do you personally want the sexualization of video game characters...?
Do you personally want the sexualization of video game characters...?
Other urls found in this thread:
hell yes
Pandering to cumbrains is shit.
You got brain in ur cum
No you damned cumbrain!
Your frontal lobe is filled with semen
I want devs to be allowed to do what they want without anyone censoring them
If they want to make sexy girls, then go ahead. If they don't, that's alright.
Haha yes very nice
honestly the cummybrainposters are based, my lewds folder got alot of new images these past few hours.
Sure do
Did you all get tired of "have sex?"
based cum in the brain
I personally love my wife Reisalin.
>another cumbrain thread
kill yourself
because they aren't real people.
>tranny lefties tell me to have sex
>Nazis calling me a cum brain for looking at porn
There's no winning
I hate summer
cum on it
I prefer cunnybrain
It's over soon my friend
no, im not a teenaged cumbrain
are you sure about that
This but I want more devs that want to sexualize their characters. I want genuine sexualization.
Imagine having a brain of cum barely functioning
99% sure that pedos are calling other cumbrains because they cant have their loli threads anymore
/pol/ is literally the only group who has a hate boner for with special exception to cuckoldry
Pls make a brainchart with this
maybe its just me but some of the buzzword posters just seem to be baiting for lewds and are turning this place into a proper faghouse
i mean you have to admit it was already halfway to a faghouse with all these incredibly low quality fire emblem and ffxiv threads lately
They can do whatever they want to fictional characters, cause they are fictional
dab on these cumbrains
Whats wrong with ostracizing 19 year old horny teenagers? They just shit up the board with their thinly veiled porn threads.
They have literally every facet of media pandering to them. Why must they be like the Flood?
Yes, but only the lolis.
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>Eastern design vs. western design
go rape boys tranny
go post porn on b cumbrain
>Try to discuss a fun game's gameplay
>Game doesn't have fanservice up the ass
>Threads are regularly filled with stupid complaints
>Try to discuss a fun game's gameplay
>Game DOES have fanservice up the ass
>Threads are regularly filled with white noise fap shit
Cumbrains are the absolute worst
nah I'm good, tranny.
Nice pasta.
um, sweety? porn appeals to all ages and genders
have sex
>hurr durr le cumbrain
>now I'll repost memes and wojaks everywhere because I'm addicted to the dopamine rush I get from (you)s
Except boomers watch porn once a day then dn't think about it. zoomers have to kepe posting and thinking about it all day and shit up a video game board.
>/pol/ and trannies in school shooter mode over people that like porn
imagine their smell.
Oh great, another retarded ass meme that every idiotic underage redditor will jump on and use 24/7 for the next 3 months
>threads with less than 10 posts getting killed fast
>this one still up
nani mods
is this the power of thunder thighs-chan?
boring bitch:the character
Even little girls?
She a bro you bitchlet!
if this isn't an edit can i get the sauce
>Love Island OK
>Only Way is Essex OK
>Made in Chelsea OK
>Naked Attraction OK
>Females with big breasts in video games BAD
>Dart girls BAD
>Grid girls BAD
damn nice pic
>Sex with anyone whenever you want OK
>Marriage BAD
lurk for 2 more aeons
>Yea Forums BTFO
Yea Forums BTFO
I'm excited for Io's game, and I think she's very attractive
Im fresh to this "cumbrain" meme, but i have to agree that im tired of the same threads talking about anime tits and waifus. Its turem if you can only talk about it, you are a cum brain with a problem
>Page three BAD
>Sex work OK
>go to bed and there’s an epic new meme within eight hours when I wake up
Ryza is cute though
Yes. But
>another cumbrain thread on Yea Forums....
Was this meme supposed to stop these threads? Did they really not think this through?
'go dilate' was too much of a comeback for them to handle. They needed reprogramming
It's not an edit, and no.
offtopic porn threads > forced unfunny meme manufactured from twitter
Kill yourself you retarded shill
but ive been her since 09, don't be mean to me ;n;
dont be a greedy fucking frodo and share the goddamn load
>he still doesn't know
Yeah well I'm pretty sure spamming the latest shitty buzzword isn't going to solve that, it's clearly just going to make things worse.
