUT FUCK OFF who the fuck thought that would make any fucking sense
can someone explain to me why they haven't added new customization choices for each race since, what? wotlk?? this is what wow is lacking in comparison to XIV or other mmos, all characters look the same
since when did the light not just burn the undead to cinders? I know they cant have that for forsaken because of gameplay reasons. But doesnt light just burn them lorewise?
nu-blizzard better not touch Arthas.
calia is being put in the game to redeem the forsaken
its necessary to justify keeping the forsaken in the story after we kill sylvanas
you cant have evil characters in a game, no no
devs are lazy
>alliancebabbies hate Hordechads but want to play as goodie-goodie flavored horde races so Blizz just adds holy undead and void elves
>after we kill sylvanas
won't happen
Look, World of Warcraft is now being handled by retards, whatever lore and world-building and established facts you think you know about this fantasy franchise are all null, void, and incel, so just buy the fucking game and have sex or something bro
story writers were told to "use arthas whenever possible" for the past two expansions
he is going to get a redemption arc
Only horde characters can be evil, user.
>we get holy undead but undead paladins still aren't unlocked
>redeem the forsaken
But Forsaken players have been doing good things for a long time.
The whole point of the Forsaken is that their willpower and inner strength allows them to become their own individuals.
Having them be "redeemed" by an outside, completely biased observing force like the "holy light" flies completely against all that.
God what a shitshow, roll on classic holy fuck.
The bitch doesnt deserve the Kerrigan treatment like she probably will
The Light can resurrect dead people and they become lightforged undead. It was in the book that connected Legion and BfA and gives the reason why Sylvanas chimps out initially.
>Having them be "redeemed" by an outside, completely biased observing force like the "holy light" flies completely against all that.
Is this your first blizzard game?
I can't imagine unironically lorefagging for Warcraft. It's such a mess, I bet it's actually much worse than comic book superhero lore at this point.
>Meet the new mommy with yummy milkies in Warcraft!
I hope this type of retard speak ends soon. Jesus.
why didnt the light just resurrect her like normal
>Because something has been shit for a long time you really should just learn to like it.
That's terrible. It doesn't make any sense at all.
Reanimating people is against the light. Undead is the opposite of the light. In fact the light hurts undeads while it heals the living.
>implying the all horde players aren't faggy crack elves
you guys aren't any better.
shut the fuck up gamer
I haven't touched wow since warlords and even prior to that I played it sparsely, but I like the idea of the light undead. It's a cool way to give them a little more interesting lore and separate them from Sylvanas. I would be totally cool with playing as that model too
>The Light can resurrect dead people
why can't uther come back then
I pity anyone who still follows this trash story and can still get excited about it.
>I bet it's actually much worse than comic book superhero lore at this point.
That's literally what they always wanted to achieve since TBC.
Your dad was a gamer, he gamed all the family money away and that's why he abandoned you and your mom.
You niggers plague bomb and forcefully convert humans into undead. You niggers are no different then Arthas
Have you not kept up with all the Horde plotline quests? She's going to be taken down, no question.
Who are you quoting
You are a bigot, you fucking undeadphobe.
it's happening
I only get excited at seeing how much worse it can get.
They did revamp his tomb....
What do you mean? They intentionally wanted to fuck up continuity to that point? Surely not?
Arthas was mindcontrolled/corrupted so he had an excuse at least.
Horde elf players are alliance alts
please no...
She didnt even exist until half a year ago
>Most major plots revolve around horde npcs
>Alliance isn't proactive, always waits and gets humilliated. They get fucked, retaliate and when the onions kicks in they want peace.
Blizzard doesn't give a shit about Alliance players. It's been a few expansions since they've been focusing on pleasing horde players.
Here you can see the guilds which managed to clear recent content, open whichever one you like, you'll see that +90% of it was only cleared by Horde players
no see its just sylvanas
once sylvanas is dead and calia takes over as leader of the forsaken we can finally remove factions because everyone gets along so well now :)
>Covered legs
Still not based, Blizzard.
Just what I was thinking
If the Light can resurrect people willy-nilly, why not resurrect first all those who championed the Light for years?
He is a vitae-supremacist necrophobe and he should be ashamed.
He needs to spend time around the colourful and fun Tim Burton fan community before even considering speaking to people of the grave (POG).
Fucking light undead? Undead paladins now?
>arthas gets resurrected
>he brings kelthuzad and anubarak with him
>theyre all good guys now
Yes. Their goal was to be like Marvel. So they adapted their stories and characters. They started to shit out comic books as well, but it was so bad that they cancelled it.
the light has decided to recruit the power of death to beat the void because the void has grown too powerful
>horse face
Tldr: "We need a cheap excuse for another allied race"
Just like they wouldn't touch Illidan after BC
In life you probably didn’t even have pure Vrykul blood like me! But In Undeath not only are you a nigger... but you are a double nigger!
His book which came out in wrath
Nobody likes him the way Anduin liked Calia.
isn't void death?
Hes dead and gone. He can only know peice from this age of strife and horrible writing.
'Why don't they just rez him' always leaps to my mind every time someone important dies in the cinematics. It's not just a player mechanic, I've seen it done in actual questlines, makes zero fucking sense for this to be so doable and yet ignored for the plot.
My point is that every fucking character in this franchise isn't self-motivated, or evil because it's their nature, every villain (except old gods which are unique in that they are evil by nature, but still shit because they're just evil and lack the finesse of Lovecraft) had something "done" to them to make their character and morality a certain way, be it corrupted or now apparently "lightforged". Just once it would be nice to see some actual character development and writing talent on display in this multi-million dollar franchise. Oh well
>what is the motivation
>for seeing the refugees of your lost kingdom reuniting with their cursed but still sane in the mind relatives.
>this almost causes a revolution within the forsaken with a large group of them wanting to travel to storm-wind and rejoin their families.
Mentally ill fetishfags
She looks... unwell. Why's that? Did she die and undie or something? I'm not up to date with WoW lore nowadays, or what remains of it anyway. Can anyone give me a quick rundown?
this is your new wallpaper
>Everyone in Warcraft is good until they are bad or bad until they are good
What shit
light and void are opposites. light is collectivism and void is individualism
both require life - death is the antithesis to both, and the enemy of all. the light striking a bargain with death means they are in a desperate state
they already touched him in wotlk
I wasn't aware that elements have a free will of their own and actively work to change the world
Even with your reasoning, a half-light half-death character that has strong connections to the Light sounds like something you'd want as the Light
>New lich king
>Arthas comes back as champion of light, light forged undead with a lightmourne
2001. Same book Arthas got introduced in.
>humanity literally descends from stone golems that were made into flesh by a magic curse.
Get to fucking those rocks, user.
The Light can now create undead too. See
REVIVE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>dead to the point where using the light to stuff your soul back into your corpse isnt a viable option
>light opts to go full Rezzurection mode, So she is light-undead as opposed to just living. skin decaying just a little bit and the likes.
>alliance has all the story-important characters and always saves the day
>it's about the third time the alliance cleans up the Horde's mess and is about to (once again) walk into a horde capital and kill the evil corrupt Horde leader while Horde players chant "I'm sorry, we deserve this, help us alliance!"
