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Please tell me this is fake news

>1 billion dollars for playing video games

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The number is made up

>932 million

>Blacer Fortnite
Well they've never lied to me before

imagine being dumb enough to sign an eceleb for a contract longer than 12 months.
Don't they know the average shelf life of these kinds of people?

>name field

no fucking way, i'm willing to believe 93.2 million over 6 years tho

What a fucking disgrace to society and an absolute insult to the system

chad ninja wins again

What is mixer? Am I getting old?

Fuck the system and the automatons that have faith in it.

you'd have to be brain dead to even consider this as real.
dumbass OP.


I could maybe, MAYBE bite for $93m. He's got a pretty high net worth with his appearances on normalfag tv and in ads and shit, plus his relationship with "real" celebrities and musicians. Over 6 years that'd be a pretty fair estimate if his popularity holds on mixer (which every single normalfag publication will talk about this for the next week, so it might drum up some interest). That's a pretty good deal for MS.

Realistically though, I think it's probably closer to $15m.

The fuck is a Mixer?

>squint at thumbnail
>think it's 93.2m
>bit high, but I can see it
>it's actually 932m

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Twitch competitor, I guess.
>paying someone to stream on a free streaming website
I don't get it either.

Why big forehead tho

I actually read it as 93.2 from the full picture, my brain couldn't even register the stupidity

But it is literally the result of said system, you moron.

Income taxes should be variable depending on your profession.

So, for example, if you're a scientist or doctor you pay 0.7x income tax whereas if you're an actor or "entertainer" you pay 2.5x income tax.

This is certainly not real and all ecelebs are gay

For context, the median American worker makes approx 2 million dollars in their entire life.

E3 flashbacks ahoy.

Do kids seriously still watch Ninja?

>Twitter shit
>Forced memes

What's causing all of this/v/

He lost most of his popularity already from what I've seen, literally just a fad

What scientists do you think make as much as the average doctor? What makes you think all actors/entertainers make around the same amount of money? Whoever wrote this is probably barely out of high school.

Number is way too outrageous to be believable, I mean LeBron is on a $155 million contract over 4 years.

I'm willing to believe 40-50 million over 6 years though. Maybe even 100.

You don't know what a mixer is?

I wish it was an insult to the system

>What scientists do you think make as much as the average doctor?
The guy who invented and patented the technology used to rapidly sequence genomes makes substantially more than the average doctor.

>What makes you think all actors/entertainers make around the same amount of money?

the system never worked and prob never will its there for the rich and witty to trap poor people to do what they want

LOL what!?!?! This fucking nigga is making 155 million dollars a year to stream fucking video games???

No and that’s the funny part. My gf is a 4tg grade teacher and this spring I was volunteered as a chaperone for a class field trip. A lot of the boys still love playing fortnite but straight up said ninja isn’t cool and no one watches ninja. They namedropped other people but I had no clue who they were because I don’t watch that shit.

Good for ninja, but he really just lucked out on the streamer competition.

>The most successful system in the history of mankind doesn't work



The "system" only exists to preserve the interests of other rich people. It's why doing shit like cheating pollution tests or forcing African mothers to use your shitty powdered milk rather than breast milk carries no real punishment while armed robbery lands you in jail for a few years.

I hope that number is fake because I almost fainted reading that.

>very first posts say that the number is bullshit and not real
>following posts go on to believe this ridiculous garbage regardless
Yea Forums and fact checking: not even once.

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Right, one person. But you said scientists in general. The average research scientist doesn’t make that much money. The PI of a lab might but the average is lower.

Smart guy, he realized his star is just beginning to go out so he cashed out on what popularity he has left
This will kill his career most likely, but if that number is true it's worh it

>The average research scientist doesn’t make that much money.
That's why I suggested a flat multiplier.

You sound like a fucking fool without a basic education.

I seriously doubt this fool is gonna be paid more than the best soccer,baseball,basketball athletes in the world.

Fortnite is bigger then all of those sports.

clueless boomer. Go back to yahoo

No, not even close actually.

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I bet they also said that capeshit isn't cool anymore. That's how it works, people downvote CoD trailers and then go and buy CoD

No it really isnt.

Microsoft scored big here, they know what they are doing.
Xbox is set to win next gen easily.

you sound like you never watched a real sport in your entire life, are you literally retarded?

"Ninja has made tons of money streaming on Twitch, as one recent interview revealed that he made nearly $10 million playing Fortnite on the service in 2018."

"Furthermore, Forsen estimates that Ninja's contract is between $6-8 million dollars, which when combined with sponsorships, likely keeps him making at least the same amount of money he was as Twitch."

Yes it's bigger,Noone outside of the US plays fucking baseball

Popular streamer is easily the best job you can have and I'd honestly kill anything to be able to be that.

Like fucking christ all you have to do is turn on a camera and play for a few hours a day and bang, millionaire. Meanwhile here I am with a shitty job after 10+ years of education. Makes you wonder what the fuck it is all worth for.

Baseball, perhaps. Soccer, football, basketball? Not even fucking close. Something like Real Madrid is probably close in value to fucking Epic Games as a whole, and that's literally one club.

It's not worth and you are a fucking retard that contentious to work

>Fortnite American
is this a new race?

>he made nearly $10 million playing Fortnite on the service in 2018

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>most successful
>entirely successful.

