Do you enjoy your dream game?
Dream game
doctor pls
purple and green
flow chart replies by conditioned drones
Doc, it's not working! I NEED a stronger dose!
it's not out yet
thanks doc
15min therapy on - take him away
Is this like a reference to some inside joke on v?
You NEED a bigger dose.
Not really. Either I have no dreams/don't remember anything or I dream about something I wanted to forget.
Thanks Doc
but game companies are too shit these days to make perfect games and it's not like there is any perfect game
OP here. By saying "dream game" I didn't mean the best game you ever imagined (something like dream team) but obviously the game you play during the sleep time (gaming dream(rarely used term)/dream game). They are much better than video games but unfurnately they are imperfect. For me the second main problem about dream games is that they're nameless. Yes thht right theres no name displayed at start and in the end, so the only way to have the game have the name you have to have name the game after you quit the game (wake up) I never named my dream games by the way. The first main problem is that there 0 replayability. Not that that the gameplay or story is boring (gameplay is pure diamond (better than pure gold gameplay(!)) but plot can be retarded sometimes) but that you can never replay the game. Dream game is one time experience and you cant complete 10-12% of the content during your first (and last) gameplay.
thanks doc
But doc... The games I play in my dreams ARE the best games I've imagined!!
Thanks doc
Thats hilarious. I took this photo a couple of years ago, this was the desk i took the photo on. who the fuck still saved this?