>character is constantly described as “tall”
>only 5 feet 7 inches
Character is constantly described as “tall”
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinks are short.
5'7 is the perfect height for a woman I'm the perfect height for a woman
I hope you have started HRT
Nah I've been lifting.
Country Average male height Average female height
Italy - South 174.2 cm (5' 8.0") 160.8 cm (5' 3.3")
Japan 171.2 cm (5' 7.4") 158.8 cm (5' 2.6")
Korea, South 175.26 cm (5' 9") 162.56 cm (5' 4")
by japanese standards 5 foot 7 inch is tall
>no girl has never been attracted to me in my entire life
I'd rather be a manlet desu, you live longer and get ripped quicker.
tall girls are olev
Slants are short af dude, what did you expect?
when you tower over your older sisters that are just 4'3, you are tall
>tiny veiled cumbrain thread
stop cumbraining the thread and focus on the actual topic
Pee pee head
>5'5'' (167cm)
is this the new "have sex" or something
>She's taller than me
Japaneses women rarely gets over 5'0"
Theres manlet and then there's just normal dude. Your height is abnormal my guy. Yeah sort of tall is saught after but every inch past 6' is just making you cringe level tall lanky goon
Quazimodo predicted this
>tfw 180cm
>feel pretty good until learning that Statham is 178
don't be jealous, user
lanky with wide shoulders is priority before ripped manlet, it's always been
To be fair, even he acknowledges early in Heaven's Feel that he's not that tall.
Yeah, and the cut off for normal is 6'. Anything below is manlet tier if you're white.
He becomes like 6 foot once he hits 18
It's the new "cut off your dick and join us trannies".
He grows to be a chad after puberty hits him harder.
I don't remember how tall he gets (don't think Archer is a good measure) but he's at least 180, if not taller, by the time HF true end rolls around.
Goddamn i love naked apron
Saeko is perfection.
Well Archer is 187cm, so around 6'2
*huff* *huff* *huff* *huff* *huff*
>wanting to be a manlet
never ever going to make it, speed up your eventual suicide
It is, people are just throwing a bitchfit about any erotic content that doesn't appeal to them:
I only just noticed this earlier today. What the fuck, man.
That's pretty average for women where I live
Still taller than me though
Maybe it's mistranslated. In original Japanese it probably says something like "top-tier" or "the best".
So, basically, you're either exactly 6' or you suck?
They're not real people cumbrain.
is this the blogpost containment thread where everyone posts their height and the insecure bitch about how everyone is faking it?
>tfw 1.80m manlet and I tower above most jap protagonists