Travis Strikes Again is coming to Steam

Uh... What? Thought it was a Switch exclusive... Is No More Heroes 3 coming too???

Attached: PkzX5PC.png (960x693, 965K)

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That is pretty weird, maybe because the game didn't do too great? I'd have thought Nintendo would keep their license pretty close.

Did this game even come out? I don't even remember


Would NHM1/2 work with just a control? Weren't the games entirely wii-mote based or something


who even cares what is this game even

Thank God NISA didn't taint this port, what they did to the other suda pc ports almost makes them unplayable

yes after one year switch exclusivity

The game is really good, nintendo did censor a few things and one of the songs in the dlc censor out nigga which is p funny

I don't know. TSA only was exclusive from January to October.

No, the first one on the Wii was ported to the PS3 and worked easily with a controller, while the second one on the Wii was compatible with the classic controller.

All of the inputs can just be done on the left analog.

*right analog. Fuck.

>Fifty-One Ice

Attached: kemonitom.jpg (480x480, 30K)

Suda has never made a good game.

pics or it didnt

>have trouble emulating 1 on ps3
>don't own a wii or a wiimote
>now i'll probably be able to play it on steam

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>SUDA51 betrays his fans once again

They are entirely playable but slightly less fun. That's why NMH is one of the only game with motion controls where I've ever liked the motion controls, it's NOT entirely based on them. They are used only for the inputs of killing blows (and wrestling moves but those motions kind of suck). Time slows down for a split second when you get an enemy to no HP, a directional arrow appears on the screen and you swing the wiimote in that direction killing anyone it crosses in an unrealistic fountain of blood. It's so fucking satisfying but at the same time you aren't constantly flailing your wrist like you are when you play say Twilight Princess since in that game every swing requires a motion control input.

The only betrayal here is that he didn't release NMH first.

>another shitty game is coming to Steam
wow...great news, now the sudafags will flood PC too

DaemonXMachina is next.

This was announced like 2 months ago, you incels

nmh was aways shit just give me fsr steam port/remaster already

I was so disappointed when the reveal was TSA for other consoles.

The game's good, so I hope the other players have fun, though.

>now the sudafags will flood PC too
What does this even mean retard?

>maybe because the game didn't do too great?
I'm willing to bet the game did well within its expected sales. It's mega niche and the advertising wasn't that great. Word of mouth might have helped.

God i fucking hope so.
Game looks fun but the switch is the worst platform for fast paced busy mecha battles, the demo had an abysmal performance.

Well, Suda brought The Silver Case to steam. Seems like he's really on that train. Hope it works out for the company. I'd like to see all of their games easily accessible, including shit like Diabolical Pitch or their PS2 games nobody has heard of.

Attached: tower of barbs.jpg (1920x1080, 611K)

They showed that some cutscenes were softened for the Switch version due to Nintendo's counseling. Search for director's cuts shown on Momocon.

As you can see, it's very slight stuff.

That sudafags are obnoxious cocksuckers that like mediocre games not for their gameplay but for their "style" and constantly hail Suda like some kind of messiah of bad games.

Why is there always a rollercoaster on these things?

I don't know. Beats trying to fit the rollercoaster in your cupboard.

Fair enough.

Enjoy the scraps. Beggars can't be choosers.

Can I have NMH 1 with controller support instead?

>here, start this franchise with a shitty spinoff game
lol what is he thinking

>a shitty spinoff game

I wonder if Marvelous could port Muramasa Rebirth to other platforms.

It's very likely.
DxM is published by marvelous in japan, same deal as octopath with square enix, and if we get TSA on steam, i don 't see why we wouldn't get DxM.

this but unironically

>That shadows of the damned tease
They're gonna remaster that shit aren't they?

>Game has an extensive section of how the development of the game went fucked and its original creator losing her sanity with an EA executive getting beaten down and the original fake name of the title is smothered in shit to boot
>They're gonna remaster that shit aren't they?

Bayonetta 2 is next

Flower, Sun and Rain remaster when

Doesn't look like it, but that would be good.

Huh? What the heck are you talking about?

Have you played TSA?

No i don't own as switch. That's why i'm waiting for TSA on PC

Whoops, sorry. I thought you did and just misread the game. The "SotD tease" is sort of an autobiographical winding off of the issues with development with that game.

It was never toted as an exclusive, but the physical release is exclusive to Switch since that was distributed by Nintendo.

TSA also going to ps4. NMH3 confirmed timed.

Pretty much if Marvelous still distributes.

He outright said it in an interview

Very nice for PC/PS4 owners, hope the game's good enough for the shitposting the non-exclusivity will eventually bring. The TSA one was almost unbearable.

Only because switch users flaunted the game around as a victory instead of just talking about the game. So of course there is backlash. Same with P5 not going to switch after joker got in smash.

>people who play TSA on PC must not have played any other games in this series because they're not on PC
>unlike the people who played TSA on Switch, which has neither NMH1 or NMH2
he's probably thinking that most people aren't platform loyalists, or he's just aware that you've been able to emulate Wii games for eons.

>this thread again
It's been coming to PC and PS4 for a couple of months now, do you not pay attention or are you just consolewarfagging

It's a return to form for the writing of the series and the combat is the most complex it's ever been