>cumbrain cant see the bigger picture
See? You really are mentally disabled due to porn
The bigger picture being...?
I don't care. I'm charismatic enough to have sex and kind enough to not deny incels their lust dolls. Whatever the creator wants is best.
yes but only when it appeals to me
everyone else and their shit fucking taste can all go fuck themselves
I knew n*ntendo was behind cumbrain threads all along
legit the funniest shit to come from this night
Does "mentally disabled" mean lack of mind-reading powers or not being part of some hivemind?
sex is like a t-34-85 tank
the best parts about it are experience in a video game, because it would be illegal to do it in reality. If someone wanted to give you one then sure, you could take it, throw it in a garage somewhere, try it out every now and then, but perusing it instead of the superior video game version is simply stupid. Much more work and effort for an inferior payout.
yes but only if they are cute and/or funny
If you can figure out what I want and give it to me, I'll sauce you up like a salad.
God you bongs are fucked.
I do want sexy girls in my games, but it's not a deal breaker or anything. In the same way I'd want a game I play to have great music, it's not something that makes the actual game itself good, it's just a bonus that I'll enjoy while I play it.
>been here since '09
>doesn't know what WAIT is
thats all help you will get from me
Yes, but only as a complement to an already good game. Mediocre games that get carried by sexy girls are not ideal
if that helps you cope
who is this semen demon
i want the developers to be able to make what they want, sexualised or not
No, its largely only a marketing gimmick used to raise the appeal of the game for desperate underage and incels. It seems like standard practice is to drum up false outrage and controversy with games and fill them with pixelated fap bait to cover the contempt these people have as game developers. All it's done is create a sub culture of annoying and disgusting hikikomori and open pedophiles who try to groom children. It's not like it would be difficult to create female characters with actual agency and thought and ultimately it just makes things worse as the toxicity towards women in games is a direct consequence of making them little more than a masturbation sock to the boys and men who play them.
Sadly we live in a world they have to cater to people who don't even play them
we are all gamer on this blessed day
mobile is bad, but I tried
Sure, why not?
Fuck you mods, you don't filter boomer/zoomer (even though you delete their threads) but you delete a word that's meant to HELP anons stay on topic and be less addicted to porn, thus balancing out their sex life.
Fuck you, I bet you want us to stay addicted. Keep doing shit for free tranny jannies
I have a funhead?
Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again?
>a word that's meant to HELP
Why yes, I'm a gamer, how did you know?
You'll see what is meant in due time child.
yea its pretty unfortunate
Oh please. You're not the first one to attempt something like this.
you're the child here for trying to "help" on this place
go back to /r/nofap
this is a 15 year old girl
No one is fapping to her because they think "holy shit look how young she is!!!", people are fapping to her because she's hot as fuck, she could be 10 or 30 for all I care.
what's with the shitheads with messiah complexes on Yea Forums?
Gamers can't see past their addiction even when called out on it. In fact, they dig their heels deeper and post more the same way the class clown keeps making jokes long after the joke died and starts looking pathetic and sad to everyone else who just wants them to grow up
people spewing gamer are literal monks that need to HAVE SEX
Yeah, I'm not some Sony fan boy
I'm a gamer and I'm proud of it
>Gamers can't see past their addiction even when called out on it
When we rise up against faggots like you, no one can stop us!
we really do live in a society
Stop calling me a gamer. I drain all my cum every single day. Till the last drop. No cum left anywhere in my body.
And this is a problem because....
What are you riding up against? Being healthy?
>based mods filtered the word into “gamer.”
Hahaha, get rekt.
>feet censored
Bet your ass son.
He’s not “riding up” anything. Can’t you read? You dumb tranny.
I got news for you pal.
You sure? Incel.
The only incel here is you, you dickless freak of nature.
Not in particular, that in itself is why porn games exist. If the game is so shallow it has to rely to mindgames to garner interest then it probably isn't worth the diskspace it's stored on.
I was referring to filter, retard.
Based and true. Fanservice is fucking aids and only on /v could you find so many sweaty virgins obsessing over sexual art created by a riceman
Based truth poster
Can't have saucy things like that on a christian board.
