should i waste my time on this game i having nothing else to play
Should i waste my time on this game i having nothing else to play
Other urls found in this thread:
>get to act 5
>wonder when this game will end?
>check wiki
>there is 10 acts
It's a fun time sink but honestly after act 4 it's quite repetitive and tiresome.
congrats, you realized what a arpg is about
i played it, but to be honest, i spent more time checking guides, builds, setting up tools and reading through the wiki than actual playing.
Because im the only one of my group playing it, i dropped it because soloing everything is just not my thing, finding people to play with is hard for me
but overall, its a great game, and for sure even after thousands of hours in, there still so much to learn and test out
The game never really ends, since it's a hack n' slash loot rpg. After the 10 acts you start going into maps, which is a whole new storyline in itself.
However, act 1 to 10 generally only takes 3 hours to complete. Just skip all the mobs and only kill blue packs. If you try to clear every level you will overlevel and that will apply an xp penalty.
Grim dawn is better
pirate that isntead
Yes but only if you scam people.
GGG doesn’t punish people so you can make quick currency that way.
>congrats, you realized what a arpg is about
Plugged about 10 years into Diablo 2 rudeboy don't tell me what arpg's are about.
It's a fun game with plenty of build variety if you're not a meta-slave. It is a bit too reliant on trade and some stuff feels a bit too rng dependent, but I've played 2k hours and I'm still enjoying it. The acts are basically an extended tutorial, maps are where the real game begins.
>t. saltyboy
Scamming is actually pretty slow income and not worth it all and if you're price fixing you basically destroy your own profit margin anyway. If you want to actually make a quick buck you install Mercurcytrader and flip currency. At the start of the league you have like a 5c profit margin and since you get a lot of trades quickly it really adds up. Even right now I could be having a 0.5c profit per trade. Try it out yourself and you'll see that scamming is actually pretty difficult, because you will go through a lot of people before you might find a person that falls for it. Essence scamming is better, but it's pretty RNG too.
Do not waste your time, it's the one resource you can't get back.
>some stuff feels a bit too rng dependent
imagine playing a dialob-like arpg and complaining about rng. is this how low we have come?
dog cunt
Act 1-10 are fun but honeatly if you dont slave 6ourself to meta shit then the maps just are impossible to beat on your own.
There was a time when we had to do act 1-3 3 times
honestly as someone who has still not beatend shaper and shit and played on and off since 2013 this blokes lying
you just need to sort resistances and have a not retarded healthpool and you cvan map\
genuinely every single 2h build i de before the 2h buff i could always do to tier 8 maps just because the wheels carry you, rest is gear
and thats what fucks the game
is getting gear you acutally can figure out how to use
or make viable in your build
games fuckin weird mapping is fun but theres apoint and they have nearly reached it, turbo clear is fine but realistically if you only have 5ish top tier skills its meh,
I'd say no, but it is free to try, so in case you have nothing else to do, go for it.
You still really want to get map and currency stashes, so not so free
>if you dont slave 6ourself to meta shit then the maps just are impossible to beat on your own.
No they're not. The bar is set to the lowest it's ever been. There are literally people out there who have beat shaper with either 0 skill points used or just beating him with autoattacks. If you want to make an uber shaper farmer, then yeah you need a very optimized and expensive build, but otherwise you can beat the rest of the game with almost nothing. It's mostly about having experience with the mechanics in fights and being able to dodge or avoid them. You don't need a meta build, what you need is knowing what you want to achieve with your character. If you want to farm maps, you probably shouldn't have picked a fucking single target physical skill.
lcant trade dont have a premium tab suck my dick scum
You could do way worse.
No it isn't. The ballance of classes is all over the place same with difficulty distribution. You'll be rolling through enemies like wheat one moment and another something is going to oneshoot you for no apparent reason.
im addicted to it, once you really learn the game it's a lot of fucking fun
really takes a while to understand it but this league ends in a month so it's a good time to fuck around to try
Boring af
Not our fault that you're a pleb and you can still use trade chat without the stash tab.
You can play the game for months without it when you're just starting out.
