Are you going to buy the new pokemon games?

Are you going to buy the new pokemon games?

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i have to cause you can't trade online with a pirated copy

I only worship cunny though.

Hell no.

Digimon Cyber sluts releases in October so nah, I got my monster raising game there

They really dont look that bad gonna check them out for a little fun

cumbrain game

the biggest fuck up for GF is not staying 2d/3d hybrid like BW/B2W2. It would remove the national dex issue and the pokemon would look like they have souls again.

Haven't bought a Pokemon game since X which is when I realized the series was in a decline. Got AS as a gift, and despite being a Hoenn baby who lists Emerald as has favorite game I had to accept the series was dead with that one.

Glad to finally see the rest of the fan base giving Gamefreak the hell they deserve, even though I know nothing will change.

No plans to currently. Trimming around the one reason I still play the games means I don't want to bother any more.

t. Cumbrain

it came out already

some people find religion
some people find comfort in marvel movies
and some find identity politics and blame their personal problems on jews.

Yeah I'm going to buy it for my girlfriend. I bought her LGPE last Christmas and she sucked my cock like she was possessed.

What about you virgin OP?


probably not

Gonna wait for the next games like they did for black, white and sun, moon. The actual complete game

i have never purchased a pokemon game, i received pokemon yellow for my 12th birthday and that was the last pokemon game i played.

because corporations are the new religion.

>second half of the picture literally says that
whoops haha

No I am not.

Pokémon has been a big thing for me since 1997, but there have been times where I dropped it if I didn't like the direction. I dropped it at RS when I was a kid and although I wanted to I was unable to get BW. I actually like SM but severely dislike USUM so I didn't get the latter. I don't buy "expansion" games. I don't buy shit quality games with missing features. I don't buy entirely new home consoles so I can play with my GF. Go back to affordable handhelds, go back to actually putting effort in.


I have a life outside Pokemon, so yeah. I'll just play it, go through the story, clear the regional dex, then move on. Just like I did with SM. Will skip the Ultra/2 whatever version like I skipped USUM.

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It's funny because most of these people claim to be socialist or even communist but worship these corporations and their products regardless.

The real question is, has Pokemon ever been good?

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Only if you had nothing better to do as a kid without internet.
Emulators with fast-forward were the only way to play Pokemon past the Gameboy Classic era.

This is the correct answer

I have standards, and I have limits.
They literally said they would never cut Pokemon from a main series game. That was what they said in response to the Let's Go controversy. Literally the next game after it does exactly that.
I don't trust these fucks.

hell no.

Even if the controversy about the national dex and the shit textures hadn't come up, I was already so heavily disappointed by the 3DS games that it would take a very good showcase of new features to win me over. The shitty first trailer that managed to show nothing interesting besides the new pokegirl designs sealed the deal. Honestly, the controversies are just icing on the cake for me, seeing the wider community finally largely agreeing on the series' continued march towards bottom of the barrel trash.

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>Are you going to buy the new pokemon games?
Nah. They would have to make a BOTW-tier leap for that and it looks like another shitty 3DS-tier game.
Haven't bought a Pokemon game since Soul Silver, so there's that too.

>Playing Pokemona games
Just be le cumiebrain and jerk of for the poke guirls porn!

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Yeah, it has, user. It has, but it's contextual.

We all know that Red and Blue had infamous glitches that seemingly disqualify it from being considered a certain level of quality, and what I'd argue is more that the technology is a little too archaic; there's practically no longevity to Gameboy games.

I would, however, argue in favour of Gold/Silver/Crystal. Those games have a good speed for an RPG, minimal aesthetic with its limited colour palette, and despite its poor graphics by today's standards it still has, barn none the best and most personality-filled sprites for the Pokémon themselves. It has a manageable amount of Pokémon, nothing overly OP and properly working mechanics, as well as postgame content.

Pokémon never need to become like it has; they're just picking a country at random and filling it with lazy shit on whatever the lowest amount of effort they can get away with on the newest console.

t. Niggerbrain

That word got filtered haha

Daily reminder that we're on the way to self-destruction at high speed.

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>affordable handhelds
Switch lite is only like 30 more bucks than the post price-cut 3ds

>Buying games

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So, literally a gaming crash is granted to happen in the 202X, also take to note, that one crazy train guy who burned a studio in Japan.

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bought every single main line game (one of two editions) but i skipped lets go and i won´t buy this shitfest

No, they'd have to do something ridiculous like rerelease every mythic so I could snag the ones I missed for me to consider it. I could probably get it used for cheap by then.

Cringe and gamerpilled


me and other people have said this a million times why keep making these threads its gonna sell and most of you here will buy it to to "have fun with my friends XD"

The reason the Sword and Shield drama fell off is because you became too focused on insulting anyone who has a positive opinion, instead of actually pointing out flaws.

