Epic decides what games will get money and what ones won't

>Epic decides what games will get money and what ones won't
And this is the problem. This is not a free working market anymore since Epic can decide what games and studios have a future, rather than the consumers. This is communistic, but you have to pay for it.

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>but you have to pay for it
But I don't have to pay a penny thanks to Tim who already paid my copy.

Until your favorite multiplayer game becomes Epic exclusive.

Jokes on you, I don't play multiplayer shit.

>multiplayer game
sounds like your problem

>Epic can decide what games and studios have a future, rather than the consumers.

Consumers are retards

Reminder Blade Runner and 2049 flopped at the box office - based freedom of choice!

That's what "exclusives" mean you dumb fuck, did you expect something else?
MS, Nintendo and Snoy are doing the same thing for decades

Came here to post this.

If nothing else, the EGS bullshit going on definitely exposes PC gamers as cumbrains.

Exclusivity deals never meant "we'll offer a minimum of sales, meaning the game will have the success numbers out of the getgo as well as you getting the money instantly." If a console exclusive game didn't sell well the numbers would be low and the game would be a flop.

MS, Nintendo and Sony and multitudes other publisher invest into MAKING GAMES.
They did not pay an already finished game to you fucking nigger shills.
There is a fucking risk that said investment could fail.

Also these sort of shit only happens in consolefaggotary, PC is not the space for it.

they are basically funding games, again as console manufactures do

>multiplayer on EGS
there's a reason why there aren't many games, their server infrastructure isn't the same as for fortnite, it's shitty as fuck

Funding games is not the same as guaranteeing sales. The first can result into a loss if it's bad, the latter is an instant success without effort.

Multiplayer servers aren't hosted by EGS and neither is game invitations.

>Hades is EGS exclusive
>EA game
>epic gives them money and time to develop the title
how it's not an investment into game making?

Firstly, what this guy said. Secondly, Epic bringing console war cancer to the PC market is not a good thing at all.

never said it's a good thing you moron
>guaranteed sales
so just the money? It's the same

Since fucking when EA have anything to do with Hades?

>Oh, look, its a daily steamdrone cope thread.

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>the game won't fail
Is he retarded? If the game doesn't sell, there won't be another deal and the studio will be out of work

Not just the money. Investments aren't as big as let's say a million copies sold. But Epic also boasts the games being a success due to the "sales numbers" that they paid for.

>op talking about the impact of guaranteed sales

You're the first to ever mention it, imagine that.

So putting up a blindfold for their next release, making the devs think they actually did a decent job while it'd be a total flop is a good thing?

Look another desperate cope attempt, daily reminder Yea Forums is now epicpilled, tranny

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>playing multiplayer shit
Multiplayer is literally a sign not to buy the game though maybe excluding FPS games.

Retard, they literally pay for the development entirely before it even began, or made it in conjunction, not bought an already being made game.

early access you retard

Not a single mention of Steam. We were discussing Epic's impact on the industry, a topic Tim Sweeney likes to talk about. Epic shill force has engaged.

And this mattered for who exactly?

Hades being used against Steam is hilarious for a multitude of reasons.
>Supergiant literally got it's big break on Steam
>Hades is by far Supergiant's weakest game
>Transistor and Bastion are amazing but already on Steam and Pyre while a cool game is a niche genre that isn't a system seller for most people

so what? MS and Sony buys "timed exclusivity" on their platforms too.
A lot of games come out later on PC after consoles and guess why it's like that?

>Giving Indies money, so they can make good games without caring about colossal steamfaggots
>Somehow bad
It's a steam drone cope thread

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>not-communist party decides what is best for people
lol the irony

i love beijing tiananmen

I usually pirate those games, good riddance to that.

nigger nobody think of early access when you fucking type EA.

I like Hades more than their other games.
I also pirated all of them so I'm unbiased

This matters because someone else than the fans of the game and the original creators of the game, can decide what kind of games will come out and what is in them, even worse than a publisher's grasp because they can boast what they want as good.

why other people actually understood what I was saying then you dumb faggotlord

I love when clueless retards on Yea Forums share their opinions about things they don't know or understand shit about.
What a fucking idiot.

Because that is the nature of multi platform, and guess what, everybody thinks its shit.
Now Epic trying to fucking divide a singe fucking platform, which is even worse shit than that.

Hades is a pathetically cookie cutter game they made compared to everything else. It's not a bad game, but nothing about it is unique
>procedurally generated roguelike
>vs Sports VN RPG or a game built around a narrator

show me where " someone else can decide what kind of games will come out and what is in them" was that said?

You fags are seething because Epic is opposing the Steam monopoly

>the game won't fail
>nobody play your shitty game
>but we got moniz so it's a success

i thought the purpose of a game was to be played, not just making profit. those guys should stick to /biz/

So there's two of you zoomer retard out there.

you're the only one who doesn't know what Hades or EA are you fucking nigger. Shut the fuck up already

>Steam drone
>Hates china
>Hates communism
>But desperately shilling for a "one store system"
Why are steam drones sub 80iq

Alright explain, supposedly not-clueless retard on Yea Forums.
They guarantee games that were going to be flops to continue their work.


