Video games used to be socially unacceptable

>video games used to be socially unacceptable
>people who played them were shamed and insulted constantly
>40 years later they are now mainstream
>except for lewd niche games which yet again are socially unacceptable
How long until weeb games will be infiltrated by the same people that shame them now, just to be turned into another mess until the original fans will be bullied out of it again?

Attached: 1552962702135.jpg (544x960, 65K)

Fuck off cumbrain fag

Your brain is made of cum

Steam is making hentai mainstream in the west, It's only a matter of time.

It will happen to everything eventually, but there's a way to cheat the cycle: simply put, normies will eventually move out from the first hobby to flood the next, but that means you can now go back to the first.
Don't be ashamed to gatekeep, you know well what happens if you don't.


that would require a culture shift significant enough to essentially destroy sex negativity first, which would be difficult to achieve

Just say you are playing them ironically, like they did with anime.

I feel fucking retarded, I thought there was some kind of smartphone port of this, then I realised you were just taking pictures portrait. I should've just looked at the resolution.

Can't wait for
>this porn game doesn't have enough trans, fat and gay options, it needs to be fixed!
and then the western abominations that will sprout from this.

There are still "hardcore" jrpg fans that feel embarrassed by anime girls and silly tropes.

It will stay niche for a long time, and most ironic weebs only have a lifespan of a few years.

every other week it's some new buzzword insult with you faggots. BE ORIGINAL

Have se... no, I mean dilate... I mean...
Oh shit what is the cool thing this week? Um... cope?

Did OP strike a nerve?

itt gamer

hi samefag tranny!

>buying porn is socially unacceptable
>video games are okay these days
>"Why is buying porn video games still socially unacceptable?"
Just because one half of the formula is accepted does not mean the other half automatically is as well.

this constant spamming is going to earn you a word filter in just a day.

>>video games used to be socially unacceptable

gamer thread


did they finally censor gamer?

Why gamer isn’t filtered already?

But this is a video game?

Attached: 1559541282623.jpg (960x544, 128K)

Which game?

this one

Attached: 1533169074051.webm (640x368, 2.73M)

>implying they weren't
Next you're going to say that people that used computers were always considered "cool" and "hip".

>implying they weren't
user, arcades have been a thing since the late 70's. Social gaming wasn't nearly as frowned upon. Autistic introverts were.

Attached: 1507227191493.jpg (836x1200, 156K)

You're an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.

I thought the OP looked familiar, but I wasn't sure if it was RecoLove or the newest game.

>will never have the time to learn japanese
>will never get to play these games even if I picked them up

How so user? Most arcades I frequented were filled with mostly normal people and other kids.




>How long until weeb games will be infiltrated by the same people that shame them now, just to be turned into another mess until the original fans will be bullied out of it again?
Already happened.

Attached: metoo.png (979x1032, 79K)
