Just found out my wife and I are having a son. I'm well aware of where I'm asking this, but memes and jokes aside, for those of us who have raised kids, especially sons, do you play video games with him? When did you start? I'm planning on taking him fishing, hiking, running, etc. Just curious if any of you guys have gotten fulfillment playing vidya with your boys. What game did you have them play with you first?
Just found out my wife and I are having a son. I'm well aware of where I'm asking this, but memes and jokes aside...
Other urls found in this thread:
don't do it
I wouldn’t play video games with my kid.
Raise them without that stuff and let them discover them if they want.
I can't find the implication that the son wasn't put inside of her by you. Are we supposed to just assume it? I think that's a case of actually being too subtle.
>my wife and I are having a son
lol cumbrain
Fair, but my wife and I genuinely enjoy playing together for a few hours every now and then. It's not like he won't see us playing it.
It's my biological son. Don't worry. And we're white.
Honestly, I wouldn't encourage him to play video games at all. If he does play them, let him play whatever's popular, let him be a healthy part of the crowd. Don't let him play too much and always enforce that video game time is a reward for afterwards.
>do you play video games with him?
any father son activities are good. We play a couple games of fortnite before he goes to bed
Either you're going to be a terrible parent or your life as an individual is over. You have successfully fallen into the honey pot of parenthood and been stripped of any genuine claim to higher intelligence. I hope those 30 seconds were worth it.
Tromso, NO
unpopular opinion coming through: i know lot of anons are against raising children with consoles and smartphone in their hands, but i'm all for it desu.
first of all, its common knowledge that kids try and get what you forbid them. Its better to raise them at least open minded.
but my main argument is the coming age of technology. we're in the middle of all this sci-fi, we're pretty much living in the future. no one fucking cares about hiking in 10 years user, srsly. you'd raise him becoming a fucking loser if he does. shit like that as a teenager. raise him and make him aware of technology. show him what its capable of. the same goes for education: 90% of what kids learn in school is bullshit that they will forget anyways 1 month later. we live in a society with the Knowledge and scientific achievements of humanity in our fucking pockets.
well, and yes, part of this lifestyle is handing them a modern videogame console. show him what fun it can be. i'd go for nintendo games to start it easy if you're curious about what to play.
inb4 hurr user you'll make him a social brat if you raise kids like this.
fuck off, its about balance. learn to reward them properly for correct behaviour
I think this is probably the best way. Our plan as of right now is to only play together at night after he goes to bed. If he wants his own system or games I think requiring him to have an extracurricular activity during the day is a good baseline requirement. Physical exercise should come first. I was curious if any of you have had quality experiences playing together as a family, though, maybe something like a racing game or Mario party? My dad and I used to play burnout 3 together sometimes, it was always fun, and we'd talk about stuff.
I have a child who is 1.5 years old, and it’s awesome to see the progress with walking and talking. However I don’t think I’ll share my video game hobby
OP, as awesome as it is to share your hobby with your children; video games do have downsides with social development. I always struggled with procrastination and not doing school work because I’d rather game for hours immediately after school
Obviously if you do, make sure it’s in moderation. I’d recommend old staples depending what they like
>It's my biological son. Don't worry. And we're white.
still your wife's son nonetheless
I play co-op kid friendly games with my son. He's only 4 so he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing but it's good fun. As long as he gets into sports as well it'll be fine.
Definitely agree with a lot of what you posted, I think my wife and I are both on board with the idea that technology can be a wonderful thing if used correctly. We don't want to outright forbid him from things that aren't inherently dangerous. We want him to make informed decisions, etc. Good post, user.
Defintily not fortnite
Please don't let your child be cringey dude
By your wifes son a nintendo switch.
My dad rarely did anything with me, and rarely played video games, so when he played video games it felt really special. We could have been playing anything at all and it was amazing to me that he was involved. My mum would play Sonic and Donkey Kong Country with me often, but even still it felt special, so I guess it's just to do with being with your parents that makes it feel good.
