Wake up at 6:30, seething as usual that i have to go to work

>wake up at 6:30, seething as usual that i have to go to work
>realize i took the day off today
>instead i woke up early and now have the whole game for vidya
Name a more comfy feel

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>instead i woke up early and now have the whole game for vidya
But instead you're on Yea Forums.

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hey wagie your boss needs you come in on your off day, get to work

>have the whole game for vidya


>Name a more comfy feel
The neet lifestyle

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Nice blog you dumb faggot

>NEET lifestyle
>live in comfort(with eternal despair that you're always going to be dependent on others)


>wake up at 4 am, seething that i am unemployable
>realize parents pay my rent
>play games and watch tv all day

Even if I don't have to work I wake up early because there's always some comfy feeling I get when I play vidya in the early morning hours, feels good.

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Should I just go back to leeching off my mother Yea Forums?
Fuck work

>wake up
>its 2am
>unbearable tooth pain
>take Tylenol, ibuprofen, cbd oil, and apply benzocaine all at once
>doesn't even touch it
>get shitfaced drunk
>even a broken arm can't compare to this
>decide its time to take my existentialist exit
>star ramming my head into a concrete wall over and over until I black out from a concussion
>wake up at 5am in my driveway
>call boss 50 times and beg him to open the store for me
>he doesn't answer
>call him every name under the sun and tell him I'm going to fuck all of his daughters by the end of the week in the name of allah
>drag myself to work, still in agony, shitfaced drunk, and with a mild concussion
>start shitposting on Yea Forums

I'm sorry, you were whining about something?

>get up at 2pm
>play vidya all day
>go to sleep
Being a neet is great.

.... get it extracted then? I had massive eye pain for over a year then theorized that its probably because of a bad wisdom tooth. Got it removed and the eye pain went away.

Not working for the last 3 years

>I had massive eye pain for over a year then theorized that its probably because of a bad wisdom tooth.

>tfw I'm the boss
>tfw I end up having to cover shifts because nobody will come in
>tfw I haven't played vidya in weeks
At least my checks are huge...

I guess it was putting pressure on the eye (because they are in close proximity)

I'm planning on getting it extracted. I already told my boss if he's not here in 20 minutes that I'm closing the store. My health takes priority over our dumb business.

Imagine being a paki. What kind of gas station does your dad own?

How would you not know you are off the next day of work?

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>tfw currently on vacation
>tfw live is so comfy, I lost tracks of what day it was because every day feels like a Saturday


Unironically based.

When I wake up in the morning I am really depressed for about four hours and after that I am fine...whats with that

>wake up seething about work
Get a better job you damn zoomer.

>Wake up for a new day of walking for 6 hours looking for a job
Wish me luck guys, at least Ill get to play with my 3ds while on the train and the bus.

>tfw start new job in a few hours
I dont know why you faggots hate on the early morning so much when it is the best time of the day.

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Sounds normal. Some days I wake up and can't shake that feeling off at all. I find forcing myself to lift heavy things at the gym can improve my mood. Boxing also helps, there's something genuinely really satisfying about sparring; probably because all of the others guys there are borderline depressive too so you end up geeing eachother up while also getting frustration out.

How huge?

First of all, he is a bangladeshi, not a paki. Secondly, he's not my dad, and he's an absolute sand nigger.

Third of all, he's so fucking incompitent that I make him my bitch half the time and I'm practically unfirable.

>NEET lifestyle
>live in a nice cozy apartment, not dependent on others since I know how to take care of myself.

Thanks! :)

>NEET lifestyle
>live in a nice cozy apartment, not dependent on others since I know how to take care of myself.

Thanks! :)

No problem.

Because I'm drunk enough to prove my whiteness online to a random faggot.

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gonna need a timestamp there wilson

Well huge for me and my area. 700 a week.
Literally in the same position as you except not a standard service industry job, also you're cute but not white based on that picture.

