I'm already fucking sick and tired of this gamer meme. Post sexy vidya girls or go back to r*ddit

I'm already fucking sick and tired of this gamer meme. Post sexy vidya girls or go back to r*ddit

Attached: Ada.jpg (1240x1754, 947K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/"Gamer is from Twitter"/

Not vidya go back to /e/

Careful, you'll strike a nerve.

That shit got filtered in one day. Looks like it already struck a nerve.

This isn't video games. Get the fuck off my board jizzmind.

It hit close to home for mods so they filtered it

There's a Starcraft thread that posted a character I swore was Samus, and I got in the mood for her.

Attached: 1493414857929.jpg (850x1202, 360K)

Gamers shit up this board with their sad pathetic fapbait threads and we're sick of it. Get a job and get out of the house you fucking losers.

Cool. Atleast it will be a job where I get payed.

Attached: 802ca3efe8c4921c9d91861a63390a631c06bd5b.jpg (720x960, 52K)

>this triggers the /pol/ untermensch

Attached: 1554105894770.jpg (631x767, 40K)

damn bros this cartoon drawn by some ugly incel is so hot fuuuu I gotta cum

Did that word really already get filtered? lol I'm gonna try it now.


Attached: 1516696517917.jpg (790x1116, 149K)

hoes mad

Attached: 1529678198014.jpg (767x1041, 64K)

I would if the niggers coming in my comfy peninsula didn't steal those too


Attached: 1551390145888.png (1180x842, 246K)

oh my god this is so sexy ygggghh

>gamer gets filtered almost immediately
>have sex is after weeks and weeks of spamming

What got filtered? Gamer?

Attached: badcop1.jpg.ccec479f3188bc403201119730d3c8dc.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Attached: 3025376 - Blaster_Master Blaster_Master_Zero_2 Kanna.png (1538x1806, 196K)


*is unchanged

It's weird that have sex or incel still isn't when c*mbrain basically is the same insult

The obsessed faggots spammed it way too hard that's why it got filtered.

>3000 counts in 8 hours

Combrains rise up!!


Attached: 1553347528227.png (850x1100, 933K)

Didnt that meme got started by some trannys?


I talked about this with my friend before. "Have sex" is not really something you can reasonably filter since there might be like a game or whatever where someone my legit ask "Hey, can you have sex in God of War 2?" It's like how I'd like "based" to get a filter, but it would mess up real discussion, too.

Attached: a85e0874985dbed88c40ac8ef11164cf.jpg (1400x1800, 808K)

Based cumstocks

Did they finally wordfilter gamer?

Imagine coming to Yea Forums just to complain about Yea Forums in threads you don't like.

mods don't care about videogames, they only want to jerk off to them. They were the perfect example for the word so they had to shut it down

Oh thank god, based mods


wow it's almost as if 80% of the threads here are opened with a blatant fapbait image. the problem is the people posting c*mbrain on them!!


Attached: Renard-Hitler.jpg (620x509, 153K)

Based mod BTFO gamer trannies


dumbas fucking horndog gamers

Good, shit was annoying, maybe now they'll fix all that cope dilate seethe bs so an actual argument can be made again

so you only care about what the artist looks like and not their work? I can probably find you some smut (and by some i mean probably thousands of works) drawn by a cute asian woman if i really tried.

Attached: 1514675252310.jpg (850x1130, 549K)


Attached: 1514310181231.jpg (974x860, 97K)

>see 1 (one) anime titty
>not obsessed

The word was filtered because it was dumb and childish. The fact that you resort to new words, or might go one letter off to avoid the filter, shows how much self awareness you lack. Fucking idiots.

Attached: image0 (5).png (1116x1456, 1.32M)

Discordbros, we were supposed to win...

There is some people really trying to shame anons that come to Yea Forums to fap? Kek. Porn and lewds are the bread and butter here. I dont like too much those threads, but that retarded meme is not gonna work

My dick

it was filtered because mods are bunch of horny teens. this site is dead

Calm down there, hothead. Have some samus.

Attached: 21615202-ad94-4090-c011-aa56a04dd6c1.png (2000x1442, 2.06M)

>CB and rent free

>Post sexy vidya girls
>99% of them are from Japanese games


Don't forget incel is still not filtered after a year while soiboi got filtered in a couple days

theres /h/ if you wanna fap.

It takes me 2 seconds to come up with a random word that I don't even care about, but I'm sure it takes more than 2 seconds for you to keep seething. Not exactly an equivalent exchange which makes it so funny people start coming up with retarded conspiracy theories over this shit.


Attached: 1558099860905.jpg (770x1010, 155K)

Attached: Hakai.webm (640x386, 2.57M)

Really filtered? Based but let me try



Attached: 1561766762929.jpg (1200x1600, 590K)

>spermind got filtered in a day
Actually made me laff. Absolutely based spamming retards


>No pantyhouse.
C'mon user don't play me like that.

