-Particle Effects up the ass


-Particle Effects up the ass.
-HDR Lighting.
-Dynamic Soft Shadows
-Dynamic Depth of Field
-Agreeable texture resolution.
-Neat weapons.
-Interesting hook.(All-Seeing Eye/Puzzles to break up combat.)
-Controls bested only by the PC.

Wii finally has a current gen game.

Attached: conduit.jpg (636x310, 27K)

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

we can see the poster count you idiot

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x346, 731K)

Did I just have a stroke?



we did it reddit! just like the meme! just like in the funhny picture!!

Can’t stop laughing

It's been ten thousand years...

>video is not even available anymore

Attached: 1267321967879.jpg (633x758, 108K)

Am I missing something here? What the fuck does this mean?

holy shit....


Yea Forums:

Hello summer Yea Forums
Fuck off newfag niggers.

Attached: 1553467959605.gif (415x311, 2.22M)

You know, I'd normally just call you off especially in the wake of gamer spam but since you posted Gal-o-sengen I won't.

Have a nice day user.

Attached: 1564406709487.jpg (1067x1600, 379K)


I've been here too long.

Attached: GO GO GO GO.gif (480x368, 694K)

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 13K)

christ its been a long time

hahaha xd that vegeta

To this day, I never could figure out what the fuck this user was trying to say.

Attached: 1481553483852.jpg (750x792, 89K)

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

worst meme of 2019

...it's been a while

Attached: 1554807318862.png (500x281, 243K)

Attached: hownice.png (1004x775, 119K)

>Its been 11 years

Attached: sad badger.jpg (625x625, 116K)

You gonna spam DESU next?

>newfriends doesn't know this pasta

Yea Forums was made 6 years ago

Was the game good at all?


Attached: 1558583879776.png (250x218, 6K)

It was made in 2004 you piece of shit

>All these newfags
for shame

Dear god, what happened to this post? It's like a disaster area

Your new is showing.

Some people really are this easy to bait