Will you buy her game Yea Forums?

will you buy her game Yea Forums?

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fuck gamers!

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Why are you even making video games if you hate the people trying to play them?

these kind of people

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Burn in a house fire.

to get epic money

Of course i will, just to trigger the steam drones.

>"it's just a game bro"

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Fucking literal psychopath.

>first post at 5:35 PM
>"answer" is at 12:48 AM
Why steam drones love to lie so much?

But he's right though and doesn't owe the chink anything.



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>What is time

>"we don't need you gaymer sales anymore!"
Then why are you still mad when I say I'm going to pirate your shit?

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>called literally "nonplayer"
>doesn't buy games at all
b-b-but muh 52%!!!

>wanting to read irrelevant pajeet's posts in between the replies

What's the problem here?
Are you angry he didn't beg for donation money?

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Did you actually read the text?
He's just asking if patrons get the game once it's finished or if they have to buy it.

Are video games the only medium where you can tell your customer base to fuck off?

>Being this much of a retard

people who talk like faggots make the best lolcows

Because there's rebates for single items as well as rebates for sets of different items. As in, buy two burgers and get a coke free.
That person probably doesn't have super markets in her country.

>being a chink

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They do the end.

imagine being at video games so fat you look and see food

>"oh, and thanks for the patreon money suckers"

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So who is the target audience?
I doubt even Epic is going to pay for their next game if they don't sell their game to any "gamers".

I remember before Epic Store devs outright insulting their fanbase like this tended to result in them later crying about how it's unfair that their game didn't sell, see the Water tastes like wine dev or whatever the fuck that game was called.

Gamers literally are entitled though I'm not seeing the issue with these posts.

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I'm not the one living in a country without super markets.

>So who is the target audience?
epic money is the target audience

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bro it's fucking clear he was referring to his post, you can't be serious


>It's okay when Japan do it!

I literally wait for the day he releases Bayonetta 3 exclusive to the epic store.

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So they are making something for no one.
That's a pretty bold new business plan.

is this communism for game developers?
>we dont need to make good video games anymore we will just take money from the chinese government instead

If you think about it, becoming an Epic Explusive is also a good way to get publicity due to Console Wars 2:PC boogaloo
I never heard about this game, and likely would've never heard about it if they didn't sign the deal and god lots of false flaggers to make threads about it to get people "mad"

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It really isn't you just edited them together.

Also tell me how does one reply to a post made after what was posted?

How many times has this man said the word entitled/toxic or baby gamers in just this month?

>20 minutes into this thread
>Not one person has mentioned which video game this is supposed to be yet

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You can do it every where. People just generally don't do that because it is bad for business.
These faggots think they are doing art, not business.
Vidya is craft, not art. Miyamoto is right.

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Post your pc games library sonyturd.

this, what the fuck are you even talking about

It's the commie mindset. They feel as though they're entitled to make millions by just "being themselves" and make any kind of rancid shit they want. Epic is feeding this mentality, and the interaction with these devs after getting the backlash they deserve is proving this claim quite well.

It was shown at E3 or some shit

>I should just be able to waste my good fortune that landed me in the position to make great games and make SHITTY ones instead and pretend super hard that it's the only way to get rich in the industry.
>If you criticize me, you're entitled.

Epic opinion, faggot.
If you want to make money while being a piece of human filth, go work at Wall Street. Oh that's right, can't make it there so you'll bring your filthy Ancap life to the vidya industry.

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Do you even care after reading the posts this fuck nugget has posted?

the absolute state of indie games

And yet no one cared about it there either

I don't even know what game this guy is making yet but if his profile picture is an in-game screen I'm already put off.

What game even is this? Ooglets?

Can someone actually post what game these retards are making?

you still won't buy it even if you've heard about it, so no

I couldn't care less. Japanese people are extremely greedy. I'm fully expecting it, and honestly, none of Kamiya's work is good enough for me to care. It's all shallow as fuck, covered in flashiness

Thank you steam drones for free advertisement.

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the game that many other threads are talking about

Yes. I'd like to form my own opinions after doing some research on my own

>craft not art
I like this. Though any craft can be art when looked from a certain angle.

>We don't need to coddle angry gamers to make a living
They also apparently don't need customers if they're so willing to talk trash about their potential audience. What if you're a follower of their works and want to buy it on Steam, but can't because of the one-year EGS exclusivity? You're now an "angry gamer" that they don't need to care about?

some tumblr shit

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Ooblets. It's a "farming and collecting creatures" game

It is called Ooblets.
It's not like it's his game. He's one of the two devs working on it, but he's not the lead dev. The one in OP's screenshot is.

i have no idea what game we're even talking about

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It's honestly pretty shit, it's called ooblets. It's a shitty monster raising game where the creatures are all plants you grow and they have dance offs.

Brushing off legitimate concerns is sure to sell copies of your game.

Some tumblr pokemon ripoff.

looks gay as fuck who cares you guys are such faggots lmao

Tranny simulator.

Everything is art when looked from a certain angle. I mean pretentious "high-art" shits these clowns are churning.


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We're supposed to be getting mad because some literally who pokemon bootleg is exclusive to Epic

>buying one game at a time
>doing this too quickly flags you for fraud

lmao, fucking brainlets I swear

holy shit this

>Combines elements of Pokemon and Stardew
>Those boring graphics


He's right. Just look at looka laylee or whatever the mediocre game was called. The moment they triggered GAMERS, gamers started review bomb it, or as 8ch called it "operation nuke-a-laylee".
All because they, a private dev studio, wanted to distance themselves from a scandal (jontron)

Ah, no wonder they took the EBIN money, who the fuck's gonna buy something like that without uncle Ninty hyping it up for the people who would be into that?
But why are they so toxic about it in Discord? Just take the moolah and shut the fuck up.