>favorite multiplayer game

Reminder that this dev is milking them lefties money on patreon with a 5 figures pledge per month using brownie and leftist talking points.

>get guarantee on sales
>nobody will buy it because its enslaved to a store nobody wants to use

>he's an anti social fag without any friends

I know hades, but I haven't seen anybody in Yea Forums use EA as abbreviation for early access.
We all know EA as the fucking big fucking video games company that exist before the shitty early access practice ever exist and before you were born.

Is that a girl or a """girl"""?

>They guarantee games that were going to be flops to continue their work
literally there is nothing that implies that. Guaranteed sales is just money and that's all.
You could say "they pay money for timed exclusives like on consoles" and it would be the same thing.

pyre is their worst game
the sportsball game is absurdly bare bones

lurk more

More like Blunderland lulz roasted headshot rampage killing spree

>tencent bot shitposting image
>made in SFM

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Bladerunner flopped because it was butchered in editing.

i use ea for early access all of the time
you should be able to tell from context what ea stands for

Get the fuck out of here epic shills.
God fucking dammit, I'll take the cummdrain shitposter over these poor fucking niggers on welfare.

Industry used EAR as abbreviation for early access, not ea.
Change it to EAR you fucking zoomer.

why are people so afraid of multiplayer now? it's a meme that even normalfags parrot now about how much they love single player games. i mean, AAA single player has been ruined since like last gen when TLoU came out. don't tell me you actually play those

>game dev gets sales paid for by epic
>game dev is looking for publishers
>publisher sees their sales record and thinks that this is what the market wants
>publisher funds a similarly bad game
>other devs try to make similar games because that first one seemed to be a huge success
It's literally lying while you know you're lying, exactly what the USSR did, meanwhile everyone suffers.

>Like clockwork

learn how to read you 80 iq chimpanzee
look how many posts you've made because you are too stupid to read and think it's someone else's problem

The best FPS games are primarily single-player anyway

More like
>Mainstream forces you to make dogshit
>You don't make dogshit anymore because you get help and make some independent stuff (that's the reason why the call them Indies)
But sure you can play your 1999. Porn hentai bait on steam

>implying publisher is stupid enough to not know what epic is doing
you're overthinking or bending shit to fit your narrative.

we call them indies when they receive capital in exchange for exclusive distribution rights~~~~

I dislike weebshit. Try again.

If were talking about context the kid is replying to my post regarding publishing and investment.
Of course I would think of EA game in that situation.

Also useing EA as an abbreviation to early access is the epitome of zoomer shit.
Stop doing that.

>no matter what, the game won't fail
Is that a good thing?

no the context is a greentext in which the poster was discussing hades, a game that is in early access and has nothing to do with electronic arts
you need to never post on this website again

It's not a good thing if it's going to be bad games. And who decides what games are bad here? Not you, nor the consumers nor fanbases.

true communism would be paying the devs and releasing it everywhere possible, possibly for free

this is the worst amalgamation of communism and capitalism combined

no for epic's shareholders, but otherwise who really cares

Thanks for saying what I said, I never said this was communism, I stated that this was communistic.

You're the retard who just jumped in midway through other people reply.
Stop fucking doing that if you're not gonna bother following the reply chain to understood the conversation.

>My distribution rights
>But wait it's a free store
Why are you guys sub 80iq ?

true communism would be the game is in a gay magical warehouse with everything else produced, and people would access the game as needed. since the game looks like garbage that would be never

Those "guaranteed sales" count as a loss for Epic. They are the ones that could lose some money, not developers, which now are able to make another game thanks to not being broke because of Epic's support

It's like having a shitpiss smoothie. Or applebees!

It's funnier because epic is taking a loss on something while the devs say stuff like this.
Yes, as devs, you've earned more than you expected to from this game. But as a store, Epic is looking at a hole that they need to fill, which likely won't.

Yes, they get to make (at least) two shitty games because of Epic.

If you have to pre-sale your game to the people who are going to sell it on their platform you're putting it on, that means your game failed because it could never have made those original sales on their own.

Or am I just retarded and understand nothing about product value?

your post is an unintelligible non sequitur

the only person that doesn't understand the conversation is you, and it's because you are an illiterate retard that can only communicate in buzzwords

>Insert-Company-Name-Here gets to decide who they give their money to and its up to the other company to accept the offer or not
Woah, what a shocking revelation.

you won't be able to play it anyway. multiplayer communities have a hard enough time staying alive on steam, letalone a platform nobody actually uses.

epic is trying to loss lead their way to marketshare, but then they just pick random garbage

>Steam monopoly
>GoG, Uplay, Original, Green Man Gaming, etc already exist for years

Multiplayer games are fucking shit, you either hop onto the bandwagon or you're stuck with empty servers.

