Which Max Payne is your favorite and why?
Which Max Payne is your favorite and why?
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2, because I love the setting and writing the most out of all the Paynes. It feels the most somber and mysterious whereas 1 is relatively straightforward. I think they're all excellent though.
The third one by virtue of TECHNOLOGY alone. Story is better in the first two. All three are great and worth replaying.
1st because it's actually fun
Yeah 2 is the best. Feels like your a playing a proper nior film
1st just because I like to look at Sam lakes face.
1 because I played it as a child and was blown away and I love the crack den levels and snowy New York. It was just perfect. I play it everytime there's a blizzard
I like 3 because i love cynical drunks
1 because that one is actually good.
What good is all that technology when the shooting is shallow and the game sucks to play?
1. 2 is too fucking short. Shit's like 4 hours long.
max payne had revolutionary slow motion technology. what did mp3 do to leave a lasting impact on the tps genre?
2. 3 has too many god damn cut-scenes to be fun and the story is typical rockstar laziness lifted from movies.
Don't forget the real time bullet physics, which MP3 lacks. MP3 is a step backwards in every way except presentation.
the first one
2 and 3 have parts where they do good and parts they don't do so well (for example, 3 has the best gameplay in the series but the story is pretty weak), and i feel like the first game just does everything very well
also i like the facial expressions
the one where WHACK
1, because nostalgia and dope atmosphere. 2 was also good, but I didn't enjoy it as much. 3 was fun but I don't even remember if I finished it or not.
i played a fuckton of 2 as a children so i guess that one
max payne 3 would've been okay if not for the dogshit writing and rockstar completely changing max's character
The third, because I also am an opiate abusing depressive.
>as a children
good thing you're self aware about your weight
the 3rd and it's not even close. always thought the first couple games were pretty overrated.
best max: MP1
best game: MP2
worst everything: MP3
Good taste lads
1 by far. it has the best gameplay and levels
2 and 3 are still good though. 2 had a great story and 3 is entertaining
The first one
I like all three. They each have very different highs and lows but I find that it makes the whole series more replayable overall
I disagree, when I speak about Technology I mean little practically insignificant things like how Max holds a rifle in his offhand. Or diving into a wall and actually smashing Max's head thus ending bullet time instead of just clipping through it like in the first two. I am a sucker for minor details. Also I felt like the actual shooting in three was very satisfying. It was a rare instance where I relished dying because it meant I got to dive around like an idiot guns blazing again until I perfected that encounter. Like I was inferring though it isn't without its flaws. STILL LOADING and the first three chapters are garbage with more cutscenes than gameplay.
I played 1 and 2 for the first time back to back last month, I played 3 back when it came out but due for a replay because I played it on console.
2 is the best one, 3 plays great but I still have no clue what the fuck was going on in the story, 1 has great atmosphere and the shooting is solid but the bullet time is awkwardly implemented and is a bit all over the place narratively in my opinion, plus those fucking nightmare levels. 2 has better shooting, solid levels, a cohesive narrative and doesn't drag out it's playtime
Unironically 3
>he never played 3 while high
that's why you chose wrong
>'while high'
>not 'while drunk'
Fuckin pleb
seriously though I lost count of how many times I beat the game while both stoned and drunk. I think I actually have a problem
>I think I actually have a problem
no, you don't. if you did it would be impossible to question if you do or don't have a problem. so don't let it get to that point.
>1 has the most love put into it, great easter eggs and levels
>2 has a great stiry and mods
>3 has the best gameplay and a fun multiplayer
Honestly they're all good and worth playing
It's already at that point homie.
Although it's really not all that bad, getting drunk and stoned everyday and replaying great single-player games isn't all that bad.
>It's already at that point homie.
there's always lower, but unless you're waking up every morning and shaking so bad it's an ordeal just to pick up a drink to get a few shots in you then you're not in the rabbit hole yet.
if you are; well, cheers, user.
