Hi v whaddya all thinka this game I think it's pretty neat especially in regard to character design it has some pretty good character designs
Hi v whaddya all thinka this game I think it's pretty neat especially in regard to character design it has some pretty...
Your brain is cum
Haha you guys are funny here an exampel of one of the charater design that is the good character design
Impaired cognitive function due to cum in cerebellum
Ah okay, I see now, perhaps this is a pair of Blade designs more suited to your preferences? They stir delight within me for they are strapping young men with fleshed out tragic backstories that yearn for nothing more than to buttfuck each other in the evenings. I trust you, a gentleman of taste, desire the same carnal unions with other such handsome men.
pretty good character designs
Hahaha! You use the funny word again! It okay freidno lemme share another blade I like. This 1 I lik bcuz she mek de pp hard bcuz she wear nuthin xcept nepal tape
Character design is okay, very colourful but its a colourful game anyway.
Voices can be great in once scene and drop the ball hard enough to crater in the next.
Zeke and Morag are personal favourites of mine, as is Rex's upgraded armour.
Combat is a mixed bag honestly, the Torna DLC fixes my major issue with the combat. Addam also has a fantastic design.
Even if I'm still not a fan of the auto attack stuff.
>this is considered good character design
>replying seriously in a bait thread
>4th Cumbrian thread on catalogue...
If somebody doesn't try then a thread won't become more than a shitpost.
Might as well give it a shot rather than complain about the bait.
Doesn’t really work when you are outnumbered by falseflaggers but I guess that is admirable.
Alright, ya guilted me. Here's a blade I actually like, and its not because she's an under-dressed loli; I like the raijin motif and her character development arc is genuinely sweet. Plus she has some great lines with Zeke. Overall the blade quests are a good time with some touching moments, and you can tell they're trying to ape Persona there but with their own flair. Pity they're all locked behind the damn gacha system.
Cute navel too
just report the retards.
But that would mean reporting you and OP
>COPING this hard
LOL, you probably own a playstation as well.
>look mom I posted the same images again
You aren’t fooling anyone
>calling for reports while spamming anime porn trash thats against the rules
you absolute fucking idiot
Talking about games isn't against the rules, and if you think that's porn you might own a playstation.
Why are you replying to yourself?
>Fanart for a game without any nudity
lol ok bud. Just go back to spamming "cumbrain" already.
So can someone explain where all these porn spamming cumbrains are coming from
Is there a anime porn discord raiding Yea Forums? btw kill all cumbrains
There's the redhead chick and the bunny chick with the obscenely massive tits which just make no sense, otherwise there are good character designs in there. But i'd say 20-30% is fairly trash.
the designs are great
Nia's hairy welsh cat-girl minge.
I genuinely tried giving Xenoblade a chance, but it has the biggest fault of JRPGs: WAY too much story. There is no excuse for a game to have upwards of 13+ hours of cutscenes.
>well what about the 100 hours of gameplay?
What about it? Is the gameplay so terrible that you need massive amounts of cutscenes to keep you interested? If the gameplay is really stellar, then why would you want the game to take you out of it so it can shove you into a 22 minute cutscene? Personal experience has taught me that a good game will keep you coming back and will make you hate cutscenes in general, simply because you don't want to stop playing. You don't want to take a break. You literally have to force yourself to take a break because you'll realize that you pulled an all nighter to keep playing.
With JRPGs like Xenoblade I just don't get this feeling. The game feels monotonous and, to keep my interest, it throws cinematics at me. I find it similar to a western game that needs realistic graphics and edgy gore and violence to hide the lackluster linear gameplay, much like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Those games feel the need to be mature so they go for the low hanging "mature" fruit that many younger gamers will flock to. In other words it's a facade to hide their true nature.
I feel the same way about Xenoblade. I just can't enjoy the gameplay if I'm being bombarded every 5 minutes by the game's desire to tell me a story.
>COPING again
Hitomi Tanaka?!
>Feminists bitch about this design.
>"It was designed by a woman"
>The feminists disappear.
What do they mean with this?
>I genuinely tried giving Xenoblade a chance
No you didn't, go away Doug. Nobody has ever been happy to have you around.
user, that's not true. i give every game a chance, and the fact that I'm respecting Xenoblade by not spamming wojaks or using the C-word should tell you that I at least want a reasonable discussion. Yet you treat me like I'm a wojak poster or a snoy anal vore spammer. What is wrong with simply having preferences and not liking Xenoblade, especially if I elucidate my complaints?
Xenoblade isnt a game its cùmbrain garbage
Because nobody asked for your two cents.
Which one?
>nobody asked for your two cents
>Hi v whaddya all thinka this game
tummy cunny
We only want your two cents if they're positive, you fucking roastie.
Trolling? user, I'm doing everything I can to keep this discussion from devolving into shitposting. Do you see me joining those spammers who keep spamming wojaks or that C word that got filtered into gamer? Do you see me insulting anyone or attacking anyone? I'm not bringing in console wars or inciting flamewars or anything of that caliber. I just wanted to talk about video games.
semenbrain thread
Then if I may suggest this: please put that into future OPs so this confusion can be avoided.
Should I try Xenosaga?
sure. I played and beat all 3 on their release dates. It was so long ago I don't remember much about the story. I just remember really liking 1 and 3 and thinking 2 was meh and pretty boring. 3rd was the best.
I love it, probably one of my favorite games