Enjoy buying the hot new multiplayer game that will be dead in a year or two.

>didn't mention torrents

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good thing the only multiplayer game i play is a valve game

>First game gets guaranteed sales only
>This is a flop for Epic and the actual market
>Devs know this doesn't count as successful since Epic wouldn't want to support it again, or maybe they want ro impose conditions beforehand
>Devs learn from their mistakes, improving based on critics and player feedback
>Some other smaller publisher is willing to take the risk now based on the franchise's mild popularity thanks to Epic's marketing
>Overall better game is made

You know what the actual problem is? You are not the target audience. We could debate for hours what it means for a game to be "shit". For the market, tons of shit sell well, and encourages the industry as a whole to grow. Small indie devs actually benefit from this. Lower budget, higher quality content for smaller audiences, but overall improving at a lower pace. Wouldn't work other way.

>EDF 5 and MHGU become epic eclusive
I'd like to see them try.

It's supposed to be insurance for taking a bet on Epic. It's also not stating that the game while fail, but that in case it fails you will get this guarantee. The real point is to get paid by Epic to bolster their portfolio as a store. That's what the game becomes, a service on the behalf of Epic.

The thing is, this guarantee of sales is totally public knowledge. That means if I'm a publisher I'm going to wait and see if this game ever breaks the number of sales set in the guarantee before determining that this is what the market wants.

I mean, sure, if someone can build a predictable model around what Epic will buy, because right now in this context Epic is just a very big customer. The source of that success is relevant to these kinds of business decisions.

Jesus I'm so burned out by this outrage I start to see gamers as muslims now, and I'll find immense satisfaction buying things on the Epic store when it was just meh at the time, thinking about steamcels tears. It's fucking tribalism you're acting like animals and I need not to forget that every time something like that happens it's just a vocal minority sperging out.

Dumb frogposter.

>devs learn from their mistakes, improving based on critics and player feedback
>too bad Epic already lost their investment and won't be fooled again
>in the end no game is made
#wow #whoa

Lmao, way to out yourself as a newfag

More and more indie games will become Epic bait, trying to get adopted as Epic exclusive so that they'll make their money back and then some. It's going to be a new trend, you'll see.

My favorite what?

It's no big deal, I'll just pirate a few million copies so they go broke.

>and I'll find immense satisfaction buying things on the Epic store when it was just meh at the time, thinking about steamcels tears


>no matter what, the game won't fail.
Only from a financial perspective, though. I'm assuming they made the game in the hope it'd be played by people.

It's good in the immediate short term because you get your money anyways, but terrible if you have any plans on making anything past that game because Epic isn't going to be making these deals with you forever, and going to EGS at this point already guarantees most of the PC fanbase is going to never buy from you again.

We're getting to the point where people announcing they AREN'T going to be Epic exclusive is a huge selling point and hyper builder.

>Devs learn from their mistakes
These are the same devs who are crying about how it's dumb that people are complaining about this Epic store because global warming exists.
They are absolutely not going to learn a damn thing, and they won't be able to hear any criticism with how far they have their heads shoved up their own ass.

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May be the case for these specific devs, but I'm talking about most of them, and to me, any developer team that isn't completely full of retards and financed by some other bunch of wackos, it makes perfect sense to listen to critics at least a bit. Doesn't matter if it's for fundamental reasons or just simple profit, you want client feedback

Epic is now bailing out shit games that should have failed. They're cancer in every respect. I hope Tim Sweeney is violently destroyed

Unfortunately the odds of the team being full of braindead fucktards can increase quite a bit for indie games like this when it's made by enough people you can count them on one hand.

The devs for this game are already damage controlling the lack of a shopping cart on Epic, it's fucking hilarious.

I've been calling this shit since day one. Epic is literally funding mediocrity.

They're enabling devs to be complacent pieces of shit because they have safety net to fall back on.


id be really sad as a dev to put my heart in the game and in the end the whole playerbase would be 1000 people.
sure thered be money, but nobody would ever talk about the game

>and in the end the whole playerbase would be 1000 people
No one would need to know.

EGS doesn't have a player number tracker after all.

>"The game sold millionbillions in the first three days!" -Epic

Epic goy store is not a gaming console, you retard. It's a goddamn online store, and a poor one at that.

>but you have to pay for it.
I'm not paying for shit that's EGS exclusive. Not now or ever.

The biggest "argument" is that Hades is pretty much inexistant for people who casually follow the studio. I bought day one all supergiant games, and I didn't know they released Hades, at all, until I saw it on sale on the EGS.

Supergiant and Klei are actually trying to be as smart as possible with their Epic deal. They pretty much just made their games only exclusive to the EGS during it's Early Access stage. Then they promised to release it on Steam/GOG once the full release happens.

Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit anyway"? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear for what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?

Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?

If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.

Steam drones really sad and pathetic

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This thread is not about these games. Stop shilling, no one mentioned Steam other than Epic shills.