MechWarriors5:"700 out of 20,000 people asked for a refund on the first day”

>only 700 out of 20,000 people asked for a refund on the first day after Piranha Games announced that the game would be releasing exclusively on the Epic Games Store. This basically means that only 3.5% of the pre-orders were refunded.

>Bullock stated Pirahna Games pays for the refunds of Mechwarrior 5, without Epic Games helping them. This came as a surprise as a lot of people thought that Epic Games would be handling the refunds. After all, that’s what happened with Shenmue 3.

>From the looks of it, the negative impact of Piranha Games’ decision wasn’t that big. This is definitely good news for the developers as they can focus on making a great game, without having to worry about the refunds.

>Bullock re-stated that while Piranha Games is aware the hatred towards the Epic Games Store. Still, he believes that this exclusivity will benefit the game in the long run.

So... Outraged for nothing?

Attached: uJBJyrP.png (562x886, 415K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So...Outrage for nothing?
Yes, that’s basically what Yea Forums is all about.

>only the first day
Bet the second and third ended up being several times that.

>Obviously we don't know if that number has increased

Hmm, I wonder why.

they will never tell the truth, stop reading gaymin journalist websites and giving them clicks.
Destructoid is alright tho

>Only 3.5%
>During the first day
What is a normal amount of preorder refunds before the game is even out?

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Why are Steam drones so cringe?

Attached: steam exclusive.png (1426x752, 101K)

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

Attached: epic fag store.png (471x560, 339K)

>shitty social features that achieve nothing in the game itself

3.5% is a huge amount but writers today can't write to save their lives and rely on yellow journalism to warp the outlooks of impressionable young idiots.

Not really.

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(Or as a Steam drone might put it: OH NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN)

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>on the first day
first hour*

The title made me assume they believed this to be a large amount.

nah, that's reeesetera

Epic literally dabbing on Steam.

There's no voice chat? What the fuck?

Why dont you post some more Epic exclusives? Oh wait only Take Two are allowed to sell their games outside of Humble and EGS.

>30% cut is outrageous, fuck Steam
>you can buy EGS key from GMG which takes 30% though

Outrage culture does nothing, only a vocal minority care and to everyone else it's just free adverting

>only 3.5%

Are these people retarded? Any serious business would consider a sudden 3.5% drop in sales or revenue as a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

>first day
How much have refunded since? Surely they would be screaming from the rooftops if only 5% refunded so far right?

EGS exclusivity just means you can pirate guilt-free. Timmy already bought you a copy.

You are mixing up developer cut with consumer cut, based retardo

>GMG which takes 30% though
Obviously they dont.

If you faggots all stopped being mad when Epic did this companies would stop doing it, your anger makes the stories go viral and gives them millions in free advertising.

You have to learn to stop doing what these companies want you to do.

Being ignored is worse than making some people mad.

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Based retards

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-12-21-44-430.jpg (1078x1581, 449K)

>700 out of 20,000 on the first day
What a weird time frame and numbers

> steamdrone proceeds to pathetic threatening

>posting wojak and calling anyone else cringe
Are you okay, retard?

The made steam cucks are just an Incredibly vocal minority

They are sad and petty and impotent kike Gabe worshippers.

>first day only data
>""""only"""" 3.5% of 20k people
>that's $42k lost on the first day just because le epic chinkstore

man, I bet they smell their own farts with this amount of mental gymnastics.
I would really like to see the real droprate in the timeframe of a week/two weeks, because that's how long it usually takes people to address these non-existential issues.

>your anger makes the stories go viral and gives them millions in free advertising.
they fucking wished. after fortnite meme is over it's ching-chong lights out at the chinkstore

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And that 3% was quadrupled on epic sales

>there are actually faildevs in these threads
Haha, oh wow. How is it a threat when you get no sale either way?
You think people will only pretend to not buy your game?


cool story, chang

>implying there are 20,000 people who bought MW5

>first day
>700 out of 20000
What's up with these bullshit numbers?

"Pre-orders" are retarded in the age od digital distribution. You're paying upfront for a product you'll receive later. That's like telling devs "I've already paid you, now you can shit on my plate and I'll HAVE to eat it".
Pre-orders were a thing when there was a limited amount of physical copies of something.

Stop. Being. Dumb.