>not having a premium tab means you cant trade items
no wonder you're angry. you're mentally handicapped and need a legal guardian to supervise you.
you unconsciously sided with the scumbags and defended it you fucking faggot
grow up
I'm running only my self-made, non-meta meme builds and I'm usually taking them up to tier 11-13 maps at least. My meme arakali trickster just beaten shaper guardians yesterday and I'm about to attempt the shaper himself this weekend. Stop being a shitter.
>sided with the scumbags
With clever gentlemen you mean? Why yes, of course I did. Sink or swim kid.
sure you're right trade is mostly done over tradechat not poetrade
and noone said youi cant trade
and you know it
and you know what im going to say about trade without premium tabs
you sped cunt
Are you from resetera by chance? An awful lot of extremist left wing retards use the, "If you're not with us, you're against us" rhetoric.
I didn't say anything about trade chat. you can use and without a trade tab, homie.
so either you're an entire capitalist where everything goes or you're a resetera tranny
ok Yea Forums never change
you're literally defending scamming people like a fucking insect
you're desperate to be chinese aye?
>sink or swim in poe
okay bubba im sure you have plenty of friends and acquaintances
>You're Dead Kiddo
yea whatever old man, but poe still is about farming equip and currency, go mow your lawn or play bingo now
>im sure you have plenty of friends and acquaintances
I take quality over quantity, at least none of them whine about PoE being too hard.
>so either you're an entire capitalist where everything goes or you're a resetera tranny
I just asked you of your political disposition. I didn't actually say that you are this, but here you are - again - making assumptions that I'm a capitalist.
>you're literally defending scamming people like a fucking insect
Why do you assume I'm defending anyone? I was just saying that you possess this, "If you're not with us, you're against us" mentality.
>you're desperate to be chinese aye?
That makes no sense. You are attributing personal gain to capitalism, which means communism is about equality for you. Ergo you're the one who wants to be chinese, because it means people who have the intellect of an 8 year old will have their assets protected by sharks.
I never had to scamm anyone in PoE personally and made around 30 exalts this league total from trading and that's still small potatoes. Seriously wouldn't you rather get better than whine?
i am from australia so american politics dont mean fuck all to me except a laugh
>not with us against us mentality
nah my friend thats not what im arguing
im saying scamming is a nigger tier attempt at being "profitable"
>chinese comment
my fren please, you know im not arguing for communism stop acting like they are the only two choices in a vacuum
again im not arguing against trade, im saying dont scam like a faggot
>again im not arguing against trade, im saying dont scam like a faggot
And I'm arguing that you should get smarter with trading so you don't get scammed instead of whining about it. You literally can't be scammed if you aren't being dumb about it.
i didnt complain about getting scammed
are you really to fucking retarded to understand that scamming someone is a distasteful practice?
holy fuck man bless your mother for sticking with you this long
>scamming someone is a distasteful practice
Nah, if someone is being dumb and letting themselves get scammed in an obvious way the scammer is practically doing him a service so maybe he'll get smarter with the experience.
>this mental gymnastics to avoid admitting you're morally corrupt
>i am from australia so american politics dont mean fuck all to me except a laugh
I'm not aware of australia using a differen't political compass. Does authoritarianism mean libertarianism in australia and vice versa?
>im saying scamming is a nigger tier attempt at being "profitable"
Nice try inserting a racial slur to make yourself look like one of us.
>my fren please, you know im not arguing for communism
Calling others capitalists in a deragotory way isn't going to help your case then.
>again im not arguing against trade, im saying dont scam like a faggot
I'm going to assume that you are a preteen who fell for one and that's why you are being so mad about it. There's no other way to explain it. If someone asked you to give him your wallet and you do that, then I don't know what to say to you. There are no exploits in PoE that would unwillingly cause someone to be fucked over by another person.
again what is with your obsession with people trying to fit in and become "one of us"
you're speaking as an authority on what makes someone part of this community.
i've not been scammed, and i would accept it as part of the game getting scammed, doesn't mean i promote nor encourage it as part of the game
you're treating this as a hobo living on the streets needing to steal, like its a life or death situation when you in reality know that you should trade an item for its worth. not " hehe i switched the essence after saying wrong price in chat and canceling the trade hehe"
fucking skitz cunt
>I'm the morally right one, guys.