>therefore Blizz doesn't give a shit about Alliance players
>Here you can see the guilds which managed to clear recent content, open whichever one you like, you'll see that +90% of it was only cleared by Horde players
That's because Horde players actually play the game instead of ERPing in Goldshire and showing off their mounts/slutmogs
> the light striking a bargain with death means they are in a desperate state
Nice headcanon.
If that the case, just rez Uther, Arthas, etc.
World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King was released in 2007 though? And Arthas was introduced in Warcraft 3. Unless that was a typo, explain.
Revive Garrosh and call him Lightforged Garrosh
>falling fir the obvious Golden's selfinsert
Slave to the cum in your brain.
Arthas and Calia both got introduced in Day of the Dragon. 2001.
>Blizz writing goes from corrupt everyone to redeem everyone
We already have a fucking lightforged garrosh damnit, WoD Garrosh joined the gotes and became lightbound.
>the only brown skinned character in all of Azeroth is a dragon
Really marinades my melons.
Dont give them ideas. They might ACTUALLY think its a good idea to bring Arthas back as the leader of the Undead
Wait, when and how did she die? Last time I heard about it, she was alive and kicking.
Also, how the fuck is that different from regular undead?
And those same people are leading a witch hunt after Sylvanas. Fucking two faced snakes.
>I wasn't aware that elements have a free will of their own and actively work to change the world
theres a cosmic battle going on between the elemental forces
they are not a single conscious being... its more like an ideological battle but with magical tribalism
the naaru and void lords are physical manifestations of that battle. the old gods are vassals of the void - powerful individual wills. the light prefers to recruit large armies united under a single banner.
sargeras wanted to destroy all life (and undeath) to end the cosmic war because he knew that the void would eventually win
A BLACK dragon.
Lightforged Grom
Huh. Fuck me sideways.
Sylvanas killed her.
>Also, how the fuck is that different from regular undead?
It's okay when Golden's self insert perfect boy is doing it.
like 80% of the NPCs in game are brown
Some new lore outside the game where she tried to bring the forsaken back to the fold of humanity. SYlvanas got pissed and killed her personally at the gathering or some shit.
Oh god... this is going to waste an allied race slot, isn't it?
So why wouldn't the Light just resurrect all previous Warcraft champions to bolster the ranks of the Light and make them much stronger?
Its not headcanon. One of the old god whispers is "The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all."
"The enemy of all" is how the void refers to death.
>having to dodge wordfilters
jej the absolute state
Lightforged blight when?
imagine the smell of undead milk
She went to basically try to bring humans and forsaken back together before BFA, sylvanas reluctantly approved and oversaw it on neutral ground (arathi), however it was going to well, families were reuniting properly, so she gave word to kill all the "traitors" before it went any further, humans watch their undead familys being massacred by sylvanas, Calia as the organiser, dies in the crossfire.
>Sylvanas killed her.
What? Why? I don't understand. I thought Calia just lived a quiet life somewhere far from political intrigues and whatnot. And Sylvanas was supposed to be busy fighting Azshara, saving the world, and pretending to perpetuate the Horde-Alliance war. How did those two even meet, let alone get a reason to kill each other?
From the way the lore is going it sounds like it. Convert to the light and get your body (mostly) back. Or keep being evil and looking like a ghoul.
I know. Funnily enough, given that DotD predates WC3 by a year, this also means that Vereesa is the second canonical Windrunner, instead of Sylvanas.
I'd wager that they intended to use and kill off Vereesa in WC3, but backed out and wrote in another character because it wouldn't make sense for a novice ranger to be a general come WC3.
Orcs doesn't count
Calia organized a meeting with the forsaken and their human families, Sylvanas is pissed, so she kills her.
Looks like a Chad
or whatever the Arab/Indian name for Chad is
Because they havent hit the "fuck my shit up more" button yet.
This is fucking stupid. I know it's just a video game, so writing isn't exactly top quality, but this is beyond bad even for WoW.
Arthas was originally a concept for Warcraft 2, they cut a ton of ideas for WC2 but moved them to WC3
Happens in the "Before the Storm" novel that plays between Legion and BfA.
Because Death is also the enemy of the Light.
The Light had to spend too much time and resources focusing on dealing with the Fel, and the Void has only grown more powerful in that time.
Nzoth has been released and Azeroth is going to be fully corrupted into a something powerful enough to bring the void into reality and corrupt all of existence.
The light working with death is a hail mary play in the last quarter.
The fuck is she? Half human and half Draenei?
>soon you can play a game where Draenei scum don't exist
Dare I say were going home, bros?
we've had "holy undead" in the form of holy priest forsaken players and NPCs since fucking beta, what's the big deal about it?
sure, they should technically explode into consecrated giblets the moment they intone a spell, but they haven't for 15+ years
why the sudden fuss
Based filter raping this jabroni into submission.
There is more context to it, involving paranoia broght on by a cult of forsaken who are 100% trying to bring lorderan back to the alliance, sylvanas killing the suspect families is a consequence of that.
Calia getting in the way is part of the minor hero complex she develops as a result of her attempted role in reuniting lorderan
Then why is Sylvanas helping the void in BFA?
Also, it's another case of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", which is stupid, especially when it involves cosmic entities.
WoW has been Lore LOL since TBC with the space goats it just took a turn for the worse in Cata as the writers self inserted themselves into there favorite characters more and more.
i look forward to the SFM fanart!
Calia tried to get forsaken deflecting to the alliance right under Sylvanas nose during a meeting, she promptly killed her like any leader on Azeroth would but because she on the wrong side of history, she's in the wrong.
Um ACKSHUALLY those were Shadow Priests using Shadow magic to heal
Gross. Here, have a better mommy.
Priests channel the light for short periods of time, they are not filled with the light constantly
Calia didn't organize shit, Sylvanas agreed on the meeting
>no tits
The state of you.
Forsaken Holy priests are, lorewise, suffering whenever they use Holy magic, even though this doesn't happen in-game.
Holy undead aka alliance approved undead are fully redeemed and suffer no such drawbacks.
Of all the things you choose this to complain about? How's the previous princess of a kingdom organizing a meeting between the families of her subjects bad writing? The light undead are retarded but not this.
>Then why is Sylvanas helping the void in BFA?
Nobody knows. It's either a brilliant twist or hack writing.
Best theory is that she is an agent of death, and the war between Light/Void is good for ending life and make death the supreme force in the universe.
Arthas had the same plan... you cant get corrupted by fel if youre undead.
The only holy undead priest was a extreme exception and he was literally damaging himself to even cast light.
If my zombie girls aren't rotting in the sun, smelling like putrid shit and dropping flesh all over the place then they aren't true undead.
>Then why is Sylvanas helping the void in BFA?
Most people believe shes going to be the final raid boss in 8.3 leading to her death or salvation. Basically shes going to Die and bring people togeter against the common evil that will suddenly show up to fuck up the planet. Or shes going to go full Light Forged Kerrigan and be redeemed to fight the evil Old Gods.
>they should technically explode into consecrated giblets
Where do you keep getting that from? The official Ask CDev explanation from years ago is that they're perfectly capable of using the Light, it's just really, really painful, like being cauterized.
>Arthas resses Uther
"glad you could make it Uther"
She's not helping anyone except her own plan
Here you go, lad
There are ways to heal with shadow magic, but forsaken priests still use holy magic to heal too.