Attached: 1560909842836-v.png (326x279, 249K)

activate it

Attached: 75437543753.jpg (1000x1000, 160K)

Attached: 487BB53B-33C6-4567-84DF-B5113A9F500C.gif (256x192, 551K)

but CBs never learn



Imagine being a jizzbrain

4chin is always about waifuposting, fag.

>exhentai is back up
>new buzzword for millenials and faggot gen z filtered.
today was a good day.

You get banned for saying that, user.

>hate furfags
>Carmelita Fox, Rouge the Bat, Candy Kong and Tawna Bandicoot get me rock hard
Feels weird man

Disgusting furry gamer

Where did her body come from? Curious.

Attached: 1547227924133.png (804x972, 408K)

Based CBs

Attached: 1535952300067.png (960x960, 1009K)

Resist them. Don't become a furry.

Attached: 1539478498309.png (1100x750, 546K)

the ground
shes a plant

>tfw OP doesn't realize that we live in a society

Attached: hidethepainharold.jpg (376x329, 27K)

>Exhentai is back up

Imagine having a semen-encrusted cerebral cortex

TESTING to find the filtered word

I'll never become a furry but fuck me those characters are hot

hot dork


Is that some kind of tax hell?

oh please, faggots were spamming it in normal thread as well without even a hint of anime tiddies or even anything remotely sexual/fetish related at all.


I need some more explanation.

Yeah you will, give up, knothead

>rouge, tawna, carmelita
Not based.


Wait what got filtered to gamer?

Attached: 1548799821781.png (1531x1080, 885K)

>another cumskull thread

Maybe they will also delete all these hentai threads too


So it was 100% a reddit/discord "raid" right? Theres no way theres been a big populations of anti-porn Yea Forumsirgins just lying dormant and have only just now realised they can make up words? What would somone's, who is native to the site, logic be by trying to remove the porn/fapbait? Trying to protect its integrity? on Yea Forums?
I'm sad I'll never get to use pic related again.

Attached: 1564733231062.jpg (952x713, 240K)


Furries aren't for sex.

Neurotypical sex obsessed normalfags are the cancer that is killing 4channel.


Combros raise up

Attached: raise.webm (556x524, 1.16M)

Not in the fucking slightest, faggot.
>boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/"Gamer is from Twitter"/
It was entirely outside bullshit being taken up by faggots on Yea Forums who are always happy to make the board a shitshow.

99% sure it was a discord raid


Filtered? Really? Let me try

oh I do wonder who was doing that. surely not the ones under ridicule to delegitimize the whole thing.

>no results found

now we can have sexy vidya girls and watch retards embarrass themselves trying to stumble around word filters feels good.

Attached: 1563422415338.png (80x80, 845)



Attached: .png (628x425, 299K)

10 years ago you could have a Yea Forumsidya girls thread reach bump limit and no one would get mad.
Today, new buzzwords are made up every week by 18-22 yos who think they are some bastion for the future. This site was fucked in 2013 but /pol/ just took a shotgun and shot it in the back of the head


Attached: 491.jpg (850x1822, 228K)

its not anti porn. I fap to degenerate shit but I dont spam garbage "play her game!!" threads like CBs do. this board needs to be purged of fapbait, not the site or internet.

Okay, maybe I want the cümbrain meme back now

Attached: THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND.png (1920x1040, 871K)

>boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/"Gamer is from Twitter"/
I didn't think I needed to clean it up for you.

yes 1 thread to bump limit. have a gander at the catalog and count how many obnoxious cumskull threads there are.


When will the mods learn that filtering a word only makes people use it more

Fucking retard cumbraiin mods

Or maybe you can make the kind of thread you want.



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Wow such stumble such fumble

I want to play video games with rouge the bat

People just spam a buzzword to make retards like you lose your marbles. Imagine taking Yea Forums seriously in 2019

You've got to be unironically brand-spanking new if you're of the impression that threads fapbait/porn/waitfuposting haven't been omnipresent on not just the board but this entire website from near enough day 1.
90% of all threads created is the same retarded cookiecutter format shit, porn or no porn.

Looks like regular Yea Forums. Not saying it was not shit, but you just can avoid the fap threads


Attached: 1460790023548.gif (700x600, 896K)


>Old 4chin spammed gore shit & black dick to scare normies away.
>Nu-4chin think waifuposting is too much.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (828x713, 90K)

You guys are more than welcome to have your sexy girls. There are even multiple boards dedicated to them. The problem I personally have is when you think that sexy girls are more important than good gameplay, and you literally defend gacha skinnerboxes because they have your waifu in them. So please, when I say that I dislike Xenoblade or Fate Grand Order, I'm not demanding that all porn be censored. I'm just saying that gameplay needs to be a higher priority.

>that shitty furry manga

are you gay?

s-stop saying that word!!

Lets try again


Boom roasted

>dragon snow
user, are you a furfag?

never has reached this volume though. filtering 10% im okay with but these days I often have 70% of the board hidden.