That's like 3.5%. Yet a similar percentage is catered to for "representation" in games all the time.

A shame refunds aren't a feature of the epic games store

They lost an entire persons yearly salary worth of money in a single day before most people even realized what happened? That's great.

Okay. Now lets see first week.

>3.5% lost preorders within 24 hours
>haha ‘tis but a flesh wound
That’s 3.5% of people fanatical enough to preorder a fucking pgi MW game after MWO... within a day.

Why are Epiccels so deluded?

>Keeps giving
Epic gets less money not the developer, based retardo

I'm guessing that Tim bought the other 19,300 copies.

Technically they actually have cloud saves now. For some selected games, that is.

if you don't plan on using the additional services then you might as well pirate, especially since tim already paid for your copy

And how do you know that? We don't even know the rules on generating keys on EGS.

No game should ever require a third party launcher because then you're only renting the game and Mr. Corporation will take it away from you the moment it becomes convenient.

Sorry, steam is not exempt. If you love video games, you would support gog, encourage devs to release the games themselves, or encourage piracy. You can't blindly white knight corporate stooges like Tim Sweeney and Gabe Newell.

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>some (2)

>believing a known liar

Majority of relevant indie games weren't EGS exclusive before it came around and bought it.
A specific example is Griftlands and Hades. Klei and Supergiant always had all their games DRM free through Humble Bundle and GoG. Now those two games are locked to EGS.

Ah, there was another?

Yeah, right. It's publisher who sells the game on GMG. Epic is not the publisher, why would they cover GMG's cut you retard? They'll only cover UE4 royalties if you're using it.

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Yeah, Robot Alchemic Drive updated with cloud saves 12 hours ago.


Epic is the publisher, it's their fucking store, it's their key
>Shitposting about epic store
>Can't provide any proofs
>Wants a proof from me

And it only took them, what, 7 months for them to catch up with the competition in that field? But hey, let's not forget that Steam didn't have cloud saves back when it launched in 2004 either, so thart makes it fine that EGS launches without them in 2018!

the epic store terms of service isnt like steams

you arent allowed to go to the press with numbers like this

unless epics lawyers wrote the message

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>Only 700 refunded on the first day! No problems!
>W-what? You want to know how many more refunded after that? Well, I have no idea!
The PR speak is so fucking obvious at this point, must've been a hefty chunk of refunds
PGI still hasn't actually sent notices to people that pre-ordered about the changes, though. That's 700 people actually following what is going on, and not the ones who have pre-ordered it and not really staying up to date on a game that's gone through so many delays at this point on a day by day basis.

>Epic is the publisher, it's their fucking store, it's their key
Imagine being this retarded. Is Sony publishing every PS4 game? Does Microsoft publish every X1 game? Does Valve publish every Steam game? No, they don't. Borderlands 3 is published by Take Two, not Epic you moron.
Steam makes it clear that they take 0% from key sales, while there's no such info on EGS key sales. You're the one who's claiming shit with no proof fucking shill.

>If you don't use shitty launcher features you shouldn't support the devs
The average steamcuck

>On pre-orders
So they'll make back what they lost when the game actually launches, I don't see the issue
Unless you're dumb enough to think they won't make more than 700 in overall launch day sales

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>You should just keep quiet and suck corporate and publisher cock like a good little slave!
The average chinkoid

Because bitching and moaning while sucking cock is better, right?

God you valvecucks are pathetic

>you shouldn't support the devs
can't you read? devs are automatically supported up to 500k copies

>Says this while bitching and moaning about how nobody wants to suck his flavor of corporate cock and how they're all bad people because 'muh devs'!
God you chinkoids are pathetic

Moving over to GOG as a Steam user for the past 10+ years was pretty painless and they've got basically all he features Steam has. Why is epic store so utterly feature deprived compared to Steam/GOG?

>There is no such info
But there is also no proof either for the opposite based retarded subhuman.

>3.5% of people who pre-ordered
>on the first day
>doesn't include people who cancelled on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. day
>doesn't include people who were going to buy the game, but now won't.

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>first day
Wasn't this announced like several days ago? What about the following days?

>while there's no such info on EGS key sales
metro exodus keys are being sold on G2A lying steamcuck

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>No proof for the fact that steam takes 0% as a cut for key sales
The fuck are you talking about fucking retard?