Anyone that gets laid regularly figures out that sex for the sake of it is boring and sex appeal alone is not enough. It's why the onslaught of empty pandering to the female form carries no weight with them. Cartoons and hyper sexualized pictures do nothing for a man with actual appetites. Show me confidence and capability and depth and my dick might actually twitch. I feel sorry for people so desperate that a little cartoon skin is all it takes to trigger their monkey brains.
Nice upvoted
Get that dildo outta your mouth and look at your post again you stupid tranny.
No, I'm not a gamer.
>blah blah blah
>i cut off my dick, put on a dress, and now I feel threatened by cartoon women! Someone do something about it!!
That’s all I hear in this post, cope harder.
Thought as much. Now fuck off back to ResetERA you virtue signaling cuck.
Keep projecting that shut in rage.
Then get the fuck out of this board
>sex for the sake of it is boring
Go to the doctor and get your testosterone checked. Sex for the sake of it is fun for any properly functioning male
Why do you have to have two threads up simultaneously for this bitch? Are you that obsessed?
Get the fuck off the vidya board then, normie.
I’m not the one whining about cartoon women on an anonymous basket weaving gathering hut. Maybe you should get out more.
Higher test than any of you. I keep fucking after I cum and stay hard until I distract myself when were done. Laffin at all this bird chested zoomer rage.
Sure thing buddy lmao
It’s to trigger all the spamming twittertards now that their favorite new buzzword got filtered and they’ve run out of shitpost material.
Redditors and Resetera faggots, go back to your containment sites and stop complaining about anime tiddies on Yea Forums.
*tries to brain*
*cum shoots out of nose*
How can you cum when you ain’t got no dick Mr. Ma’am?
>they wordfiltered gamer but not weeb, incel, etc..
Keep seething bird chest hikikomori.
Is this the newest incel-right buzzword?
the most based of all brains
You should get that checked out. Maybe it’s all those estrogen pills you’re taking.
Basically this.
>omg you HAVE to be a tranny if you call me a gamer for liking sexy things!
No, you faggot, it's for stupid incel weeb shit like,
>muh dick made me buy this
>you ARE buying x's game, right?
>say something nice about x
We've had threads like this for years now, but now that retarded newfag drones that want to fit in MUST hate Sony and praise everything Nintendo does, they think doing that pisses of the Snoys, which in turn makes actual waifufags like aceman all the more eager to dump images and basically have an /e/ thread with vidya characters. All the fucking time.
That's what being a gamer is. The best example I could give you were Tales threads. They were nothing but gamers talking about how hot Velvet was etc, just shitty waifufagging, but I took care of them.
ESPECIALLY little girls
>bird chest
What the fuck does that even mean? Are you hitting on me?
nah it's just i don't get why we fought the christians when the sjw are just the same as them
For some reason, this really turns me on
Why are you so upset tranny?
i need to cum i need to cum
mmm lewd girls
i can't help but think about lewd girls
i need to cum
i don't want to do anything else
my mind is always foggy
i always run from my problems
i'm lazy
i fap myself to sleep every day
i need to cum
frankly I dont mind either, but I do mind people forcibly trying to fight it.
It means you lack any definition and would shave the hair off your chest if you could even manage more than a few pubes. You will never know the feeling of being a human Sasquatch and having a woman stroke your hairy chest like a wild beast.
>muh thighs
she is not even that hot
>filtered in a week
jizzbrains SEETHING
No I will not have sex with you. Stop hitting on me you filthy tranny.
You sound like a tsundere bottom.
She is. Deal with it.
Yes. Only a Resetaryan would disagree.
she looks exactly the same as 900 million other anime girls I've seen before her, except you focus on her thighs with every pic
Only white people unironically believe this.
There's a reason every major pop star on the planet is sexualized to hell and back.
I think this is the fastest I've seen a word become so cancer it got filtered
Oooof. Thanks for letting me know you are mad, cümbrains.
In your dreams. Dilate.
Not my fault standard deviation puts the majority of people in the range of coco the gorilla.
So why did people start spamming c-word? I swear this happened only over the last couple of days
RetardERA trannies don’t understand subtlety. This is what /pol/ means by “the left can’t meme.”
I’m not the one losing my shit over a buzzword getting filtered you castrated eunuch
>monkey brains
Don't you mean CUM brains?
Basically pic related
At least those gorillas breed, unlike white people.