Stop punctuating greentext newfag.


Attached: reddit is thataway, man.jpg (640x480, 39K)

>princess booru
The fuck?

are you 16?

The only people who "lose their marbles" is buzzword spammers. It's why their buzzword spamming. "Tehehehe i'm just doing it unironically!" and "I'm only pretending to be an idiot" quickly turns into an obsession.
Dilate spam created a tranny-discord Boogeyman. Spammers are just that retarded.




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I laugh at your overthinking. Genuine gamer

death to gamer posters

Just to let you all know that the panda is back and that loli cunny won. lmao at all you normalfags shitters who yell victory.

M*ds were so triggered and hurt by it they already gave it a filter. You know they didn't do this with incel, or have sex because it didn't hurt them. But being called a porn addict hurt them badly. Ahahahaha.

Attached: .jpg (850x1200, 194K)

>shit up a board about games



You know those "save the princess" threads that occasionally pop up?

Attached: slugcat princess.png (1244x816, 34K)

>when it's your first time down the troll hole

>committing bestiality with a yokai

have sex

Is it still bestiality if it's sapient?



NO NO NO NO PLEASE MODS let me type the word PLEASE let me post it!! They are gonna post porn again NOOOOOOO THEY ARE RUINING MY CONSOLE WARS THREADS AND HOME-POSTING!!!!!!!!!!! My threads used to get 5 responses but now i'm only getting 1 or 2 IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT TO TELL PEOPLE THEIR OPINION ABOUT GAMES IS WRONG SO THEY THINK I'M SMART BUT THEY JUST POST TITS INSTEAD REEEEEEEEEE MAKE THEM STOP PLEASE. The spam was WORKING, it wasn't just making shit threads even shitter IT WAS EPIC PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UNFILTER IT!!!

See for explanation


>"man im horny"
>opens exhentai
>rubs one out
>"phew back to browsing Yea Forums"

>"man im horny"
>opens Yea Forums
>dumps his risque imagesets
>edges for hours
>finally cums after his thread reaches bump limit
>repeat after 20 minutes


Attached: teeth.jpg (913x1600, 322K)

Yea Forums being remove from 4channel when?

Attached: 422f184088a294ed60bff3438aef7b3abfefff7d.png (706x773, 56K)


Based mods banning gamer


>Yea Forums has had ''''''porn''''''' threads since the day this board started
>20 yos that came here in 2015-2017 think this is all new being perpetrated by a small group
I hope one day the people spamming gamer realize that big boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /r9k/ and /pol/ are just containment boards for them so they dont bring their retarded thinking to smaller boards and ruin them

Attached: Taki 105.jpg (1536x2048, 424K)

Did gamer get filtered to gamer? Based if true.

Have sex gamer dilate incel

How am I supposed to tell apart when people write gamer and when they write gamer? It's really confusing.

>princess booru
lol what a hypocrite

Gamer is unironically worse than the original. It always comes off as super forced and cringey, atleast to me. People who call themselves and others gamers, as well as about "gaming culture" as if it something to identify as rather than being a hobby, are gross.

Testing. Reddit. R*ddit. REDDlT

Attached: file.png (1000x500, 302K)

Kumbrain? is that some new cuphead OC? LOL!!!

Attached: 7687569876.jpg (680x333, 47K)

Why did I fall for this shit

Use your cum filled brain

>spooge-noggin got filtered in a day
>have sex, cope and dilate are still here
can anyone explain?

Mods are trannies

Update your image.

Attached: E3E09E8C-BE10-4C33-92D4-AE36BC5CE1D0.jpg (584x1024, 72K)

Gamer chads

Mods are jerking off to these threads just like all the anons that do the same.

The only threads that unironically deserve to be ejected from the board for being gamer fuel are DOA waifu-posting threads and Skyrim titty-mod threads.
Literally nothing of worth goes on in them other than 100 marie-rose image porn-dumps and roleplaying.
They'd be really easy to cull to. Just search for threads with "she killed millions" in them and you've found them all.


I don't say this very often but, based.

How do I make Skyrim the lewdest?
Wasn't in the thread but I'm sure it was Nova


and what would you replace them with? Why dont you start some threads retard. Everyone loves those consolewar threads


>forgetting street fighter threads

never gonna happen. one of those threads was babysitted today and posts were deleted in them (dump was left intact though). I wouldnt be surprised if it was a mod doing those threads.

Attached: 9e2a759d2b90640a7ebc3f4c3b8979bb.jpg (727x800, 96K)

Sure. I don't know Blizzard games. I'll take your word for it, yo.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

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her body is a fruit

have sex, cope and dilate act as handy signifiers that the poster is assblated.
spunk-cranium was turbo-forced by people making their own threads to them specifically spam it with the word to make it look like it was genuinely being used by more than 10 anons.

