Driving alone is comfy as fuck in GTA5, why does Yea Forums hate it so much...

driving alone is comfy as fuck in GTA5, why does Yea Forums hate it so much? it's pretty ridiculous to claim that gta 4 is better

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Wow it looks just like driving through pointless boring parts of the USA

Still more exciting than red dead 2.

because they're faggots

old good new bad boomer lawn-mower brain mentality

Gta IV is a better game mechanically speaking.
That being said 5 is very comfy to drive about in, I'd often log into Online and just drive for an hour or so whilst watching garbage


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Play Forza Horizon then

It's people who started with IV who are imitating the reaction to IV from fans of the fun games that aren't the Housers cramming knockoff HBO crime drama writing down your throat.

The cars are too fast in this game. You can drive the whole map in a few minutes. The GTA IV map felt way bigger because it was harder (and more interesting) to traverse.


No they're Scottish.

Physics engine is not game mechanics.

>more interesting


>low top speed cap is noticeable on wide open interstate
>GTA5 cars have heaps of grip making cornering thinkless
>weight transfer is non-existant in 5
>5 has traction control and muslce cars absolutely will not oversteer on power without mods
I tried playing 5 with a mod which removed the speed sensitive steering, driving assists such as traction control, removed the speed cap and added a mod which allowed sequential manual gearbox and then driving was a real pleasure, skidding up and down mount roads

however it completely broke the campaign so I didn't get to enjoy it for long

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GTA5 is too multiplayer focused
The single player sucked and the 3 character gimmick blows.

But the map is better than GTA4 yeah.

Not that poster but both the shooting and the driving in GTA V feel way more arcadey. I think that works better for multiplayer but it ruins the "immersion" I felt in GTA IV.

When GTA gets manual transmission I might consider calling its driving good.

That's why I still play GTA V to this day. I just wish the game didn't look any remotely interesting vehicle behind absurd paywalls and complicated systems.

in all aspects better then 5

Forza Horizon is a better driving game
GTA IV is a better "world sim"

Actually GTA IV is a better driving game too now I think about it.

Personally, I've always found GTA's main campaign to be tedious, boring and suffering from atrociously clunky controls. The only reason I've ever bought any GTA game is to just be a general mayhem simulator and explore the map. The games themselves are pretty fucking horrid and way too story-driven. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a fucking movie.

I bought GTA V for 20 bucks and have never completed a single mission in it, but I've spent untold hours fucking around with cheat codes and killing cops. It's a shame the director's mode is so half-assed and doesn't give you nearly as much control as it should. Rockstar really thinks that people buy these games for the main story and gameplay and not just to fucking blow shit up, I guess.

You tried so hard to sound smart that you didn't realize how stupid you were.

I agree that Forza Horizon is a better driving game.

But what the fuck is wrong with you my man

GTAIV is a better game tbqh

>Load my Japanese citypop mp3's in the game
>Get in my fake subaru
>Cruise during the dead of night with my shades on in first person while obeying traffic rules like I'm an NPC.
>Stop by other players and offer them rides.

If you're referring to my claim the GTA IV is a better driving game let me explain.
GTA V driving is mindless. You point the car where you want it to go and that's where it will go. GTA IV driving is a skill you need to practice and once you are good it is actually satisfying to weave through traffic maintaining a high speed and without getting a scratch on your car. Is it realistic? No. But are you gonna tell me that GTA V driving is more realistic?


So what are some enjoyable driving games available on PC? Mind you not necessarily racing, I just want something where I can fuck around in similar to how you can just drive around for a bit in GTA.

Forza Horizon 4 for sure

Forza Horizon 4

I second this request.
Forza Horizon 4 has already been mentioned. I own it and enjoy it and would recommend it. However, the English country side is boring as fuck. The scenery is equally as important as the vehicle if you are trying to have a relaxing time drving in my opinion. I regret not buying Horizon 3 because the Australian landscape is way more interesting.
If anyone knows an open world driving game with a good urban setting on PC I would love to hear it.

>Windows 10 only
>€70 for the standard edition
Eh I think I'll pass

I would recommend GTA IV but good luck getting it to run at more than 30 fps. Truly one of the worst optimized games on PC.

Completely understandable, hopefully it will appear on Steam sooner or later now that Microsoft started putting their stuff there.

Pretty sure it's part of the 1 dollar gamepass

can GTA IV do this?

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Have you guys tried driving alone at night in the rain in real life in a real car?

