It still has arenas

>it still has arenas
>enemy count is still too low
>the hud is retarded and obtrusive
>worst part of nudoom was needing glory kills and chainsaw to get health and ammo; theyve doubled down on this
>recent demo essentially makes it look like a loot shooter where you farm for health and ammo by killing enemies in any way but shooting them
>this is because its designed for consoles and they're making it less and less of a shooter with every new feature
>no cap to one-ups (free lives, like faeries in zelda): guy in demo picked up fucking 6 of them in 30 mins of play
>you dont even lose a one-up if you fail at platforming aka if you miss a jump or fall off the world
If its as bad as it looks I'll be pissed. So long as there's a reasonable amount of encounters in the levels outside of arenas I'll be happy, and so long as there's enough health and ammo in the level design that I can ignore glory kills and chainsaw entirely.

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but gore! executions! bazinga! This IS doom! Us gamers!

Thanks for sharing

>enemy count low
I didn't mind this in 2016 because it lets them make the enemies more dangerous instead of doing like Left 4 Dead where the mobs are uselessly weak and serve only to slow you down for the bosses

t. gamer

>old good new bad
Just stick to doom wads holy shit. Half the shit you listed is just padding and the other half is literally just "it's not old doom".

Yeah dude! Fucking killing demons is rad!! Blood and executions are what doom is really about!!! Fucking wicked lmao dude

>forced multiplayer to have a reason introduce microtransactions to Doom
It's over

Is it true they did away with invasions?

ah yes as opposed to dooms stunning narrative or graphical prowess

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Let's get that webm in here already showing nuDoom gameplay next to "classic".

>worst part of nudoom was needing glory kills and chainsaw to get health and ammo; theyve doubled down on this

this i dont get, you enjoy breaking the flow of combat to look for ammo? and health pickups?

i prefer a balance of both that gives you just enough to survive but never too much so that you feel op and can survive just by murdering ppl and gaining hp from it,

It will be just as bad as the 2016 one.
No modding tools this time around either, and paid DLC is all but confirmed.

>you enjoy breaking the flow of combat to look for ammo? and health pickups?
You dumb motherfucker...
It is exactly those "Press X for a kool animation!!" that breaks the flow.
It is exactly the fact that ALL the combat takes place in tiny lock-down rooms, most which you see coming from a mile away and even "trigger" yourself, that ruins the tension of combat.
It is exactly the fact that every enemy is an HP and ammo-pinata, that ruins the SURVIVAL aspect of Doom, and turns it into literal babby-tier corridor runner.

Not even the same user you replied to, but I absolutely HATE you nu-Duum faggots who are rejoicing that all the exploration and supply management is now removed.
D2016's gameplay and pacing was just absolutely tedious trash.

Exploring is fun, and you only needed to do it if you were bad or playing on a higher difficulty. The traps on 1hp packs were funny too

so what you want is smarter AI in the demons? if i understand your argument correctly that is.

the press x isnt that obtrusive (what like 1 second?) ------besides it is optional so why bitch about something like that,

about the rooms yeah id love larger spaces especially with the bigger enemies that fill entire hallways that does piss me off.

exploring is fine and i like that it can lead to rewards like weapons secrets and stuff, i meant about having to lead a train of demons behind you while your sprinting around for healthpacks that is annoying

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>so what you want is smarter AI in the demons?
No, I want the gameplay to be more open, less linear, more dynamic, more exploration and survival-based like it used to be.

>the press x isnt that obtrusive (what like 1 second?)
Literally kill yourself. No joke, suicide now.
Anyone claiming that "press button 4 cutscenes!" """gameplay""" has room in a fucking DOOM game gets instantly stabbed and shot in the neck if I meet them on the streets. Better end your life before that happens.

The game is supposed to be a first-person SHOOTER.
Not a "cinematic beat'em up choreographer".

>besides its optional
except when it's not.
And the whole "arena fight" system is the main issue here. That shit is NOT Doom at all, and is only there because Zenimax's faggots can't into level design, all while modern consoles struggle to run the ID Tech that was not meant for those underpowered toys.

Ntohing else comes close to how good doom looks and runs on my average machine, it's kind of ruined everything else

bumpity doot

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>i meant about having to lead a train of demons behind you while your sprinting around for healthpacks that is annoying
No it's not. And you clearly have never played a single Doom-like game if you think that would be a common phenomenon, or even an issue at all.

>defending QTE crap
>in a Doom game

>brief, cinematic melee finishers break muh game flow
Yes and melee done any other way in an FPS is so fun and smooth, right? Fuck off, you're all just LARPing as boomers at this point.

how does one make the gameplay more open and survival based, i mean, when i hear doom i dont think survival i think curb stomps and BFG'S

doom3 was maybe survival but not og doom,

i never said it belonged in doom too, and it does not have to since its literally optional

stop projecting, it wont help you fit in,

mongs dont understand my points jesus,

its better than insta knife shit you see in cod or whatever.