They channel the light to heal and feel tremendous pain because the light is anathema to death, but their willpower allows them to push through it
So its gonna be something dumb isn't it?
this, Holy Undead priests are gameplay, not mechanics
Lightforged undead are not an unholy zombie, they are a corpse that has been infused with so much light that they live, but they are still a corpse.
Do you have to ask at this point?
That's not feo ul.
Priest magic is non-denominational; a Troll priest isn't channeling the Light, neither are Undead or Night Elves.
The fact that all priests have the same spells is a gameplay abstraction.
She helped Azshara to release Nzoth. And we don't know jackshit about her own plan, except that she's scared of dying, which is pretty retarded when you have the biggest plot armor in the game and you start another global war.
Watch that tone with me. You may be a prince, but youre not my Lich King.
>posts a zombie that's a normal girl but gray
A small part of me wants to hope but even that small part has begun to be smothered by doubt.
Because she previously chose to distance herself from all thing political and lived in secrecy. But now she suddenly openly calls for her brother's former subjects to rebel under a guise of familial reunion event, when there's a war conflict going on between the two factions. During the world wars people were shot for picking up enemy propaganda brochures, let alone handing them out in the open.
Light undead are stupid too, but we've already covered it in the previous posts.
A Menethil is back on the throne!
jesus when will player armor look like this
and his beard actually looks proper unlike the retarded beards they added for humans with the revamp
Like every Blizzard storyline it has a lot of potential to be good but they will definitely drop the ball
They do a great job at setting up themes and have great settings, but they suck at writing engaging character-focused central stories.
Most of these anons don't know what they're talking about. A faction of undead had risen up in the Undercity during Sylvanas' time away during Legion. These people wanted to find a cure, which is contrary to Sylvanas' plans. They also wanted to get in touch with their loved ones, and they worked with Anduin to arrange that.
Sylvanas was pissed. She was against this whole arrangement, but went along with it, on the condition that it only be brief. It happened in Alterac, and during the meeting some of the Forsaken began to sneak off towards the city gates with their loved ones. They asked Calia to shelter them, and she agreed.
Sylvanas ordered her rangers to open fire on the Forsaken on the field, both those who were defecting and those who were running back to her. She wanted knowledge of this incident to be wiped out in its entirety.
When Calia saw the Forsaken being shot down she tried to intervene, but was killed as well (Sylvanas had made an agreement with Anduin that no human would be killed or some bullshit, but there was kind of a loophole that allowed her to kill Calia since she technically isn't a part of the Alliance).
Anduin then took Calia to a Naaru who sort of resurrected her, and now we get this bullshit. This was part of the tensions that built up to the war in BfA.
Why are all of the WOW main characters women now
>a Troll priest isn't channeling the Light, neither are Undead or Night Elves.
Yes they are
Lorelet pls go
Losing hope and laughing at the awful lore is probably better for your liver at this point. Just remember the game from WC3 i guess.
writer is a woman
Because gamer has been wordfiltered to gamer, gamer
have sex
which one is the filtered i wonder
I thought you gamers really like sexy women in your games?
You always go on about mommies and milkies
Except she didn't call for rebellion and the meeting was aproved by Sylvanas. She just sperged out afterwards because she was afraid the Forsaken would defect to the Alliance. The war hadn't started yet either by that point.
Because all of the big bads are men
And more importantly, a human!
anduin, thrall, saurfang
>new epic buzzword filtered
now do it for incel - chad, have sex - play vidya tranny - da man
Thrall, Saurfang, Baine, Lorthemar, Anduin, Magni
Last expansion was all about Khadgar, Illidan, Velen, and Sargeras
I could understand her being to paranoid if she was down to like maybe 3 Valkyrie or lower but she has died like what 2 times? And wasted them using their powers on other shit and leaving them with Nathanos where Malfurion killed one she only has herself to blame.
Sorry sweaty, but in Lordaeron the right of succession is only passed from father to the eldest son.
BFA has been nothing but milf material
Girlyboy who takes orders from strong womyn
Still irrelevant
Plays the mad, bitter incel
>Fucking light undead?
That's the plan, yes.
what do her milkies taste like? what do her braps smell like? these are important details, blizz!
Not while this trash will live to finalize their shitty retcons into stone.
>what do her milkies taste like?
>what do her braps smell like?
>The war hadn't started yet either by that point.
War... war never ends.
Do naga lay eggs or do they give birth to live offspring?
because milkies
I forgot about how they are going to ruin WC3 too... fuck
>gets two cinematics
>still irrelevant
It makes sense for the most part except for Sylvanas becoming warchief and even then the problem is more about her being fucking undead than a woman.
>New Forsaken starting quest after Sylvanas is kicked out is that new Forsaken have to drink from Mommy Menethils udders
>These people wanted to find a cure,
Ironic since that's what Baine promised to help the Forsaken with and Sylvanas just tried to have him executed.
Go read some gamer fanfiction to find out
>playing MMOs
>playing WoW
Nigga she looks like a titan watcher now. That's not the original catlylin
Nathanos, Greymane, "Zappyboi", Gallywix...
How is the stone burning
Name one thing Thrall did this expansion
There's no cure. They died, but got another chance through undeath. The only "cure" is oblivion.
Not when the father is ash and the son is a frozen corpse
Beta orbiter incarnate.
Didn't they already removed the original WC3 off the launcher? It's pretty much a given their new WC3 is how they want the story to be told now and it gets worse every time.
Back to the r site
infiltrated orgrimmar and saved baines life
How is the fucking Stratholme STILL burning after all this time?
It's not really irony, Sylvanas doesn't want to find a cure and she hates the influence that Baine has over the Horde overall.
Make Jaina wet (again)
Unless you have an old copy or bought it before Reforged. You cant only get reforged now.
His presence alone makes Jaina wet, and therefore the Alliance will forgive the Horde again.
I wouldn't hold my breath they have been changing lore a lot and with lightforged undead being a thing now who's to say they won't change that too.
Doesn't it say right on Reforged's page that you get a copy of the original immediately?
Does it? I didnt look at reforged simply because of how awful the "Update" looks and the additions they want to make to the game. Only see it cause of classic beta.
>you start another global war.
Fool, the nelves made the first move in the war, Sylvanas only retaliated.
Also, to the user who said something about them removing classic WCIII from the launcher: It was never there to begin with, it's had its own launcher since day one and that is still the case now.
Imagine being an alliancecuck
>sits on your face
>maggots and rotten flesh fly out with her delectable scent
perfect. time to re-sub, boys.
Lor'themar it's the only sane leader left in this retarded gane.
I'm glad Blizzard always forget about him therefore they don't ruin his character.
she looks like she beats kids
Yeah but Baine betrayed her first.
I'm with this user, I don't get why people think she looks hot now, she looks like a fucking meth head.
Well there you go just have to download it from the website as opposed to the launcher.
because they can't get the images of her sfm model out of their heads.
>I don't get why people think she looks hot now
These people are sexually-defunct gamers
He was already ruined the moment he became an Horde fag. In BFA he's just Sylv's bitch like everyone, and decided to turn on her at the same moment as everyone.
Yeah, it's been that way for like a decade, same with Starcraft.
Both him and jania kinda just slowly walked over to Azashara and forgot about the whole device. Prob would have solved a few issues if they didnt forget about that... or if the players actually existed in the world.