Saying people are "worshipping companies" while posting funny excited meme man and funny meme tree isn't criticism, it's obnoxious and childish and no one wants to entertain discourse with you. In turn, you weaken the very point you're trying to argue for because no one wants to entertain discussion of it.

Really? Let me risk a 3 day ban to test. gamer

this will be the only title worth picking up for Switch since Odyssey if it's on par with the average Pokémon game, and that's not much of a bar to reach

My main issues is that they don't really have anything to compensate for no national dex.
Like nothing in this game is impressive. If they had like new modes, improved Battle Frontier, reworked the battle system, cool I can forgive no national dex and graphics don't really matter to me, if the core gameplay is really impressive, I can forgive it. Fucking Yokai watch has more detail than Pokemon does, there is no excuse.
I'm so fucking sick of them adding something that's good in one game and completely removing it in the next.

It's going to sell well too. They cheaped out on the budget, so they'll easily make their money back.

i look forward to seeing what TPCi's 'fifty dollar mew' type scam for these games will be.

Same answer since the GBA: nah I'm good. Tell me when they make a real sequel.

I stopped playing video games years ago and was contemplating getting a switch but then I remembered I had to go to work


My girlfriend is the biggest pokedrone I know and even she isn't going to buy it.

Why the fuck would I buy switch games? Are you retarded? You can just pirate everything.

I have a god, though

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Are you sure the recent iteration of Pokemon is the hill you want to attack piracy on?

>Not all of us are thieves
Neither am I. There's a reason it's called piracy and not theft, but I guess that's a bit too hard to understand for some sub 90 IQ monkey.

>I'm on 4channel and I've got it all figured out


Nope. Pokemon hasn't been good since X & Y.

>Death Stranding and Pokemon releasing on same month

Imagine if there was Smash character reveal on top of that.

Based gamer poster.

>train guy
he was crazy, but he wasn't Barisaku

He means to dual pack that's being rereleased for the Switch.

No. This is the first pokemon gen that I won't be buying. You finally did it GF, you made a game so bad even I won't buy it.

>warned for "racism"
Oopsie woopsie, we have to dewwete you for booboo language!
Mind the reddiquette >:(

The most poetic part was that the warned screen had a picture of niggers dancing around Yotsuba.

I'm not buying it. Even with no National Dex, it is so below subpar, that it's laughable. The sheer laziness and despondence is visible even before anyone gets to play it. You can't reward a game studio for just not giving a fuck.

Pokemon is a great idea, especially for kids, with a terrible execution. The first ones had some leeway because of system restrictions but instead of evolving they continued to use it...I think people are just starting waking up now because this myth doesn't work anymore on the switch

>corporations and celebrities are the new gods

sounds about right

Warnings are doled out by impotent jannies

Nah i don't have a switch, they shoulda still put them on 3ds too

I'd rather be buying Water instead!

Nobody that really likes Pokemon buys the new Pokemon games.
I mean competitivefags do, but they have no choice if they want to be conpetitivefags.


Your god is a faggot.

My first brought pokemon game was sun. No way i'm going to fall for this shit again.

cunny should worship you, you cuck

Outside of your favourite game and if you count romhacks, not exactly

Gen IV and V was Pokemon's peak story and gameplay wise, and I am grateful to had fan back then to experience it all before everything went to shit.

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Nope. My living dex is stuck on shitty ass ultra moon forever now I guess

Gen V has the cutest boys.

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>Gen IV and V was Pokemon's peak story and gameplay wise
story is always pretty much the same, gameplay doesn't change at all.
I'm glad you had fun as a kid playing these but don't pretend there's a mainline pokemon game with a real unique experience to it


I'm never buying another nintendo product again in my life. pokemon was the only reason I ever bought their hardware.

I fully understand that the the last two gens have been ass and that oras werent as good as emerald, but I don't understand the massive amounts of hate that oras get. Their graphics had way more personality than x/y, and the delta mission was pretty fun. Is it just because they didnt have the battle frontier, or because they didnt add as much stuff as hg/ss did?

I always kind of forget that there are people who havent played pokemon. To me, until I was like 16, pokemon was all that gaming was. My sister and I got consoles exclusively to play pokemon games and didnt care about anything else, they were all that mattered

in terms of gameplay none of them are unique, but the region, pokemon design, artstyle, and music can totally make one of the games unique and memorable.

Shut up you fucking zoomer
Your grandparents didn't die in genwars for this

Of course! As long as it's made by Chunsoft. Gamefreak is and has always been a shit tier studio. Not sure why people are only reacting to it now.

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