Why can't zoomer cancer ever think bros

Still requires you to do shit for 8+ hours a day. I'd rather just own stocks that earn their own money.

it was his attempt, retarded for sure but at least he tried
i'm glad he knows how to post witout a dot

Soccer is the only big sport

always reminds me of this

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Idk man
I've dumped 50 hours into edf5 over the last few weeks and I'm kind of burning out, I need a break before I can go back. Now imagine taking that feeling but for a game you don't even like, and having to play it day in and day out....you wouldn't even want to play vidya in your free time. Il keep the 9-5

>This person shouldn't make money like this!
Supply and demand you dumb boomer faggot

30 seconds of ad during the superbowl is literally double the prizepool of that one fortnite tourney that just happened retard

america has the biggest fucking economy in the world for a reason

its like twitch, but with 99% less people using it.
and its only on xbox and pc apparently.

Yeah, people who believe fake news posted on Yea Forums need to be gassed

Nah most full time streamers I follow actually still play games when they come home from streaming for 9 hours. I don't get it but turns out you have to actually like playing games to be a successful streamer.

>billion dollars for an over the hill streamer

You can just play different games every day. Like those variety streamers that just play whatever, or if they're bored they literally just open the stream and talk to their chat for a few hours about fucking whatever, check videos or what have you. And in exchange you get a fucking millionaire salary from the comfort of your own home.

How is this guy so popular. Watched him a few times and he has a personality of a brick

Literally in a different league compare to veteran streamer like forsen

Why are you defending this talentless nobody getting paid millions of dollars for doing fuck all? What you think you're going to win the no-effort lottery someday? What kind of messages does this send? Be boring in front of a webcam playing fotm games and earn millions? The fuck is that? Who wants a society full of that?

Good for him, I don't see why you should be salty about it. He's pretty much an actor at this point.

based and billionairepilled

>Superbowl 2018 had 103.4 million viewers.

>Leauge Campionship 2018 had 80 million viewers

>Fifa 2018 had 3.5 billion viewers.

Your biggest sport is getting shat on by games made for children

Obviously it's not $932 million, let's assume it's $9.32m, that's still a ridiculously stupid sum for some random nobody with a webcam playing some fucking game. At least normal celebs are classically trained and can be said by and large to have actually worked for their fortunes. This guy has the persona of a wet dishrag.


he ALREADY has like way too much money and can coast on that for LIFE.

like, shit man, what does notch do with his 2.5 BILLION? how can you even use that money up if your smart with it?

Are you autistic? Ninja is not a ''random streamer'' his brand is worth millions you retard

You got to remember he didn't marry an Asian woman so he's going to get divorce raped out of half of that so really his only making four or five hundred million

the super secret streaming service you use with friends when you want literally zero delay because twitch is fucking GARBAGE

He's just a random dude who got lucky, don't kid yourself. If Fortnite didn't come along and he didn't ride the wave would he even be this famous? No. Every single streamer is a random nobody and if you think any different, you're likely under 18.

>that's still a ridiculously stupid sum for some random nobody with a webcam playing some fucking game

Not really. He made $10M last year and even made, reportedly, $1M earlier this year just to play Apex Legends.

It's a made up number anyway, so

It doesn't matter how he got there. If you attract tens of thousands of people to watch you every day, you're not a random nobody anymore.

That's not why he did it, he said he wanted to "Go back to his roots", it has nothing to do about money.

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>more money than the entire dota 2 lifetime prizepool
Lol seething




Imagine being a zoomer. incel. fortnite. obsessed with a guy named ninja

Why do you care how someone else makes their money? Do you blow a casket over every entertainer you don't like? Don't watch it you fucking pussy.
I've never watched Ninja but if he can make this kind of money by playing video games for an audience, more power to him.
Don't pretend you wouldn't too if given the chance.



We live in a era where being a Doctor, Pro Athlete or Professor is aking to having a Mc job and gamers are the real chads. Who is laughing now Stephanie? Fuck you whore.

maybe i should start streaming on mixer

So everyone in the world is just random nobody who got lucky?

>Why do you care how someone else makes their money?
Because inequality that does not improve everyone's life is unjustifiable. Read some Rawls, retard.

>Do you blow a casket over every entertainer you don't like?

>Don't watch it you fucking pussy.
Don't like murder? Just don't commit one lol. No need to make it illegal.

>I've never watched Ninja but if he can make this kind of money by playing video games for an audience, more power to him.
You're a cuck.

>Don't pretend you wouldn't too if given the chance.
So what? The point of institutions and technology is to enable our better selves, not empower our worst ones.


Fuck off zoomer.

You say as if owning stocks is easy work.

Bro just keeping working for piggy’s 6 yacht bro. I’m glad the Overton window has shifted so much in the past decade.

>Why do you care how someone else makes their money?
Because inequality that does not improve everyone's life is unjustifiable. Read some Rawls, retard.

>Do you blow a casket over every entertainer you don't like?

>Don't watch it you fucking pussy.
Don't like murder? Just don't commit one lol. No need to make it illegal.

>I've never watched Ninja but if he can make this kind of money by playing video games for an audience, more power to him.
You're a cuck.

>Don't pretend you wouldn't too if given the chance.
So what? The point of institutions and technology is to enable our better selves, not empower our worst ones.

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You will learn about in next month.

>$166 million every year for wacky blue hair man
I really want this to be true just to see how fucking retarded companies can get with spending

>Because inequality that does not improve everyone's life is unjustifiable.

Making unequal things equal isn't always justifiable.

epic burn xD

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I am jealous. What would you do with that kind of money Yea Forums?