That's really heartwarming, user, yeah. I hope just spending time with him at all is good, and I am really looking forward to doing this with my best friend who shares my interests. We both wanted a son.
>having a son
Why would you end your life user?
He will inevitably play whatever is popular once he's in school, see Fortnite, Minecraft, CoD, etc.
Anyways, I think moderation is key. Keep Vidya as a fun hobby to do when the weather is bad or if nothing else is going on. I'll admit that I played too much Vidya as a kid which led to me gaining weight, procrastinating more, and feeling more reclusive in general. I eventually came out of my shell later on, but why let your kid do that? Anyways balance it with physical or creative activities. Don't let your son be a tablet kid either, that shit will make them braindead and ruin their attention span. Keep screen time to 30 mins or less.
Thanks user. Good advice. I appreciate you guys taking me seriously and helping me out with this.
The same thing you do with any kid. Let him have fun playing video games and discovering things for himself but make sure it's only a few hours per day. He can live the full vidya life when he gets older
Dont have certain expectations towards your son. You're not supposed to be his best friend, you're supposed to be his father.
Your son will most likely not turn out like you excpect him to, for better and for worse. His personality might develop in a direction where you two dont gel. He'll probably end up like the obnoxious smartphone game playing zoomers you see. You might end up having few overlapping interests like video games, films, music, hiking, hobbies etc and if he has interests in video games, he'll probably start playing games that you have no interest in at all.
Especially when he turns 10-13 and he's in that "distancing himself from his parents" age.
That said, it is not his job to become interested in your hobbies to please you, you have to become invested in his interests, whatever they may be. And kids interests are fleeting, they show great enthusiasm for one thing for 6 months and have lose all interest after that. That's just their way of figuring out where they have a talent.
Alot of parents expect their kids to turn out like a clone of themselves where they can undo all the wrongs of their own youth, but in most cases, they dont. In most cases they turn out entirely different from yourself.
When your kid grows up and becomes an adult, then you can become his friend, but untill then, you're his parent. You're supposed to be the solid fundament your kid stands on growing up. There's a difference.
I started with Minecraft when he was like 6
I personally wanted to give him a OG Gameboy but since it’s a collector’s item now the price is a bit expensive for no reason
I'm 18 and my Dad never played games with me. He wanted it to be his and my sister's hobby, and got pissed at anyone else who liked it so I just played them with my friends or in private. I avoided playing games he liked so he wouldn't yell at me. Then I got into art, so he started pouring money into expensive art supplies and lessons for him and my sister. Naturally, I started keeping my art studies private as I do with games. This is what happens when you have a mentally ill father that sees you as a rival instead of a child. Don't be like him.
>asking for, and giving parental advice on Yea Forums
What the fuck is wrong with you
>fishing, hiking, running
He's gonna hate you and start browsing Yea Forums
I appreciate this post more than I can possibly tell you, I'm gonna keep a Screencap of it. Thanks, user. This is really important to remember. Seriously.
I won't user. Don't worry.
Not planning on asking on r/mywifesson. Try reading the thread before you assume no one is giving advice. Some of us have been here more than a decade, and some of us have kids.
He browses Yea Forums, so I'm guessing he's retarded.
Ah, so that's why him and your sister suck mean cock
For toddlers videogame time should be limited since they don't promote development of general motor skills, recognition of real life objects, facial expressions and language. You can play with them from time to time and use it as a bonding exercise. I won't set strict rules for vidya time but I would encourage out door and social activities more.
Tell that to your parents.
Retards on Yea Forums think their son will magically become a chad if they don’t use a phone or spend their time playing video games addictively like they did as kids, but keeping that away from them in this day and age will literally socially stunt the kid because every other kid will be connecting on various social media apps and games while your kid is the weird kid with no friends.