Watched one video of it and it was horrible.
Why would Epic pay for this? No one is going to buy this garbage.

One positive thing this epic stuff will do is kill kickstater for games.

>buying more than 1 game
>buying games at all

>buy her game
fuck off

>Try to discuss a fun game's gameplay
>Game doesn't have fanservice up the ass
>Threads are regularly filled with stupid complaints

>Try to discuss a fun game's gameplay
>Game DOES have fanservice up the ass
>Threads are regularly filled with white noise fap shit
>you are going to buy her game aren't you Yea Forums?

Cumbrains are the absolute worst

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>The only way you describe your game is by name dropping other games
Why the FUCK do people keep doing this?

Oh have you played it?


you mean paintings of horses?

lmao nice "mocap"

That's a valid complaint, the issue is these retards were never "Coddling angry gamers" they were shittalking their audience, and now epic is paying for them to do just that, and they don't have to face the consequences of being cunts.

Another free game?

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There is litterally no reason to not pirate their game, I mean have their money, the game isclearly not made for anyone so it isn't even a lost sale

Struggling to find a reason to play it though so I guess I won't even pirate it

>"it's the stardew valley of pokemon"

I'm not the one buying games on the ebin games store. Someone did that during its sale and got flagged for it.

No wonder ever lolcow farmer in the world lurks Yea Forums

>calling people who fund your game entitled
sometimes I think these people say those words about themself, like a response from subconciousnes but they lack critical thinking to notice it, so their subconciousess keeps these words going on a loop in endless cycle of HOPE that one day, message will be recieved

He didn't pay for anything. Patreon is not a game distribution service or a crowd funding service. It is for donations. If you donate clothes to Good Will, does that mean homeless people owe you?

They seem like the sort of people that have to publicly validate themselves and show off that they're in the right and not us, and clearly we must be entitled toxic babies because how else would we be upset at them for doing the clearly right thing?

I'd have more respect for devs going to Epic at this point if they just said "Yeah, Epic offered us money and we just wanted the money."


Jesus, Tim is really desperate if he's willing to pay for this. A shame for the poor patreon backers who were dumb enough to support it.

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lmao, what a retard, they'll never recover from this

because it's an unoriginal concept user

>offtopic nigger
you are part of the problem

nigga pay attention
"her" in this instance was the developer, and the shitflinging is unrelated to the cumbrain v tranny arguments for once.

I could make those models with Blender and I'm no 3D artist. The whole game looks absolutely disgusting.

So these people don't really want to make games but make shitty indie art projects and get paid for it regardless if it's good or not.

OH SHIT GUYS, they've namedropped us!!!

hide all the ooblets threads fast

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Ironic. You try to call others retarded, but end up being the one with the retarded comment


Ooblets looks more like some kind of psychological chinese torture, or the a visual representation of hell.

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>scandal (jontron)
Good fucking joke.
You could very convincingly play a dickless SJW activist pretending to be a dev.

>reddit hates it too

>anyone who criticized us is mad!
the projection

Because it's the easy way to be a "artist" because every other field they could do it in has actual standards

It's those guys from ebaum world isn't it?

I sincerely hope this shit explodes in their face.
>free launcher
How do people still not understand the problem with this? Are they really this stupid?

I don't even see a reason to pirate it

So, what game are these fags makeing agian?

>"don't worry goys, we'll release it on steam, keep those patreon bucks coming for another 6 months until we sign the epic deal"

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>dude it's literally a free game launcher
I love how they keep talking down to people, as if no one knew you could just download the Epic Store launcher. Nah there can't be other reasons why people don't like it
They even used the "Steam had 15 years to improve bro give Epic some time" argument, I thought only contrarian shitposters were saying that seriously

And AHiT kept jontron, guess which game sold better? Don't fuck with us gamers!

Whatever your opinion on jontron, he was controversial, and for a small dev, that would be a gamble to keep him around. Point is, 8ch didn't give a fuck about helping jontron out of the selfmade drama, they just wanted to hurt the devs and make them go bankrupt.

"who's your target audience?"
"fuck you that's who"
>in a couple of months
"fucking entitled gamers caused our game to fail"

Wow. That's a real good way to retain customers. Just full on lie to them and when they complain just demonize them.

>I sincerely hope this shit explodes in their face.
Just watch
>w-wait nobody bought our game
>o-o-okay we need to fund our next project
>what? epic wont give us money? h-h-ha its fine we can just start a patreon...

I'm almost positive Epic sends them some sort of marketing phrases or some shit, because every developer who signs onto the epic store suddenly starts parroting these exact same arguments.

Oh lovely tumbler garbage.

It's the grand old game known as "read the thread dumbass"

Unfortunately, as much karmic justice that would be nice. With my luck they'll make a ton of money and not learn any lesson.

What causes someone to act like this?
You should know this project is your job and livelihood. It won't last forever and if you piss everyone off then it's back to flipping burgers or whatever these fuckos have done before.

Unfortunately with Epic money, their game can't really fail at this point. They're getting enough money upfront that it doesn't really matter. Which is part of the problem I have with Epic's deals, it's bypassing the way the free market works and encouraging garbage to keep getting made because "Whatever Epic will pay for it."

I only don't completely hate it because I know these deals are going to run out eventually and the devs who signed to Epic are going to completely fucking panic because no one is buying their games anymore.

This, they hopped onto the "lmao fuck gamers" train so quickly I hope they don't have any plans for another project after burning all this good will

All the sides except JonTron are guilty of caring.
But faggot devs dealt the first limpwristed blow.
They seeded the wind and reaped the whirlwind.