>This entertainer I don't like being successful is the same as murder
You are insane.

Imagine being this much of a retard

I'd rather be ruled by billionaires than communist dictators, chapobaby. At least billionaires don't send me to work camps.

Ninja isn't even the most popular Fortnite streamer.It's fake not that it was any possibility of paying a streamer 1 billion just so he could bring his 10-20k viewers to your service.

$155 million per year

Goddamn, that's still a shit load of money and he was probably already rich as fuck anyway. I'm not going to lie but I'm jealous. He'll be set for life.

>There's an estimated 90.4 trillion dollars available in the world between cash and "broad" money.
>Ninja is being paid 0.0011% of the entire world's available funds to play video games.
>One, out of 7,700,000,000 people is being paid one-tenthousandth of the world's monetary resources for vidya


Inequality on the basis of arbitrary characteristics is unjustifiable.

>i'm too dumb to understand analogies

Why do you say shit that you have no clue about when you can just google the stats and see that what you said is not true ?

I would buy a hundreds of Yea Forums passes and force memes.

Bro democratic socialism (which has consistently worked all over Europe minus importing the rapists).

Automatically leads to authoritarian rule bro. Based retard you sound like a boomer educate yourself.

>he can't blank post


Your analogy was fucking autistic.

Also amazon practically does that already and I hope you enjoy being replaced my machines in the next 10-15 years by your capitalist overlords sweetly.

Microsoft's version of Twitch.


There is not a single socialist nation in Europe, retard. Taxes aren't socialism.

If I was Ninja I would just quit. He has enough money to live a life of luxury for the rest of his life.
I'd just travel the world.

Please go back to school

Unironically still preferable over communism

Leftoids still can't grasp the fact that capitalism sucks but communism sucks more.

Nobody cares what you want to do

Youre forgetting one critical detail
>You have to pay to watch the Superbowl and FIFA.


Retard. Socialism is when the workers own their own labor. Europoors don't own their labor. They work for private corporations just like Americans do. By your logic, fucking America is a socialist country.

He's right though. You're spewing the common misconception that taxes and social programs are socialism. They're not.

If you think Norway is a model country, well congrats. You like capitalism. Norway is a neoliberal capitalist country through and through, fuckbrain.

there are much worse people who have more money and never worked a second for it

Germany and France are social democratic rules country’s. Also most party’s in Europe are significantly more left wing that in the United States.

Germany and France and capitalist countries. European neoliberalism is still capitalism

hate capitalism not humans

buy Yea Forums

If Karl Marx was still alive and you told him Europe is an example of "socialism", he would laugh in your face.

Any country where private property exists and corporations exist are not socialist. You're just as retarded as people who think universal healthcare is socialism

no you don't

Social democracy is capitalism.

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Fake news. It's nowhere close to that amount. But he is definitely getting paid by Microsoft.

Norway is not even in the Eu you fucking cum_brain

The only time I've ever watched this faggot was during this shitshow, and the fact that zoomers actually watch him tells me all I need to know about how doomed the younger generation is.

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I didn't say that, shutbrain. Europe != EU

Alright, but do you anons think we need universal healthcare in the US?

I don't really care whether or not you like it.

Who cares? Good on him I guess for taking money from retards. m$ are just throwing away that cash. Much as I want to see twitch get fucked, this ain't gonna do it

good for him i guess, seems ridiculous to me but it doesnt affect me much. I hope he donates most of it to a charity or in medical research.

i don't care about other people's health so no

There's no way Fortnite will last that long the zoomers will be burnt out on it in 6 years

nope, thats now the system was design first place, all as planned

But you think it’s okay that a ambulance ride is over a thousand dollars and a couple of stitches and cost more than that?

>six year contract
this isn't fucking baseball or hockey or something, nobody's gonna be watching this dude in two years at most

we're not in late stage capita-

Generalizations aside and speaking to your intention, yeah, I think entertainers (athletes, actors, streamers, etc) make way too much money.

you dont get it

the older REAL boomers think that my generation is LAZY and shit.

oh fuck, will they not be around to see the current gen grow up....


Was he even the most popular streamer on twitch? I know he was, but he did start losing relevance.


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That sounds like a lot but then you realize it's over 6 years.

i can afford it so i don't care

A streamer that big will never complete die out. Hell even when controversy happens like Doc cheating on his wife and taking a break from streaming just made his audience bigger which was a shock to me. As long as he never stops playing video games hes pretty much set for life. Fortnite might die out in 2 years but with a following that large he can easily just switch to whatever the newest craze is and still maintain decent viewership.

Depends, really. He was still pulling close to if not top numbers, I think tfue was gaining steam and was starting to tie him for most views, so rather than be dethroned entirely (He lost top sub spot forever ago, I think to shroud, not sure if that still holds true) he's now "gracefully exiting". Looks good for him, looks good for mixer, looks bad for twitch to lose a major player. Might shake things up, probably not though.

that bit with the red bull fridge was pretty funny. He's got some good writers.

That's right kid, you keep wishing and remember to pray at bedtime and maybe it'll come true..

.. it won't. XB2 is (again) going to be about TV.

sure but what I mean is, this would be like signing a star player but then they get injured two years in and once they come back they just aren't the same and only really play garbage time anymore. Except, you know that's going to happen in advance.

Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Cuba and Japan - all have Baseball leagues

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>i can afford it so i don't care
Fuck off with that cuck mentality.

