I told you this was going to happen, first they come for the lootboxes and now this. What, protect muh children right?
I told you this was going to happen, first they come for the lootboxes and now this. What, protect muh children right?
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it's literally just a tax on dumb poor people like nicotine and has no objective reason to exist other than those addicted to it trying to cope by saying they should be allowed to do it because muh freedoms
>Protect muh children
Society would actually be healthier if we didn't have kids getting raised in effective poverty by parents tossing out their paychecks to an addiction. The combination of malnourishment and high stress that kids under the poverty line face literally stunts brain development and creates the next generation of smooth brains.
Yes please, bring back organized crime I want to be a cool guy in the mafia
Organized crime is the freest market there is as it allows the use of violence. NAP and other arbitrary restrictions on the it's use deny the reality of human behavior and the efficacy of force as a problem solver.
Why exactly should we keep the lottery again?
oh noooooooooo not the lottery anything but the fucking lottery
I agree with that headline, you have no idea how many fucking retards are there
>have father thousands of dollars in debt because of divorce
>doesn't give a shit, lives like Ric Flair
>his nofrost fridge actually stopped nofrosting, has to manually shut down every 2 days
>doesn't give a shit about paying to fix it, yet spends at least $30 a month in scratch lottery
>had fridge like that since 2017
>"If you saved $5 a month you would've fixed it long ago and then some
>had it fixed for him or he would literally die before fixing it
A way to nickle and dime retards, and it works.
Gambling is a blight.
it's fucking depressing to see old people live as rubbish and waste 200€ monthly on that shit, literally wishing to win 10M for their grandsons.
cut that crap out: no, my grandma will not go an illegal gambling club.That argument is shit.
just sterilize the poorfags
Keep it, it harms literally no one.
My grandpa loves playing it for fun
It's not a game retard.
the ex-mayor of my town has won the lottery.. twice.
If you keep helping him you're just enabling his stupid shit. Some people need to hit rock bottom before they help themselves.
>Society would actually be healthier if we didn't have kids getting raised in effective poverty by parents tossing out their paychecks to an addiction.
There is nothing wrong with the smart exploiting the stupid. You are not entitled to a good life if you are incapable of making good decisions.
I agree. It preys on poor people getting their hopes up. You're more likely to die on your way to get a ticket than actually win an amount that makes up for how much you've spent on tickets in your lifetime.
He's already rock bottom, all they need to do is foreclose his place and he's toast. He paid the mortgage in full but creditors can still whip his ass.
>There is nothing wrong with the smart exploiting the stupid.
Literally you.
USA is so incredibly corrupt and poorly run, without the lottery funding schools will collapse even more.