Post the pastebin.
You know, that one.
Post the pastebin.
You know, that one.
Other urls found in this thread:
what about capicoli accidentally showing cp filenames in his start menu during a joowz stream?
here we go with the summer faggot eceleb shit again. every god damn day.
have sex
dear god what?
I though he joined up etika
I fucking wish
what is wrong with discussing people who are popular for playing video games? i do not understand the thought process
>joowz stream
I can't find it.
It's not that incriminating anyway. I don't see what the big deal is.
-.-. ..- -- -... .-. .- .. -. . -..
post balding streamers
You mean the convo where Vinny is thirsty and self deprecating as fuck? It's a fun for the first read through but it's not a big deal in my opinion.
It just always devolves into general faggotry and autism. If you want to sperg out about your fake friend go to their reddit or their discord where people give a shit.
Learn Morse retard
The one that is fake? what is the point?
>Oh no, he makes a joke that his chat finds funny, how dare he not cater to me specifically
Whatever user
pls explain
Some leaked skype chat log where cumbrain Vinny goes all cringe talking to this arthoe. You're really not missing out on anything.
>screen goes black
>google image dragged on screen
>gameplay resumes, places image next to it
>screen goes black
>gameplay resumes, image still on screen
>random YouTube link starts playing in the background
I don't know either, made this thread specifically to understand what they're talking about
Some fag "leaked" a conversation "Vinny" had with some chick.
Hey guys, totally legit pastebin, trust me Vinny totally said this.
It's a fake user's. We made it up. It never happened.
Imagine believing anything you read on the internet.
Dilate, tranny
Where did this "fake friend" shit start? You don't have to think of someone as a friend to enjoy watching their content. Its like watching TV, unless you're a retard, you're not going to imagine that everyone you see on TV is your friend.
And his fans still find it funny user, why should he care about a what a random user on the internet thinks
imagine slapping away at the keyboard as fast as possible to defend one of vinny's personas
It's fake
Keep saying it.
Look, who cares what he does, he does it for his fans, If you are a decent human being you shouldn't care that much about the way he makes his jokes, it's not for you, that's it
not op and personally I don't give a fuck if anyone enjoys watching Youtubers or Twitch streamers, I like vinesauce, but it has no place on Yea Forums
It's always the same shit too.
>Remember when X streamer said nigger 5 years ago? Damn they sold out on twitch.
>I miss the Chatango days when I could attention whore in someone elses stream
>Why is Vinny so depressed now.
>Why is Vinny so happy now.
>Everyone is a tranny and a furry
>Streamer is playing games I don't like but I'm literally forced at gunpoint to watch.
>Chat is garbage shit but I can't click the little arrow to close it.
>People are using global emotes and I'm offended enough to post about it on Yea Forums but too lazy to install BTTV and filter it.
I could go on. It's always the same shit different day. Nothing of substance. At least it's better than what most of the threads today have been YAWN.
just post the fucking pastebin already
Look it up yourself i cbf
Sunday trash streams are Vinny's worst streams, I usually watch him because he has some good recommendations in movies, music, and TV shows with accationally some funny jokes. Sunday streams also tend to make Vinny look weird which he's really not, and I do kind of like the contrast that someone who listens to Beatles & Gorillaz, plays in a rock band, is into Star Wars & Lord of the Rings can still make such bizarre jokes and stream such bizarre questionable things. I found it super weird when I saw that Vinny favorited a Tommorow's Pioneers video and Username 666, they seemed so out of character for him, which I like the big contrast. I think he should stay hidden about weird stuff because it puts him in positions where he can't act elitist, that's all
Wow so true poggers sourpls pepega :)
He Legit said this I Was there
You are on adderall
>I'm something of a scientist myself
Thank you I forgot to add bitching about Sunday streams being the worst streams to my quote list.
So? Everyone's said cringy shit trying to pick up chicks before. Why does everybody need to see it?
Are bad pick-up lines leading go MeToo moments now?
thanks but i dont give a damn if its fake or real i just wanted to read it
alright sorry user
here it is
Hey i'm saying he should stick to something and go with it, he has way too much minor interest, to Resident Evil to Animal Crossing to RLM to playing a shitty weeb game, I think it's funner to avoid things that aren't high brow but leave something super fucking weird in the past like if he made a guro animation in 2007 and never talked about it, it's funner
I guess it's time to Metoo vine guys.
can i have some of the meth you are smoking
It's what i'd do, tell me right now if you were an eceleb you wouldn't want some weird shit you made on Newgrounds in 2005 linked to you but it's so long ago that there's not much of a use bringing it up, but makes people speculate your past and want to invest into archives. There's nothing fun about being real loud and saying you fap to anime and furries, nothing to invest in, nothing hidden to investigate
jokes on you user, I actually am an eceleb and my past is darker than etika
Sunday streams are both his best and worst streams
Oh, could you be him?
I'm trying to understand what you mean. Are you saying it's a bad thing that Vinny's up front about his fairly tame quirks, if you could even call them that, and it's less fun that way because there's no potential drama to come from it?
Is Vinny into femdom or at least tall chicks? He's never gone into detail about it but some of the things he said about Bayonetta and Palutena during his Smash streams got me thinking.
i would never slip up like this sloppy cunt.
I'm looking into him as a personality, I struggle to see someone who is really into boomer music, boomer TV and mainstream TV, have these weird niche quirks, it's like he's talking about how he's read a David Bowie book and the next day he's playing a MLP Sonic fan game for Sunday, I think if these drama things come out it should be in a way how it comes out for Jerma, Jerma doesn't do any real weird shit but there was that time the word nigger appeared on his Talk to Transformer stream which he was pretty upset about, or like in Vinny's Mario Maker stream the crossed out trans rights flag
>unironically using boomer to describe the shit he likes
i like classical music but that doesn't make me a baroque bitch
wtf are you typing about. youre saying words but making no points. go to bed user
Everybody slips up eventually, user.
It's not a matter of "If" but of "when"
He should make as little bizarre jokes or play as little bizarre things as possible, being weird breaks an immersion of your personality, it's like if Gordon Ramsay said he loves Lucky Star, it's something no one would ever think of. I look towards Vinny as a role model on how to improve myself and like him i'm usually careful on what I say and try to put on the same "i'm just a normal dude" talk while secretly I watch some weirder things, and I tend to feel more matured that i'm not the one making degenerate fetish jokes out of the blue, there's more ways to be funny then degeneracy
you'll never get me coppers
i'm sorry to be the one to tell you user but you are extremely autistic.
maybe just let other people be who they are instead of trying to pick apart their personalities because it doesn't jive with whatever gap you are using them to fill in yourself.
you might learn something about what it is to be a real human being one day
Be careful user, tax evasion always catches up to people, no matter who they are
I know, I just wish to be high brow even if it means sacrificing fun
Don't be sad user