Never played it. Is it's reputation for being dogshit that lost Square millions overblown or is it really that bad?
How does it run on older PCs too?
Never played it. Is it's reputation for being dogshit that lost Square millions overblown or is it really that bad?
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it's just mediocre, man. a whole bunch of meh. go play something else.
It's a shitty mess of a game. Literally just scraps thrown together haphazardly by a man who's never made a good game.
Yes, Type-0 fucking sucks too.
It's not entirely bad. If it was just a new IP from Square everyone would like it but being a Final Fantasy and having nothing to do with Final Fantasy dug its grave real bad.
>go gay something else
>How does it run on older PCs too?
Give up.
have dibrain
hey, I didn't type that! stop it!
It's an extremely mediocre game with an unfinished story (literally, story DLC got cancelled), and a Hold O combat system.
Such a sad state for a game that was worked on for TEN YEARS
>a Hold O combat system.
Not to defend XV, but it had to retain something from the previous titles. Ten years is inexcusable though.
Not dogshit per se, and definitely better than the vanila version, but still a heavily flawed game.
Still has moments of SOUL, but the story is dogshit, while the combat, although having potential, is a complete mess
>How does it run on older PCs too?
Bad. You'll have to play on minimum settings to at least get playable frames. It's also CPU-intensive
There is little to no need to play Final Fantasy anymore at this point there are plenty of other good jrpgs to play
Honestly feel sorry for those that think that Final Fantasy 7 remake will actually be good
It's pretty decent so long as you learned to distance yourself from its crazy hype.
It requires a pretty good PC for decent performance though.
Just play the older games. XV was mediocre at best, but god awful at worst.
Also unironically has the shittiest battle theme out of all the FF games. Just listen to this medely of all the themes and hear how fucking bland it is compared to every other game
I'm pretty sure they broke even on FFXV proper, its just the studio that they opened specifically to work on the DLC lost them like 33m or something that resulted in the firing of the game's director.
It's really that bad bro.
And it runs like shit on my 8600k / 1070 rig
>insta thot cock tease with no nudes or hardcore
Fuck never mind keep her
I hate this decade that woman learned they can get tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars from beta thirsty fucks without having to even have sex let alone get nude
Playing it for the first time right now.
I'm only 3 chapters in, but it's quite refreshing. I've played a lot of JRPGs and I can honestly say I've never played one like it. There's a stark contrast between the game and the way people talk about it here. The gameplay is good but the open world is a is pretty dull, especially at the start where you have to run everywhere.
This board has some severely autistic pro and anti FFXV shitposters and they're in almost every thread posting the exact same shit at each other. You should take posts about it with a grain of salt.
This poster is a shill
Despite the fags who say otherwise, it's got a hint of soul.
Some parts of it work really well. I doubted an open world JRPG centered around a car trip would really work, but it does.
The problem is that other parts (like dungeon crawling) are absolutely dreadful, the combat stops being fun very quickly and the plot is all over the place. It has hints of interesting ideas, but the execution is just fucked.
Some elements are really obnoxious. Certain lines of dialogues from your party members will get scorched into your brain for how many times they get repeated. Every time you end a battle encounter and you just start running the direction you were going your character will stop for a moment for the results screen, which is really pointless and aggravating after the 100th time. Occasionally your party members will set a challenge for some combat encounters; the objective will flash on the screen, but the characters will have a prolonged and pointless animation. Every time you are in a dungeon/cave/whatever your entire party will start crouch-walking for no fucking reason, meaning when you're not running your speed will be reduced to a crawl. Fighting in cramped environments and anywhere with bushes/trees is a miserable experience.
At the end of the day it's an incredibly ambitious game, but the ambition really comes off as pure derangement, and it doomed the entire project in ways that frankly seem pretty obvious. It's completely transparent what corners where cut and where, and no part of the game is unaffected. At the end of the day I can say my overall impression is mildly positive, but it's the end result of a very wild rollercoaster.
you need at least Intel i5 2500 + 8GB + GTX 1050ti to get a decent experience with it.
Even then, the game's at its best when you IGNORE story content.
>Yes, Type-0 fucking sucks too.
No, it fucking does not. It's the best FF game ever created.
Fuck outta here shill. This game sucked donkey bawls.
The game is unfinished. I mean it looks like 75% of content was scrapped.
Imagine ff8 where most of game takes part in cd1, and rest is rushed in last chapter.
Combat is medicore and makes Bo sense.
Design and setting is interesting. Some characters are great.. But because it is so rushed you get just the introductions.
Car is eh, it beats fast travel. But it would be nice if you could try to drive away from enemies, not auto dismount.
Basically a huge pile of wasted potential. It could be great game, but it was cut short, rushed by someone external to the project.
Dlc combat(gladiolus especially) is better than main game one.
>only 3 chapters in
That's why..
It gets godawful at the end.
I unironically enjoyed a lot about it but it’s by no means a good game. I think fucking around in the open world is done really well, and the bro trip aesthetic was comfy, although it could use more quest variety. The combat was barebones as fuck but that’s not a huge change from previous FFs. It would have been nice if there was at least the illusion of more options even if holding O is still the most effective strategy. It sucks they spent all this time on animating 800 weapon types but they don’t really change anything except animations. Yeah there’s the whole weakness/resistance thing but it’s not an interesting choice if there’s no reason not to do it. There’s no trade off, you just press a button to do extra damage, why would you not do it every time?
Basically this. It's an OK game playing in the wrong league.
>Imagine ff8 where most of game takes part in cd1, and rest is rushed in last chapter
>FF8: FF15 Story Structure Edition
>Everything the same through the SeeD exam and up to when you leave Balamb Garden for your first mission
>teleported to Edea’s parade in a cutscene
>seifer boss fight is a pseudo cutscene, you have to hold O to advance the fight but there’s basically no way to lose
>squall gets ice spiked
>flashback cutscenes of meeting rinoa
>shitty stealth section escaping the prison
>find audio logs that explain the succession of witches, founding of seed, ultimecia, the orphanage, Ellone, everything
>long cutscene where time kompression happens
>ultimecias castle is a short corridor with a couple trash mobs and a disappointing boss fight at the end
>ending sequence has no resolution. Everyone just dies and credits roll