It's even better.
Pic related, my ride

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Yeah look mate, that looks fun I can't deny it, but it's not what I'm looking for when I want to drive around for the fun of it.
For me it's about getting lost in the world and forgetting that I'm actually sitting in a chair in my apartment. That webm is too gamey and unrealistic to achieve that. When I drive around in GTA IV I feel like I'm speedy though the New York boroughs. When I off-road in GTA V I feel like I'm playing a game.
To each their own though.

nah, I have a driving phobia, my cousin got killed by a drunk driver
t. 26 yo and with no driver's license

Man 90s sports cars have such an amazing aesthetic.

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Lol okay, the wilderness in V is comfy as fuck.

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Pros and Cons of driving in Gta V
Nice variety of cars
The map is quite big....
Good radio stations....
Different sceneries

Most of the super cars are one off prototypes, or works of design
.... But quite empty
... But not as San andreas imho
Only two towns
Los Santos is as big as Liberty City but quite empty
Those super cars, even the ultra futuristic ones have a ridiculous top speed

I agree.
Give GTA V the car handling and physics of GTA IV (and the bike handling of TLATD) and I would love it.

Rain in V is comfy as fuck and doesn't come with increased risk of fatal hydroplaning

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You should genuinely consider seeing a shrink.

My best friend got his license this year (same age) and had a very similar phobia.

That doesn't make any sense, the cars in IV controlled like garbage off road.

IV is fun, but it only covers street driving.

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Is it comfy or exciting?

Off roading isn't supposed to be easy. Definitely not as easy as your webm.


I don't understand how Yea Forums went from hating IV to holding it in high regard over V. I refuse to believe the majority of the site's demographic changed in 5 years.

I'm also one of the people that actually defended IV on release, but I like V better. However, TBoGT is up there with SA and VC

>The cars are too fast in this game.
Not at all, they're slow as fuck. Most cars have a top speed of 80mph unless you use Franklins skill

You need mods to make it fast

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>I'm going to pick on a single word user used, that'll show him
nice counter argument, you got me good mate

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Yeah I guess it's the fact that there's just one boring ass straight road that goes around 90% of the map that makes it feel so boring and I just mistook that for speed.

you're just too lazy to get off the beaten path

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Driving in burnout paradise remastered is way more comfy just drifting corner to corner boostan yep thats the life

if you want a comfy driftan game try hot pursuit 2010, it's made by criterion

No it just makes the map feel small as fuck.
If they put one long highway around GTA IVs map it would make the map feel smaller too.
The reason the third island in GTA IV feels so small is for this exact reason, there's a freeway that goes around the whole thing.

Keyword being feels. GTAV is a VERY boring game, but the map itself is great if you bother to get into it

Ive got a comfy driftan game, bp remastered.

Yes and this goes back to my earlier point. When I'm just driving around aimlessly in these games I'm doing it for the feels.
Different people will get different things out of these games and GTA IV just scratches this itch (immersion maybe?) that GTA V just can't do for me.

Anyone on ps4 wanna play right now? I am down to just chill and cruise around, got a huge fleet of vehicles too. I recently reinstalled for this reason

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>Thinks 200kph is fast.

Niggah I was going 600 down the main highway thanks to franklins ability and whichever mod

#1 selling console this gen. What’s wrong with that laughing whores?

I didn't say it was, still above vanilla speed

Drop your psn

I'll drop my disc for now. Lemme know if you dont have one

Its not that they have loads of grip, it's that they have anti-weight transfer. You have full angular control of the car, so you roll it into every turn.

>no speedometer
>no manual gear changing
>no realist traffic
>no realistic traffic lights
>no realistic reaction to speeding
>no realistic pedestrians
>no realistic wild life
>no signal lights


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t. cityslicker

>Stop by other players and offer them rides.
>They blow you up with a $4,000,000 automatic modified silenced non-stick grenade launcher with extended-mag
>continues to run you over as you spawn until you go into passive mode

dude it's set in california, no one owns a manual, even for motorcycles

GTA is not a racing game. Dumbass.

GTA IV is better in every way except driving.
Kind of funny, because of the name of the series.
You'd think they'd get the driving down first.
But yeah, fuck GTA5.

sorry stealing money from Rockstar atm

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Fuck off Microsoft shills. Can't even finish saying the words "racing" and "game" without you desperate fucks coming in to try and shill your """game""".
Fuck off.