Oh wow this was recent? No wonder it seemed like it came out of nowhere.
Also I love how sadpanda somehow got tied into this. I was wondering why in resurrection threads I was seeing that pop up
No I mean monkey brains. Monkeys will masturbate for no reason at all. The post coitus brain is one in danger of simply agreeing with everything and challenging nothing.
You're very clearly sperging out right now, you catamite.
>castrated eunuch
Redundant. See what the jizz in your brain does to you?
He thinks vermin breeding is a virtue lmao.
Rekt. Trannies really can’t do anything right.
>muh discord
>not a single proof for this
why are Yea Forums posters so freaking retarded go back to your heavily moderated reddit board.
Go back to ResetERA. I was here first.
this. We have to endure this retarded have sex/incel/dilate/tranny etc spam for months and months but this one gets filtered after like three days?
Did some mod get triggered or what happened?
>discordtranny is a frogposter
and no one is surprised
why you bully me
Because the explosion of the meme was too forced and widespread for it to be a single IP-hopping autist, else the mods could tell by all his IPs being in a certain range
The whole thing reeked of an organized effort, and there's no better place for gamers nowadays to organize than in Discord
Sadpanda is back?
The original url doesn't work
well why the fuck can't I access it
but Yea Forums fags are the biggest discord fags here I never used discord stay mad tr/a/nnies.
the only words that get filtered on this site are the ones that hit too close to home for mods and anons. semen cerebrum is literally the most devastating phrase posted on Yea Forums since onions
waifufags will NEVER recover
it's always the "scpchads" who do this kind of forced garbage shitposting, especially since they hate porn for some reason
>he doesn't know
You don't want to waste your time watching that predictable kitsch. That image is the most amazing thing that happens in the entire thing.
>n-no u
everyone laugh at the frogtranny discord faggot
What's the CB-word? Cunny Born?
>Yea Forums 2331 results found
>/vg/ 744 results found
>/pol/ 149 results found
>Yea Forums 159 results found
>/r9k/ 132 results found
>Yea Forums 82 results found
Yea Forums and to lesser extent /vg/ are the only boards with cümbrains spam.
spotted the colonizer
born with cum on brain
>already fapped twice
what does this mean?
says the retard who posts the redditfrog
>Yea Forums and to lesser extent /vg/ are the only boards with cümbrains spam.
>the only blue boards that get spammed with porn shit
semen cortex
Waifu shitters(gameriacs) should learn to curve their libido.
Like I said colonizer. You only think it came from there because you did.
So /pol/ actually tried to force their autistic stigmatisation of masturbation just to get BTFO'd. What a bunch of pathetic losers.
stay in your shithole newfag election tourist
I don't know, those thighs are doing something to my dick
Why is she so sweaty?
Frogposting should be a bannable offense at this point, I can't remember the last time I saw a post with pepe attached that was actually worthwhile.
Figures a literal porn slave would lack the attention span.
But Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums, and /r9k/ also have daily nsfw posts.
No, people are sick of pornspammers dumping their shit on worksafe boards and in threads of people who want to discuss VIDEO GAMES and not their dicks and the pornspammers and the mods who enable them got so triggered they filtered it.
I just automatically report and filter every wojak/frogpost because they're all a 100% worthless garbage shitposts
>He thinks normies stealing from us makes it theirs
Why are you still pretending that /pol/ is behind this?
Whatever you say /pol/tard, better luck next time when you try to force your autistic puritanism on Yea Forums.
It is on Yea Forums, but Yea Forums has way more shitposting and jannies are even less competent than Yea Forums jannies
Yea Forums does not have anime shit.
It does though? works for me
back you go normalfag newshit
>suddenly, Yea Forums is a Puritan website
What happened?
tbf, rage comics were a Yea Forums thing before the rest of the internet got a hold of them. The usual lifecycle of exploitables, reaction images, and memes for years was "Yea Forums starts posting something -> After a while the rest of the internet starts posting it -> Yea Forums drops it because it's now dead". Pepe and Wojak have been the only exceptions to this.
You know that /pol/ has a massive discord where they organise their autistic raids right?