They can be replaced with literally any other Yea Forums thread. Sorry no one likes your skyrim waifu, user.

Attached: __naganami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_satsuki_neko__280e5decf32b1202630b5a1812662a21.jpg (858x1200, 187K)

I wonder what she tastes like haha

testing, there's no fucking way they filtered gamer before anything else

>he doesn't throw in joke tabs as a decoy

It was a big fucking raid. Even other boards like Yea Forums had every single thread spammed to death.

hiroshima? why

Attached: illust_76037703_20190802_150529.png (557x836, 328K)

None of those words were ever spammed TWO THOUSAND TIMES in a 24-hour period.

Attached: __mash_kyrielight_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_suna__ee3d956b7273a8e0f1eb67ddc54c412a.png (848x1200, 484K)

Attached: __akatsuki_yuni_uni_channel_drawn_by_sukumo_kemutai__0ace0430111c963ee4de9f71dc904e54.jpg (1295x1812, 2.28M)

have sex

>joke tabs
>no Gay sex with hats on tabs
>no how to take a screenshot tab
>no meatspin or lemonparty tabs
0/10 joke.
go to clown school.

>going into softcore porn threads expecting an actual discussion

lol, your own fault you dumb nigger. I go there for the image posting.

Attached: 1539016790550.jpg (605x1024, 85K)

No people are just getting sick of jizzbrains. If it isn't spamming the board with softcore porn, its spamming about Sony and Final Fantasy not giving girls balloon tits.

Attached: __mash_kyrielight_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_ao_banana__3d71db4fbd52a17df47cd4c790b06cd0.jpg (2592x3625, 1.09M)


>Skyrim titty-mod threads.
nah fuck off.
Those threads actually have in depth lore discussion of Elder Scrolls WITH the tits.

Attached: __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_fate_series_drawn_by_oosawara_sadao__3e9b104a567659916fe03c22b10a3891. (2150x3035, 750K)


No one is gives a shit about the quality of the softcore porn threads, you moron. It's the fact they should exist in the firstplace. /vg/ would be the perfect home for gamers such as yourselves.

Attached: illust_72546105_20190729_172218.jpg (800x1130, 1.66M)

>implying it was /pol/

Attached: 20190729194741_1.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Gamer? Aw man!

why didn't you asked earlier user

Attached: __galena_quake_champions_and_etc_drawn_by_ceresy__ce137752a4ae8aa173f4207c693feeee.png (1240x1750, 2.15M)

stay mad at the fact you can't do anything about it but whine and complain.

finally i can make my ecchi threads again in peace

Why don't you just go to rebbit? You can block gamers in there.

Yea Forums has been shit for a quite a while, the softcore porn threads have always existed. All I see is a new wave of shitposting attempting to derail those threads.

Is the softcore porn annoying? perhaps, but they stay in their own thread, unlike all these "cümbrain, have sex, incel" spamming.

Wait, huh? Let me see:

This forced Kiwifarms meme is next on the list

We are all gamer

So it looks like they're willing to filter retarded shit like gamer, can we get these filters as well to kill other shit only used for shitposting?
>based to win
>cringe to fail
>based and redpilled to epic win
>cringe and bluepilled to epic fail
>incel to gaijin
>yikes to EHHHHH?
>have sex to hold hands

who's "we"? I've been on this site sine 2005 and I laugh at fags like you trying to control this board with their complaining. There are plenty of other threads on this board that are not about video game lewds, but you choose to tunnel vision these threads. Is it because you have a built in dictatorship complex? This board doesn't belong to you. I bet you never even start your own threads. You're a dumb nigger that depends on others.

Attached: 1543699292944.jpg (800x1200, 848K)

because Jannies and Hiro are learning that this garbage is being made by Robots, Resetera and KF

>it wasn't us it was them I swear!
how about fuck off and don't spam to begin with, if you don't like the borderline porn threads report them idiot.

filters don't work because the new word becomes associated with the old word and is just spammed instead. From here on out, gamer has joined the lexicon of spammers


Attached: 1564418028967.png (692x765, 365K)

Your time is near Cumbråins, everyone else is finally getting sick of your shit


can I get a rundown please?

Ada Wong is 10/10 female design.

Attached: __ada_wong_resident_evil_2_and_etc_drawn_by_sciamano240__e64b4aa4f5d013692c214164af334180.png (842x1250, 1.56M)


You're just asking for a flood of more lewd threads. Everyone knows you're just a small group of people trying to control what gets posted on this board. Just stop before this board gets flooded with more of these threads.

And yet thot and incel are still running rampant
baka desu senpai

"cumbra.ins" is now filtered to gamers

Who is worse? Unironic gamers posters, or ironic gamer posters?

Real life Ada basically.
Even Chinese as well.

Attached: EAsBwPdUYAE2BfO.jpg (1667x2500, 334K)

Get cultured tranny.
Waifuposting has been part of this chinese image board for a long time. Nothing you can do to change it.