From what I understand he is now popular because he decided to stick with Fortnite before it was popular. Can you imagine such a decision, like should I stream game A or game B, leads to a billion dollar payday? If he choose game B he very well could be working at a Publix or something eating subs.

>These 3rd world countries play it too

>3.5 billion mud hut dwellers

I only watch ninja when he plays ffxi, anything else is shit.

Fuck you and your cuck health, Hope you get fucking ruined with medical bills

If by "improve" you mean completely overthrow it, then yes, that would certainly make you a retard and a hypocrite, which happens to be a significant portion of the left at the moment. Even more curious, it's the character on the right is a far better representation of the political left, than the poor working man.

When I check social media or the news, I don't see Chomskys or Zizeks, I see people either actively calling for violent revolution, elitist champagne socialists acting snarky who sympathize with the former, and extreme confusion over personal identity and beliefs. That's what the left - the main group of people who just want to "improve society somewhat" - represent nowadays in many parts of the world.

After exposing yourself as a moron you double down on it, bold strategy

he was a halo pro, mixer is owned by microsoft, microsoft are releasing halo to pc

join the dots

I don't think America watches Soccer

Lebron reportedly got 1 billion for a lifetime contract with Nike. Turns out he could've played video games and gotten paid even more

Yeah but he is just a nigger and we know they aren't smart enough to ask for more not if they havt to earn it at least. Paid for the game James, he isn't even that good he specializes in abusing the games broken rules on fouling, he jumps up and lands on nonmoving players on purpose so that the refs can say they fouled him, truly a nigger that can't even do what they are good at.

Sticking to one game will be his downfall after its fad goes away he'll be a one trick pony. There's streamers out there that can get thousands of viewers by playing a 20 year old game.

Do you really think Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and fucking Cuba matters in the real world?

Do you have number dislexia?

Is it safe to say any day now a woman will come out of nowhere and accuse him of raping her in the past?

Mad jelly you couldn't game the system sooner LOL
How sour are those grapes, my guy?

You said mud hut dwellers

This is why capitalism sucks and is a failure.

We need a new system that's not socialism, that's not capitalism, that's not democracy or a republic.

Something new. Yang 2020

That nigger couldn't cheat in video games as easily so he probably wouldn't do it, iq not high enough for noncompetitive play either so probably not, he would do well in boxing or mma though if he focuses on striking.

Stupid amount of money but it just shows gaming eceleb shit is getting as bad as any other shitty overpaid sports garbage. All pro level play and whatnot has tried to bring all the bullshit from other pro sports so this isn't really surprised.

I am curious about why he took Mixers deal. From what I can see it's a Twitch knockoff last I checked, just operated by Microsoft. Monetization is similar and same with features , but coming up short in features and users comparesd to Twitch.

We need a good open alternative to Twitch, Mixer and the like, with a different way of showcasing streamers than the existing way that benefits incumbents more than anything. Ideally a Fediverse alternative, similar to Mastodon or PeerTube

>numbers hard
I met someone who couldn't understand fractions in college. Are you competing with them in a stupidity competition?

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>the real world
you dont even know what that means you're a Yea Forums poster

>I am curious about why he took Mixers deal
It's probably less money than his potential maximum if he stayed on twitch but its a lot safer to take it. Streaming is lightning in a bottle, and while he won't even go back down to peasant status, having the peace of mind that you know what you're going to be making in the next 6 years seems like a no brainer.

>implying anyone will watch him stream anything else than fortnite
Streaming anything else than fortnite would be his suicide on a new platform.

Where the fuck did Mixer get a billion dollars?

this is accurate though, if you don't like the social contract feel free to break it

And you're a 4channel poster

Mixer is owned by Microsoft

i don't even know what you're talking about mud hut nigger

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When was the last time M$ made anything good?

Yangs ideas are basically socialism without the scary triggering word. His Freedom Dividend is just universal basic income which has been tried by the social democracies like Nordic nations already with great success. UBI is supported by lots of demsoc/socdem and other modern socialists as just a good policy especially in light of automation. Bernie has supported it for years and suggested it a long time ago , but Yang just makes it his primary issue.

Yesterday when they killed twitch

>I don't even know what you're talking about
Yes, we've already established that.

this is the capitalism your goys grandparents fought for so very hard. now enjoy it.

Microsoft's twitch they are literally trying to buy him out with 1 billion

bill gates in nutshell

>hi ninja would you stream on mixer the next couple of years for $200k every year?
>no, more money
>haha okay how much do you want?
>1 billion

Attached: 138252103164.jpg (750x563, 62K)

>less than 1B
>slave for 6 years

>notch gets 2b and no work

whoever wins we lose

>hes a gamer
>hes learned to haggle from online vidya games

Makes sense. Fuck all "offer?" players. Just price your shit so I can buy it instead of being scammed.

of course its fake, are you retarded?

so basically twitch but xbox can use it as well.

theres no way hes making anywhere near that much, but even if he did theres no point in being jealous or envious of him. he basically won the lottery and i mean, we arent making threads about every lotto winner out there are we?

>speaks gibberish

it's fake in terms of the money, but he is switching from twitch

Is Ninja just your run of the mill twitchtard or is he actually someone worthy of my seethe?

This, but unironically. If I can't have it, nobody should.

I don't understand why people are angry at this other than feeling like they have an obligation to get angry

Ad revenue. Zoomers that watch people like ninja are too stupid to bother with an adblocker.