Why doesn't Epic just use their unlimited money to just undercut Steam and build goodwill toward their customers like every other business? I feel less inclined to use your platform when you make it look like you're taking games hostage and lording it over everyone. Fuck Gamestop for doing this with physical shit as well, glad they're fucking dying.

Answer me this EGS shills: why doesn't Epic share its games with GOG? If it wants to encourage competition and destroy Steam's monopoly, why is it harming other storefronts by keeping games away from them? Keep in mind that Epic is not allowed to do things for profit, as profit is what makes steam evil, remember?

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Didn't they purposely delay refunds specifically for this reason? That idiot Bullock has been blocking people on twitter asking for when their refunds are coming through, and they are sending out the refund emails slowly over the course of a week or more. The 3.5% is only the first few that managed it.

>metro exodus keys are being sold on G2A lying steamcuck
those are the key written on the physical copies, they don't count

And how is this relevant to what I said?

>3,5% loss in a DAY
>not that much

They didn't talk about following days for a reason

because gog is just like linux, nobody uses it except for a very vocal minority of autists

didn't you bitching about keys sales you fucking retard

>check leddit
>"I don't think I can claim credit for this, but, I tweeted Russ at 11:01, asking if he will do this. At 11:11 he announces that he will do this. And blocks me for good measure."

you are retarded

If rumors are to be believed then there was a group of something like 4000 BT die hards that cancelled the pre-order all at once after that first day. And I would believe it too since BT fans are a special kind of crazy.

Key sales cut, not whether you can sell keys or not.

no, i don't use neither gog nor linux

>tfw ever since the fiasco people even started boycotting MWO so not only are they getting their new game refunded, their old moneymaker is making less money since MWO is basically run on goodwill

Someone claimed their clan of 2000 refunded.

are you stupid? Epic also doesn't get any profit from 3rd party key seller site dumbass

It's a logical assumption but there's no concrete proof of that.

we are talking about epic here not steam, subhuman

the key sold on 3rd party website are those from physical copies, the cut is already included

>mfw was part of that 700 when Russ announced it after work
Reminder, they delayed the announcement late EST. Also FUCK PIG. I will never support them again

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are you so stupid that you can't grasp basic business 101? now tell me how any developer making profit from a second hand market?

>steam needs to be destroyed because it's too big
>GOG needs to be destroyed because it's too small

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>the key sold on 3rd party website are those from physical copies
That's true in case of Metro but not BL3.

Learn English before talking to me again.

>>GOG needs to be destroyed because it's too small
no, it's that literally nobody cares about gog's existence at this point

Did you forgot how they handled the microtransactions on MWOnline? Or when they tried to scam others again by jumping on the Star Citizen's success and make their own Space Game and asking over a million dollars for it to get funded, only on their own website?

I never trusted them and I'm still mad that such an amazing IP is held by these fuckers.

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>Epic is trying to encourage competition
>do this by making GOG's situation worse, eliminating one steam competitor and thus ensuring this "monopoly" that steam supposedly has

500 IQ post.

You don't "make back" lost customers, they're gone for good and that's money you're not getting.

I bet about 5% of them actually kickstarted in the first place.

>>Epic is trying to encourage competition
except it doesn't, they simple want more people on their shitty store to make more money in the future, they couldn'd care less for competition or m-m-muh developers

Oh no 700 copies lost
Surely the game will never sell more than what was pre-ordered

refunds? You can't buy this on Steam so where the fuck are they offering refunds from and what does it matter?

>steam's competitor

theyve been taking patreon money for literal years

>GOG isn't big enough to challenge steam
>so why isn't epic trying to help them?
>because they're not big enough


"on the first day"

How can we even help Steam at this point, can someone maybe setup a patreon for them?

I'm pirating the game.

>700 first day
>didn't even send notices to all of their customers
It's grown by now. I don't really care though since it's a free game, they can do whatever they want with it.

Post your pc games library.

Fortnite basically died today. It is over.

A loss is a loss no matter how you try to paint it, also that's only "day one" and hasn't been updated since.

I do remember, but man I wanted a SP MechWarrior game to the point that I was willing to support them further. Shame on me and I hope they lose the IP.

They're required to price match the Epic Store price though, which completely kills the entire point of the third party sellers in the first place.