>no horse porn tabs

And all the excessive lewdposting will force the mods hands into actually doing something about these pathetic excuses for threads. You do realize that dont you? Oh wait you dont because 90% of your brainpower is focused on cum. No wordfilter can stop the fact that waifus are the literal cancer of Yea Forums and Yea Forums for that matter

I like this image

>aceman has been MIA since this whole retarded mess started

Attached: 1559107214571.jpg (850x1200, 251K)

100% of your brainpower is focused on lewd threads. Look at the catalogue for once, and see that they only make up a low percentage and you're just being a irrational bitch.

Maybe if you had better taste in games and waifus, there wouldn't be an issue

HAHAHAHA what a bunch of turbo virgin incels I'm glad were taking this shit over and keeping out these cumstainers

Attached: 1564757306721.jpg (952x717, 174K)

Why does she look like a drag queen?

Attached: 1555603959571.png (700x700, 412K)

Can't you just write gamer, or is that filtered too?

worst trip
fucking nigger



because you're obsessed with trannies and you just subconsciously see what you wanna see, fag

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Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.58M)

Attached: 111111.jpg (436x355, 40K)

>the colors

Thanks, doc.


this is what it always looks like and why gamer is chemo


No, gamer is HIV infecting a tumor.

hey hey gamers

the left can't meme




>says the guy who complains on a taiwanese stamp collecting imageboard about the content other people post
>in a shithole that has never been good for real discussions, and will never be
You aren't in the position to give life advices to anyone.

Attached: 1563625858614.gif (300x225, 3.7M)

I masturbate daily and had sex one time about 6 and a half years ago. Whatcha gonna do about it?

Attached: 1539983236168.jpg (1478x2048, 271K)

gamer lol

>noooo need more dopamine
Cumcraniums triggered.

have sex





Trannies BTFO again.


Attached: daily dose.png (490x482, 2K)

Cum society



Gamer was so accurate it made the mods move their fat fucking fingers. What a time to be a Yea Forumsirgin


gamer gamer

You won this round, gamers, but I we will come up with another plan to ruin your enjoyment of fictional women from video games. You'll see.

Attached: 123 (2).jpg (377x580, 70K)

> the left
>not the ones constantly posting pedoshit and shilling their furry patreon art on Yea Forums 24/7
Obvious false flag, get back in the discord cumgoblin

Tb h I'd rather be a cumbrian than a fucking g*mer


Did they really filter gamer? Why now? Why not do all the other shitty cookie cutter things you faggots say too?

Attached: 2ea35af8e3ca82162190a8d64617d2ee.jpg (246x590, 99K)

Attached: 1552754202442.jpg (1457x2064, 1.22M)

>and had sex one time about 6 and a half years ago

I did it 3 times over the course of a month about 10 years ago. That's my only experience. I don't think I was very good at it.

Attached: 7dbd211a324fb71892524fb64a6cc31a.png (979x593, 470K)





Attached: 1.png (792x691, 299K)

It hits too close to home

Lets be honest, reddit has better porn than any of the boards here, including the nsfw ones.

>struck a nerve



>post in porn/fapbait threads AND contribute to videogame discussion
someone stop me

Attached: .games.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)


have sex

fuck off




Based mods killing the shitty insult that’s not entirely insulting and thus pointless

Attached: 40338738-5026-4158-8F4B-8D1B951F52AA.jpg (725x1024, 121K)

All that matters is that you don't masturbate more than you shower.

Attached: 1539317285387.jpg (800x800, 165K)

Gamers win again, post lewds

Attached: 1561316420106m.jpg (550x1024, 45K)

Bullshit. If that were the case then Incel and have sex would have also been filtered

Attached: 858ada705eb0037cf669d187bc3fbd7cb5199ba5.jpg (1583x2048, 414K)

Nice, desert sorceress from ds2?

Attached: 1560961772163.png (800x800, 207K)

Whatever you say, CUMBRAlN.

It was filtered because it’s a group of mega autismos that post here 24/7 trying to force it.

Attached: 72638846_p0.png (687x992, 801K)

why are you yelling

IIRC it was like 3000 times in 8 hours or so.

Imagine being this obsessed over some 2D tiddies.

I'm a cum golem. Seething discord tranny.

Attached: 1529540576264.jpg (548x535, 55K)

Imagine masturbating more than you shower

Best post. They should go watch hentai and then kill themselves

Let me put it this way. If a severely autistic discord group decided to spam "stinky poopface" at anyone they don't like, or really in just every thread on the catalog nonstop for several days, and anyone had any sort of problem with it at all, they could just convince themselves it's because they were offended. If they spammed it so hard that it managed to get its own wordfilter, they'd reach the conclusion that the mods themselves were personally offended.

In the eyes of those spamming the phrase, it is literally inconceivable that anyone could dislike it simply because it's annoying. You either love being called a stinky poopface and love seeing more than half of every thread devolve into that stinky poopface posting alone, or you are apparently emotionally hurt by an insult that is only offensive by a 4-year old's standards.

