Finally beat this. Already played I, III, IV, VI, VII and X. My toaster won't run XII, XIII and XV...

Finally beat this. Already played I, III, IV, VI, VII and X. My toaster won't run XII, XIII and XV. Which Final Fantasy should I play now?

Attached: Ffixbox.jpg (220x211, 19K)

>play FF3
>skip FF5
This should be corrected, play 5.

This. Also consider FF Tactics, Vagrant Story, and/or Chocobo's Dungeon. Parasite Eve too since it was developed around the same time as VII

Give 5 a shot.


Already played Tactics. Maybe i'll give it a try on the other games.

5 or 8.
Don't play the others but if you really want just pirate FFXV: pocket edition

>Dirge of Cerberus
>Crisis Core
>Crystal Chronicles
>The 4 Heroes of Light
>After Years

5 is good. It starts out more lighthearted than 4 or 6 but is otherwise similar to those two. Then go for the last SNES FF, Mystic Quest (or Final Fantasy USA if you go with the jp names). It's a mess but you'll appreciate some parts of it if played right after the other SNES titles.
After that head to PSX and try VIII and Vagrant Story which is technically not a FF but close enough. Save IX as your last PSX game in this marathon. It's great, but you'll get even more out of it if you play most preceding titles first.

V and BD.

>Chocobo's Dungeon
Based, it's criminally underrated.

V and X-2 in that order. After those I guess the new Before Crisis fan remake. If you could swallow I without problems, you should give II a shot. At some point you'll have to find out for yourself what the hubbub about VIII is as well.

Also try Type0.

>my toaster won't run XII XIII
considering that people were already running FF13 on Intel i7 + HD Graphics 4000 almost a decade ago, your wormbox REALLY must suck ass.

Play 5, job system is fun and it has most based FF character of all time.

Attached: galuf.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Play 5 and wait for 8 remaster. Then 12 when you can. After that you are done with FF series


Already played Type-0. Yeah, my pc sucks.

X-2 is fun too.

Really scratches my completionism itch as far as the jobs go, but if you want to 100% it there's some bullshit here and there. Just wasting a bunch of time talking about shit you don't wanna hear. Use a guide.

>Already played Type-0. Yeah, my pc sucks.
that does not compute... how the hell did you play T0 if you can't play the rest?

>job system is fun
No, it fucking is not.
I've not finished a single one of the job-system FFs, and I've finished literally every other main-series' FF tittle to date.

5 and 13 are just pure garbage.

I played on my Vita.

Your opinion is rare, but I can respect it because it's genuine. Do you think it's too time consuming to level up or is it that you don't like being restricted on what you can do in combat?

I must admit I sometimes have trouble finishing V because I always wind up feeling enticed to play Tactics instead. (Although the same thing happens with FFVII for different reasons)

Yeah as the others said, V. It was also the first FF to get an anime.

VIII for sure