Christ man, its obviously not a current picture, unless you really want to see the massive welt on my forehead where I bashed my head against concrete. Give me a second, even though this pic is like only a fucking literal day old, I'll timestamp you.

Also, don't call me cute. I already have 3 boyfriends and 2 girlfriends, I'm pretty loaded as it is UWU

Shouldnt you be giving the teen titans shit and raping raven, slade?

Dude there's nothing worse than tooth pain. I've had my hands debrided while I was awake and even that comes second to a tooth with an afflicted nerve.
The only thing that can help is ripping it out of your face asap, though in your case you may get antibiotic for a week beforehand since you have a high chance of infection at this pain level. Chances are you will get prescribed an optiate to manage until.
TL:DR, go to the fucking dentist right away man.

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Raven is my personal concubine at this point, nigga.

For the record, I'd like to state that I've had my genetics examined and I can confirm that outside of my 0.02% neanderthal and 0.04% Sub seharan nigger, I'm pure anglo saxon. I am likely whiter than most of america, Even my last name is a pure blood-line the St.Clair's

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How can one man be so fucking based?

>brown hair and eyes

you are a negro


I have the day off to, but I don't go on Yea Forums seeking validation

tfw im black and make average money.
above average amounts of above average white pussy tho

One drop rule you fucking porchmonkey


>being a literal MUH DICK
I'm not even racist but you are an actual fucking nigger.

That a thread died for this blog post

That's bullshit nigga, if you went by the one drop rule, then either you're the godanm tooth fairy in the flesh or we're all niggers.

Nice blog wagie.

I am actually 100% white and I look like the tooth fairy if she was a girl (male).

I've called in sick for three days and it sucks ass. I hate being home. I want to work and be with people and actually get better at my job. This is just wasted time. Fuck video games too.

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>thread I don't like killed the thread I liked!!!!

Post your ass.

I cant post pictures because I got banned for calling that Canadian bus murderer who decapitated the dude and ate some of his head a gook. Stupid fucking nigger tranny gook mods.

Also I'm not a fag.

mods on this site are always a joke, especially post-moot era. Just evade and move on.

An ass is an ass, it's only gay if you make it gay ;^)

Actually having the day off and not taking it off is much cozier

I'm posting right now so obviously I'm evading their limp dick faggot ban. The ip I have is range banned from posting images.

Based. How old are you user?

Rip, I'm in a similar boat at home and don't want to justify buying a Yea Forums pass. This website has realy just gone to utter shit.

25 my nigga.

>Name a more comfy feel
Being a freelance porn artist, waking up whenever you want and enjoying your "job" just as much as video games, sometime even more.

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I was about to buy a pass the other day and its limited to fucking crypto garbage now, dumbfucks dont even have an option for PayPal or anything else. This site is run by stupid fucking niggers and I only post here to accelerate its shut down and insult their shit mods. That thread the other day with the dox on like 8 head mods was noice, going to spend like 150 bucks mailing them cow shit and surströmming.

>they tried to ban me again
Moderate my dick you fucking losers.

There's actually been three or four occasions when I've come in to work only to realise it's a public holiday.

Now that shit is max comfy. Always surprises me how little it has bothered me to have gone through the effort of that usual morning preparation. But then of course I realise I just got a free bludge day for vidya and the whole day to enjoy it.

I'd gladly be dependent on someone else if it means I get to sit at home playing vidya, lifting, watching anime, and listening to music.

link to thread

>call boss 50 times and beg him to open the store for me
>he doesn't answer
This is me every weekday because my boss is a boomer that can't hear the doorbell

>faggot mod trying to get my original IP to perma ban it because he's SEETHING at his inability to ban me

Suck my dick you fucking gook lover, choke on it.

Then you realize you need to work next week, and the next and next

Get a better job

How is that a good feeling?

uhh no but ok

eh, I'd rather sleep another 2-3 hours

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except I dont have a job.

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>Name a more comfy feel
Dabbing on jannies.

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Fuck tranny jannies and fuck Moishe mods.