That's going to be the cinematic for the defense of Stormwind right?
More Jaina lmao.
read the lore, the fire in stratholme is magical in nature and never extinguishes
too late
Are you claiming that Velen and Muradin are insane?
>The horrible leaks were true
I think I'll just stick with ShB
... is that a fucking Myst reference?
these character faces have gook phone industry written all over them
Velen spent his life following visions and taking orders from a windchime, Muradin I will give you he even told Arthas not to touch the fucking sword and he did anyway.
How many literal corpses are they gonna dig up to keep Jaina relevant? Seriously do they not understand you don't need to keep bringing back irrelevant dead people to make the story good. Since they brought back every family member of Jaina Back are they gonna resurrect her family dog too?
>by the power of light she was born in undeath
retarded. just retarded.
>Undead ret paladins
>Wreaking holy vengeance from beyond the grave
>Not even death stops this crusade
Gotta admit, that's pretty fucking metal. Maybe the people that don't like this are just a bunch of pussies.
he's busy in the nexus :)
it fucking hurts
a gamer
But Illidan set Velen straight now hes quite sane
Legion already established the Light as another form of CORRUPTION. It's just shiny this time.
>Dude shut up it's cool even if it further rapes and kills the lore
You are the reason the writing became shit. People like you that approve of this horseshit because of superficial reasons
Part of the problem with Warcraft right now is that these primordial forces of the universe don't make any fucking sense. Like what is "Light?" What is "Void?"
Light is not life or order (order is arcane). So what is Light? Void is not death or disorder (disorder is fel).
Fact he waited for Illadin to say something and not assume maybe going with these visions haven't been working out lately he deserves the flak.
Hell be back when more alt draenor shit happens. We will probably go to alt azeroth, meet him, and eventually get him to take the reigns from crazy Yrel so the alt lightbringer guys become good with Emprah Arthas at the helm
looks like maiden of virtue, not like an undead human
Can we abolish factions already?
>appears out of literally nowhere all of a sudden
>direct immediate blood relation to most popular character in the entire story
>everyone absolutely loves her for no apparent reason, from the heroes to the jaded outcasts
>can do no wrong
>anything you perceive as wrong that she's done was actually right, the story says this so thats what happened
>becomes THE apprentice to another extremely powerful character
>surpasses them in every possible way
>quickly becomes the utmost authority on a difficult skill or talent that is borderline impossible for everyone else, the most powerful
>solves everyone's problems
>love interest of another super-prominent character
>shoved down your throat whether you want her or not
But remember: Sylvanas is the mary sue and must be killed off
Your first mistake was expecting good lore from Blizzard.
Plenty of Mary Sues in the lore.
btw any character that has been resurrected by a priest or paladin in WoW is undead, since it is not their natural life force sustaining them, but rather 'the light' (naa'ru HIV).
Ya'll are light zombies stumbling around thinking you are in control of your own actions.
Pretty much everyone wants to kill her at this point in story except other forsaken in her circle. Unless they have her lightfotged and work for Arthas sister which would be dumb though ironic
Light is collectivism
Void is individualism
All the main characters are mary sues until Blizz decides to kill them off.
what would stop them from doing some time travel bullshit again?
player resurrections are not canon resurrections
>warcraft always had oversized shoulder pads
True but these visions did save him from becoming corrupted like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. So trusting these visions wasnt that bad of an idea (atleast at the beginning).
That makes no sense, if anything it would be the reverse, most Void servants are hive-based insectoid creatures.
The writing was always utter schlock. Warcraft was a Warhammer rip off that became a D&D rip off. Their greatest 'innovations' were smushing drow and wood elves together, and making tieflings blue skinned goody two shoes.
Sexy dragon baby.
Unless they purge the bronze dragonflight nothing.
Yeah it's down the in the pipeworks bro dont worry.
does her skin look kinda too perfect or something to you guys? she looks more like a draenei than a undead human
Valeera got an upgrade too
Basically Callia was retarded and tried to do a somewhat of a coup and tell all the undead who wanted to leave Sylvanas to just do so at a peace meeting. Sylvanas then kills her and the Forsaken who did so as well. Then Anduin and Forsaken priest both resurrected her so she became a lightforge forsaken.
No, it's correct. In the Light there is ONE ideal that everyone needs to follow. Dissent is not allowed. Light views itself as objective good.
The Void is countless ideals clashing and battling for supremacy in a "might makes right" fashion. The countless voices is what drives people to madness.
The strongest individuals bend the weaker ones to their will.
priests canonically have the ability to resurrect the fallen, and this capability is demonstrated in several prominent pieces of lore
the player even has a class hall which was integral to the central storyline, and if priests have a class hall then player priests are canon, and if priest Resurrection is canon then player priest Resurrection is canon
Yeah but he became to reliant on them and just dragged the Legion to other worlds since Kil'jaden was still butt mad because Velen hates Kool-aid
Their greatest innovations were characters like Arthas or Maiev.
In WoW you can't do that anymore since it's a mmo.
Again, this doesn't make sense. What you're describing is order and disorder, which is already covered by arcane and fel. Also, void shit is obsessed with slavery, subservience, being part of a hive-mind... etc.
I thought the same thing they really didn't try with this one.
LiLi Stormslut!
>light is collectivism and void is individualism
Light is order and void is chaos. Both come with their costs.
maybe the texture isnt finished yet
>Light is order and void is chaos.
Arcane is order, and Fel is chaos. Fel tainted fuckers are constantly ranting about how the chaos is going to consume you and shit. Fel is literally created by disordering the universe, and the Titans (arcane beings) are driven to bring order to the universe.
>hottest blood elf in the game
>she's in the Alliance
>this faggot literally wanted to mount Anduin
or was it the other way around? lmao Blizzard going full faggot
Is ret worth getting to 120 for keys in retail? This is my 10th alt and i don't feel like leveling again but ret seems fun.
Pandarens really are Blizzard's gift to people with good taste. When they are young they make nice lolis, when they are old they make thicc mommies
where are the tits? i only see a flat chested elf.
no milkies in those empty bags
Oh yeah, forgot she died all of a sudden.
No, you can order collectivism and disorderly collectivism.
>Also, void shit is obsessed with slavery, subservience, being part of a hive-mind... etc.
Individuality means the strong are free to control the weak, and that is viewed as a moral good.
Collectivism is the weak banding together and preventing strong individuals from controlling others.
Neither is objectively good or bad, both can be useful or destructive.
That's how it looks before physics are applied.
Based retard
Human D too good.
It's pretty dumb considering those terms can be used for multiple concepts on the chart. Void being are quite literally defined by absolute chaos down to causing madness in their followers. The light enslaves people into stagnant order. I get that it may say that on the power chart but it's not been totally thought out.
How is this game not dead yet? Did BfA somehow turn out to be good?
I agree, that's what I'm saying, they didn't think this shit through properly and now we have all of these redundant "primordial forces" that make no sense. This is particularly a problem with multiple classes rely on these primordial forces as a foundation.
No. WoW isn't going to die bro. It is shit but a shit that will continue living for a long long time.