Lofty morals are for people who need protecting from reality. I'd rather be practically safe than count on other's morality.
get into grim dawn instead
>act 10
Nah, there's just no morals in this whatsoever. I's like someone would come to you on the street, offered you a scammy deal and you agreed out of your own will. It's your own fucking fault for being dumb. There's no thievery or extortion taking place, just one person making a dumb decision. It's neither moral or immoral.
>you're treating this as a hobo living on the streets needing to steal
Contrary to what mental gymnastics you keep comming up; people can't just steal your currency in Path of Exile. I know it's hard for you to understand, but trading in PoE is something that requires the consent of both parties. It also requires an amount of steps that results in you checking what you are being traded 3 times in a row. If for some reason you do not possess the mental capacity to handle these things, then by god get a legal guardian assigned to you. I'm all for protecting mentally handicapped people and it would be great if we could lock the trading ability of victims, as to disallow to further hurt themselves.
no, partaking in the malicious act with intent to profit underhandedly makes you scum
you know it
i dont need to tell you more
you can justify it in any way you want saying its only 1's and 0;s but trade places and ages, you people would eventually have your hands cut off by the law
you're just lucky we're in the 21st century where this shit is so inconsequential that we can scam in our leisure activities
and ONCE again, i dare you to put this attitude forth in a backroom cards game
see how big your dick swang in that environment
>ur dumb if you get scammed
i suppose a doctor selling saline solution as a cancer remedy to the ill informed or illiterate is morally fine with you then ay
fucking cunt
why does this game run like such shit even on high end computers
>Taking his mental gymnastics to another level to avoid admitting to your own faults
Nigga, just walk away and take your meds
whats my fault there big boi
cause i didnt admit to being a commie?
I call it natural selection of the 21st century.
Nature keeps finding ways to weed out the weak and stupid one way or another. When my time comes to die to a stupid decision I'll slap myself in whatever afterlife that comes after and if there's nothing waiting for me after death that serves me right for wasting my only opportunity with a dumb decision.
I'd totally expect you to be a commie if you want overarching protection from your own dumb choices.
>If I don't do it, someone else is going to do it.
That doesn't make you less of a cunt.
Scam as much as you want, but at least don't look for excuses to justify your doings.
>no, partaking in the malicious act with intent to profit underhandedly makes you scum
So according to you the supermarket next door is malicious because they don't tell you that they are making a profit on their sales?
>you people would eventually have your hands cut off by the law
Even in africa (which you somehow are referencing as utopic) people are not getting their hands cut off for scamming. What you are referencing is for thievery, which scamming isn't and Path of Exile doesn't even have any known exploits to allow that.
>and ONCE again, i dare you to put this attitude forth in a backroom cards game
Imagine being a 10 year old on the internet who's attempting to make himself look like a high baller in the backroom of a casino. I'm now convinced that you are delusional, living in a dream world and the only reason why you are angry is because you keep falling for deals that are unfavourably to you. Please. Seek help and get medicated.
I just have to ask.
Are you perhaps a jew?
You sound really jewish.
Why does this game need a 1.8GB patch for every little balance update? Why does it spend more time "checking resources" and allocating space than it actually takes for my internet to download 1.8GB? Who is the fucking retard who designed this update system?
i literally never said that
i said its not admirable to partake in morally corrupt and socially detrimental practices that ultimately only benefit you and damage the community you're a part of
you're still
STILL defending scamming people which indicated that you're only in this for the argument and dont care about the point being argued
people got their hands cut off for being thieves all throughout time dont be ignorant
> im mad because i got scammed argument
what the fuck man i said i dont care about getting scammed im saying to not partake in harmful practices
you actual autist
That should be only a problem on steam.
Try the offical non-steam version.
Funny that with my part german heritage.
>people got their hands cut off for being thieves all throughout time dont be ignorant
>Compares scamming to thievery
>calling others ignorant.
I have the non-steam version and the launcher does that to me every few days it seems like. My friend has the Steam version and said he didn't have to deal with it as much because it updated in the background while he was sleeping and shit. But that still doesn't change the fact that it's a completely retarded way to update
>cause i didnt admit to being a commie?
let me quote
>"intent to profit underhandedly makes you scum "
but that's literally not the case. people cant just make you buy items you don't want. you can hover over the item. check its stats. check its sockets. check its name. and thats what you're gonna get. theres no way for someone to quickly change items without you noticing, because it would require you to confirm the item again. what you're describing would be like trading for a headhunter but upon accepting the trade you now have a prismweave. that can never happen.