He's wrong. Just look at looka laylee or whatever the mediocre game was called. The moment they triggered GAMERS, gamers started buying the game.
Wow, it's almost like the actions of the 99.9% majority matter far more than the 0.1% majority, and that outliers shouldn't be propped up as the sole definition of what a gamer is. By the way, are you a journo or a game dev? Your sheer stupidity in failing to realize this, blatant attempt to push an agenda and misrepresent people, and not even being confident that you know what Yooka Laylee is but still insisting on spouting off like you know about it, all point to you not knowing shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case

>What causes someone to act like this?
Being middle class, white, and probably from San Fran. The asshats in those demographics have list all sense of reality because the only people they interact with all day are other white yuppies.

>This fucking thread
>No chance to talk about the interesting phenomenon of ideograms and archaisms codifying modern concepts they themselves are completely obsolete from like thesus' ship: A completely seperate existance from the original form produced by the slow march of time.
>Post offices still using bugel horns in some places where that concept is literally centuries out of date.
>Floppy disks being used for save icons even though the format is both obsolete and of shorter lifespan than most modern storage media, and existed even during the time of the modern hard drive, and it wasn't used as a game storage medium!
>The most discussion to be found in this fucking thread will be if I get a six at the end of this post.

Doesn't matter if no one buys their game honestly
They stated that the amount Epic paid is equal to the amount of sales they expected to get, they've already made a successful game as far as they're concerned

They fucked up by hiring an unstable guy cucked out of his own show, sure.
But that's like blaming the father if a kid goes on a shooting spree suddenly, if the kid acted normal until that point.

>No chance to talk about the interesting phenomenon of ideograms and archaisms codifying modern concepts they themselves are completely obsolete from like thesus' ship:
Even at the best of times Yea Forums is the wrong kind of place to hope for that level of discussion.

they probably would have made a ton of money if they released this on switch. looks like something switchfags would eat up.

You tried

Whats going to happen to these types of faggots when they realise that epic is a one time deal and not indie stuido welfare?

Honestly never heard of this game until you fags literally started a fucking general tier thread over it the last two days. Looks interesting enough to pirate at least.

You're right, but sometimes I get lucky. I can the opportunities on one hand but hope is a desperate and cloying addiction.

>I don't understand what people use shopping carts for on video game storefronts
It seems complicated for her the process of buying more than one videogame at a time

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They couldn't care less about the consumers, that's at least one reason

go post on twitter under a marble statue avatar or something if you want an esoteric wankfest

>short term gains are better than long term losses and goodwill loss
Very good economics user

With people like ShillAlpha for example, constantly making videos of devs fuck ups, will be hard for them to regain the consumer trust, devs/publishers who take the Chinese pill don't plan for long term, they want to save their studio/recoup their loss as soon as possible, any other game they try to release will shadowed by their past deals.

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Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit anyway"? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear for what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?

Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?

If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.

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Did you see a fucking tripcode? Don't condemn me for recognising the value of anonymity in a genuine discusson.

Well yeah, but I meant looking at the game, I see no reason to pirate it.
For me at least. It doesn't look very appealing.
Of course, their disdain for their would-be consumers is a bad business practice and not something I'd ever support

No shit it isn't long term viable, I never said it was. Just that it didn't really matter.
You claimed they couldn't fund their next project because no one bought their game. That's straight up wrong, because they've gotten the money to fund their next project already
And they've already got a patreon feeding them money anyway

>Everyone is clearly pissed by an anti-consumer trend that continues to gain traction; see
>The reason people are reacting to this is.... Uhhh...
>They're scared to death..?
You are genuinely, literally autistic for not being able to perceive obvious anger and 0 fear whatsoever


whatever the fuck that is

These people are their own worst PR. They wish they could be doing ANYTHING else

Fucking this holy shit

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Is this the YII2K of Harvest Dawn?

>stardew valley
Its always gotta be the most fuckin obnoxious faggots whos involved with chill games thats about just planting and growing some veg

at this point people don't give a fuck about steam vs. epic or even the game. they just are calling out the devs for being brainless cunts.


honestly sounds more like a pussy to me
not that hard to please if you make your goals reasonable which is where 99% of kickstarters actually fuck up
for once id just like to back one game where i can actually get all the fucking content i was promised instead of having to come back 6-18 months later for them to finish their fucking stretch goals or some bullshit despite the game itself already taking an average dev cycle to develop when im already sick of playing/discussing it. unless youre like a fucking mmo its literally not a bad thing for your games presence to eventually die down.

daily reminder steam cucks are trannies, they hate the idea that a cute hetero couple gets some cash to make great games

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Oh what the fuck temtem is epic store only now?

You compare shooting spree to something nobody gives a flying fuck about outside of nu-religious zealots.
This is literally a game you win by not doing anything.

*Harvest Moon, I got mixed up with this youtube.com/watch?v=XpJEg6MTPzc

If Epic wants to fund garbage, then you shouldn't have remorse pirating garbage. After all, they're replacing you as the person who helps feed developers

This is like...piracy logic, but from the other end
>They already got paid to make the product, what's the harm in downloading it for free?
>We've already been paid to make the product, why should we care what our customers think?
Like, let's take a step back here. Yeah, some gamers can be whiny and immature about how they vocalize their criticism and desires for a game, but by speaking so broadly, like their choices were either Epic OR Gamers, it comes across as not caring about your audience. And this entire food cycle is a process, one that requires sustenance in the form of money, which must ultimately come from customers since the only reason a company like Epic gives you money up front is because they expect to make that money back with interest.