Attached: 1558119766362.jpg (442x341, 28K)


Does Yea Forums like petite girls?

Attached: Futaba.jpg (850x601, 260K)



Imagine caring about how many times other people fap

Gamer is filtered? You did this in 2 days this time Yea Forums. Holy shit.

Bad Girl Rin is such a good girl

Attached: 1562363850318.webm (790x532, 2.38M)

Why are there so many unironically faggots on Yea Forums now? Do you not like attractive vidya girls? although this thread is shit

testing: gamer

imagine being so triggered over being made fun of you ban it completely after a single day

tell that to the mods

Triggered CUMBRAlN.

>vidya girls



>2D bad
>3D good

The only reason there's so many waifu threads right now is to spite those meme-forcing faggots


Or it's those meme forcing faggots making those threads so they have an excuse to spam their shiny new """""""meme"""""""

lmao you make it seem like thats an exception and not a rule
Yea Forums has been like this for a while now


Bunch of gamers myself included


lol cry harder

They're alright.

Attached: 56924132_p0.jpg (755x1220, 424K)

What was the reason before the spam?


good. He could dump images without a trip but he needs that attention.


Fuckable navel

Attached: 1533888705897.jpg (700x979, 412K)

Have sex

Sounds like OP is a butthurt s󠀀oyboy c󠀀umbrain.


Nut noggin

the left can't meme

That doesn't seem feasible. At best you could dry hump her stomach.

Attached: 40547426_p0.jpg (1240x1949, 628K)

>says jizzbrains don't have imagination
>use a wojak

I honestly believe there should be a little plugin or light program for retarded artists where they can draw the frontal basic doll outline proportions of the character they want to draw, which is then converted into 3D model which they can easily move around and position into whatever position they want to draw them in, and then use that final outline as the basis for drawing everything.
Too many artists are retarded regarding depth perception and perspective.

Attached: Blank+_dd0486652097faff57ff7b9f644cc025.jpg (245x326, 31K)

why is her hand so tiny

>implying it wasnt
muh real conservatives think porn is degeneracy

This is very true, but is not relevant. You might as well have said "newfags can't triforce" for all the good your post has done.
Oh, and now that I've mentioned it:
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gamers can't meme, what did you expect?

Lotta gamers in this thread. Nice.

How does it feel to not only be hypofrontal, but to have no idea how basic regular expressions solve the problem?

Semencranium got filtered


Never know until you try

Attached: 1549323538830.jpg (586x643, 159K)

>Gamer (cum)brain
With godspeed filter.
We Actually we closer to reddit

>he's still mad

Attached: still here.gif (1020x797, 3.15M)

That's more an issue with art students and artists in general not learning basic techniques or working to improve themselves. If their little echo chamber on tumblr/twitter/whatever says it's good then it's good. It's a rising problem in the animation industry in general, the old guard are retiring and the new blood refuses to learn basic techniques and practices in favor od sticking with whatever program/method they used in school. Hence why a lot of modern animation is done in such a simplistic fashion with mere frames of detail at times and wildly inconsistent character designs and profiles.

sorry lefty, you can't meme

That's a good point, actually. Maybe the old ways need to make a comeback.

based op

Attached: D-QznhrXUAECmmR.jpg (884x1200, 145K)

Need more fit girls with large breasts


gamer c.um bra.in.

Have sex


you'e right i love video games

Attached: 1562652317907.png (497x879, 802K)

the left can't meme

On a scale of 1 to 9000, how triggered is ACfag and his discord goons?

I know OP, genophobes and gymnophobes trying to pass off their anti-eroticism as virtuous and mature when it's only a projection of their inceldom. Sad sight.

Attached: 2019-08-02_193026.png (1380x1100, 888K)

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based void poster


cumtards lol


it's not difficult

>all these people who cant even type a word properly
c󠀀umbrain c󠀀umbrain c󠀀umbrain c󠀀umbrain c󠀀umbrain
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Go back tranny

It's more to do with outright laziness than a lack of tools/plugins. Pretty sure most drawing programs come with 3d models built in these days (I know for sure Clip Studio Paint does). Sure, they might not be exactly the shape the artsts wants to draw, but it's more than enough to be able to see how things should look from different perspectives.


have sex

you could've chosen literary any other word and the result would've been the same
believe it or not, spamming something until someone gets annoyed doesn't meant hey're necessarily annoyed at the content

Attached: __isabella_valentine_soulcalibur_vi_and_etc_drawn_by_nappii_nappy_happy__sample-709851b8b4de265f8bc1 (850x1180, 153K)

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Attached: tifa (3).jpg (850x1103, 163K)

I can understand porn spam being annoying, but gamer was being spammed at literally anything related to attractiveness or sex. Even if it was relevant to the game or story. Cb spam basically tried to make sex and attractiveness forbidden topics.