Sometimes in takes 20-25min for the steam version to update a 4mb patch.
No fucking idea, how they fucked it up that hard.
so by your definition capitalism is to make any small gain regardless of moral or social stigma attached
because that really doesn't seem to fall in line, as funny as it might be to draw parallels with america
once again my friend you're arguing as if the customer is always in danger, which if you weren't a cunt morally you could eliminate that factor of the trade by providing a solid and commendable service by not scamming people
would you get more business by being known as a potential scammer or a clean trader
because i know the answer
i know how hard it can stick in these autistic communities
stop trying to justify scamming
only pick up what you actually could use or to get currency you need. you're not a garbage picker.
I think all versions of the game are like that. It spends fucking forever preparing to apply the patch even if it's only a few MB. It's like some brainlet programmer thought "I'll make it so it only downloads the updated parts of the giant game files that it *needs*, and the patcher will fill in the holes! So efficient!" and so it spends all this time checking your archived-up game files to find out where to apply the patch
Stop picking up inconsequential shit then. I had a compulshion to pick up every yellow drop when I started and then I've realised that one actually good yellow drop is worth literally thousands times more than rest of the useless ones and I've stopped wasting my time.
mh wish this was easy to answer, late game is super not worth it but for a one time playthrough sure, intresting imagery but not intresting characters. the game falls appart the further you get really and the devs "fix" stuff by adding more and more sprinkles on top
Are you retarded? Learn what has value and doesn't. You should never pick up more than 1 inventory worth of items in a map.
I'd say wait until september, it's the dead part of the season now.
its a time waster if you want an arpg go play titan quest
You pick up good stuff, sell it, buy what you need.
Unless you are ssf.
You're ten times better off buying those off shitters who bother with picking up all this shit. Pick up 2-3 actually worthwhile items, sell them and buy literal hundreds of alchs or whatever.
>so by your definition capitalism is to make any small gain regardless of moral or social stigma attached
No, that's how you defined it.
I quote
>"you're an entire capitalist where everything goes"
>as funny as it might be to draw parallels with america
Are you implying that america is a capitalistic shithole? Are you going to respond by how bad america is and that you are definitely not a communist or calls others chinese in a desperate attempt of reverse psychology?
>once again my friend you're arguing as if the customer is always in danger
No, you keep doing that.
I quote
>"you're treating this as a hobo living on the streets needing to steal, like its a life or death situation"
( equating scamming to stealing without the knowledge of the customer)
>"you in reality know that you should trade an item for its worth."
( implying that mercantile expertise is an unfair advantage and that it is scamming )
>"intent to profit underhandedly makes you scum"
( why is not disclosing that you are making a profit, scummy? )
>"i suppose a doctor selling saline solution as a cancer remedy"
( you are required to check the item multiple times, yet you are implying here that the buyer is always in danger of getting nothing or something that wasn't in the trade, which is absolutely false in Path of Exile )
>would you get more business by being known as a potential scammer or a clean trader
Congratulations, you just received +1 IQ. It seems like the gears slowly started to turn, which finally ties in with the original post that pretty much states how unprofitable scamming is:
>"Scamming is actually pretty slow income and not worth it all"
I finally beat uber elder deathless this league and haven't touched the game since. Its kinda boring gameplay just clicking and moving end game mapping, not really fun after two or three build into the league.
For some reason playing with friends is actually a down side for this game. Also fuck the trade system and speed meta; so a hard no since league is ending in a month.
I usually make 1 or 2 builds per league and then skip next one.
Got 120 hours out of this league with strom brand. Inpulsa fucking rocks.
Convince me about brands, I can't wrap my head around WHY are they good exactly, they look unimpressive to me on paper. Aren't totems a straight-up stronger alternative? If not, why?
You're two leagues too late to the brands party.
Sorry dude I'm not that deep into all that theorycrafting stuff and I don't play totems so I can't help you with that.
I just like the way they look and work. Simple as.
Fair enough, I just kept hearing about how great they were and I didn't understand why.