>>so why isn't epic trying to help them?
because epic doesn't care about competition, especially about gog

Except they are purposely delaying refunds so the 700 is just the start. People asking where are there refunds on twitter are getting blocked.

There was a kickstarter? I thought most people pre ordered when they were giving away free shit for MWO. Also on a side note, the Mad II sucks ducks. They shat on an amazing mech.

name one 3rd party game that valve wouldnt let release on other sites, ill wait.

Good luck getting the shills to admit that.

>reviews are social features

3.5% first day
probably about 5% the second day once word gets out
then back to another 3.5% the following day
Then 2% the next two days
then probably down to 1% for the next couple days

thats 18% in a week
then over the next week or so perhaps 2% totalmore as people living under rocks find out.

for an even 20% preorder cancel rate. Thats my prediction

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You mean epic paid for those 500k copies and in reality only 7k people bought the game.

They are in the sense that they allow players to warn each other about bullshit and faildevs hate that for obvious reasons.

>only 700
>first day

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My dude, a business losing 3.5% revenue in a single day like that tends to be the point where heads start rolling.

>Niche genre with a die-hard fanbase refuse to file a refund because there is no other alternative game
Imagine my shock

Not even only the first day or within 24 hours. More like the first few hours before the AMA started.

Fake, they sold 9 copies.

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Meanwhile on Steam.

Attached: RoR2.jpg (646x153, 30K)

>500,000 sales magically pop out of nowhere during a sale and all of a sudden the devs go from not avoiding talking about sales to boasting about it every 5 minutes
Definitely not suspicious at all.

>pre order costs 50 dollars
>700 x 50 = 35000 dollars
They lost 35000 dollars in less than a day.

meanwhile in reality nobody talks about this game

Considering they cried about piracy I doubt that.

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Those are the first refunds that went through though, there are a shit ton more that PGI keep delaying, they are supposed to send emails out regarding the delayed refunds by the 4th.

Mechwarrior 5 only sold 20,000 copies?
I would say that is their main issue - not the refunds. That should be six figures if they were doing it 'right'.

The fact that only 20,000 people pre-ordered is pretty shitty.

i literally didnt know im asking as i type for a refund epic saving me money as usual

> lost 35000
And gained several millions day before.

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People hate PIG. They're pieces of shit.

How are refunds working? I know for the shenmue 3 refunds they onlh refund the game which is 30 so if you backed at higher tiers you only get 30 and have to war the rest. If mech warrior is the same no wonder people are not refunding

>Only money you gain is from being bailed out
This is not good for them. They want that bailout money AND sales. Now they out have the former and people hate you even more. Rip future sales, epic won't buy all their games forever ;)

>implying I can't pirate this AND play something else

>3,5% in a day
>not huge
Either way, I'm going to be playing it on my launcher of choice: CODEX

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After MWO, no sane person will give those retards money.

Full refund for pre orders. They tried to scam people who paid more but you can yell at them to get the full.

Really? Wish that was the case for shenmue 3. I backed for an embassing amount and I'm very bitter about how this all went down

Except now people are also dropping MWO because of this, their main moneymaker. So this one-time payment is going to hurt them in the long run.

post /gerg/ memes

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> people hate you even more
Certified Steam® gamerz™ you mean?

MWO is fun though. It's a good Mechwarrior entry too.
Why do people hate it? All I can think of is excessive monetization (felt like everything was available for money when I tried it out)

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Most people play mwo on their launcher not steam

bullshit, i refuse to believe 20.000 people pre-ordered this game, most people dont know it exists

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>toddler consolewar mentality
get the fuck out

700 hundred purchases sounds like a lot of money, and thats on the first day.

but Im sure Epic was more than happy to patch that wound with Tienanmen money.


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I know I'm dropping it now for good. Between that new shitty system, mw5 and the mad II being dog shit that can't even equip as much daka as the mad I there is no reason to play. Plus their player numbers were already dropping. MWO might legitimately die.
Gotta think long term. Epic made up for that, but they still lost that additional money, they lost customer good will, people are leaving their current game out of anger, and people will not trust them in the future harder than before.