>I appreciate this post more than I can possibly tell you,
Just another note on the fleeting interests thing. It's good to show your support for your kids interests, but dont run out and spend 2000 dollars on a brand new Les Paul if he wants to have a go at playing the guitar. Find a decent used guitar and a small 30 watt amp for 200 bucks. That way you wont resent him for wasting all of your hard earned money.
But there's a fine balance. You also need to learn him the value of finishing what he starts. That's a skill he will appreciate later in life. He wants to play soccer, but loses interest after a half a year? Fine, but have him finish that season before you let him off the hook, dont let him quit midway through. Also explain to him why you do that. Kids dont like being told what to do without a good reason.
If you want your son to turn out a certain way, you must behave in the same way. Set an example of greatness and put logic and a set of ethical rules as the highest authority.
I am so sorry. He is a potential future schoolers already. Specially if he is white. Better luck next time and pray for a beautiful daughter instead who is pure and never does anything wrong.
I don't have a son, or a blood-related father; but some of the best memories I have with my step dad was playing "Greatest Heavyweights" on the Sega Genesis with him at the wee hours of the morning in my aunt's living room. Video games fucked up what was left of my life without a doubt, but I'll always remember playing vidya with my dad.
cuck cuckold
Mario Kart 64 was the big thing in my house. My dad would alway main Wario and we would play for hours. He used to play Resident Evil 2 and I was to scared to play it myself, but I loved watching my dad play despite his slow meticulous method of going around exploring everything in a room. Same thing with my mom and The Legend of Zelda on NES.
My mom had to translate Ocarina of Time for me since I didnt know english at the time.
One of my most fond memories was me and my dad at the local bowling alley were they had arcade machines. We played Time Crisis 2 for 2 hours straight. He probably wasted 100 dollars on that thing and we got to the boss and let me have the final coins to take out the boss.
Those small moments that make a big difference.
Not a parent but I remember when my Dad brought home the original Playstation when I was probably around 3 years old, remember playing the Rugrats game on it. A few years later I remember me, my brother, 2nd oldest sister and him all playing Crash Bash and laughing our fucking asses off for hours on end. Spyro skateboarding minigame grinding, Pokemon too. Some of the best times of my life.
my dad played cnc, civ2 aoe and imperium galactica with my brother and I, but we kept teaming up and kicking his ass so he rage quit.
I wouldnt force it on him.
lol that is pretty fucking weird. Reckon he fucks your sister?
Cos if he doesn't, he sure as fuck fantasizes about it when he fucks your mom.
Super Mario Bros U is co-op and a good family game, most Mario games are good for little kids to start off with, Pokemon XD gale of darkness was really good although if you want an easy one go with xy or newer, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, ect
if all your bits still function then it isn't all over mate. Just start small - drink a bit of water and go for a walk everyday.
Slowly add to that and eventually you can build a routine that you are proud of, and a life that you want.
I have the life I want, but I'm not proud of it.
For the good of your son, you must play AOE2 with him. The community is rebuilding and needs fresh young men
I loved playing games with my family, but I got addicted because my parents bought us new games too readily. I'm in a good place now at 27-years-old, but video games pretty much ruined me toward the end of high school and in university. I wouldn't mind my kids playing games, but they absolutely have to have other passions in life.
I guess tl;dr is just don't spoil your kids with games. Maybe a new one on their birthday and at Christmas so they'll grow tired of them and move onto other hobbies, or just introduce them to some of your old games and never bother buying them new ones.
It's his father's son just as much it is the wife's.
Not related, but if you want to let him play vidya do remember about parent control. It will make your life easier
kick your wife in the belly
problem solved
Don't let vidya be in the top 3-5 activities/hobbies. Board games are much better and stimulating both as social exercise and intellectual growth. I'm a preschool teacher and a researcher in early childhood development in scandinavia so I'll be a bit bias through my experience.
