Digging straight down

>digging straight down
>start to hear lava

do i continue?

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f[1].jpg (800x800, 51K)

keep going

Use water you retard

what does lava sound like?

>not digging in a spiral
you deserve any suffering this brings you

>play minecraft
>2 hours go buy and NOTHING but trees and grass
>dig in caverns for an hour
>nothing but coal and steel
>just walk along terrain in one direction for another hour
>just fucking pigs and chickens

WHAT THE FUCK minecraft backin the day was way better than this. Where did all the content go. I know they added a shit ton of new shit over these years but did they make it so you have to spend multiple in game days for it to spawn in or something to extend gametime? What am I doing wrong?

Bruh just stand on the border between 2 blocks and alternate between which side you are mining.

diagonal mine shafts take longer to make and are more expensive but are easier to make minecraft tracks for

bloop boop

If you're going straight down it's going to be a little bit difficult to ge out, lava teleports you back to your bed.

Noticed the same, dunno if i just got unlucky with world gen but theres literally nothing but forest and grass plains like 2 hours each direction.

Which mine do yo prefer?

dig in a 1x2 rectangle straight down and stand on the edge in the middle. if you mine into lava you dont fall into it.

Attached: C0iej.png (600x316, 113K)

you must suck at the game if you cant get diamonds in 2 hours.
confirmed user only has 2 hours on record

cute user
might smooch him


Diagonal with an automatic rail system. It took a little bit of gold for the powered rails but it takes hardly any time to go up or down and i don't have to hold any keys down, just click a button

It's faster to dig and to use if you make a water elevator using soul sand and magma

yes... that is literally my complaint wtf

>he complains about being bad
maybe writing game journalism is more your speed

Are you tying my rng world seed to skill? pls stop replying to me DO NOT @ ME.

based bloop posting

Just keep restarting till you get a good start. What biome are you even looking for?

I just want content. There just wasn't anything for me to interact with that was any different from the second I spawned.

i lost my bed. i didn't spawn near it.

so If I know java pretty well how much can I mod minecraft? Can I turn it into an fps? What is the most overhauled minecraft out there right now so I can take a look. Just looking for a game to work on as a base to just add my ideas to.

the new world generator sucks

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