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tim, don't you have anything better to do than troll Yea Forums?

here's your (you) btw

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>free game
Would you look at this Steamfag over here, why don't go back cleaning Gaben's ass

>Looks like a dog goblin
He may have money, but at least you'll never be as ugly as this nigger.

Scalding! +1 to your social credit score, ching-ching.

Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit anyway"? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear for what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?

Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?

If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.

Steam drones are such fucking babies

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not as ugly and Gabe though

Are these shitposters just snoys in disguise? Their posts are the embodiment of
>But Nintendo!

wrong thread chang, this is mechwarrior not that ongabonga game

>only sold 20k on day one
>nearly 1/20 of the people refunded.
I wouldn't brag about that.

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Holy based.

They are refunding the patreon, not the sales of the game itself.

>more than 1 in 30 people requested a refund

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>he lurks all epic threads

It's easy (You)s.

Though I might put more stock into gamer posting for a week or two.

>Still giving money to the developers of MW:O
These idiots have it coming.

>BT fans are a special kind of crazy.
When the genre you love is essentially non-existent well you go a bit crazy.

So where do you imagine games should be kept digitally instead? A download page that can just as easily go away at any minute. Because physical is absolutely going away.

>mods have confirmed that all Epic threads are made by one autist
>that same autist that shitpost MHworld flopthreads and Cyberpunk threads because he fucked up with the Op images
this is your life
spamming threads on Yea Forums all day every day just to lower the board quality
he does it all for free

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I actually don't mind the EGS stuff because every game on EGS seems to be cracked pretty quickly.
Plus it's exposing western devs as the trash that they are.

Those are some really fucking weird numbers to pick. Does this mean only 20 000 people pre ordered the game? What about the other days? Not everyone might have been able to refund during that first day. Is the 20 000 people a subset of the total pre orders and there's possibly a larger amount of refunds if you pick a different subset of 20 000 people?

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Pre-orders, not actual sales
Pre-orders are a minority of sales

Name 5 Steam exclusives
>inb4 Dark Souls, MonHun, other multiplat titles that aren't exclusive to the platform

>still buying from steam
>lose all your games when servers close down in 2-3 years

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Literally the only place I see any talk of it is devs spamming shit and reposting anyone even mentioning the game on their twitter. Even the subreddit is less then 45K people which is probably from before the EGS thing and only 350 are online at anytime.

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These devs act like some girl who rejected your advances.

only giving the numbers for day one, not the folliw up days.

ok retard.

they said that 10 years ago.

>Implying 700 refunds isn't alot of refunds before a game even fucking comes out
The other 19,300 probably aren't even following this shit, they're mechgame boomers who don't know how social media works

They're all on the Satisfactory Discord you fucking steamdrone.

no not by me and any other fan. as a bonus i have stopt my support of mwo too. i advertise this to other friends of me to.

battel tech is dead.

are you okay steam drone

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>Yes every backer constantly checks up on the game every second of the day!

>80 dollars
Whats the fucking point? Before epic games you could get unreleased AAA games for less than 50 dollars always

>It's just Tim and his mate Chang shilling.
>MFW the meme is real.

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>Doesn't want to pay

Attached: realy maeks u thnk.png (336x344, 41K)

>they are discussing it on discord we swear
>no talks what so ever
>no mentions what so ever
>what streams?
no one is buying your bullshit

>what streams?
its a simulation not fortnite, cope

i am betting that they are going to be like uplay cloud saves(FUCKING SHIT THAT DOESN'T WORK 75% OF THE TIME)

So gamers, is this how "winning" feels like?

Meanwhile, there are 4000 refunds alone by the RogueTech community which is essentially 1/5th of all backers.

you mean 66, got already debunked steam drone


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Damn, waited for Mechwarrior 5 that long only for them to announce it is a trash game before it is even out.

>Obviously, we don't know whether that number has been increased over the next couple of days.

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thanks for proving my point, DED GAEM
meanwhile factorio, lots o streams


no its 4k epictard, your quiet defensive.

Not sure what your problem is, are you saying that epic should not allow devs to sell outside EGS ? You know, one of the things you faggots bitch about?
It's like you don't really care about anything, but you bitch because it's popular thing to do

they never let you know as would only show the mistrust against epic.
that pgi dosnt care about the best for the game and all future pgi products will not find any sells as custemor base got allienated.

>epic shills show up after thread is already dead
long break this time?