Chad melee or no dick magic?

Chad melee or no dick magic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

cumbrain magic

Chad fisting

dex crit.

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Fists only.
Beating someone to death with your body domibates their body and soul

Why is everyone talking about Cumbrians all of a sudden, did something happen there?

>he attacks from a distance like a coward instead of facing his enemy face to face

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Melee and Pyro

Heh... nothing personnell, kid...

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Yeah this cumbrain thing exploded. It used to be tame and usually on-topic but this morning shit is off the rails

You could just use magic to buff your melee and be more powerful than just melee.

thundercock gish

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I have no idea. it was pretty obscure meme, used only on Yea Forums as far as I know and now suddenly it's the new have sex

Well in most RPGs magic greatly overpowers melee. Starting from when you can cast fourth level spells not even the best melee fighters are going to touch you without being buffed up themselves.

You cast Improved Invisibility + stone skin + mirror image + spirit armour and even your limpdick magic user is fighting in melee better than any non-magically enchanted fighter.

Let me break that down for the uninitiated improved invisibility means you can't see this guy and he can attack you without breaking his invisibility so unless he attacks you in melee first you can't target him, then even if you are attacking him back you're doing so with a massive penalty to-hit because again he's fucking invisible. If you do manage to hit you'll hit one of his mirror images first and he's got five of those to get through before you can actually start touching him for real, and then when you do touch him spirit armor sets his AC to 1 which is as good as full plate which will put him on par with many fighter not wearing magic armour, and then if you still manage to hit him even with that he's got skin that's as hard as stone under all of that. Good fucking luck sword "chad" this dude also has spells like sleep and blind that can also make you completely worthless in battle.

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although more realistically the mage is running away while casting fireball because most vidya's aren't nearly that comprehensive

Battlemage ULTRA CHAD.

Discord groups trying to push a new meme, pay no mind citizen.

that's why you walk in wearing your cockring of anti-magic and then proceed to just pummel the wizard into paste.

Have you troed not playing dnd

Stealth archery, the most faggot build of them all.

Chad melee. D&D too, wizards are fucking pussy fags.

>Chad melee or no dick magic?
Neither: thief.

>enemy mage casts the dreaded time stop spell
>everything except the enemy mage is frozen in time
>you can only watch in helpless terror as the enemy mage moves in for the kill
>he trips over a trap you set before combat and dies

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Which is also completely one-sided. Wizard casts haste on himself and run backwards while hurling fireballs while this guy runs forward and tries desperately to catch up and hit you with his sword.

You usually have to sacrifice the upper echelon of spells when you go Gish. It can be a pretty potent combination but endgame you'll be weaker than if you were a pure magic user.

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>participating in direct combat

>Full sthealt
>No detections
>No lethal
>100% frist playtrough
>Good ending

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*it was a hologram*

>you're stuck in timestop forever

I want pussy, TIGHT PUSSY

Just a forced meme.
Ignore it and they'll go away.

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Melee chads, what's your weapon of choice

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Spears and halberds

you are compensating something i see

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Most RPGs are like this, it's not exclusive to DnD by any means since you can trace the lineage of DnD through all modern RPG systems. It all comes from DnD and the supremacy of the mage is pretty universal. Even in JRPGs like Final Fantasy the dude who casts Meteo and/or Nuke ends up way better than the guy who hits stuff with his sword.

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Chad CON and then use the most broken and cheap weapon and magic with it

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Greatswords or Axes

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The only chad is the Hand to Hand no armor/dress and luchador mask.

Y'all are going with your heavy death metal sword or power virgin wizard when the only thing you need is your hand and pikes for the head of your ennemies.

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>standing there racing through your incantations while dickass thief tries to stab you in the face
>protective shield stops his dagger an inch before your eye
>not losing concentration while you have to mentally keep track of how long your protection will last
>no dick
the absolute state of warrior brainlets

Yeah, lack of historical accuracy in melee combat games. You would never even manage to pull your niggerhammer from the ground. Gay "muh giga zword aend worhamer" weapon and armor design is extremely immerions breaking.

staves/spears or a balanced/maybe faster sword. I typically like to go ranged but when it comes to melee I can't handle slow and heavy

sadpanda was shutting down for a while

>Spell level
Read better dummy. You get access to your first 8th level spell at 16th level. I was talking about fourth level spells which you get at 7th level, that's the point where a mage becomes stronger than any pure fighter, not loaded up with magic himself, in combat. A 7th level fighter and up cannot fight and win against any mage unless they are aided by magic themselves be that in the form of magically enchanted gear or a friendly mage casting spells on them.

lol right? actual warhammers weren't fuck-huge 500lb monsters, they just had a longer handle and pointer tip than a regular hammer

>Muh immersion

*get crushed by naked luchador*

You better be talking about using your bare hands and the power of your faith to smite the heads clean off your enemies shoulders.

Axe and Crossbow

Buff Wizard

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Melee with magically enchanted weapon.

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i want to like melee but every meleefag in every game i've ever played (especially pvp) has been an insufferable cock smoker

>You would never even manage to pull your hammer from the ground.
Warhammers are light and nimble as fuck. What the fuck are you on about?

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Summoner magic