Design Asian girls

>design Asian girls
>call them White

Can we settle this issue already?

Attached: F836C166-3222-49D2-B069-D897BDC21359.jpg (440x440, 84K)

duh, we wouldn't have it any other way

that tool also recognizes americans as white

Can you put more thought into your post, op?
Oh nevermind you’re a cumbrain.

Who gives a shit?

what do you know, it really does.

Attached: arcanum halforc.jpg (440x440, 144K)

Attached: file2.jpg (880x440, 244K)

Skin colour seems white enough, what more do you need?

Are there any of these race recognition sites/apps that haven't been shut down yet? It seems like all the popular ones got shut down due to sjw pressure or some reason.

Marie Rose is cute!

Why are Asians so much more attractive? Whites are only attractive in High School, then by college it turns into a train wreck so fast. At least they're not as bad as black women.

The issue is that they're animated characters with simplified features compared to real humans so talking about what race they are is retarded.


you forgot cumbrain

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her name is Marie Rose, not White

>Swedish girl
Yeah, maybe 30 years ago

So what's the name of that meme app?
>inb4 newfag
Never bothered asking but now I want to try it on myself since I'm mystery meat.

>So what's the name of that meme app?
You mean the website in the OP?


What's he supposed to be? Jew?

the result of an orc raping a human woman.


Where's the issue?

I missed it

Attached: FED75C46-D79B-4A72-A10F-EB5337C0884E.jpg (640x973, 65K)

still more white than 90% of americans