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Yeah, nice, i hate that shitty game now, but how can we ruin his sales now?

you cant, based tim already secured their existence, stay mad steamcuck and play more porngames

We buy a copy just to spite Yea Forums into not buying the game even more


>Pre order game
>Sorry but you only get gam you entitled shit
Kill yourself with a fire cactus.

This is why epic is shit, what's the point of a market that doesn't have any interest on the consumers?
And most important, why are you defending that?

One could always find out where they live, break their legs, and bludgeon them both to death, after forcing them to eat your ass. In Minecraft ofc.

thanks tim now I wont feel so bad about pirating all this paper

Why do people make games with the purpose to spite people who play games?

There's nothing on their patreon about getting the game for being a subscriber though
It's just
>vote on some game stuff
>some more behind the scenes stuff
>photos of their cats
It's clearly stated to be supporting them while they make a game, not crowdfunding the game explicitly

>Have enough money to invest in useful large scale projects
>Buy a plot of land
>When he could have invested in cheap water treatment systems
>Efficient renewable energy
>Nuclear fusion research
>Cancer research
>Battery research
>GAI research
>Printed organs
>Prosthetic research

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>what's the point of a market that doesn't have any interest on the consumers?
It makes digital markets feel just like stores they've been replacing for years.

>people act offended because someone is mean to them
>on fucking Yea Forums of all places

Ruin what now?

i too dont understand why use shopping cart for epic store games when you can pirate it.

>developers don't need to coddle angry gamers to make a living
>game previously had crowdfunding from patreon and a publishing deal from Double-Fine before AND after they got bought out by microsoft
ok retard

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>who is the target audience?

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The devs are correct: absolutely NO ONE would have bought their game if it was released normally, the only way to recoup financially is to get an exclusivity paycheck.

>go to a Toyota dealership
>they don't stock Tesla there, who has their own preferred dealership

>go to a Toyota dealership
There's your first mistake.

Ooblets can eat it. Temtem and re:legend devs don't treat people like trash and actually have games worth a damn. I'll get my monster games

I mean, I can think of at least one reason not to pirate it. It looks like shovelware garbage that isn't worth my time or bandwidth so why would I bother in the first place?

>you could invest in in in
are you fucking retarded ? its land filled with trees, not dirt

I wasn't sure why developers even wanted on EGS but it looks like they PAY developers to just put the game on there? So for developers, it's basically no risk even if the game doesn't sell.

Is EGS really making money out of this in the long run though?

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>car analogies
Do you know anyone driving a Geely?

That would be true, if they pre-ordered the game. I'm sorry a non-thinker like you can't comprehend that Patreon is not a video game pre-ordering service.

Plus they're getting a ton of free publicity from this "controversy". Is there a single fucking person here who had heard of this game before the deal? It might not be viable in the long run but they're laughing all the way to the bank atm.

Worst case scenario, they'll just release the game a year later on the steam store for additional gibs and give a fake apology. The tumblr crowd is all about "forgive and forget" so they'll swallow it up.

Is this something even soibois want?

I can't wait for the inevitable blogposts where they chastise "gamers" because their game was shit and didn't sell any copies even though they got paid by papa tim anyway.

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Correct, Epic pays for the (timed) EGS exclusivity.
I read the dev blogpost and they mentioned it was equal the amount they expected to get from sales, or there about
Probably isn't financially viable for the long term, but it's a move to get rapid short term expansion of their user base and probably won't continue for that much longer


I heard about it at an e3 and shortly dropped it like the shit it was when they took out all the combat and doubled down on the tumblr look

>The tumblr crowd is all about "forgive and forget" so they'll swallow it up.
Sure, but the Tumblr crowd isn't the one seething at the shitshow. It's people like you and I.

Then why the hell are you making video games for then? This is just straight scamming at this point.

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Epic is playing the long game and is trying to recruit as many people into their ecosystem before the Fortnite money runs out. They abandoned the PC market way back, saw that Valve started printing money doing basically nothing, smelled money and came crawling back.

you guys know Wasser is a kike name right? >INB4 i-its german, no he even has a big ass hooknose

The funny thing is, this isn't even inherently a dick move. On paper this is no different than a publisher swooping in to pick up a development studio. If they made their announcement and closed their Patreon, this would all be above board and dandy.

But because they had to be dicks about it, now everyone thinks they're jerks, and that will negatively effect their sales compared to if they'd just said "Hey, these guys can better fund us, so we're cut a deal; thanks for your support, we'll work something out for those of you who've been funding us for so long."

The customer isn't always right but this is customer service gone disastrously wrong.

considering how many games aimed at them seem to barely make money I'd say that they don't actually want games. stories and experiences maybe, but those take more work to produce.

Kek. Epic will seething today. They're trying to improve their PR by donating to the Blender foundation and indie devs to dilute the big bad corp image. This autistic snarky faggot is pissing all over that.

Epic is bleeding money at a heart stopping rate. Just go read up how much they paid out in prize money for their Fortnite tourney, on top of these exclusivity contracts (which are rumored to be 1mil at least, more depending on the game)

>has no idea on the concept of buying and playing video games

yeah go figures

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I for one welcome the EGS and the new era of subsidized piracy it's ushering in.

No need to feel guilty about hurting developers with lost sales, Epic bought them for you!

We can plant new trees if the older ones die, technological research is much more important than useless trees.

Well that changes everything

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What does this have to do with video games, you pretentious fuck!

What other message is he referring to then?

even worse when you name drop a game that already cloned something else

That's also the only thing I can read when they say they don't need to sell the game anymore.

>Look I added the meme dance !

>useless trees
You might want to do some reading on what large swathes of forest actually do for environmental regulation of the earth. no tech on a dead planet.

>it never fails

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What a loser.

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Their strategy is to aggressive put Steam out of business before they run out of money.