Attached: peaxh.png (1280x1413, 1.58M)

as they should be

Have sex incel

I want to indian leg wrestle elizabeth.

Attached: 01749033ad041b1876d770b3b0f6bd50-700.jpg (873x700, 111K)

This board has always been shit.
Also, Cumchads browse Yea Forums at work in their private offices, so they don't give a fuck about "m-muh blue board".
It's underage fags trying to browse Yea Forums on their phones during class or in public that are sick of getting ostracized by their reddit friends for all of these lewd OPs

>he still masturbates to a male lizard wearing a crown

>Cb spam basically tried to make sex and attractiveness forbidden topics
And this is why people spam this meme. Pornposters get so melodramatic over getting told to post their shit on one of the many red boards that are actually made for posting porn.
You people are a joke, I hope CB/gamers get posted forever.

except you children are flipping your lid at anything even slightly racy usually followed by some fart sniffing muh trad meme posting

You can spam your shit all you want, but nobody is going to stop posting sexy vidya girls. So congrats, you've accomplished nothing.

Attached: 1550807390247.jpg (1041x1600, 147K)

god i wish bowsette would dominate me

Idk bro, onions has made a real drop in usage, baka desu senpai posting dropped like a rock after a while, too

Attached: JPEG_20190721_212625.png (768x1024, 1.02M)

post on topic and stop pushing people off the board with lewd threads

not that it matters the mods literally delete on-topic threads on a whim and then ban people out of off-topic threads

Yea Forums is dead and the proof is how fast CUMBRA|N got censored, the jannies literally stanned for off-topic incel threads

fucking wew

I think it's more that gamer was posted 3000 times in a couple hours
it was like another baka desu senpai apocalypse

it's easy to spot the discord trannies when they unironically use terms like >stanned



I'll call you a gamer, and wish you luck on your destructive and lonely path.

>stop pushing people off the board with lewd threads
Imagine being triggered over lewd girls. Maybe the era is more your speed, eh?

Attached: 1564566605569.jpg (1166x1833, 159K)

yeah yeah we get it if I'm your bogeyman you don't have to take anything i say seriously i know

>you're mad feed me (you)s the post

here's one for free I guess

jeez the board is low effort these days

lol cope

hold on let me get my flashcards

okay, i got it here under "chan culture"


I accomplished making gamers mad, though it isn't much of an accomplishment. Gamers are more fragile than a newborn snowflake in spring.

What are you even talking about? Go back to your porn thread.

You're the one with a sandy vagine lol

to be honest I think CUMBRA|N is a perfect meme, i've never seen a board absolutely froth from the edges like Yea Forums did in the last 24 hours, literally 10/10 top tier on-the-nose shit exposed half of the board for who they really are

>maybe don't post porn nonstop on a blueboard

give me a sec
okay here it is, had to blow the dust off it

u mad


I have a job but it only lasts from 0630-1430, retarded moralist.

>get a job

yeah sure, fucking wagie



>u moralist
oh god the polcel memes are starting

reddit seams more your speed mate.

Reddit is a prolific seamstress.

Imagine not being a virgin and posting on Yea Forums, how pathetic. They other websites for you unvirgin.

Gamers are getting dragged, screaming and crying, into the world of normal, well adjusted people, and it's beautiful.

shut the fuck up phoneposter no one fucking cares what you think


fucking based

The amount of ass-blasted replies those posts would get within minutes was honestly pretty telling.

touhou w/ lewd chinese dress

Attached: 1558664769819.jpg (1280x1831, 211K)


Read the thread

lmao at cumbra|ns

wow you faggots are lying niggers

The gamer screams as his lifeblood(porn) is left unsourced.

Feels great, why do you ask?

CB is really effective because you can tell how everyone on this board knows it's right and that porn is bad for you, but as with any addiction people will defend it to the death if it makes them feel better.



Attached: DKsH6IOVAAAVJto.jpg (708x1080, 98K)

not me I love tiddies

Why did they ruin her face?

More like Moes had

I'm a gamer too.

Attached: 1562766329447.jpg (3840x2160, 1.07M)

mandatory sfv redesign procedure

sounds like some seething dilation cope right there, have sex incel gamer

I am so proud to be a GAMER!

Shut up gamer

I feel like this CUMBRAlN stuff is turning into a streissand effect type of deal. This meme would have been gone by next week if it hadnt been filtered. Especially in the face of far more pervasive and irritating catchphrases such as 'incel' 'seethe' 'cope' '/pol/' 'incel' 'tranny' etc. All of those should be filtered before come brane



Attached: 1522972213194-0.jpg (240x240, 14K)

go away

Lmao lol no this is great. It's an amazing joke imo.
Ha ha ha. So good. Whoever came up with it is a genius in my book.



why do you hate men




Why are her arms so short

>this thread is still up
Fuck you mods, fucking jizzbrains are ruining this board.



