Is this slut Samus done right?
Is this slut Samus done right?
>amputated limbs
her gun is ugly, but other than that its a pretty decent modernization of a classic character
good lord thats terrible. looks like great value porn samus, which it is.
Looks Blizzard-tier soulless
>in b4 OP strikes a nerve with the cumboys
Maybe for a gamer
I'm a gamer so that's good right?
>still has the high heels
Fuck off
What is this obsession with giving Samus High heels?
It's made by a Riot employee
Lmfao those heels
>heels again
>Yeah hi am I speaking to Nintendo? Cool I was just wondering if you could hire this guy? Thanks.
Nah, Super Metroid or Prime 3 Samus
>high heels
Fuck these people and their desperate clinging to artstyle fads in order to get hired so much.
Looks like Overwatch and ditch the high heels in other words NO
>looks nothing like OW though.
That's a shitty haircut
The fuck is that
Looks great, Yea Forums is just turning into trash.
I would honestly be okay with this. As a Metroid fan I know that's maybe sacrilegious, but I think a shot in the arm like this is what the series needs. Give it to an accomplished Western Dev and make the series look that weird sort of cartoony aesthetic like OverWatch or borderlands. I think people would really get behind it. Metroid needs to be marketed to the normies like those games if Nintendo wants it to be successful.
It looks like it came out of WoW, so no.
dont like the thighs n calves lights, but the chest looks good
most importantly tho, where's her helmet
samus should be asexual when in the suit like in super metroid, prime is also acceptable i guess
I think the smooth lines and silhouette are essential to Samus.
Changing it doesn't go well.
>Nobody attempts to remake DS
Can't beat perfection. Better than Sammy in every way.