>Substantial, across the board changes are being made to combat and movement to allow for a more responsive control system that still feels natural.
Also new info on Roles:
>Substantial, across the board changes are being made to combat and movement to allow for a more responsive control system that still feels natural.
Also new info on Roles:
Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks the changes will be backported into the single player game
oh nonononononono
look at this DOOD
>PC port will have improved framerate AND fixed the slow controls
Thanks for beta testing
>he has problems against NPCs in single player
They're doing it to make their online mode more appealing. That's it.
They want to make this into another gigantic cash-cow like they did with GTA Online.
At this point they don't care about the SP at all.
Doesn't really matter, the game has a fuckton more problems than just the controls.
>They're doing it to make their online mode more appealing.
No shit, Sherlock.
Did they update the single player so it isn't boring?
It's still a western so no.
you can always tell who hasn't actually played the game when they call it a western
>disliking westerns
it is a western
Rockstar online is terrible
I don't dislike them but they are boring.
What is it then smartass?
youll understand when youre older
>Female, nigger and spics
>wtf this doesn't control like fortnite at all!!!!!
I like boring things now though. Like Blade Runner and lawn bowling.
literally the capeshit of their day.
Uhm actually it's an Americanised version of the Ostern genre from Russia.
>capeshit is bad
Sure, enjoy the sloppy seconds you cuck.
This makes no sense. People that like this handholdy story over gameplay cinematic experience are zoomers.
>basically everyone who doesn't agree with me is a zoomer
>pc port
>shit controls are fine if the game is easy
no, people who sperg out over nothing are zoomers or at least at the mental level of one
s-shut up
>controls unlike fortnite are shit
>westerns were cheap to make, so that means john ford and sergio leone were only as talanted as the russo brothers?
Take your baseless, thoughtlessly repeated claim back to your favorite subreddit.
>Online updates
Couldn't give a shit. RDR2 with strangers is shit. No one does anything except shoot at you on sight or run away if you get near
Please someone tell me it'll release on pc this year
it will release on PC this year
Maybe not this year.
Not a chance, it won't be coming to PC until the HD rerelease on consoles first
What's with Rockstar faggots and going "it doesn't zoom like fortnite" whenever someone points out how utterly mediocre RDR is as a game? Ever played Max Payne? Quake? Any good shooter from before you were even born you corporate bootlicking worm?
I dunno maybe come up with actual arguments?
controls are clunky cus arthur is always out of breath cus of his sickness.
then when your playing as john its cus he always tired from sexing his wife and making a farm house
Shooting and navigation is clunky and unresponsive and this is what you spend 90% of the time doing. The unresponsiveness has been objectively measured and widely discussed.
The other 10% is watching cutscenes. You're the one who has to convince me that these 10% are good enough to make it worth it. Which is quite hard considering the whole game just retcon characters into existence.
But then again I'm arguing with a 17 year old who actually saves wojack pictures and is just another sad loser like everyone else posting these.
controls are clunky because you are bad
if it show man peepee do it show girl womb?
>Shooting and navigation is clunky and unresponsive
works on my machine :) Again, you don't have any argument for why these controls are bad other than "it doesn't control like my Fortnite zoom zooms". And I mean, you don't have to like the game, but when you start calling people "corporate bootlickers" when they disagree with you, expect a little push back.
You forgot your wojack you living failure.
lol cope
So at the end of 2020?
at least
>the unresponsiveness has been objectively measured
except it was a single webm that is hilariously misleading. there is only input delay when you are standing still and change direction. this is to prevent you from making Arthur spaz out all over the place when you wiggle the stick. if you are already moving, there is no input delay. you can try it yourself, if you’re moving left, then change to moving right, Arthur reacts instantly. if you press aim, he aims instantly, if you press punch, he punches instantly. seriously someone post that dumbass webm so you can all see how bullshit it is.
also if you tap x then he responds faster.
im actually good because i never made arthur run cus i didn't wanna tire him out
2021. 9th gen remaster with all the real content updates for RDRO when the new consoles launch then a PC port years later. Daddy Rockstar's gonna make you triple dip.
why would you buy the console remake when the PC version will be right around the corner?
because you won't know about the PC version
this update sounds great! can't wait to start playing with my girlfriend online
lol okay. Takes a special kind of poor to whine about $180 over 3 years anyway
Just because there are a handful of phenomenal westerns doesn't mean that it wasn't a completely oversaturated market. The Dark Knight and allegedly Spiderverse are great movies but capeshit is still capeshit.
No it's because old school games prioritize player freedom.
Rango was the last great western.
ah yes i forgot about how much freedom old games gave you. you could move left AND right.
I think this is the last Rockstar game I buy. I'll probably cave in and purchase RDR 2 on PC, but after, I'm fucking done. These smarmy cunts don't give a shit anymore about the single player. I don't care if GTA 6 is set in Vice City featuring bangable hookers and fighter jets, I am done giving money to this company that probably has more skeletons in its closet than 1000 Jeffrey Dahmers combined.
Imagine being so poor you can't afford a PC.
Enjoy your machine that struggles to reach 30 frames per second I guess. *yawn*
Fucking doom had better controls in 1993.
>These smarmy cunts don't give a shit anymore about the single player.
>releases one of the best Single Player games of all time
Fuck sakes the game plays fine but you miserable zoomers and whiney PC faggots just had to spew false narratives
God forbid we get a game that doesn't feel like the same weightless bullshit as everything else
Can't wait for this to come out, I miss playing my self-insert fat cowgal.
Probably going with bounty hunter first so I can eagle eye while sprinting and rushing around on my horse it will make hunting amazing.
Then I'll do trader for the wagon and bigger satchel.
Sean look out!!!
Nine months and counting, Sausage Fingers
You'll still be saying that ten years from now
I want to like hunting in RDO but they cut back on the lighting and animal density so much that I don't care. Dedicated hunting game mode with full grafics when?
I want it on PC as well but I'm just enjoying it on PS4 for now till that happens in 2025.
My only issue with PC just like with dark souls game is all the hackers that tend to fuck things up.
Avoiding them can get tiresome.
Fuck, it's gonna affect singleplayer too and is gonna be mandatory... So far they've made gloves look stupid big, downgraded Valentine, made bottom of the pants big, all for online but it also affected singleplayer. And you can't opt out of updates on digital copy.
Have you played it recently? I see tons of animals in online after they fixed all the despawning issues.
Nah I've been kind of burnt out after playing it for 200 hours or whatever, but I'll have to check it out
>tfw when big pants and big gloves
>come back to Yea Forums for five minutes
>it's still filled with schitzos that can't accept that locking onto enemies in a shooter is bad game design
You even have a slo-mo button and they still had to make it so you don't need to aim.
screencapped for the pc release
It isn't and the slo-mo has a timer too, hurr.
This is why I enjoy GTAV single player a lot more on PC.
But it's also much easier to free aim with a mouse.
never going to happen
What's the Gravity's Rainbow of westerns?
>So far they've made gloves look stupid big, downgraded Valentine, made bottom of the pants big
do you, uh, have a source for any of this?
RDR is AtD
I'll believe the improvements when I play it
the fuck you mean downgraded Valentine
Gun's better
Youtube comment
>you barely shoot
Tell me when you find a good racing game that steers the car for you, while also including a slo-mo button incase you forget to ta your foot off the accelerator in time for the game to turn the corner for you.
>>you barely shoot
lol okay. Also it's not a shooter in the traditional sense anyway
Forza Horizon has unlimited rewind and it's the best racing franchise of the gen :)
Honestly the smoothest brained opinion I've read on this site. Shame on you. Have a bad day.
lol seething
That actually kinda works.