We are GAMERS!
We will not be SILENCED anymore!
The Great GAMER Rebellion begins tonight!

18+ site, squirt.

Attached: dab.gif (931x682, 426K)

I'm gonna post in this thread to shit on stranger things

fuck stranger things


Attached: 1501820191122.jpg (1228x693, 108K)

ah yes my peenus weenus :D
my peenus weenus of course :DD


cumbraıns mad

Why would they go against Yea Forums culture?








Allthefallen is back as well. Today was a good day. Gamer rise up!




No femdom police badge?


>C*mbrain got filtered within a week
>Cunny still going strong

>within a week

lol what are you talking about, is your brain so overloaded on memes you can't keep track of your life anymore? Hypocrite

>c u m brain gets filtered
>not kino, based, cringe, redpilled, bluepilled, yikes, What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Yea Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much? Yea Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Apologize Yea Forums!. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me Yea Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on this guy. What was his endgame? Whas it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. Will you protect her smile Yea Forums? Just played this, what did I think of it? *blocks your path* Here's your controller bro! Oh no no no no no no *breathes in*. What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! People fell for the X meme. *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP* This is your ____for tonight. This is ____ say something nice about him/her. *Inhales*. Yikes!. >X is in. X was never good. X killed millions!. X is a cute! A cute!. Games for that feel?. One copy of X, please. *tink tink tink* AHEM!. Cunny thread!. *random twitter pic* kek. *reaction gif* >objective: survive. Enemy can open doors. The absolute STATE of ____!. Yikes! Cringe. Cope. Seething. Dilate. Have sex. You have to go back. Oh no no no no no no.
The ONE surefire counter to sex-obsessed degenerate posters gets filtered but all this shit gets a free pass. Fuck off mods.

Attached: 1684C84F-0F79-499C-A154-D8C035CE601B.jpg (468x468, 50K)

>cancer filename
Lurk 2 years before posting.

the cumbraİn cries out in pain as you name him


Yikes!! cringe

Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?

See this post? Find a flaw and refute him. Keep it vidya

Protip: You can't


>sex BAD
>nazi worship GOOD

oh incels when will you learn

The real hilarity is that somehow the mods getting butthurt made you fags even MORE butthurt in response instead of just laughing it off


It really is obvious how much they hate how true it is. I guess this one just struck a nerve

thats just because the mods are the semenheads

>struck a nerve
be honest, how many times have you posted this expression today lol

Your counter would've been just fucking reporting them like a sane person, but now you've vindicated them and ensured even more ecchi threads by participating in the most overwhelming spam wave since 2014, good fucking job, idiot.

but user, how can he promote his agenda by doing it silently like that?

Any gang WEEDERS here?

It's true though, incel, boomer, zoomer etc all got spammed way harder than this and remain unfiltered. This lasted maybe three or four days before the mods killed it

All these fags, females, and snoyboys; who cant handle criticism of their favorite company, thinking childish name calling, on the internet, is going to stop people from doing what they want.

Attached: Mad World Elise.jpg (1768x2124, 2.65M)

Why the fuck is zoomer, boomer, incel, have sex, and dilate still around

Why the fuck is sneed still around


they don't call the cumbraın out for what he is


It's censored not because of muh board quality but because it's true and as a result it's actually offensive. This is the same place that has no problem with nigger or faggot or with sneed or based or dilate but now, suddenly, the C word is too much

Yessir gamers rise up

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 13K)


I think its funny the same people that told me to go have sex is now rabid spamming shit about how sex on the mind is bad to the point of it being auto filtered.

Attached: 1485558197118.jpg (195x195, 7K)

>viewing porn is the same as having sex

>more restrictions on speech makes for better discussions!

Attached: 1563516643294.jpg (250x243, 9K)

Someone whose entire vocabulary consists of incel, have sex, seethe, cope, and dilate isn't really in any position to be complaining about restricted speech

Why is her forearm so short what the fuck ew

I don't mind waifu threads, it's threads like "Post ass" and "Post milkers" that I think should be on /e/.

Attached: 1564280705730.png (507x500, 183K)


OH, so the definition changed from sex on the mind to shit I don't like? Riiight

Attached: 1357594742495.jpg (500x500, 253K)

restriction on your speech, yes

you know you can just report and hide the threads

You know you can just kill yourself and solve the problem for me entirely.

Attached: um.png (1017x104, 7K)

The two of them go hand and hand

If Cwords had sex they wouldn't be so obsessed with it. They wouldn't feel the need to spam and watch porn over and over again and have sex constantly occupy their thoughts because it would just be another mundane activity to them

keep at it and you'll be made jannie someday for sure!

And you'll have sex some day.
Just kidding.

go to resetera or waypoint if you're this triggered with sex

whatever at least im not having a mental breakdown over other people's posts lmao.


Attached: pupettmonisanigger.png (708x554, 480K)


I can already tell youre the type who would be seething if he saw a post he couldnt fap to.