>he honestly believed Yea Forums when it claimed that Blizz and WoW are dead
lol? Maybe go to a gamer thread, they are populated with...people of your intellect range.
several million players still trucking along cause of sunk cost fallacy, friends playing and "maybe the next expansion will be good"
well that's from blizz trying to organize magic way too late in the game
fel was just fucky arcane, elementals/undead being an arcane practice, or how voidwalkers were demons until they were tied to old gods
but now everything's color coded into yellow/purple/blue/dark blue/green/green
I enjoy how they write every bit of new content completely ignoring the old, even stuff they just wrote last month.
Guy's can't even compile their current story fast enough to publish it before it is outdated again.
The game world is this odd wastleland of things that no longer exist can do not fit together with the shit you will be doing in a few levels and everything outside of the latest patch is all retconned and changed things that are not represented in the game.
It's honestly one of the most bizarre and surreal storytelling I have ever seen.
Like everything is a shambling corpse with the most current patch propped on top that is the only thing now true and will itself be changed in a month of two.
>Void being are quite literally defined by absolute chaos down to causing madness in their followers.
Old Gods build vast empires, works collaboratively with each other, have military hierarchies, and build towering symmetrical structures. They are not disorderly.
Causing insanity in weak-willed creatures does not mean they are chaotic.
How is it a coup to just fucking leave?
>Cease and Desist from making Warcraft porn
Why would a company do this? People are literally jacking off to your characters.
>tranny face
>posting mentally ill trannies is fine
>posting women is halam
Kiwifaggots and reseterafags everyone
I always viewed old god servants (at least the creatures) as extensions of the old god controlling them and any alliances are more out of forced convenience to fuel their endless wars they fought against each other. I could be drawing too many parallels to warhammer and their ideas of "chaos" but it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Blizzard may have borrowed some ideas just as they did from other works of fiction like what the old gods are based off, especially considering the origins of Warcraft. I think the contradictions on how they conduct themselves though are more down to Blizzards shitty writing than anything.
That's nice, but I wish they were exposed tits. This is a PC game and if they wanted to, the could Ignore the ESRB ratings because this game isn't really sold in the store shelves. Blizzard could actually get away with full nudity if they wanted to.
Is that a lalafell? Doesn't seem as creepy looking as they usually do.
He looks like a chinese knock off. Christie Golden said she preferred how WoW looked in the chinamen panda expansion. She has no idea what makes good aesthetics let alone visual design and now we have a shitty remake that won't only fuck up the graphics but also the
what if the tits are rotten
Pratically a woman, cant wait when he hears the whip of the frosty bitch
Irrelevant, also can apply the "whip"
Traitor of his race, basically a bitch now
Incarnation of the beta incel players
Anduin's bitch
The usual jew, at least not with femine qualities
Hes going to be the child of light and shadow, we’re going to redeem him in the shadowlands, get ready :)
As a necromancer, I'm ok with it.
fuck off
Tell me about it.
I tried to write a fanfic once set between WC2/WC3 and went to great lengths to make sure it doesn't contradict canon in any way.
In the end I just gave up. WC2 is retconned by novelizations which would be somewhat acceptable, as WC2 was pushing two decades at that point. But then out come the Chronicles which retcon said novelizations written mere years before.
And let's not forget that space goat sluts everyone loves so much owe their existence to Metzen forgetting his own lore while writing TBC.
I don't mind space goats, but I would have liked to get playable broken.
surely that must be on the menu soon with all the allied race stuff
Thanks for killing my game by stealing its devs
now we get this nu-male shit
>not furries
>no sexual dimorphism
Yeah, I'm not holding my breath.
Your game was on life support already, they're just gently pulling the plug.
maybe, but players have been asking for playable broken since BC, come on blizzard
>holy demons
>holy undeads
True, but that was because they tried pushing esports so hard when it was clearly failing. Same with OW though. Blizzard is just fucking retarded, I genuinely wish they'd just delete their games instead of letting us watch them deteriorate like this
and even chronicles, the supposed end all be all in lore, isn't safe
what bothers me about the draenei is how they swept the old draenei under the rug and replaced any lore relevant pre-tbc draenei with the broken, to make the space goat/toothy old man connection a little less jarring
if velen and crew crashed on azeroth and draenei remained natives of draenor, then blueberry christian klingons wouldn't have been too much of a problem
Lightforged undead for Alliance
looks like the hots team got absorbed back into wow
>alliance gets undead paladins
>somehow normal undead can't because reasons
God I hate this company.
She's gonna be a raid boss in the final raid where it is revealed that the titans/light are the baddies, and old gods and sylvanas were the good guys all along
Never played HotS, but even I felt bad for the pro players and the casual audience when I heard how they handled the axing of their pro league when they realized it won't turn into a huge cash cow.
>be at war
>"wtf why are you commiting acts of war"
literally you rn
>if velen and crew crashed on azeroth and draenei remained natives of draenor, then blueberry christian klingons wouldn't have been too much of a problem
Everyone would be bitching that they came out of nowhere, instead.
Omega swerve
Gameplay and story segregation.
What the fuck is this? A light infused undead?
I wish I could play a lolidaren. fucking blizzard making the best models unplayable.
Not even light infused like the old dude at the Light's Hope Chapel, Leonid Barthalomew. This one is directly RAISED by Light.
Thrall and Saurfang are chads though
They plaguebombed their own troops.
Blizzard sure is taking the long road to finally put those undead paladins in the game
That doesn't make any fucking sense. Isn't the light version of raising the dead resurrection? Who at Blizzard comes up with these pants-on-head retarded ideas?
>Who at Blizzard comes up with these pants-on-head retarded ideas?
chirstie golden i believe
Remember the days when everyone praised her as a great writer, especially when compared to the unholy Knaak?
true, but where it stands they showed up out of nowhere on a planet they named, got their shit kicked in until they were unrecognizable, then came out of nowhere and crashed into a backwater nelf island
I just want to share our ways and spill orc blood for draenor is that so much to ask for?
The Warcraft Expanded Universe had only traded one evil master for another.
Honestly, I don't even think Knaak was that bad. The worst he's done was NotD and Stormrage, which were merely forgettable side stories that have only the slightest of influence on the main canon.
Compared to shit like War Crimes that's basically nothing.
Yea Forums users
She existed long before that. She was mentioned in the Knaak books for the 2nd war. She was going to be married off to the disguised Deathwing.
>She has written nearly fifty novels and several short stories in fantasy, horror and science fiction.
Imagine reaching her age, writing that many novels and still being so fucking bad at it.
If you are a night elf fan, knaak is the worst of all.
Honestly he has was really worst than Golden, just because of things like TBC.
But the only night elf related thing he's written was WotA trilogy, which was pretty dope, use of time travel as a framing device aside.
>my wife Lana finally left Blizzard
HotS wasn't truly dead to me until this. It was only a matter of time, I just wish she didn't have to leave.
You have really shit taste.
WotA retconned and ruined the nelves, turned them into generic elves. Let's not even mention that one orc and one human male stole their fight.
I do not understand the nature of your complaints. NElves were generic elves before they blew the Well up, that's the whole point.
And that one orc and one human got to do about one noteworthy thing each, rest of the time they were on the sidelines.
>the old gods are all about mind control
yeah no
Based. Fourth MOMMY alongside Azshara, Onyxia and Whitemane.
miss metzen
miss garrosh
miss varian
miss tyrion
miss fun
I mean, that's true. Look at Alonsus Faol.