1 of course. 2 was a bit campy. 3 is just trash.
Is the multiplayer in MP3 still active on PC? I'm thinking of downloading it for that.
2. 3 was more cutscenes than gameplay.
I'm honestly not that far off, I wake up feeling like shit every morning until I start drinking. Shakes don't really set in yet unless I've gone a full day without the shit. But I really do need to get my shit together and ween myself off the crap
>dont like the look of that mast
>I disagree, when I speak about Technology I mean little practically insignificant things like how Max holds a rifle in his offhand. Or diving into a wall and actually smashing Max's head thus ending bullet time instead of just clipping through it like in the first two.
Max Payne never clipped through walls. And MP2 has an excellent implementation of Havok physics.
What does MP3 even add to the series, besides atrocious dialogue and shitty aiming mechanics?
That's just roleplaying. Getting into the right Max mindset.
The first one is just an all around enjoyable experience. The shooting might be the worst compared to the others, the bullets seem to travel kind of slowly and it's very easy to die but I think anyone could finish the game just fine with room to improve and beat the New York Minute mode too. The story was great and felt fun, funny, tragic, and dramatic while being self-contained. The lack of music and the genius improvised comic style panels really help to drive home the noir feeling. It's just one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again. I'm a weirdo and I like old graphic limitations and styles, so for me that's a bonus. The setting was also the best with the blizzard. MP 2 was a great game still but I felt less engaged in the story and ironically it felt like the lessened limitations only worked to showcase Remedy's flaws as game makers, but I will still say that it is a mechanically sound and fun game. 3 just doesn't do it for me. I still think they should have kept Sam Lake as the face model for Max but it was probably hard for him to do the job of animated actor as the tech got more convincing.
Well I'd be lying if I didn't admit that getting drunk didn't make the game much better
yeah, you're getting close. tapering works well to get back to normal, but it takes some time. going cold turkey works fairly quickly, but it can be a big risk. thankfully I've never had a seizure, but I don't want to press my luck any longer.
This was obviously meant for OP, but sometimes I just fuck up you know
Cold turkey seems like hell, I can't do it. Then again when I try to ween myself I still just end up getting drunk. Shit sucks.
Really the main problem with me quitting drinking is that I'm scared that I'm not gonna be able to enjoy vidya anymore
1 is the best
3 is also good but too tainted by cinematic shit and Rockstar writing.
2 I barely even remember anything of.
Tough choice because i love all three games but first one is my favorite
I sank more hours in MP2 though but first one is like 10/10 while MP2 and MP3 are 9.5/10
first two games felt like borderline horror at times, third one was more like an action movie which isn't bad it's just not as memorable
Did 3 have any wacky hidden stuff like mafia rats?
All of them are pretty good in my opinion
One is unironically and literally a "classic" in like 50 years when they look back at history of vidya i think Max Payne will be recognised as significant. Just a comfy atmospheric story, I replay it every year around dec-feb for that cosy winter vibe it just feels incredible staying one step ahead of the heat to bring justice to Max family.
two is just an all round good addition to the first, the sense of mystery and foreboding is incredible and the gameplay is a straight upgrade. I liked the femme fatale Mona Sax addition and that Vlad dearest of all your friends was the villain.
three is good, I'd rather play the first two but i'm not in the camp that thinks it's shit because it's in brazil, I actually like where the plot goes and it ends up pretty dark the nice contrast between the sunlit paradise that the rich live in and the favelas where people are being kidnapped for organ harvesting actually works pretty good because of the setting. It could have been a new franchise and i feel people wouldn't have complained as by itself was strong but dissapointing to many like myself that wanted another hard boiled new york story. Does have a good ending for max though and probably the best music, you can't tell me that last airport level was hype as fuck youtube.com
3 because of the godlike gameplay followed by 1
Sam is Max Payne my dude and no one can change that
1st one
was playing it on my older cousin's "beige" computer
shit was so fucking cash
these rooms with drugs and porn on the floor where engraved into my brain
remember talking about that game to my friends at school of how hardcore it is
fun side story
years later max payne is on android
3-4 years back
i show it to my cousin
he doesnt remember : /
well, he's 40+
i like 2 best because i only ever watched my friend play 1 because i didnt have a pc as a kid and i dont even remember most of 3. i played 2 a lot. it has great voice acting and lots of memorable lines.