I've had kids who their parents let them play anything and as much as they want. Common themes of being "zombie" and "pew pew" games. These kids have commonly shown a difficulty for understanding empathy and sympathy, they're also attracted to disfunctional, destructive and irregular play rules. They are by no means bad kids because of this and they are not doomed in their future social lives. It's just that it makes it difficult for them to take in and apply social norms and values that should propell society forward.
"Vidya is bad influence and leads to violence"
on the long run and mixed with other fucked up shit - yes. But does it have to be directly tied to vidya? No. What you decide to expose your kid to will have an affect on their thought pattern and their personality/behavior. Kids are curious people and they are always on the lookout for knowledge and understanding of our world. You often see kids play with each other with set rules like "you'll be mommy, I'll be daddy and Harry will be the baby". This is just kids reenacting their real life experiences in order to fully understand what they have observed.
Vidya is okay, but don't let it be an interest that substitutes other interests. Always make sure to take in consideration of your childs interests because they will only flourish there and never in the things _you_ want them to.
>preschool teacher
>middle eureast
>vidya leads to violence
Stfu faggot. Kys
>on the long run and mixed with other fucked up shit - yes. But does it have to be directly tied to vidya? No.
reading comprehension.
30 y/o boomer here, had kids pretty young.
I let them play games, but they have to also do a sport and spend time outside. And the amount of time they get to play is up to me, not them. They're doing great in school, which is another condition.
I've got no problem with them having a bit of fun as long as they are staying active, have other things going on in their lives, and only playing in moderation. Sometimes I will sit down and play Mario Kart with them or something. It's pretty fun to see them get better as they get older.
violence isn't defined person hits person.
Violence is looked at as violent and destructive behavior that CAN lead to harm to themselves or others.
>vidya can't be bad!!! you're bad!!!!
glad WHO recognizes vidya for what it is. Rot in hell will you.
>vidya leads to "destructive behavior"
>parents who let [their kids] play _anything_ and _as much_ as they want
>common themes of being "zombie" and "pew pew" games
I'm gonna take a wild shot and assume your parents never loved you or even gave you the opportunity to play and have fun, be it vidya or not. My apologies user. Seethe harder.
I'm going to take a wild shot and assume you're retarded and think I'M the one saying vidya leads to violence. It doesn't, in any way shape or form, directly or indirectly, EVER.
>based on muh non-existent conducted research and countless studies i've read
>straight outta my ass
When he's maybe four or five, put on some game like Mario, Kirby, or DKC, sit on the floor and play. If he's interested, he'll be drawn to it and want to play with you. Don't shy away from playing with him if he's interested in games. It can be a great way to bond. Just make sure you do the other stuff too (fishing, hiking, exercising) so games won't be his sole focus. Give him a variety of experiences in his life.
>Just found out my wife and I are having a son.
Tyrone forgot to bring the rubber?
>the same people who recently backpedaled and now claim being a transfag isn't a mental illness
>"guise this global organization that totally doesn't have an agenda they're pushing considers videeoh gayms to be bad m'kay?"
Please kill yourself tranygger.
>it's only a mental illness when i say so
cope. This world is not meant for you.
>for decades it was considered to be one
>popular opinion among the hypervocal minority nutcases switches and social engineering comes out in full force for "MUH ACCEPTANCE"
>"This world is not meant for you."
Rich coming from a crossdressing subhuman that has a pretty good chance to eat lead by their own hand in the coming years LMAO.
>And we're white.
go back to /p*l/, faggot
>forcing a new human bean to be alive
Anyone who has children is a fucking monster. Abort the poor child. You should be ashamed
It was considered one because it was uncommon. I'll take it you haven't actually studied psychology to know that. Has no actual ill effect on mental health other than wanting to be another gender. again, cope.
this is the world we live in and it's only going to get worse for you. C O P E. vidya is the only thing left for you and even that is getting ruined.
You're naming him something stupid, aren't you?
You do know that your wife will divorce you very soon after giving birth and you won't ever see him again while giving her and her new fuckboy nearly your entire money? oh, also he will turn you son into a transgender.