Nelves were supposed to be "distrusting of the 'lesser races' of the world". This part is retconned.
Your human is a giant mary sue who becomes the fucking teacher of Illidan and later leads the moonguard.
All of the Nelves are downgraded. Tyrande is turned into a damsel in distress. In fact Cenarius choses Broxigar to carry the most powerful weapon he ever created.
Illidan is no more a betrayer.
Tauren druid.
Therefore lot of things in wc3 don't make any sense.
Nelfs need to embrace Azshara and restore elf Reich.
I miss WC3 Night Elves, where they had spent thousands of years genociding races that encroached on their land and were a militarized society entirely based around nature.
Now that was all just boasting and they were really just cuddly hippies waiting for pal up all along.
Oh and i forgot to mention that demon hunters are completely ignored.
I need to embrace a Night Elf while making her a mother.
>Nelves were supposed to be "distrusting of the 'lesser races' of the world". This part is retconned.
They're outright racist throughout the books with only Jarod being an exception.
>Your human is a giant mary sue who becomes the fucking teacher of Illidan and later leads the moonguard.
The former he successfully fucks up and gets Illidan started on the path of doing nothing wrong.
>All of the Nelves are downgraded. Tyrande is turned into a damsel in distress.
Except nelves are still the ones who handle 95% of the fighting. Tyrande also doesn't spend nearly as much time in captivity as Malf does getting fucked over by Xavius.
>Illidan is no more a betrayer.
Yes he is, he still makes a new Well. That's the "betrayal" part and why he's a jailbird come WC3 still.
>Tauren druid.
Blame Legion. Tauren in WotA were all spear users.
>don't talk about the genocide
Mayb calia will rez him to lead her armies of lightforged undead.
It's okay, Yrel went space goat Hitler in BfA, so they're even now.
I'll give you that. Illidan in the novels is a pure mage, it's never mentioned where he got his glaives or learned to use them.
Blood Elves
>They're outright racist throughout the books with only Jarod being an exception.
Wrong. For exemple Tyrande is wet for Broxigar and slaps a priestess for daring to ask why an Orc male is in their most sacred place.
They accept Taurens. A fucking human leads the moonguard. Broxigar is given the most powerful weapon of the night elves. So much for your racist race.
>The former he successfully fucks up and gets Illidan started on the path of doing nothing wrong.
So what. In the end he's still a giant mary sue who steals the show like i said.
>Except nelves are still the ones who handle 95% of the fighting.
Broxigar gets to fight fuckign Sargeras. Meanwhile Furion and Tyrande are retconned from fighting Azshara and her elite guards to death, to doing shitty things (and i'm not even a Tyrande lover).
>Yes he is, he still makes a new Well. That's the "betrayal" part and why he's a jailbird come WC3 still.
In Wc3 he's called the betrayer because he sided with Azshara. You don't call someone a "betrayer" because he broke some rule.
>Paladins used to have specific anti-undead spells given light is like acid to´em
>2019. "Lightforged undeads lul"
Item level 400 jizzbrain, OP.
I'm glad blizzard is trying to remove this trash
I support them 100% if they remove these stupid ingame model fucking cringe.
where's his fucking turban?
undead always been able to use light It just causes them immense pain
also known as my wife.
That and the fact that demon hunters were supposed to be a thing since the wota, and they were never imprisoned except Illidan.
You even meet one in vanilla iirc.
Does she wear only a loincloth because she farts a lot?
Nelfs, higborne, nightborne, belfs, naga and other elves should be in one faction under Azshara, change my mind.
I'm more amazed that one guy was so butthurt by WoW porn that he reported this guy for literal weeks to Blizzard
Azshara is being suprise buttsex by N'zoth, not available
based retard
>Giving a shit about storytelling in wow, which is probably the worst in the genre and MMO's set a very low bar
>Playing current retail wow, which is at this point basically just a mobile game you play on your computer
haha what if orcs are green because of all the farts haha he just joking haha
>new Forsaken characters have to choose between drinking holy, blessed milkies from Calia's udders or stale, pungent milk from Sylvanas's raisins.
They are a couple, user, they probably do it all the time. I mean, it would explain how naga army was raised and what they were up to all those years....
Or I wish they were. I sense that one will betray another, because Blizz knows how to disappoint me. They are wasted in this expansion.
Reminder that male orc on elf/human female is the fantasy equivalent of BLACKED and if you enjoy it you are enjoying cuckshit
rent free
What if they are two headed and drink from both at the same time?
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I go out drinking
Makin' my mind fuzzy,
That's why I don't fuck wit da big jann-ee
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me is blowing semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
>Wrong. For exemple Tyrande is wet for Broxigar and slaps a priestess for daring to ask why an Orc male is in their most sacred place.
So the priesthood is racist, the military is racist, the nobility is racist, Azshara quite literally spells out that she's poking into the Well to find an easy way to cleanse the world of lesser races, but Tyrande being a goody-two-shoes (which shouldn't be a surprise at all) somehow invalidates all that?
>They accept Taurens.
Only after excessive bitching on the part of the main characters and even then they're not allowed to integrate into the army until Stareye dies. Because they're that racist.
>A fucking human leads the moonguard.
Why not? He can back up his credentials by still being able to cast shit and Moonguard is basically a bunch of irrelevant leftovers at that point anyway. Rhonin is only in that position in the first place because the original commander, Illidan, decides to go do nothing wrong.
>Broxigar is given the most powerful weapon of the night elves.
Of Cenarius. Not the night elves. Night elves and Cenarius couldn't give two shits about each other at that point and it's pointed out in the first few pages after Varo'then shows up.
So a demigod makes a neat ilvl axe for Brox so he won't be dead weight in a fight. What's wrong with that?
>giant mary sue who steals the show like i said.
I keep seeing this brought up and I still don't understand it. He barely does anything of importance.
>Broxigar gets to fight fuckign Sargeras.
"Fight" is a bit generous. Jarod gets to actually fight Archimonde, for instance.
> Furion and Tyrande
Fuck, I'll give you that too. I don't even remember what they were up to at the end.
>In Wc3 he's called the betrayer because he sided with Azshara.
I assume that was mentioned in a manual somewhere, because I certainly don't recall the actual game spelling it out. Even so, he did run off to Azshara in WoTA. "Merely pretending" does not excuse him in the end.
go jack off to your green niggers
>comparing shit skins to sexy green orcs
You´re so biased it´s not even worth to discuss it.
And i´m not even that guy
for me, it's a hand me down iphone 7 plus i got from my sister
This is what a blacked sub does to your brain
>, Azshara quite literally spells out that she's poking into the Well to find an easy way to cleanse the world of lesser races
Why is she so based?
>Look at my fan art of a human painted green!
An excuse to give Alliance Forsaken.
He's kind of right though. Most fem elves on orcs or humans porn is a race thing and is really just shitting on elves. Most people who fap to it are not fans of elves in general.
Are you an idiot? That's not in-game, that's not even the actual Blood Elf model.
I said orc male, orc females are ok.
garbage character
creepy model
well heroes of the storm has better orc models the wow in game models look like shit because of the engine
>Clear in-game models ripped from the game and modded
>That isn't in-game!
God you're so fucking stupid i can only think you're some 3rd world retard that can't think without government assistance.