They call everyone discord raiders to deflect from the fact that they are the discord raiders.
plz stop thotposting
>He doesn't even understand the origin of normies as a word in addiction recovery and how it applies
plz go back to /pol/ and stay there for good
>literally finished fapping before finding out
Tomorrow will be my victory fap
t. gamer
You never browsed Yea Forums.
stop reddit spacing and meme arrowing in such a horrendous way you absolute mongrel trash newfag
What's wrong with being a gamer? This is the video games board, right?
/pol/ has nothing to do with this you fucking dumb schizoid. They're too busy gloating over Trumps recent tweet shitting on Elijah Cummings to give a fuck about Yea Forums. I would know because I'm in some pol Discords and the filter was only mentioned in passing once and buried.
Nice try at deflection though tranny. Better luck next time!
Obviously, we're on Yea Forums, silly user
Keep giving me your energy pilgrim.
Yeah I'm sure some puritanist autistic raid has nothing to do with the puritanist autistic raiders of the site.
Fucking trash /pol/tard stay on your containment board.
You wife is filled with BBC
Go home cuck
You're the one who's deflecting shit discord cümbrains poster, if it's actually from /pol/ you'll see it first all over it's catalog like that Clown pepe and NPCjak.
go back election tourist
unga bunga generic anime girls in short shorts make peepee go hee hee
If you're so adamant that this raid is coordinated by pol, go ahead and post even ONE pic as evidence, tranny.
In fact, there's more evidence that the term started on Twitter by assblasted trannies than pol, and if I find the link again proving as much I'll be glad to drop it on you, fucking schizoposter.
This but without irony and with more grunting vocalizations.
It's a /pol/ discord, but just keep trying to deflect. I'm glad you retards got absolutely BTFO this time.
There you go, already gave me the evidence /pol/tard discord raider. You can't hide your identity for a split second.
you started those threads to bait though
good fucking job retard
enjoy your heroin
how do you know that this whole ordeal isn't just a promotion campaign by koei tecmo?
they learned that the fastest way to make everyone talk about their product is controversies
I already told you I was in multiple pol discords you literal fucking smooth brain. There's 0 posts on pol about the filter, and no Discord I'm a part of has mentioned it apart from one comment about it being funny. Me being from pol doesn't prove theres any sort of raid. You have terrible schizophrenia and should probably take your meds.
The only people who got BTFO are the people who got so triggered at how frighteningly accurately "cūmbrain" describes them that they ran to /qa/ and begged mods to wordfilter it, and the same mods who haven't filtered a single shitty overspammed meme since "onions" did so because they hated how much it applies to them too.
The reaction to cūmbrain basically proved how many cūmbrains are on this site and how sensitive they are to being pointed out.
gameplay is a buzzword
You're the one who got btfo since you don't have any proofs. There's barely any gamer posters on /pol/ and the rest of Yea Forums's boards just by looking at their catalog and archives. I wouldn't be surprised if your the CB poster yourself and just blame it on /pol/ to falseflag.
>pedos actually believe this
yasssss queen showing gamers who's boss!
So like I said /pol/ has the most discords of every board and they're always the ones doing these shit raids.
Just confirming my statement with each second.
Now that's some good seething. Stay mad autistic /pol/tards.
Better luck with your next forced wojak edit garbage.
No one is sensitive to CB. We're sensitive to obviously forced and retarded memes.
This. I fap to Dizzy and she's like 5.
That's exactly what it is. It's been proven the term started on Twitter by a literal tranny and now they're struggling to save a dying meme by deflecting and false flagging.
Reminder that sadpanda and ATF are back. You lost normalfag shitter.
Only if it's both male and female characters.
Nothing has been confirmed, schizoid. Post evidence of pol being involved or shut the fuck up.
>literally admitting that there are multiple (!) /pol/ discords
holy shit that board is such a cancer
Not the first time /pol/ tried to force some retarded puritan shit with a wojak edit. And not the last time either but I'll just keep laughing as you losers get BTFO each time.
i look for it
i don't force any developers into put sexy characters in a game, unlike those puritans Americans that seems to hate people enjoying things.
What makes you think the most popular board on Yea Forums wouldn't have Discord channels?
Pol had nothing to do with this, post evidence or shut up.
Post your evidence that "/pol/" is behind it then? Where are your proofs? I don't see any cb posters at their board and archive.
