Raise a Daughter

Raise a Daughter

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raise a daughterwife

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I like CUMBRAIN THREAD. OMG I'm so horny

Yes Abe-sama

i can't even imagine a worse idea out there than me having offspring


Ok. I have raised someone's daughter over my head.
Now what?

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My pipe.

fuck her

Should I pirate Kiwami or just emulate the original?


My dick can't reach that high.


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>*hits pipe*
For what purpose?

play Y0 first. If you want more of Y0, play Kiwami.

Holymotherofgod, source?

Took long enough

at least post the gif

Okay cool.
Already finished Y0. I guess I'll be playing Kiwami then.



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If wanting to have offspring is cuck'd, then mock me all you please. The thing with daughters is that it's way more likely to get you a grandchild than sons. Think about it, your son might grow up to be an incel unable to even talk to women. And even if he finds a mate, it just might be the female gets pregnant through some side dick and your bloodline ends anyway. Whereas with a female child it doesn't matter what kind of person knocks her up, the thing that comes out of her still carries your genes. And even if she's fat and ugly and autistic she can just go to a sperm bank and reproduce. Thus, having daughters is the way to go for people who want their genes to go forward

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holy fuck is this legal?

Not if you live in Canada

nah it's only 3d


This is how you raise a daughter

>be bad boy drug user
>women love it
>smash a few, one has a daughter
>some cuck raises my daughter
>bro, my daughter is as hot as her mom was when I smashed her
>smash that daughter, get her pregnant
>kill the cuck who raised her

Pic related is based. Kiryu is a dummy.

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If I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day

Now for one whole day, a nigger I could be
The first thing I'd do is join the NAACP
And I'd let Fwyzee and Foo-May do my thinkin' for me
If I could be a nigger for a day

Now I wouldn't wanna work, 'cause I wouldn't have to
Guess what I'd do next, well, you shouldn't need a clue
I'd go down to social services like all the brothers do
If I could be a nigger for a day

Oh if I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day

Now when I'd sit down in that office, the office of welfare
I'd get food stamps, a medical card, and free child care
For all the illegitimate kids that I've got scattered
If I could be a nigger for a day

Now I'd have plenty of time, so I'd hang out with a mob
And I'd consume a little dope, or find a good place to rob
Now that would make me self-employed and I wouldn't even
need a job
If I could be a nigger for a day

Oh if I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day

And when I'd need somethin' I'd steal it so I wouldn't have
to buy it
And if the cops would apprehend me you know that I'd deny it
And I could call Jesse or Al, they'd come and start a riot
If I could be a nigger for a day

But I can't be a nigger, and I don't really have to be
'Cause coon, let me tell ya, it's plain and simple to see
That if I was you for a day then I'd be taking from me
So I don't wanna be a nigger for a day

I don't wanna be a nigger for a day
I don't wanna live the free and easy way
I'll struggle long, and struggle hard, but that's okay
'Cause I'll never be a nigger for a day
No, I'll never be a nigger for a day

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wwyd btw?

would hit that fuckmeat

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She likes my american bbc now!

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His daughter is super pretty. I can't say I blame him.

>buying the same game 8 times
And then you dare to mock people who buy Assassins Creed and Call of Duty

I mean, I would love to see a movie or read a book with this plot.

tfw no adopted kid to raise to bring meaning to my empty life

Threadly reminder incest increases the chances of genetical malformations
If making it illegal is the only way to stop your retarded ass from making humanity even worse than it is now, then so be it.

That being said I support legalization of gay marriage so the LGBTQBBQ+ retards can stop whining, marry and die off without offspring.


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retards, OP's daughter is adopted.

You forgot:
>leave new daughter
>in 16 years, return and get her pregnant again
The circle of life.

I think the idea is to do it the Islamic way and find a grade schooler in prime condition for marriage

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>having daughters is the way to go for people who want their genes to go forward
Why would anyone want to perpetuate Satan's rule?

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The mods are now trapped between allowing porn or banning le /pol/ boogeyman. This is great.

Cunnybrain = based

Cûmbrain = reddit

Expectation vs pic related reality

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>incest increases the chances of genetical malformations
First generation incest babies have around the same chances of being fucked up genetically as babies of a 40-years-old woman. Why isn't it illegal for old hags to give birth?

But I despise children

Reminder that Kiryu's biggest mistake was not Usagi Droping her when he had the chance.

Age isn't going to produce recessive traits like incestuous offspring would have
This would be apples to oranges if you even had a source for what you said



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Did you even try?


He didn't wait till 16.

>loli guni

>kiryu gets cucked in yakuza 6
awful series

Watashi wa chinpo daisuki!

Tell me about it, everybody knows its ロリカニ

I was thinking the same. This is an impressive display of dekinai.

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>arrested for incest
wtf can that really happen
what if no one finds out

It's actually ロリワレメ.

I'd use ロリクッ二 myself.

>I don't like censor!
>but let's censor this word because hurts my feefees
HUE! am*ricans are retarded

At least Mr Fredricksen finally moved on

fuck katakana

why are you brown lol

Who are you quoting?

>what if no one finds out
The trick to committing the perfect crime is not letting anyone find out you did it.

This seems like the most correct one for me.

Disregarding the fact you people are degenerate, you only use ッ/っ before some sounds. な-row is not among them.

クンニ is cunnilingus. Don't know why though.

The fact that after her getting kidnapped countless times Kiryu didn't get an idea to train her at least basic self-defence is retarded.
Come on i wanted to beat up thugs as Haruka and not fucking DANCE

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>friend reads kani "kyuni"
I was laughing the whole day.

With my dick, sure. I ain't no cuck.

But children are better people than adults

>have to deal with the little shit leaking blood all over the house
Jesus no thanks.

>Girl at work likes me
>She has a 6 year old daughter
Fuck bros what do I do

Date the mother until the daughter is ripe.