>people are literally complaining about Alibaster races
It's the closest we are getting to real mecha races. Appreciate what we are getting!
male orcs look so bad in game
i dont know why blizzard wont update the models
who cares. we are going home soon
Humans turning out to be manlet mutant Vrykul is probably one of the dumbest twists in video games. God I hate the Vrykul and post-vanilla Titan lore.
Warcrafts over explaining of every single races retarded origin and incestuous evolution is dogshit. A vast world was condensed into 3 or 4 strains of life. Right down to the dietys they all worship and the powers they summon.
Tyrande and Malfurion are the leaders of the Nelves. The leaders are the reflect of the society they lead. If they aren't racist then it's the same for the society, and even if that's still the case, it becomes irrelevant anyway, since Malf and Tyrande are the ones calling the shots.
>Why not?
Because the Nelves are supposed to be racist? That's like the KKK being lead by a black guy.
Also the Night Elves in Knaak books are never racist later on. The last racist night elf is perhaps Maiev who hates "mutt people".
>I assume that was mentioned in a manual somewhere, because I certainly don't recall the actual game spelling it out
Yes, it's in the manual. You are never told ingame why Illidan is hated by his brother or Maiev.
>"Merely pretending" does not excuse him in the end.
C'mon the intentions are what matter. You are going to call every spy of the CIA "betrayers of the USA" because they do shady things to work undercovered?
Also Malfurion knows it.
>God I hate the Vrykul and post-vanilla Titan lore.
Dwarves being a result of the curse of flesh was first stated in uldaman though
>now even trolls are titans
Fuck Blizzard and fuck niggers
>savage beastmen of lower race defile females of a higher civilization, usually containing raceplay, rape and humiliation
Stay in denial, its the same idea behind orced and blacked.
dude... LOL
And that was fine, it fucking made sense considering who and what dwarves are. There is no excuse for that dog's vomit of Vrykul lore.
>Warcraft orcs are lower beast men
since when?
They've only stopped Rexx, a subpar modeller at best. They brought in the lawyers to try and stop Studiofow releasing that (pretty meh) Yriel movie and they released it anyway.
so its okay for dwarves and gnomes, but not for humans?
Lol, but I'm an Ork
>Tyrande and Malfurion are the leaders of the Nelves.
Tyrande is - Malf spends the intervening 10k years asleep. He's also the first to suggest to Tyrande that her shoot-to-kill policy might not be a good thing upon waking up.
Tyrande had 10k years of sexual abstinence to grow distrustful of everything not blue.
Even then, NElves in WC3 attack the orcs not for shits and giggles, but because they're quite literally invading and chopping down their woods. Tyrande herself shows up in the story only after they kill Cenarius for good measure, which would not help put her in a diplomatic mood either.
I think it was also implied that Nozdormu altered their memories to fit the original timeline but I'd have to check, I don't have the books on hand.
>Because the Nelves are supposed to be racist? That's like the KKK being lead by a black guy.
That's like Germany suddenly declaring a large subset of former "subhumans" Aryan enough to conscript them into Waffen SS because the war is going poorly and they need all the help they can get. This is pretty much what happened.
>Also the Night Elves in Knaak books are never racist later on.
Whole one of them, and it was set quite a few years after Hyjal and after NElves joined the Alliance, which would alter their attitude somewhat. In any case, the sudden change of direction from WC3 savage NElves is Metzen's doing, not Knaak's.
>You are going to call every spy of the CIA "betrayers of the USA" because they do shady things to work undercovered?
The difference is that they're authorized and ordered to do nasty shit undercover. Illidan basically went AWOL, if we were to use this analogy.
you'd know I guess LOL !
Isn't Jesus a holy undead?
Ogres are too big
>Tyrande is - Malf spends the intervening 10k years asleep
lorelet pls go
nelf society is split into the druids and the sentinels that guard the druids while they slumber
malfurion is in charge of the druids and tyrande is in charge of the sentinels
more like non-canon cuckold
There it is, now he looks gay and he can now peruse his homosexual relationship with Anduin.
>lightforged forsaken
I think its safe to said WoW reached a point where you really should reconsider the choices in your life if you defend this game.
Why would you need to improve if WoWfags eat up your shit, whatever you do. For the bloody fuck a random average jap guy makes better LNs than her, or fuck I go full force and say if any one of you faggots would write a fantasy novel it would be better than this crap.
I don't think its a bad concept, its more like executed in the worst way possible, trough a questline most people forget.
>dude I gave birth to some manlet ass child
>flashback cuts out
And that's it. I mean why are we even shown this? What the fuck start a story when you just nope out of it. Its either completely pointless since the buildup pushes you into nothing, so it might as well not even exist. This is why WoW writers are so abysmally bad, the game is fucking loaded with this shit, where are no connections to each other or its just lol who cares, next expac you'll forget it anyway. Its all the same thing, same with legendary weapons, or character development like Yrel, Garrosh, the pandas who are alliance and horde ambassadors, the dragons. Its all the same shit: NONE of these matters, why are they even in the game then? Holy fuck I hate warcraft lore and its writers
isn't muhammad a pedophile faggot
lmao i'm not even muslim
N'zoth I wouldn't call male. Its my canon that Yogg-Saron is a pretty girl old god though
>vanilla Titan lore
>full of many unexplained elements and connections, generally mysterious beyond knowing they're the creator race and earthern were their servants
>WotLK Titan lore
>BFA lore
Beastmen=They act like beasts, not like the literal goat head creatueres
of lower race=far below advanced races like elves(WC orks live in borderline mudhuts, add in that Durotar is a desert and you got subsaharan Africa)
Warcraft orcs are annoying to me. They are the noble savages that can't do no wrong and even when they do it wasn't really their fault and they were always oppressed and persecuted and shiet. Warhammer orcs are miles above them, since not only does them being asexual fungi keep the cucks out, but they also ain't there to be the substitute for the noble black pepo.
>N'zoth I wouldn't call male
He's all male.
What's worse is that Shadowbringers just put out the best FF story since X (which is an admittedly low-bar considering all the dross since then), what excuse does this billion dollar company have?
It’s always sad when lore gets afflicted with a bad case of explainitis.
Sometimes it’s just better to leave mysteries as they are and let players fill in the blanks with their own theories.
but then people couldn't see how much detail I put into world building!
deep and detailed lore is a fine substitute for character development right?
[citation needed]
Don't know anything about XIV, what makes XIV story so good?
Never, they gave up on using player character compatible armor pieces for famous NPCs and just gave them all custom models.
>He's also the first to suggest to Tyrande that her shoot-to-kill policy might not be a good thing upon waking up.
Because at this point they were all fighting the undeads and Malfurion noticed it.
Tyrande killing Orc/Humans on sight, just like Cenarius and the rest of the sentinels did at the beginning make no sense after the book that Knaak wrote. Even if they were cutting some wood seriously.
>Illidan basically went AWOL, if we were to use this analogy.
My point was that the intentions mater. You are not a betrayer of your nation if you are doing something to save it. Malf knows it in the end. Why would he let people call him the "betrayer"?
For fuck sake Blizzard stop making me want to fuck dead bodies
Nothing wrong with worldbuilding. Just need to build in the right direction is all, and not try to retrofit a shack to be a sprawling skyscraper.