Father of a 4 year old boy here. My kid used to love watching me play BotW when I picked it up about a year ago (he was maybe 3 and a half). I would talk to him about it as I was playing, kind of like a let's play ("Oh lets go see whats over here. Look! I got a Knights Shield!"). He fell head over heels in love with the game, and our time together. It was a great experience. When he was four we started to let him watch youtube on occasion (always monitored by me or my wife). He locked on to the real Let's Plays - always ones that were kid friendly. His lil sponge brain soaked up every bit of knowledge he could about the game - he can now recite every weapon, shield, and bow in the game by the icon (he can't read yet - he knows just from me calling them outloud and watching the Lets Plays). He plays it himself now - he does shrines, takes out guardians, got the master sword and just finished the fourth divine beast. He's gathering up mats for his trek to Hyrule Castle to face ganon - and he's done this all by himself. I usually sit on the couch with him when he plays, jamming on my vita or whatever. But man, when my kid, a four and a half year old downs ganon by himself and completes the game...my fucking face when
I have experience in this. I started teaching my kid how to play games when she was 4. We did board games, card games, and then moved on to video games. When she first started, she was really good at forgiving/babby games like sonic the hedgehog where you just need to hold one or two buttons down but would get frustrated with more complicated games. Some things to keep in mind is that children really dont have the fine motor skills required to use a controlled until 4 or 5. They also wont have the attention span to stick with any given game until they are about 5 or 6. Now that she's slightly older and more experienced, she likes to play games like Mario all stars and Momodora.
But don't just jump right into vidya. What's really important, if you want to build a good videogame foundation, is to first teach your child how to read. After that, focus on physical games like checkers or what have you, slow games you can walk them through and then move onto videogames. Never forget that a child learns mainly by watching and listening to their parents, so you cant just throw a controller down and walk away. When you first start out, and this is true for pretty much anything with kids, always keep in mind that young children deeply desire to establish a connection with their parents, to spend time with them and communicate with them and they bask in the attention they get from those interactions. This eventually wears off as they grow older and will inevitably start shifting to becoming more independent and start having a desire to be by themselves or with their own peers. Playing vidya at 5 or 6 will be more more about you playing vidya with them rather than them playing by themselves. If you just ignore them and tell them to play games by themselves, they will probably come to resent playing them.
Let your kid decide that themselves. If they want to play vidya, let them.
posting on Yea Forums is way worse for you than playing video games
Tell your son to have sex
Congratulations for having a son and not being a cuck who raises daughters.
>was uncommon
The entire LGBT population doesn't even make up 1/10th of the population and if you split that up trannies are even less. Disingenuous to say no effect on mental health when 40%+ commit suicide. I know it's hard to accept the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in the world aren't brain-damaged faggots, but maybe a dilate session will help you calm down?
It's the world your delusional brains have made for yourselves and you're trying to force it onto everyone else who is an actually functioning member of society, instead of a subhuman like yourself. Vidya seems to be going strong if any mention of it (and especially female characters in games) makes transfags foam at the mouth from the lack of "representation".
why are you wasting time on Yea Forums when you should be getting that abortion ASAP?
Hiking is more popular than ever actually, thanks to instagram. But that is still a dumb opinion. While I agree that kids should have consoles (pcs probably instead) and smartphones. That isn't because they should just do that. They are kids, kids have insane amounts of free time so they can play sports, hike or whatever go on family trips AND play Vidya. But yeah, parents when want their kids to grow up like they did because anything that came out after they were a kid are in fact retarded as well.
>The entire LGBT population doesn't even make up 1/10th of the population
are you including the people that we can't count because they live in societies that ostracizes and punishes anyone who talks of their sexuality being anything but heteronormative?
>Disingenuous to say no effect on mental health when 40%+ commit suicide
those 40% are not because they are trans it's because of how they're treated for being different.
>someone is different than me in a world of differences
>fuck them
by the time OP's kid starts caring about shit like that the new big thing would have already come out