Rest assured, they won't be giving handouts to developers once they become the new monopoly.

I have absolutely no idea who this is or what game they are talking about, but am I to understand Epic is paying these guys regardless of whether the game sells or not? Do they not see a flaw in this?

At least it will be interesting to see how this all turns out.
I hardly play anything on PC anymore except fighting games so most likely it won't affect me.

God speed to all PC bros though.

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>We can plant new trees if the older ones die
you literally cant rebuild natural habitats (and you need a fuck ton of time to grow a fucking tree)

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It's the new Chinese money laundering scheme to get chink bucks overseas.

So they can ring up more items like normal shopping carts? A feature on online stores as early as 1999.

Yes exactly, and they're acting all cocky about it obviously. "Not seeing any issue"
Typical kikery.

we just need one more game to make a holy trinity of onions games

wait my ass. gonna rev up codex

>that reply
Empathy leveled down to 0, seriously who talks like that, not to mention complaining about your customers wanting you to improve your products as if they're not the one at the base of you making money.

Attached: Cat (192).jpg (480x480, 107K)

It sounds like Epic is promising them a small payout regardless of if the game sells anything. From the point of view of Epic it's just a cash bounty to wrangle in as much "talent" as they can in the hopes that a few of them pay enough dividends to cover the failures. And as for the flops, they can just ignore them afterwards.

Fuck, I was looking forward to Ooblets but I'm not going to support these assholes.

Isn't steam one of the world's most profitable businesses on a revenue vs. employee ratio? Sounds kinda hard.

>game about dance battles
>can't even properly animate [latest meme dance]

Attached: 1558118371298.jpg (800x598, 116K)

>tfw most of the past 500 years of exploration would've been impossible without old growth trees, which are effectively a nonrenewable resource

It's a horribly dated dance

>making fake stories to get a game

>Steam makes it not suck to be a 3rd world shitter for once
>now Epic is competing with them so we get thrown to the sidelines by anything supporting Epic

This guy has nothing but contempt for his audience and it shows.

These guys don't see themselves as making products for consumers though, they want to be seen as artists, and so they adopt the "my art speaks for itself, I don't need to appeal to people" mentality.

I mean is the game good?
Ive seen a little bit of footage and it seems like The Sims with cute graphics

Sounds like Epic is too big to fail

who the fuck is shillalpha

"sounds like"
They literally are paying them regardless
>Because Epic doesn’t yet have the same market share as their competitors, they offered us a minimum guarantee on sales that would match what we’d be wanting to earn if we were just selling Ooblets across all the stores.

>go to store
>there no baskets
>ask member of staff
>finally fumbled all my items to the check out cradled in my arms through the crowd and chinamen
>one item gets scanned
>that will be one dollar
>what about the rest of my stuff?
>go to pay
>chink stole my credit card

Know who else thought that? Atari

>Not planning for 100+ years
If we speed the technology development now in exchange for trees, we can save more trees in the long run.

Amazing how everyone here believes this shit story without even questioning it but when we have a ''leaker'' everyones has doubts and starts calling the leaker a faggot. Really makes you think about the intentions of the people here

Attached: 0dwd887.png (334x393, 134K)

holy shit I'm in tears

At it's height Atari was a 6 figure company, Epic is part of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, *slight* difference sweetie

I don't usually blame the developer when it comes to these EGS deals since as much as I hate it you'd have to be kinda retarded to turn down a massive check like that if you're some no-name indie dev. That said everything I've read about these guys makes them come off as pompous assholes that realized they no longer need to pretend to care about their fans so they're throwing them under the bus now. I hope for their sake the EGS money doesn't run out fast because the way they treat everyone makes me doubt they'll be receiving any more money for quite a while.

Wait, I thought this game was being published by Double Fine. What happened to that?

>"here's your shopping cart bro"

Attached: Capture.png (986x591, 106K)

>the "devs don't own gamers shit" meme
When will this fucking trend die off? Why are you creating products for customers when you genuinely hate them? Are you this bad of an artist that you have to lower yourself to children's toys, and still fuck up?


>lets just drive the car at the brick wall faster, we'll surely figure out how to avoid the collision by the time we get there
you eat a lot of lead paint as a kid?

>visit their website
>home page with blogpost mentioning Marx, fortnite dancing and capitalism in the span of 3 paragraphs
>titled "We did the thing"

If this is developed by a man this is embarassing

Attached: 1562012371108.jpg (640x678, 63K)

No, Timothy SweetKnees has already bought it for me.

Attached: ffy0le7rkd431.png (696x493, 335K)


Attached: Capture.png (287x550, 17K)

>item you bought comes with a midget with a camera who takes photos of all your personal documents

You find yourself in a dungeon, dank and dismal. From the darkness comes a wide-eyed figure, dressed in rags. Grabbing you by the sleeve, the figure entreats you, "I wish to give you money for goods and services, but the method you have chosen for distributing your products will not accept my people's currency, leaving both of us bereft of compensation and thus value. What am I to do if I fairly seek your financial gain in mutually beneficial terms?"

>"That is indeed an oversight. You may need to wait, but we'll see if anything can be done."
>"Nobody owes you our product."

>Social Overhaul

Attached: what-in-the-goddamn-fuck-34900986.png (500x767, 234K)

I have news for you....

PROTIP: None of these people make games. The "game' already exists. These people claim they are developing it but, in actuality, it is a low-effort front made inhouse by the Chinese government. These are very well connected trustfund kids and consequences of nepotism, helping launder Chinese money in the United States for a cut.