I see this as a win

Either twitch cancer gets destroyed or Ninja fades to irrelevance

no, idiot, but thats because the lotto winners aren't just playing games and being shit at them or saying FUNNEH THINK and somehow amassing tons of followers.

does anyone remember what ninja used to be like under 100 viewers? 50? even a stream of 10 or less, LIKE THE REST OF US?!

>buy mom a nice car, a nice house, take care of her debts and then some
>buy myself a house
>hire a personal fitness trainer
>pay for company when I need it because that's how it will end up anyway
>buy our tiny local cinema and show whatever I feel like, be it stuff like Predator or arthouse
>inform my ex of my wealth while doing nothing to make her life easier
>travel for a while - mostly for winter sports, or places like Japan, China or the US
>buy Yea Forums to purge it forever
>invest the rest

All the amounts mentioned will be faked for weeks.

The number that is actually true will be lost in the clutter.

The number that is true will be inclusive of more than just Ninja. It will be a total paid across several streamers. A lot of twitch people, even ones with 500-2000 watchers on the regular, were offered thousands and tens of thousands a month.

except lotto winners have it better than ninja, fucktard. all they did was pick random numbers on a ticket and suddenly they are set for multiple lifetimes. ninja on the other hand is binded by a legal contract, must entertain children on a computer for 40+ hours a week and live under the spotlight where he is judged by every little thing he does

no wonder moonmoon was so omega butthurt. they probably only offered him 100k LOL

the real disgrace are the millions of 12 year olds who leave twitch on 24 hours a day and give money to these fuckups

ninja would be stupid to not exploit these retards

Buy your mom and force her to serve me tendies every morning. Oh, and she would be naked.

Go down from 37 hours a week to 25 at work.
Maybe start to buy games at full price.
Start investing in cool science and space projects.

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he had more than enough money to LIVE more comfortably than everyone on 4channel and reddit COMBINED

boomers that slaved away their life repeating 'video games aren't a real job' on LITERAL SUICIDE WATCH

get a load of this commie shit
maybe you should educate your dumb ass kids so they don't promote jobless faggots so hard that they end up being billionaires for literally no reason but to keep streaming trash on twitch

you don't know how comfy i live as a neet in europe.

I wonder who could be behind this post

Companies are seriously overestimating his worth at this point, he has 1/4 of the viewerbase he had 9 months ago. Others are at his level, and he and the game will only get less popular, fast. Kids grow up quick

but EU doesn't have NEET, you can't pay for tea and crumpets faggot

and if your not a fag country and a desert fucker, you don't get gov't assistance because your constantly dodging bullets and stoning women. faggot.

Paying Twitch/Youtube "stars" to stream/make videos exclusively on your site is the future.

imagine being a kid and giving streamers that already have millions money while you yourself are a 13 year old with zero savings and struggling parents
literally what is their mindset? someone please explain this to me

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>The number that is actually true will be lost in the clutter.
they're probably never gonna say the actual amount, heck both mixer and Ninja have every incentive not to disclose that number

I would have killed myself if not for my little sister. I invested every cent into her.

U NO UNDERSTAN!!!!!!!!!!

Only good answer, Yea Forums needs to be fully uprooted from the inside out

Kids are stupid and will give their money to the man on the screen given half the chance. There's a reason TV has rules on what you can and can't do on kids shows

now imagine a corporation scamming people for that money instead of begging for donations

I have never once in my life watched this guy or anyone else stream video games and I never will. Video games were meant to be played. What the fuck are you niggers doing when people can become filthy rich from playing video games?

Most kids in general don't have as much of a grasp on what money actually means and is worth. Fifty bucks might not seem like a big deal to them, especially when, as far as they're concerned, their parents always have more money. Plus if you're watching a streamer, then it's pretty likely that dozens of people are donating cash. If you're impressionable, you might see that and wanna be a part of it as well.

don't be so jealous, josé. i even have free healthcare.

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I've always though that it's kinda fucked up how streamers can take donations from kids. Like, it feels like something that will be largely illegal in a few years

>buy Yea Forums
>immediately fire every single mod and janitor
>get new ones that you personally review the doings of every day
>make using discord a bannable offense and grounds for termination from janitor/mod position

imagine how dumb the average person is. now realize half the population is dumber

Yeah, that's definitely going to change a few years down the line. But this is all new territory and the law works slowly

capitalism and CEO's stole the money right out of their pockets, it's out of their control, they have no will of their own

>he's rich because he's rich
How can one man get so lucky? Just years ago, he was playing Gaylo for barely 1000 people. Now he's nearly a billionaire for the sake of having money.

Half of america is dumber than the average american.

That's the scariest sentence I know

It wouldn't be such a big deal in my opinion if some streamers weren't so... blatant about it. I've seen a few titty streamers that pretty clearly know their audience is underage and milks it.

user, new zoomers are born everyday

what the fuck why Peter Capaldi is so young now?


Does any of you fags actually watch his content?
What is this guy's appeal, does he only play Fortnite or is there something to his character?
At least other letsplayers try to be comedians, but he seems pretty serious about his shit.

ya sure 1 guy made a lot of money but 99.999% still become failures

Nonstop wifi signals bouncing off their unformed minds are turning all young people retarded.

>So, for example, if you're a scientist or doctor you pay 0.7x income tax whereas if you're an actor or "entertainer" you pay 2.5x income tax.
Fuck that.
Not every actor or entertainer receives $100 million deals. Every doctor gets at least six figures. All you'd do with that is make the "overpaid" entertainers even more money because they;d be the only ones that can afford it.