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It's not like randomly placing enemies along hallways alá first Doom is great design.

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its a product of the times yo,

Doom had complex rooms with visible enemies in areas you couldn't directly get to. Most importantly, you didn't have to kill every enemy in each room to progress.

>>worst part of nudoom was needing glory kills and chainsaw to get health and ammo; theyve doubled down on this

You not once needed to do this.
The entire point of Doom 2016 is to reward mobility and aggression.

>>no cap to one-ups (free lives, like faeries in zelda): guy in demo picked up fucking 6 of them in 30 mins of play

Has it been confirmed how they work? If you run out of them does the level reset?

>>you dont even lose a one-up if you fail at platforming aka if you miss a jump or fall off the world

Sure, because Doom isn't a platformer and excessively punishing platforming is dumb. It'd enter Dark Souls territory where they have fucking horrendous platforming that is super punished.

>Most importantly, you didn't have to kill every enemy in each room to progress.

You don't have to kill all enemies to progress either. Some areas and rooms have this, but that's to vary things up and so the designers can specifically design waves and encounters.

jesus christ the edge LMAO

You type like a faggot and based on your opinions you probably are one too.


>The suits at BASEDthesda saw some gameplay of brütal Doom and built their entire design philosophy on edgy bullshit
When are we getting a dedicated middle finger fuck you button, and when is Doom getting a real fucking sequel, 2 was an expansion pack, 3 was a horror reboot, and 4 is arena dubstep slop

For some reason, I had a dream that Gordon Ramsay was talking about playing the original DOOM, and saying that he fucking loved it.

I'd rather be a faggot than a close-minded delusional juvenile that can't even prove me wrong.

Your opinions were also retarded and closeminded but I didn't want to bloat my post trying to explain things to a retarded fag.

You 100% can't disprove anything I said. That's why you restort to logical fallacies, child.
But by all means remain delusional and keep backpedaling.
Can't wait for another reply where you namecall and go
>I-I totally could prove you wrong, b-but I won't despite that would only benefit me!
Hilariously pathetic.

glory kills are in? thats mean im out! press X to kiss my ass!

But user, I have to spank you twice before I can do that!

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>Enemy count is still too low

What the fuck kind of complaint is this when the original games never had that many enemies on-screen at the same time outside of a few exceptions, one of which was straight up intended to kill the player outright? WADs do not count because they were not a part of the delivered product.

>Hasn't played beyond the first chapter of Doom
Fuckin yikes

It's like you fucking boomers don't have full steam of doom clones already
Go play them

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The glory Kills were a nice novelty at first but man they got old. They do at least seem to be a bit quicker this time around but I wish there were mutators to disable them and/or health pickups from enemies and limit or disable the lives. Having to stop and find health and ammo either created a fun sense of tension or a natural break to the combat. I'm still looking forward to the game because of the sense of verticality it provides but im not so sure about it surpassing doom 2.

Most of the differences between nudoom and old doom are objective downgrades. 2016 had only a single decent level, the foundry. They're sticking to the arena focused level design and are just filling the space with zombie mobs to farm health and ammo. Its more like destiny than doom now.

Looking for health and ammo while fighting monsters and figuring out how to get to them without getting killed is like half the thrill of doom combat, you dumb zoomer.

The age of the boomer is over
The time of the zoomer has come.

Its not optional, glory kills and chainsaw/fire are required to get health and ammo because the devs are too retarded to actually design levels properly. Look at the demo and talk about how much convoluted shit they had to do to restrict rocket launcher usage... Too bad they cant just restrict the ammo available in the level!

Melee in the original doom is unironically better
>pick up melee boost pickup
>perfectly animated and timed punches make demons explode instantly and dont slow you down whatsoever


The first two sentences you typed contradict eachother.

You know what else rewards mobility and aggression? Stripping resources from the player and making them have to fight monsters to get to them. Oh wait, that would require level design and the removal of systems that allow for every kill to drop you health and ammo...

>a few exceptions
Kek, I think every single room in tricks and traps has over 16 enemies on screen at once. Never once are you supposed to die.

how little of an attention span do you have to get upset over a half second animation?

you can beat doom 4 without using a single glory kill, it's entirely optional

>Enemy count is still too low
Go play any slaughterwad and try coming back without brain damage from boredom

You dont have to play a slaughter wad, just DoomE1

It breaks the flow of combat entirely. The glory kills in nudoom are bad for the same reason brutal doom is bad.

Id like to see you beat ultraviolence using only the pickups on the maps. You'll run out of ammo before the end of the first level.

>I'm bad at the game so everyone else will be

There is just literally not enough ammo on the ground to kill all of the enemies, period. You need to use chainsaw on higher difficulties.