Keep seething /pol/tard, everyone is sick of you autists and your raids.
Not op /pol/ has been in a antiporn tirade and squawking about jizzbrains.
I thought that this was a very muscular brain and now I realize what it actually is
So no proofs you colossal faggot?
No evidence. You lose.
Ok cool, post evidence. Screencaps, archives, etc. I can wait.
It's just girls being girls
The fact that you /pol/tards instantly got so frustrated when you got found out is proof enough.
Make sure you call your discord buddies so you can mass reply to my posts like you always do.
>panda rose from the dead
N-nani!? How did that happened?
Have sex, gamer
But that's a boat.
>girl fetishist
Funny words to just say heterosexual
>panda is back
>mods btfo the normalfags
Still no proof? Not even from /pol/ itself?
You know, I am aware of how my following statement sounds and I dont even like it myself but
Literally every reply you are getting is proving your point more and more. Thats how good this word is. Theres no defense. They are pegged harder than two lesbians locked in a sex shop
You'll need to call 10 more of your /pol/ discord buddies replying with "have sex" and "dilate" before you can make an epic screenshot.
>tranny replying to HIMself
>No evidence
Thanks for playing. A first effort.
never gets old
Lmao your raid failed so bad that you have to damage control and blame it on /pol/.
I personally want cunny, and lots of it
I'll take 3
The term would be false flagging. Along with gaslighting.
your vote is my vote
Good answer
I want to have lots of babymaking sex with Io
why yes we are gamers
how could you tell?
Can revenants even have kids?
fucking based
im so glad to see people finally standing up to these fucking retards
I don't want just sexualization, I want FULL. ON SEX.
Cumbräin used deflect
>cumtard thread
imagine the feel of her warm, sweaty, soft skin touching yours
Only one way to find out
unless it goes against the tone of the game sure i dont see why caracters shouldnt be sexy
Today is going great so far
>pans up to face
>camera in her hand does move. Its a still image
weebs are delusional and fuck trannies
hahaha you're an idiot, christ
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Legit question, has anyone had cunny? how good it is?
this, tone and context is all that matters, not ideology and muh "social justice" garbage
When does school start normalfag? Don't you have some fortnite to play?
>spam filtered
>Panda is back
>EVO this weekend
won't anyone do something to calm down this horny 40 year old woman?
That's kinda hot.
You can still play your Dream Daddy if you want fag
from /vg/?
i'm technically getting paid to post
>Ok cool, post evidence. Screencaps, archives, etc. I can wait.
/pol/ archives. You’ve been at this puritanical crusade against porn for days now. Give it a fucking rest
Who is cunnybrain here?
If its archived, post a fucking screenshot. Your next post better contain at least one.
Rinko's solo game when?
TUG muh dick
Not me. Just a guy with class.
eromanga sensei
Perish the thought.
you mean obnoxiously spamming
And Funny
You can search the archives for pork and gamer shrieking for yourself. At the end of the day, there will be a thread about how the mods were tranny Jews who are intercepting your condition breaking
it's banter faggot
i swear everyone in this webstie should have a mandatory stay of at least six months browsing /int/ only to see what "spam" looks like
I'ma need source on this right now, thanks
You know how a joke gets less funny every time you say it? What do you call a "joke" that's been said 2,000 times in a single 24 hour period?
4kuma in Koikatsu
>No evidence
If there's so much of it, you should be able to prove it in no time flat. Post evidence or shit the fuck up dilator.
Sadpanda is not kill anymore?
Banter occurs naturally, this was some of the most forced shit I've ever seen
>Yea Forums claims to hate sjws who need a safespace
>cb meme comes along
>those same people are now crying and calling the mods based for making Yea Forums a safespace
It rose from the dead
Are there any girls on Yea Forums that look like this? I’d kill for it.
I'm a 29 year old dude who loves women, tits, ass, pussy. Yes. Some games are embarrassing with it, it just needs to be tasteful. But I will never not see something like the pic in OP and be happy.
Is there more to this?
The cute and funny gods smile upon up this day
Some, but not all. It is fine to have sexualization, but I do not want everything sexualized
wtf you don't want literally everything to be fanservice and don't want to think about sex 24/7? what are you a gay normie tranny reddit shill cuck?