I played AVA (shitty oldschool cs clone out of korea) with him. He's always been serious and takes vidya pretty seriously. He's not the greatest god gamer ever, but he's pretty good at the games he's dedicated time to.

Most of his popularity comes from when drake showed up on his stream. People literally joined solely to see drake, he had hundreds of thousands of people watching him, and drake was calling out people who subscribed, so more kept subscribing, and more, and more.

Ninja is mostly known for playing halo, before fortnite, so you can probably look up some of his scandals and plays from those days if you look hard enough.

>inadvertant plebbit spacing
i'm going to commit sleep now. I'm sorry.

Useless people in useless professions all deserve to be punished. The point isn't to tax people fairly, it's to discourage people from becoming actors.

why does he have 2 mics

Hope that cunt gets raped by a horde of niggers and left to die in a ditch.

In what shithole country?

Real talk, who has actually used mixer?

When I first started Forza Horizon 4 I idled so I could get free car money for a few days but other than that I haven't touched the shit.

So now you just made the problem even worse.
All indie projects and small projects die now because you're mad about a few people you'll never meet in your life making lots of money.


Honestly think peoples brains are fucked. It's like some posters can't detach ideas from their egos. Streamers and thots getting rich doesn't directly effect them immediately, so it's okay. It may even be good, because their own egoistic logic signals Ninja getting rich means they're more likely to become rich themselves somehow.

To boil the problem down: a society which enriches entertainers and prostitutes with millions yet treats teachers, nurses and inventors as afterthoughts is fucked. Reward mediocrity and mediocrity will flourish. Ninja as an individual can't be blamed for this, the real problem has always been politicians who have no fucking balls.

Boo fucking hoo some company willingly gives their money to someone else in return for something else. Let's all tear them down with us and starve to death like last time.

This. Atop The fact that Twitch (and I assume mixer) is supposed to use psychology tricks to get people to spend and kids are vulnerable. When you use bits and cheer you get a shiny slot machine payoff and an icon. When you follow or subscribe your name pops up on a big channel, the streamer thanks you personally, and you probably get a super special emote to show just how cool you are.

This shit works on adults and is the same shit behind horrid monetization on Korean item mall games and the mobile style monetization , working even better on kids who just need to pay $5 ( or more ) for a big celeb in their eyes to interact with them personally and get gamified shiny shit to prove it. Unethical as fuck but it works on adults much less kids

>A tweet with one like
Wow, great thread OP.

Then go fucking do something for the people you admire, you pretentious shit

his popularity is long gone and he's only good at fortenite and no other games,i must be missing something, but i'd take the cash aswell if MS is dumb enough to pay that much

if you actually believe this you should honestly kill yourself
while the number in the OP is wrong he probably got like 20-30 million dollars
I'm not mad that he gets that kind of money, don't get me wrong, but he most definitely isn't doing it for anything else

I'm sure selling out and doing ads for McD lets him get in touch with his faggot roots as well

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Because not even 1% of streamers make millions Most of them barely make enough to spend on a few luxuries so they have to have a full-time job on top of that.

Afaik both xbox and ps4 have twitch app.

MS renamed it's failed twitch competitor Beam to Mixer. I'm sure they will have success now with that super cool totally not ambiguous name


People didn't come to twitch because ninja was there. They came to Ninja because he was on twitch at the right time with the right game. Nobody is following that guy anywhere.

>insult to the system
This is literally how the system works. I'm glad you niggers are learning why "late stage capitalism" is such a popular thing to say nowadays.

>maybe you should educate your dumb ass kids so they don't promote jobless faggots
Yes, be sure to aspire for that (((higher education))), kids! It makes you smart and stuff!

What if I am rich and witty

>All indie projects and small projects die now
As they should. Those people should spend their time productively.


- Posted from my iPhone.

Reminder that twitch is constantly shooting themselves in the foot of late and both streamers and viewers have been looking for a viable alternative other than YouTube, regardless of your opinion on him ninja is one of the most successful streamers and him pioneering an alternative site may be more than enough to change the balance

The system is acquiring and leveraging capital. Of you don't like that some pink-haired leech can get 12-year olds to donate millions of their parents dollar bills, you're backing the wrong system. Here, you take money however you can and you leverage it for an advantage over those with less. If that doesn't jive with you then capitalism doesn't jive with you.

I didn't even know mixer was a thing yesterday, so I guess their marketing is working.

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there are several problems with that though
first of all, mixer doesn't offer anything twitch doesn't also offer and it's where still most of the people are

the biggest problem however is that usually more than half of every streamers subscribers are prime subscribers.
that means half of their salary is paid by amazon
mixer can't do that

apparently Mixer is even more aggressive with it's TOS.
they mention it like 500 times every year at E3 user...
Microsoft could afford that and have three gaming subscription services or so. Also I think it might be less shit with bit rate limits?

All Mixer has to do is actually follow its own ToS and user rules on a consistent basis.

>Ohnonono... How microcuck pfffftt can Ahahhahahaha...
Xcuck manchilden on suicide watch

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mixer has a higher bitrate option than twitch which it can easily afford since it has no traffic

YouTube Gaming died didn't it? I honestly don't know if you can still Livestream on YT or not or if they just rolled the streamer features into regular YouTube ( possible bad idea right there as filtering for Livestream content of interest vis different than video content not for streaming (.