Lol this dudes still trying to justify scamming like its his job
>(equating scamming to stealing without the knowledge of the customer)
no yeah because everyone whos scamming is relying on their customer being impatient enough to accept the trade after being jerked around by the scammer a few times
dont act like this is a noble cause and you're thinning the herd, you're taking advantage of people
Because they were great for speedrunning to act 10, as brand recall doesn't have a cast time and they were fairly strong for no investment. Generally you don't want to kill mobs while running act 1 to 10, except magic mobs and tight groups of a lot of mobs and a lot of the other cookie cutter leveling skills require you to stay with those mobs while casting/killing them, making you lose time.
Oh, so they were just speedrunning tool for levelling? That's suddenly way less impressive.
>haven't played since betrayal
>every time I think about going back I remember the particle effect vomit and the inevitable deaths that entails
No. No thanks.
>no yeah because everyone whos scamming is relying on their customer being impatient enough to accept the trade after being jerked around by the scammer a few times
Not really. Those scams are actually pretty rare because only one person in a thousand might fall for it. Might. The most proliferic scams are essence scams (which you falsely explained earlier but I let it slide because people were already harassing you), which involve offering a corruption essence and then when you are invited quickly entering their map and hopefully getting an essence of horror, but many people already prevent that. Similiar to perandus coins and the like, by offering enough coins for a HH in hopes that any buyer willing to buy that much has a HH in their map. The other is rotation scamming, which means just taking part in like a poorjoys and just jacking the maps or doing the rotations without your own map and that also includes scamming for offerings and other map types like that, which almost never happens because it's more profitable to just do them. Again, almost nobody falls for the "switching the item" trick in the trade, because it requires an exceptionally retarded person who confirms the item as something it isn't.
>dont act like this is a noble cause and you're thinning the herd, you're taking advantage of people
Didn't you read the post where I said I'm not scamming anyone because it's not profitable? Or are you back in your delusional dream world where you're a white knight, ready to attentionwhore as the saviour of all the retards?
Keep in mind, this is your definition of someone who is a "scammer" and "someone taking advantage of people:
>"intent to profit underhandedly makes you scum"
>"you in reality know that you should trade an item for its worth."
I mean you can use them for endgame maps, but I wouldn't know why since I find them boring to use. Just like Spectral Throw, Cleave, Fire/Explosive Trap, CWC setups, etc they're cookie cutter skills to get to 70-80, until you can switch or respec to your primary build. Doesn't mean you can't keep playing with them, but nobody wants to level with a fucking heavy blow that might require 15 hours to go from act 1 to 10, while you can just do it in 3 hours with any skill mentioned above.
This league everyone fucking cyclones through act 1-10 anyway including casters.
Cyclone is too slow for 1-10. Charged Dash + CWC + Firestorm or any other spell would be a better alternative to level into your build, since it doesn't incurr a movement penalty, unlike cyclone.
>Cyclone is too slow
>what are 40% runspeed boots and adrenaline flasks
>you literally zip through the screen
Charged dash is somehow still slower, hard to explain why. On paper it should be faster but somehow it isn't
christ this game is awful
lmao the powercreep in this game is amazing
It should be reclassified as a SHMUP at this point, also why the fuck did they hire a fujo to do all the writing
Even if you somehow have +40% ms boots on level 1 and used a quicksilver flask, the reduced movement speed of Cyclone sets you at +50% ms. Using anything else but Cyclone is +80% movement speed. That's a 60% increase in speed you're throwing away for a subpar leveling experience. If you have a Seven-League Step, then sure, you can use cyclone to level, but otherwise stay away from it until you've somewhat finished your build to transistion.
You're missing the part where cyclone is killing everything around you WHILE you're moving, there's exactly zero downtime for attacking.
Losing out on a 60% increase in speed is comparable to someone throwing a trap and running away, if not worse, since 1-60 leveling with Cyclone is gear based. But I don't know why you're so adamant about wanting to kill stuff while leveling anyway. Going from act 1 to 10 doesn't require you to grind or clear levels at all. You just need to kill blue mob groups and walk to the next quest objective.
Keep in mind that you increase your movementspeed by +60%, by just not using cyclone at all and here's visual example as to why movement speed is so important if you're already using +35% ms boots.
Dunno man, really a lot of people still speedrun levelling with cyclone this league myself included and it really feels fast especially after thje cyclone changes.
Cyclone+cast on channel+blade vortex is a wonder