*does nothing*

*does nothing*

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Other urls found in this thread:


>doesn't respond to epiccuck
>insta win
Why Gaben is a hacker in this game?


*buys unusual hats*


>does absolutely nothing
>enemies self-destruct

my king...

*dies from obesity related diseases*

I do think about once every five or so years what Steam will become once Gabe bites the dust. He's only getting older.


skullfucking is my fetish

Half life 3

Fucking oath i'm seething, when that fat fuck kicks it and Steam is sold off wholesale to Chinks or whoever Steam is fucked.

*makes your favourite game egs exclusive*

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Stop breaking my remotes you cunt

Steam is shit, but i don't want to donate to the Chinese Communist Party.

... he is growing stronger ...


>saves pc gaming with helping out cute devs like Rebecca
>Does nothing expect squeezing out dota and selling it to china

Attached: gaben valve over time.png (1698x586, 1.4M)

*talks about how he made Doom again*

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Sometimes the best move is to not move at all.

Honestly I think he is doing a good thing for the industry, so many gamers have zero ability to wait these days and have to buy a game at launch. He is teaching them to wait a year for games. That's a really good thing for consumers.

*sucks a cock that was fucking his asshole bareback 10 seconds ago*

Attached: CliffyB_at_GDC_2016_(25846174186)_(cropped).jpg (220x239, 14K)

>Steam Machines flopped
>Steam Link flopped
>Steam Controller flopped
>Artifact flopped
>Valve Index flopped
He needs to retire.

my favorite game is halo though!


>4 months left of 2019
>still nothing about the FLAGSHIP VR TITLE COMING IN 2019

that was epic... epic for the win

*brain shrinks due to porn consumption*

Except looking damn fine, am I right, fellow gamers?

>HL3 is a vr title

Please someone post the shifty dog.

>Tens of thousands of fans back game on Kickstarter on the simple promise that it will be on steam.
>They fund the game and make it possible to exist in the first place.
>Months from release, has been promising a steam copy for years, even has a steam store page
>This guy swoops in at the last seconds and buys exclusivity rights full knowing best fucking over the most hardcore loyal fans that even made it possible, who put tremendous trust into the project on nothing but good will and the word of a man.
>Goes so far as to blame every possible thing but himself, including Valve, for his actions motivated purely by greed and complete disregard for the consumer.

How is he the good guy, again? In fact how is he anything besides the most shrewd businessman in gaming who gives ZERO fucks about the consumer? (He's on record saying that customers don't matter, it's developers who will make his platform succeed, and customers are the least important of his concerns)

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BMS is about to drop and drive up half-life interest again. They are in a position where they don't even have to do anything and their biggest old IP gets a sales bump. Why would they do anything?

the fuck is bms

Gaben's based Napoleon strategy against epicgame.

Attached: 62c76b1ea944c3ad3b6dbb50575c411b.jpg (458x280, 26K)

>unfollow me if your a drumpf supporter

mirin gabes forearms desu

Attached: 1482533444100.jpg (576x575, 55K)

*data mines your PC specs to the Chinese.*

>still thinking he's fat
It's not 2008 anymore

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Wasn't his son making a game that was Varg tier of evropean heritage autism?

This is why you NEVER back any games on Kickstarter or crowd funding sites.

Nerves strucked

>asks a meme question
This is why no one takes you seriouslly.

>doesn't catch the irony of that post
this is your brain after sucking Gabe's dick

>and thats a good thing

What irony?

months left of 2019

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*give money to devs to make the bge*

Attached: 1564662680723.jpg (328x319, 21K)

I'm sorry, wasn't his son making a video-game? Is there any info on it?

*sells your data to the Chinese*

>epic buys exclusivity
>steam never does

Explain the irony

Oh wait, you're talking out of your ass


>muh Half Life 3

You fucking idiots do realise Valve is now Valve in name only right?

Eveyone left years ago

heavy breathing

To be fair, this was a completely new and unexpected way to fuck the fans. It's one thing if it came out and sucked or if the project failed, then you would have no one to blame but yourself, but this is the first time an outside force comes in to fuck the backers this hard. Now everyone knows. Now no one will trust Kickstarter ever again.

He's just busy living his life watching his team develop Steam VR, making hardware for it, and then making jokes about half life 3
Source 2 SDK never
next big game to mod in Source 2 never
Orange Box 2 never

My favorite game is already out, you can't make something exclusive that was already released.

Attached: kWdcbdE.png (1268x1186, 233K)

Read that post again slowly, and get Gabe's dick out of you mouth so you can focus.

Explain the irony. Oh wait, you literally can't because there is none.

I don't think it understand what that word means. Get out of here and don't post again so you don't end up embarrassing yourself in front of everyone again. Now let me do my victory dance

Attached: arle.png (1024x1024, 267K)

Man valve has to be the most unprofessional company in vidya.

If this were any other industry theyd be laughing stocks over false and constant delays.

I'm loving the fact that Yea Forums is slowly waking up to the fact that Gaben is a shit man and Valve is a shit company.

No one is denying that, you illiterate fuck. The competition is just that bad that he looks like a saint in comparision.

>No one is denying that, you illiterate fuck
lol hey there newfag, you missed the years where Yea Forums had regular valve-cock-sucking threads and unironically sent cards to Gabe where they thanked him for fucking them in the ass.
In a way, Yea Forums is one of the reasons Valve is shit.

>The competition is just that bad that he looks like a saint in comparision.
In what way? Humor me.

I hate to be that guy that always explain the joke but since you only have double digits IQ, I guess I have too. "Tim is a good guy" is an ironic statement because EGS is making peoples wait for a year for a steam release. Tim is a good guy for making peoples wait....


>In what way? Humor me.
You want me to repeat for the millionth time the things discussed even in this very thread?

Not feeling it

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But you are fine posting a smug anime girl for the millionth time, huh?
Carry on then, drone. Papa Gabe needs mo money for dem """"upcoming"""" games.

But you are stil fat and lazy Gabe.

Confirmed shill. Try not to tip your hand that early if you're going to sealion.

i think he's more inspired by scipio africanus strategy of denying his enemy a direct confrontation

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It used to be you werent sure if you were going to get a completed game, now you have to worry about it being swooped up by a big studio and raped to all.....wait this happened before.

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Confirmed retard. Try not to suck so much smegma next time you argue with me.

That was my first post, so nice irony.

It was supposed to be the System Shock version 1984/Brave New World and called "SomaShock" but instead we got yet another shitty early access survival crap.

Your first post was something about defending Le Gaben from the meanie developers that hurt Valve :(, so nice mental deficiency

>video games? what are those? you mean the things people sell on Steam?

*does nothing*
*makes a billion in that second of nothing*

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>these things, they take time.


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do you think they'll triple dip for rdr2?

>*sells your data to the Chinese*
Every service you use already does that. From your OS to your email.

Charles V

more like quadruple dip
>PC Version
>PS5/NeXtbox version
>Switch Pro Version
>Streaming version

His son is a legit chad nowadays. To think that he was once a fedora-tier neckbeard back in mid 2000s

It's dead.

Gabe is powerfat and axel presses trucks in his spare time

Thanks for paying for my pirated game Tim!

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i love him

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