Also, fuck Mixer it's just Microsoft playing the "follow a trend because we can throw money around " game. We don't need another shitty proprietary company running a streaming site no more than we need another Facebook that does the same bullshit.

Look at PeerTube for instance - it's the best way to compete with YouTube hosting because it's open and federated so nobody has to pay for hosting the whole thing, people can choose their content in their nodes etc. We need a Fediverse alternative for livestreaming same way we have lots of communities based on other Fediverse tech like Mastodon , PeerTube, Diaspora, Pixelfed etc

This is how it has always been, you're a retard

Can't wait until this dipshit fades into obscurity like Fatal1ty

and also because Microsoft. still is nice though. and if they are gonna drop big bucks on giys, maybe there will be less desperate doni/sub bullshit. I doubt it. but still.

what the fuck is mixer?

YouTube Gaming didn't die, but it's shockingly small considering YouTube hasn't really pushed it to where it should be.

>fades into obscurity with millions of dollars
That is unironically the best case scenario for him.

>932 million

Some jew or poo in the loo made this random number up.

wow you guys are fucking intelligent!

That is really sad, but I'm happy about Ninja and even envy him, even if he actually gets only a small fraction of the money.
Imagine this: you were once a popular streamer, but you are about to fade into obscurity. But, out of nowhere, you get a contract, which sets you, and your children, for life.

>Shittersoft paid Crinja $50 million to shill their dogshit cloud


What a time to be alive

>Most of his popularity comes from when drake showed up on his stream.
He was already big before that

one billion dollars

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It is.

Who the fuck cares

A service no one has heard of and will never use.
Additionally, Fortnite is nowhere near as popular as twitch and the mass media has made it out to be. Never trust any numbers you see from the press about gaming.

Reminds me of when Stern left regular radio to go to some other crotchety network with different rules. It just created a parallel industry

try 5 million, even though thats still too fucking much just to stream games. Guaranteed the other 150 is going towards (((Donations))). Microsoft will indefinitely get their money back.

You're incredibly stupid.

who even funds these companies? The joos? Chinks? Sandniggers?

He was averaging a couple thousand viewers. That propelled him to like 50-60,000 viewers a stream.

not him but what even upsets you about it? he's not making millions harming anyone, he's just the face of the new fad. i'm sure he's obnoxious but i don't hate him for taking advantage of the situation

deal with it, commie.

Yeah nah you got your timeline mixed up.

They should do this with all the big streamers so only roasties, trannies, and commies are left on twitch.

>microsoft thinks fortnite will be relevant for another 6 years
can't wait for the next big thing that will replace it

I don't. look it up on socialblade or sullygnome.

No, simply put, the ones who make more money pay more taxes. No one needs a billion dollars to live, but a country could use that money to improve as a whole.

The only problem is I guess people don't trust their government to manage tax money properly.

If this works, they'll probably pull someone big on another game (so as to not conflict with ninja on fortnite) and slowly siphon people from starting on twitch to starting on mixer.

Twitch offered him 7 million a year for 3 years (20-30 total)

Microsoft about 50-100 million is likely.

I don't think so. Ninja is a pretty massive obnoxious faggot.

>why does culture suck
>"capitalism goy"

wrong, (((subversion))) is the answer

capitalism was fine until about a decade ago when the ZOG one world government engineering classes went into West degeneration overdrive mode

physically removing leftists is the only way


some people invent the cure for cancer
Some other save other people from fires
some, just take care of sick people
But this guy, THIS GUY, he plays games

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I disagree with the amounts entertainers are paid, but being a streamer is no less of an entertainer than a comedian, actor or musician. You're providing a service to a lot of people and should be compensated for it.

>Mixer/Microsoft thinking that Fortnite will survive for a whole 6 years.

The free market will fix it.

welcome to the grim future, were pop stars merely are e-celebs and have no redeeming qualities.

at least he doesn't spam wojaks

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and this guy just spams shitty wojaks

What an absolute bull, he fucks around and gets more than you, your ancestors and your children will ever. He could probably buy you and your mother and turn you into his cumdumpsters. Based fortnite chad.

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capitalism is inherently flawed goy

>newnigger can't blankpost
>tried to blankpost in the wrong field
>twitter screencap thread spreading false information
can't make this sorry shit up.

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There are far more scientists and engineers than pro gamers. There are like 500 people with 700+ viewers on twitch out of 3+ million active streamers

It supposedly works with small,homogenic nations,it will fail when presented to a population filled with non whites that just drain money

UBI is absolutely retarded and would be a terrible idea for america to implement right now
literally the only reason its gaining any traction is because people don't want to work

A console exclusive streaming service, because Microsoft thinks thats a good idea somehow

>6 years
I doubt his fame will last that long. Internet fame usually doesn't.

>its retarded because i said so

you ok?

Based and yellowpilled.

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>Because inequality that does not improve everyone's life is unjustifiable. Read some Rawls, retard.
Kill yourself, commie. It's fine that others are successful. It doesn't hurt you in any way, jealous retard.

uh if you want to implement a retarded system you should probably be the one making a case for it user

Imagine being this stupid.

Probably the only thing i would do with that kind of money is pay for scientific research on how to revive dinosaurs and make my own Jurassic Park.

>democratic socialism (which has consistently worked all over Europe minus importing the rapists).
Socialism is just wealth transfer between the races and genders: Money is taken from white middle class men and given to women and browns. It has never been in my people's interest.