How do I break free from the lust cycle, Yea Forumsros?
I tried to hold myself from doing it today, but instead ended up jacking 3 times already.
I already have severe burn marks on my dick.
Please, help me
're shitposting.
get off the internet and go do something. get your mind occupied. idleness is the seed of fapping
make yourself fap to non nude and women in lingerie and start using your imagination again. when you start to make progress start using only your imagination and cut the porn out. you have to retrain your brain away from impulses.
More like 3000 times in 8 hours
give me a decent paying job, I've applied for around 5 this week alone
You say Gamer the same way Trump says Nigger when the cameras are off. You have become Trump's America.
its funny how the porn spammers call the cb spammers normalfags but when you really think about it being horny 24/7 and constantly thinking about sex is pretty normalfag
This but unironically
What about shit like boomer, zoomer, yikes, cringe, (discord) tranny, based and redpilled, etc. Those are all equally as annoying. At least it is a legitimate complaint about all of the obvious fapbait threads that end up here
Sex is normal for everyone retard
It's illegal for me to have sex.
Summer isn't real, the sites just slowly getting worse and worse
A drawing of a 15 year old girl by a fat unwashed man in his late 20's
A lotta assumptions there, fella
Yea Forums in a nutshell
needs moar water
we won bros
needs moar pomf
Me in the small chair
needs more cunny
Move to North Korea
>said the blockfaced man in a tutu thinking he's a real woman
needs moar pokemon creatures
Stop fucking posting "lel no proof of raid xddd" in every thread that even mentions any of this you fucking cretin, drink bleach and die faggot
yeah but its not 50% of the catalogue at all times on any of those boards except for Yea Forums
Then try browsing ResetEra. They really hate women.
Post more 4kuma please
She gets all that fanart despite game being only trailers so far, right?
What if she turns out to be afwul character?
Something like with Gunpla kids show where main girl got shitload of fanarts from the beginning but in the end whole show and her were bad (didn't watch it, only heard it).
What word got filtered? gamer
why are americans so scared of sex?
Ah god, please don’t let this thread die before I get home.
>only one guy likes ryza lewds
Lol. But yes i am obsessed with her thighs.
Do you got the dancing webm?
Why do you have to look at threads you don't like? Can't you just hide them? Bitch.
Taking lewd pokemon requests
The purists have always been around a predates right vs left tribal faggotry.
They don’t want you thinking about sex, or telling the wrong jokes. Not long ago is was religious Christian Right wingers clamping down on this, a rebellious pushback happened and we had a gold age in the 90s.
Now it’s reversed and the leftists are controlling what jokes you can make and sexual thoughts you are allowed to have, and another push back will happen. When all the SJWs grow up and they are preaching to their children, it’s going to create a huge rebellious next generation. And the cycle will begin anew.
Wicke molesting Hex
Braixen with titties being pumped
lmao this is a classic jizzbrain cope
the only way these fags can cope with the meme is by turning it into a puritan issue (which it never was) instead of the spam issue that it really is
God she’s so perfect, you got an image dump folder or her card?
This. That's why we decided to fight this "spam issue" with actual coordinated spam
die cvmbrained fucking pedo
I love how triggered white people get at porn, shit's hilarious.
Glad you /pol/niggers got BTFO so hard,
Back to discord with you my friend
Thanks bro
Yes. And also yes.
No problem
I'll take your word for it, thanks
Wew, that contest was retarded but I’m glad we got her out of it
No, because I'm not a jizzbrain.
is there anything more pathetic than trying to evade a word filter?
Top kek
guys I spent my entire night jerking off to any new Isabelle lewds I could find instead of sleeping
At least with drugs, you would be ashamed of your addition. I kek at you being so shameless at being degenerates. Remember to dilate.
You're on Yea Forums, not Stormfront. Fucking home of degenerates here, has been long before your tourist boipucci showed up.
why haven't you joined the winning side yet, Yea Forums?