Times change
>Reanimating people is against the light
No it's not
The player-character mostly drives events instead of being a side character. It’s more written for the player to be a main participant and focuses on character interactions and character arcs than going to places and doing cool stuff, and being witness to other leaders doing stuff while you run errands for them.
Well, except maybe Stormblood.
What even is the Void
Is it the Starcraft baddies?
>Shitposter can't even shitpost properly
Void are just Old God's creators trying to eat the mortal plane.
is there any race that isn't a bug/squid/goat whose origin isn't "the titans made something, but something went wrong and now they're this"? even obsidian destroyers fall into this category
Nathrezim and some other demons. The Naaru. Possibly the Etherials.
Everything else comes from titan-seeded worlds.
ok so orcs can only breed with draenei and elves can breed with humans
what else in the Warcraft lore can breed together?
>She helped Azshara to release Nzoth
>Tyrande killing Orc/Humans on sight, just like Cenarius and the rest of the sentinels did at the beginning make no sense after the book that Knaak wrote.
They could also smell demon blood in them from a mile away, apparently.
The actual problem here is that Tyrande doesn't remember what orcs and humans are, but then lol bronze dragons will fix it.
>Malf knows it in the end. Why would he let people call him the "betrayer"?
Malf is pretty sick of Illidan's "dindu nuffin" bullshit at this point. He might have let the whole double agent thing slide, but then Illidan decides to make another Well.
It's a question of whether ends justify the means, and Malf, along with the rest of the non-Highborne, takes offense to both the means and the ends.
Ingame female orc models are pretty fucking good.
>all covered up
stop being a retard OP
>shop shit
Apparently all the humanoid races can. Though worgen just create humans because they don't pass the curse.
Pay attention. It was Sylvanas who made sure the remnants of the Horde and Alliance fleets met above Nazjatar.
See 8.2 : The heroes fall into a trap by following Nathanos, so that they can free Nzoth.
Wrong, trolls, tauren, pandaren and pretty much everything on Draenor is not created by titans.
Thankfully, even Blizzard recognized how terrible this one was.
I know about that part, but that's not proof of anything.
This is what allied races should have been from the get go. The horde models on the alliance and the alliance models on the horde, for the players who don't want to leave their guilds/friends but also don't want to play the faction they currently are. They sort of did this with void elves and nightfallen, but then they messed it up and gave alliance more draneai and horde more tauren. Allied races should have been switched so that the were always on the opposing faction.
Titans put the automated systems in place that seeded both worlds, even if they didn't fully control the end results.
Titanforged and then Curse of Flesh-devolved races do have a bit of a closer link but in the end everything is based on titan blueprints.
>pretty much everything on Draenor is not created by titans.
Hohoho, you are in for a surprise once you read some of 'em Chronicles.
The player character here is supposed to be a self insert. The only problem here is that s/he's the [insert high title here] of everything. The writers of this game make so many very green-ear mistakes despite being paid. At this point nobody gives a fuck since the story is ridiculous as fuck anyway, and unlike Warcraft 3 the separate stories don't have any ties. Now this wouldn't be a bad idea, since it worked with vanilla. You are the no-name guy who does adventures with a minor thing going on.
Around Wotlk the story became on the focus that you are the chosen one and literally everything and everyone orbits around you.
Now this would work, if this was a single player game, even if it was a mediocre Mary Sue simulator. What you got out of this is a fuckload of paladins running around with Ashbringer, and things like these. The main problem is not only the writers are bad, they legit cannot think forward.
In WC3 Illdan and Arthas fight because they had their own stories tied together to a finale. Things are happening because certain events, in WoW things happening because pixie dust, and they might as well not be even there.
If there is no need for quality why bother, blizzdrones eat it up anyway.
Are you serious? Why do you think Nathanos did that then?
But again that's wrong, Draneor dosen't even have a titan soul.
I did, Draenor dosen't have a titan soul on it and the plant things came from the planet itself and the other species aren't titan created they did come from a titan creation. It's a small but important differance
No one wanted void elves.The speeds who did wanted the to be high elves but blizzard had to add some edge to them.
I was convinced this was a league hero at first
That's a lot of mental gymnastic here.
You are Tyrande/Cenarius, you know the Orcs and Humans and aren't racist anymore, you try to talk first and understand what's going on instead of shooting at them like the "lesser races" they are.
And Malf wouldn't be that much of an asshole. Pretty sure that Tyrande knew that Illidan wasn't a betrayer as well.
>now we get this nu-male shit
Waifus is "nu-male shit"?
is this the /lorelet/ general?
almost as if a curse isn't genetic and not all Gilneans are Worgen
Searching for a way to get Helya off Sylvanas ass
>You’re just a regular citizen, you die and are resurrected against your will by the Lich King and forced to fight in his army. He is defeated and you’re free, but you are still an undead monster... you didn’t ask for any of this... you were only a farmer.
Lmao how does blizzard take a compelling foundation to build complex forsaken characters on and just completely fuck it up every time.
Aggramar created Grond, Grond is the ancestor of all gronn, who are the ancestors of all ogres and orcs.
The best part is how the rest of the undeads are still mind controlled by the nu lich king for reasons.
Forsaken vs humans thing felt artificial to me. Just split Lordaeron and leave each other alone. I mean, I wouldn't fucking side with orcs if I was human undead.
aside from porn the game itself wont worth a resub
>almost as if a curse isn't genetic
I agree with you, but pointing out a curse isn't genetic is kind of stupid, as it's magic. It can be passed however they want it to be. And plenty of curses in fantasy are "cursed bloodlines" implying it's basically genetic.
Different sources of magic being used to raise the undead
>aren't titan created but they did come from a titan creation
It's a small but important difference, technically not even the humans are titan creations.
It's not like he ever lost control over them
user shitposts writing better then Christie Golden lmao nigga
Arthas was a basëdboy
I think that text is from the forsaken opening
nu lich king is supposed to be a good guy and forsaken were supposed to fight to free the rest of the undeads from mind control.
It isn’t
Play a real mmo with a real story, wowtard!
>she was dead, but she lived
Nothing you just said is true
How about you play a MMO with real dungeons and raids
If I remember correctly there was some kind of off-screen event between humans and forsaken rejoining, since both sides had family members vice versa but it was scrapped because the writers are dogshit.
No the event happened, but it happened in the books.
>imagine being THIS new
>skimpy death knight
Lok’tar ogar! ^_^
Some or all of it may have been removed but sylvanas had dialogue with nathanos saying she knew horde was going to die and ashvane had raid dialogue implying sylvanas sent them as sacrifice and the npcs reflect on it afterwards
Not to mention nathanos was following the dagger like a dowsing rod and we know it has influence over sylvanas (trick of the light no doubt)
I need to make a cute Gnome character
She was killed by Sylvanas in Before the Storm novel, then later on resurrected by Anduin, Alonsus Foal and a naaru. Her body was not decaying as other undead. She had an alabaster skin and white eyes, unlike sickly yellow of normal undead. She's not a normal kind of undead that we know of, the one created by necromancy, Lich King, etc. She's something new.
Will she be a leader of a Light Alliance Undead? Will she take over Sylvanas? Will she be a raid boss in a future expansion? Will she disappear for two hole expansions just as Wrathion did?
Will she give me her curdled milk from her big milkers? Possibilities...