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You're worthless trash, commie. You "people" are literally the worst people on the planet.

ninja has said he wants to go back to doing halo pro tourneys, with MCC:PC and Infinite coming out soon having the popular kiddy streamer playing their games on their platform well (he was a good pro player) that could get a new generation hooked into halo.

>free trade is so scary
Go back to chapo, you brainless retard.

>white men should give all thier money to browns
>anything else is cucking
Please kill yourself commie.

>white men should give all their money to browns

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>all these idiots thinking this is an uprising against twitch
>not realizing all the gigacorps - Amazon, Microshit, Jewgle etc, are all working together to digitally enslave mankind
Do people here actually think a microshit platfrom is going to be any better than twitch in any way?

Money = power.
Inequitable distribution of power --> abuse of power.
Abuse of power = hurt.

Aren't there more hispanics than blacks in America? What the fuck

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Why dont all the whites just move back to europe? They're the only thing keeping America afloat.

Am I talking to a middle schooler? That may be the most reductive, over-simplified bs I've ever heard. Ninja being successful doesn't hurt you, at all. You're nuts.

Per capita, mate.

>whites are holding america up on their shoulders
Yeah, when whites become a minority, it's all going to go to hell. Socialism is just browns wanting more cash and cucked, clueless whites giving it to them.

>That may be the most reductive, over-simplified bs I've ever heard.
It's not a difficult concept.

Resources are power. Inequitable distribution of resources leads to differences in power. Where differences in power exist, abuse of power occurs. What part of this don't you agree with?

I'm not talking specifically about Ninja.

Never heard of Mixer until today.
Why does this fucker wants more money? I know the figure OP posted is most likely wrong, but still.
His entire life revolves around streaming for little kids and Fortnite, it's so fucking shallow, on what is he going to spend that much money?

>Never heard of Mixer until today.
Have you never watched a Microsoft E3? disgusting.
>Why does this fucker wants more money?
Why not?
>His entire life revolves around streaming for little kids and Fortnite
everyone needs a job
> on what is he going to spend that much money?
there is tonnes of cool shit to spend money on.

>Where differences in power exist, abuse of power occurs.
mmm no, thats not how it works sweetie

Open any history book at all. Or just look at the world around you.

kill yourself tranny eunuch

>being a wagecuck
no one to blame but you

thats not the discussion being had sweetie

Don't expect further reply.

Did Ninja say that or the retarded journalist can't write worth a shit?

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Sooo, not playing with "female" (((gamers)))?

That's definitely something he would say

>Watching the ninja stream
>Watch somebody watching somebody playing games.

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>could learn a language
>could learn how to draw art and draw porn and earn ez money
>no, let's watch manchildren play games made for children
Even playing visual novels is a better investment of time

mixer has only game streams, no irl "just chatting" thots.

Poorfags btfo

does MS really think Ninja is going to generate enough revenue to justify that expense?

the number in the tweet comes from a literal who without source. several others with some expertise say it's somewhere between 10-20m over three years.

I can kind of understand them giving him this amount if it was a year ago and he and Fortnite were still scorching hot, but hasn't his popularity kind of plummeted lately?

Hey Yea Forums. Why do communist hate food?

He is a symptom of the sickness, a product of the environment. If you're disgusted by him, you should be disgusted with the whole system itself.

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So Microsoft has no money for exclusives, couldn't get Scalebound out but they'll pay billions for E-celeb shit and minecraft

They do have a chat stream option but that doesn't compare to twitch. Mixer has a ratio of 90% Games and maybe 10% maybe even less with chat channels. Unless you include movie and music streams then its 75% games and 25% everything else.


>six year contract
They don't really think that his fame is going to keep going that long right?

>you'll probably spend your entire life wagecucking and still won't be a millionaire

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funny enough, the average america does make 2 million in their entire lifetime. its just you don't see it that way

you see it in paycheck to paycheck =^)

Unregulated capitalism is the problem, look at Europe and compare it to the USA™.

Didn't he say he doesn't play with women because of all the drama and bullshit that goes with it or something?

lol guess who was right once again, saying Ninja is just a paid shill

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He is simply showing the newfags how to do it. He still blankposted, ding dong.

dont go to public spaces tomorrow anons

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Keep in mind she has double the number of donators now.

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video games are not a real job and no, you won't become a popular rich steamer/let's player

You really gonna say that when this garbage society has crony capitalism, antifa, $oyboys, thots and kikes ruining everything?

you wanted capitalism you got it :^)


Sounds pretty based.

universal basic income was very unsuccessful in denmark, fuck off
Otherwise they would still have it

>932m for 6 years
this niggers isnt gonna be anything in 6 years LMAO

bolshevism is jewish

And yet Drake still ditched him like a cumrag

also permanently ban people using buzzwords like "cope, dilate, seethe, tranny, c u m b r a in, incel" etc.

If you tax rich people then they don't stay rich which is why the rich make sure that never happens. Money run the system.

Is this like poor people voting for more govt. hand-holding but keep remaining poor?

Don't reply to tripfags.

At least you get this reply for free

>Canelo Alvarez
>batters his brain for a living
>365mil for 5+ years

>points and clicks for a living
>1billion for 6 years

Really makes you think

you are correct user.

>new money
wow this is so fucking interesting op

>you will never play the system so hard that you make more money that you can count just by coloring your hair and playing one video game, never actually having to grind for work for the rest of your life
not gonna lie, kinda jelly

>I will play with any gamer who loves gaming as much as I do
so this is why Yea Forums hates him, he actually likes video games.....

Can I have a source for your image?