>once upon a time a Discord group decides to raid Yea Forums for teh lulz by forcing a new buzzword: the CB-word
>since Yea Forums likes to fap but a large part of Yea Forums is also contrarian, this buzzword was bound to rustle some jimmies
>they proceeded to false-flag Yea Forums intensely by filling the catalog with threads with a lewd image in the OP, and then calling the OP the CB-word in the first post, on top of spamming the CB-word in every other thread where applicable
>this gave the impression that this was a big problem on Yea Forums, which resulted in two things:
>1) people who were actually tired of lewd threads proceeded to spam the CB-word to call Yea Forums out on this
>2) underage shitposters unaffiliated with the Discord group saw that the CB-word was going to be the next epic buzzword like "have sex" and "incel" and proceeded to spam it as well for (You)s
>within hours, the Discord group managed to control a good portion of Yea Forums to their whims, and so Yea Forums was filled with the CB-word
>anons who were just waking up were wondering where the hell this new meme came from all of a sudden
>but then a miracle happened, at the peak of CB-posting, sadpanda rose from the dead
>by spamming the CB-word so hard, they only CB-spammers only jinxed themselves
>with their beloved porn haven back, it was time for cunny and /ss/, and all the cumchads just laughed at the CB-spammers
>and then another miracle happened: the mods got off their asses for once
>being unable to ignore the sheer forcedness of this meme, they wordfiltered it to gamer
>instead of plunging Yea Forums into a new era of chaos, the Discord group found that Yea Forums wasn't so easy to control after all as their efforts had been thwarted by a turn of fate
>as everyone laughed at their failure, they're still seething to this very day, trying to get lewd threads banned by spamming them in the same fashion
>and their raid went into history as an epic fail
how do you get koikatsu looking this good?
How could this happen, we couldn’t stop it
Jokes on you. I am black
Godspeed filter from mods
We one step closer to reddit now
Now keep posting
It DEPENDS. Sometimes you make a stupid fanservice game and it's whatever. But injecting it into more serious shit is jarring.
Uhhgg those hips
games that focus on sexualization are usually trash because:
a.) that's all they have
b.) even though they focus on the sexualization of the characters, they don't actually do anything with it besides titillation
show me a game that actually has good gameplay and cute anime girls
Props to the thread bring abandoned and it going full loli, you are all champs
Since 2009, yes.
Is there a boot for her? I don't feel like installing koikatsu
whats this characters name? any good doujins?
>was told to check the booru for images
>can't find anything for her
guess it's time to make my own image folder post more Kuma pls
I was implying that the rate at which it's getting worse is accelerating
The first good meme to come from the discord trannies
Just install it again
>Thinking about downloading it.
>Pastebin post in nowhere to be seen on /vg/.
Fuck me I guess.
Try /h/
would you guys say that the term gamer would be considered spamming/flooding, or just extremely low quality?
literally not any worse than the other shitpost words
How can one girl be so cute and funny at the same time
She's a good girl
holy fuck my sides
Yes. Male and female. I want nearly naked buff dudes and hot babes and hot slim dudes and buff babes and everything in between. Prudes demanding everyone wear a burka or a three piece suit need to fuck off.
Can I get a link to your folder of photos of this good girl?
its just as bad as the others, but its being spammed right now because children cant help but post the latest thing. so it gets reported until it's not at the level of being spam
Ain't nothing wrong with gamer
Don't have a folder yet
I prefer the "awesomization" of video game characters, if that makes sense. Cooler designs, more badass characters, etc.
What a dummy, all that wasted mayo
That’s not how you put on sunscreen
Silly Bear
If it fits the character, but generally sexualized designs I have a rough time with since it seems like it wants to be porn but is fucked out of being able to go the distance. Fanart tends to make for better porn too, and I prefer for both to be kept apart from one another.
>normies instead of normalfags
lol whoops better edit that post before you get downvoted
BEYOND based
What’s with the pose, is she asking for something?
Who knows?
her legs and hips are pretty thicc for her size, goddamn
Does anybody have the original drawing of her?
It’s a thing of beauty
well now i gotta go fuckin jack off again, thanks :/
Why are her shorts so short and ride so low on her hips?
Does her butt hurt?
chafed lips if they're too high
Her butt is fine
>Yea Forums is one person. You must be over 18 to post.
And btw posting just to flame anons is shitposting and Trump tier.
Some cute
Ohhh holy shit, who’s the artist?
This fucking girl, I never thought I would actually be into loli stuff but here I am
Let her open the floodgates