Attached: 1477677202452s.jpg (230x219, 4K)

There's something to be said for being able to create art that doesn't answer to anyone, and is made out of the passion of the creator instead of the financial needs of a company or the expectations of the masses

But for people who don't have to answer to anyone they sure are spending a LOT of time answering to people to tell them they don't have to answer to them

Considering they're basically blowing any chance of getting funding ever again, from Epic or anyone else, you'd think they'd try doing something a little more out there and ambitious

Whoops, forgot to remove that from the list our Chinese masters gave us.

I thought EGS didn't have a shopping cart but I downloaded this plugin and now it works

Attached: chrome_sYGey9Mfqn.png (592x593, 74K)

>actually believing the story

stop dreaming faggot and do something like tim

ITT: toxic baby gamers


Friendly reminder Epic missed nearly every July deliverable on their roadmap.

Shopping carts won't come until 2021 at this rate.

Attached: EA6kDHsUcAAd6Qa.jpg large.jpg (961x1024, 171K)

its fun though because the devs keep taking the bait and doubling down on their retarded stance.

They gave that x-com guy enough money to be able refund every pre-order and more

Apparently the guy has been arguing in the discord for over 10 hours with random people.

>um sweetie you aren't entitled to my game just because you paid money for it

They're handling this thing pretty short-sighted.
At the end of the day they've only got the equivalent of a quick splooge which will eventually subside and since they've burned bridges with most of their fanbase, any future projects will be an uphill battle monetarily if their first game doesn't stick.
They could've literally just stuck to a neutral message and gone silent until the storm blew over instead of pissing off their fanbase.

What does it matter if they already got paid their million?

Hit me

Real stores have proven to not work nor get you variety or price/quality competition. This is why we should just boycott stores and only buy at Wal-Mart where everything we possibly need is. The same holds true for other types of stores, from ISP/TV services to clothing stores. Why make shopping difficult when we only need one huge store that has everything?

im glad EGS exists because it make it even easier to know which indies to ignore

Fags like him are the reason why I want the industry and everything overall to collapse.
Imagine being such a fucking entitled cunt that even the notion of marketing and making a competitive product is a fucking pain in the ass to do.

Attached: TAKE YOUR DOSE.gif (426x236, 954K)

It is, sorry.

We're creating the next phil fish by the weekend at this rate

Based devs trolling the shit out of kids. And let's not pretend here, none of you would actually buy this tripe, at least I hope not for otherwise you need to fuck off.

When I see stuff like this it makes me really confused. Who are you doing this for? You're making a product for an audience and then get upset when said audience is buying your game or wanting something from it? Why the fuck are you making games if you hate toxic gamers? What the fuck.

Bunch of cunts, wasn't going to play their game anyway desu (not my cup of tea) but would never buy from someone this arrogant entitled.


>I'm just being retarded XD
No fucking way man, these people are the types that take their shit seriously, this is what they fucking think

its funny how the devs that are the most entitled are always the one that whine about "entitled gamers"

There’s a method to this madness and it’s a method that is sort of reminiscent of the 80s and 90s video game ads.
>Whoa dude you’re a loser if you don’t buy my game!

Attached: A56D40E9-79E6-49FA-BD89-ADCF34743694.png (583x562, 357K)

Sounds like you're getting trolled too. But of course, the trolled never realize he's getting trolled, otherwise he wouldn't be getting trolled

Do you actually think companies, of any kind, like their clients? What are you 8? It's for the money, it's always for the money!

Attached: 06tg6y6gt67.png (999x657, 882K)

Yet another proof that epic is ruining the market. Once they get the epic deal, their incentive to make a good game and support / service their players decline to literally zero, unless they are genuinely good people from their core who love making games (but let's face it - if they were, they wouldn't have signed with epic to begin with)

Once again - fuck epic. Fuck china. Fuck tim.

yeah man why would you buy more than one game at once?

Even redditors are pissed and they're the target audience. But it's funny watching this dev fucking his girlfriend's game up.

Attached: 1559906694649.jpg (480x640, 50K)

>There's something to be said for being able to create art that doesn't answer to anyone, and is made out of the passion of the creator instead of the financial needs of a company or the expectations of the masses
Epic isn't funding them out of charity for their artistic impulses.

Epic is funding them with the expectation that their product will turn a profit that will offset Epic's buy-in price. This is literally Capitalism 101, though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised someone from Seattle doesn't understand how Capitalism works.

Yet another proof that epic is ruining the market. Once they get the epic deal, their incentive to make a good game and support / service their players decline to literally zero, unless they are genuinely good people from their core who love making games (but let's face it - if they were, they wouldn't have signed with epic to begin with)

Once again - fuck epic. Fuck china. Fuck tim.

Attached: 1564414938187.png (320x320, 28K)

>that would be a gamble to keep him around
They got a lot of his fans to support their game with his inclusion. Common sense says they'd retaliate if you took him out of the game. They lost many more supporters by removing them than they would have just by ignoring his opinions

>be on linux
>know pc gaming isn't ideal but that isn't why I switched anyway (just got tired of MS' bullshit)
>Valve does the best they can to move linux gaming forward with things like proton, making native ports for their own games etc.
>Epic actively shuts down any attempts at it, Tim Sweeny outright compares using Linux to being one of those faggots that threatens to move to canada after an election

I swear it's impressive how closed off the EGS is but since it caters to the majority people seem to think it's perfectly okay. Even beyond all the regular issues people have with it the way it treats anybody that isn't a Windows user in the three or four biggest countries in the world is so shitty.

>Why do you nurse the elderly if you hate them?

There's an big difference between not sparing a thought for your clientele and actively hating and shitting on them.

Bullshit there's a fine line between taunting your audience and shitting on them
the scraggly bearded faggot is pretty much shitting on people
Grab your friends and go to hell is funny
Telling people they're sacks of shit for wanting something decent is being a fucking cunt

literally who

its more of
>short term you get a nice paycheck for certain
>long term no sales, anything else you make will flop and no-one will hire you for being an unlikeable PR disaster


>game that brims with calart tier graphics
>I would maybe buy this game if they were nice to me!
Don't kid yourself, you're just seeking outrage to sate your addiction to fighting everyone on the internet

I mean that's a good thing right here. This basically guarantees that the game will sell poorly and after that, Epic won't want to pay them again and normal customers couldn't give less fucks, so this is the quickest way to get greedy devs that care more about money than their actual game out of the market that's also why 90% of indie games pre-kickstarter had much more passion in them than nowadays

Kek good catch, wonder what else accidentally slipped in from the CCP world domonation and genocide plans.

Reminder to not support anything Tim Schafer or Double Fine even mention. Do not buy Psychonauts 2, he's scammed enough people out if money and even some big publishers like Activision. Your copy is already paid for, pirate Psychonauts 2.

i see there doing the battlefield 5 marketing plan good for them

Attached: ansem bait.jpg (586x540, 91K)

please tell it's a shop, lol.


The Mesa project had to dirty patch their code just to get the Epic client running, because they used some weird instruction that no one else uses

Steam is the only people you should be supporting if you remotely care about linux gaming

That is the writer for the game

Aren't these the same devs who started ranting about climate change?

My point is that they’re catering to their audience and mocking anyone that isn’t that. It’s getting them publicity and generating interest in their controversy which in tow generates interest in their game negatively or positively.

Attached: 85A87942-C7EA-4CBB-9178-09582D37B658.gif (162x165, 6K)

Psychonauts 2 isn't even Epic Exclusive, right? They're owned by Micro$oft now.

game looks like utter shit
wouldn't even pirate that

I think they really don't realize that after all this bullshit, not even Epic is going to fun their next game, so this is pretty much the quickest way to leave the industry. I hope the payment was good enough to tide over the next decades.

Tim Schafer is a hack fraud riding off the backs of the nostalgia his games made

>dying from giving birth
>current century
I can't believe this keeps happening.
wife's preggo btw

>having a discord bot that deletes swear
can you get more soj than this?

Attached: Capture.png (846x102, 13K)

YIIk had buzz too. Didn't help that shit show one bit.

I can understand them wanting to start small scale, because making a store for others to post content is a big job, but they keep insulting the people who want anything they don't already have. It's fucking weird just how consistently the EGS and devs on it jump at the opportunity to insult anyone for liking anything they don't. I hope they run out of money so everyone can abandon them, that Chinese pay check is all that's keeping them afloat at this point.

>I hope the payment was good enough to tide over the next decades.
the fun thing, it probably was, but i doubt they know how to handle big money so they'll probably waste everything within the next 5-10 years

I would bet this same guy this minorities should get preferential and special treatment because of their “difficult life experience”

They Think they are entitled to be a US citizen because of it.

Epic funded this one game. If it doesn't sell, they won't fund the next one and they already burned every other bridge

Imagine someone in literally any other field saying this shit. Video game designers really are the most pretentious people on the planet. Even faggy dress makers that charge $10,000 for a handbag don't shit on the people buying it. It's like Epic and the developers are too busy 69ing to remember what the point of making a product is.

Attached: 250px-Beyond_belief_fact_or_fiction.jpg (250x188, 10K)

>My point is that they’re catering to their audience and mocking anyone that isn’t that.
Catering to who? themselves?

People keep talking about it though, the buzz is still being generated even if it’s a bad game.

>current century

He literally doesn't, but morons like you keep pumping money into scam Kickstarters and Patreons.

Looks more like she's desperately trying to give half a dozen people at once a handjob.

lol not even the US airlines are this cunty either, and they're already bad enough as is

>I had helped him process his emotions through life simulation games like Animal Crossing.

Attached: Really_.jpg (337x374, 22K)

what was it?


Is this the le ebin new meme word of the month for you idiots?

>That cutesy tumblr design
Sorry Tim.
I know you love gifting us free games but this will be a hard pass.

They’re apparently catering to whoever can buy their game.

How about submitting your "games" to some art expo instead of a store?

not any more, no.

reposting for posterity.

Attached: 1564744715938.png (1066x201, 23K)

And? That's not exactly generating money for them, same as with these idiots.

cumbr@in got filtered to gamer
thank christ

this autist is still crusading on his discord

Attached: Capture.png (678x714, 250K)

>even his avatar is a stereotypical goony beard-glassesman

I look forward to seeing how this ages.

Not even making an effort to explain what happened in the timeframe from steam to EGS exclusive. Wew.


Conozco ese sentimiento.
It's time to go back to what we're good at: Pirating.

He even saved a copy of the image as a jpg and png.

That was fast

wait what? why did the jannies remove it?

>Why are you creating products for customers when you genuinely hate them?
It's amazing that this shit happens in this, and occasionally the movie, industry. Try blatantly insulting your customer base and telling them to fuck off if they don't like it anywhere else and shareholders will have your fucking head on a pike within hours.

Gamers rose up

>saying you'll do one thing and then doing another isn't lying it's just a change of plans!

How fucking deluded do you have to be?

what the actual fuck, have sex, incel, dilate, yikes, cringe, based has been around for all this time and they're still not filtered, but gamer is filtered after less then a week, lmao

looks like a mod is a gamer

more like jannies are having trannies back

So it's not even coming to steam after a year? Wonder how long that'll last?

Fuck if I know. 4chanX saves the day once again from janniefags and their gamers.

Attached: 1562361470242.jpg (1000x752, 68K)

THAT deluded.

None of those have been actually spammed here in the sense of a raid like this has. Literally all today people have been posting it at everything. I think filtering it to gamer is a pretty fucking funny choice considering all the cum shitposts are trying to derail threads.

just goes to show if you want those words banned you have to spam it constantly, and aggressively in every thread, and every post until half the board would disappear if someone used an extension to filter the word.

Based has been around for a while but boy o boy I can't wait for the rest to get filtered just to fuck with the reddit/resetera/normie fags on here

Attached: 1531181095469.jpg (830x664, 44K)

I can't wait for his game to sell like shit and for Epic to drop him soon after. Any potential future games this faggot makes are already flops. His "career as an indie dev" is over. Good riddance.

Steam won't be around one year after this game release so. Forever

this is just proof that the whole "any press is good press" idea is retarded and only applies to niche markets. it works for something like GTA being a controversial game because it's a good fucking game to begin with. If your controversy comes from being a cunt and your game is shit it doesn't matter if people still talk about it because no one is going to buy it. You can't live off exposure user.

Filter it all to based and cringe, they filter cringe with based and based with cringe.

>None of those have been actually spammed here in the sense of a raid like this has.
uhm, yes they were. there wwere multiple day when every thread had have sex as the first post

>You can't live off exposure user.
Nude models can

>fuck the people who fund our living
Get the shotgun Timmy, a commie is on the lose

>they filter cringe with based and based with cringe.

Also don’t look now but I think this thread is autosaging


>Japanes Dobson is Epic desu XD

Every game developer hate gamers like no one else, it's not a rocket science.

Basically, there's people out there who aren't like this that could be doing this job, why are you here, go do something else, let the people who actually care do their thing.

Attached: 63.jpg (489x629, 139K)

guess we know which which corporate pocket the jannies are in.

Unlike dobson, he produced something worse getting angry about.

nothing new, tim pays to keep shill thread and autosage anti-epic ones

And miss out on a guaranteed payday?

>thread autosaging
china has arrived. so it's true.....can't even talk about how shit this game is since they turned it into a bad set it off tumblr edition.

Explain what? Look at what is going on without the narrative, you will realize it yourself

I imagine a good amount of people who are into this kind of obnoxious twat artstyle and tone are also into this kind of obnoxious twat way of speaking and acting.

So it's basically the equivalent of making a game filled with /pol/ imagery while railing on social media about SJWs or whatever. It closes a lot of doors for you and makes a big uproar but there's a not-insignificant amount of people who will signal boost you just for having the "courage" to speak your unpopular beliefs.

Depending on how shit your game is you may actually get more people who will buy it JUST because you stuck it to the toxic gamers/SJWs/insert boogeyman here than would have bought it otherwise.

Is the age of Steam over?
EGS is having a lot of good games. I feel that once they modify the store with stuff like this more people & developers will switch to EGS
I hate to admit it but I feel I'll give it a try once they add regional prices.

Attached: 1561911357910.gif (336x336, 202K)

At the end of the day it simply does not matter anymore if people buy your game or not. They already got paid for it thanks to the exclusivity deal

Sure. Gamers are one of the best people out there. Everything we do, we do out of pure altruism and shill games FOR FREE after all, like this literal who game nobody would known about until suddenly now

No seriously refer toWhy give a shit about what people think when this happens?

>I feel that once they modify the store with stuff more people & developers will switch to EGS
You're not wrong. Give them another 20 years to do so

>he produced
yep just like based Inafune desu xD

Attached: 1556078333551.jpg (500x753, 45K)

Holy fuck my sides.

It does matter, actually. Quite a bit.

This isn't a gift. EGS isn't some noble patronizing the arts as a gesture of magnanimity. They are funding a game they believe has profit potential, with the expectation that what they have sown today will reap exponential rewards in the future.

The game's completion is assured, but if it does not turn a profit, they will not make the mistake of funding the same developers indefinitely. Whatever amount of money they've paid for EGS exclusivity, I promise you it isn't enough for the devs to just retire on for the rest of their lives. This is an investment, and they expect a return.

This is economics 101.

keep that to yourself then, when i buy a razor that faggot CEO better not try shit or i will go to different competitor

>giving money to "research"
Might as well throw it into a pit.

Attached: 20190729_095635.jpg (534x712, 139K)

what narrative?explain why i wont be able to download games from steam within a year

Already dropped.

>be me
>make an EGS account so I can play the abandoned Unreal Tournament reboot and mess around in UE4
>over the course of a month get about 200 friend requests from bots
>emails every other day
>"Someone has attempted to log into your account"
>"Someone has requested a password reset on your account"
>send multiple emails to Epic support about bots and login attempts. only receive canned responses, never an actual person.

I would never fucking trust Epic with any financial info.
Oh yeah. Pic Related.

Attached: chrome_rqbCQKJbn0.png (941x170, 35K)

>Dev doesn't even care to sell game to CONFIRMED buyer
Epic money does wonders to kike Devs

He's implying EGS will kill Steam, which is absolutely fucking hilarious.

Attached: 1531138533699.png (512x512, 116K)

Death in childbirth is on the rise in America because of delayed pregnancies.
Giving birth is more dangerous the older you get, go figure.

>popuko picture
Nah he doesn't want the game, just wants to argue. Perplamps' answer was actually based.

i know, just wanted to hear that from him

If you want a laugh, read this.
pic unrelated

Attached: ezgif-5-f1a321133a34.gif (201x152, 1.14M)

>wife's preggo btw
Godspeed user. As someone who recently had my first baby allow me to recommend you to go to a natural birth course. Not saying to actual give birth at home without hospital, but they do teach a lot of useful meditation, massages, and breathing exercises that help a lot.