I only played the first 2 and the first is my favorite.
1's gameplay is amazing, I don't know what the hell people see in 3's gameplay which just devolved the gameplay into headshots galore.
1 > 3 > 2
And Film Noir Max > Brazilian Bodyguard Max
>Zoomers answering 3
>I try to ween myself I still just end up getting drunk.
yup if you do that, you're basically starting again for the most part.
I think cold turkey is easier because it's shorter, but I can't do it unless I have 2-3 days of having to do literally nothing. just sitting in bed, sweating, going from freezing to burning up, not sleeping, and trying your hardest to keep down what little you can manage. good luck, just finished my drink and now I'm off to work.
Aside from the "IT HAS SUN AND BRIGHT COLORS THEREFORE IT'S NOT FILM NOIR" meme which is obviously false since first of all, Max Payne never was film noir (the first game literally called itself a playable John Woo film, which is Heroic Bloodshed so action movies who dip into film noir) and second of all there are enough sunny film noir movies, it has the best gunplay and dialogue of all three games. The only thing it does worse than his predecessors are the constant cut scenes which make multiple playthroughs a pain in the ass.
anyone looking forward to Control?
Ok a bit less based
1 and then 2.
2 has the best narrative.
3 has the best gameplay.
Gameplay wise 3, Story and atmosphere wise 1.
Best mods: 2
2. period.
3>1>2 in terms of gameplay
1>2=3 in terms of story
1=3>2 in terms of soundtrack
hell 3 could have been better if instead of that comic written by Sam Lake, we could have gotten a Story DLC that would take place inbetween 2-3 so we could have had more Jersey moments with Max
Sam Lake obviously
Never seen this. Cool.
nigga just swap shoulders lmao stupid ass
>third person camera is positioned right at the shoulder
did the person who made this image even play the game?
1 for story, 2 for gameplay. 3 is decent if I try hard to ignore the story and cutscenes. Still feels like half a game.
If Max Payne 3 had the cutscene and loading bullshit removed, and shitty Rockstar social club removed it would be top tier. But I'll stick to 2 with mods thanks, maybe dipping into 1 if I'm feeling nostalgia
theres already a mod that skips cutscenes
>2, because I love the setting and writing the most out of all the Paynes.
it has a lot of memorable parts like escorting captain baseball bat boy, traversing the fun house and explosives going off around you in the manor to name a few.
MP2 because it's got the most fun gameplay. MP1 is very close though.
Reminder that if you prefer the third entry you're a tasteless swine that insults everything Sam Lake worked and lives by. Mechanics are solid and a fair benchmark of technologies for future Rockstar blockbusters ala V and Redemption II but 3 is one if not the most retarded and bastardized entry of a saga in the whole gaming industry.
To conclude, if you enjoyed 3 more than the others you need to end your existence on this planet.
fuck the dream levels
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
A film noir love story.
Because more than anything, I wanted Max to win, more than anything I wanted Mona to survive, more than anything, I needed the alternative ending to be canon and they ruined it.. Still breaks the heart I don't have to this day.
for aiming, retard.
How did Max get away with shooting up all those dudes in the middle of NYC? How could Alfred Woden just make it all go away
2 was the best
MP3 still has hipfire retard
1 had the best story and atmosphere
2 had the best gameplay. I can honestly say that there is no other shootan game that comes close to how well-made, smooth and all-around a joy to play MP2 was. Except maybe FEAR, but that's an FPS.
However, it was way too short and lost MP1's comic book charm.
MP3... fuck, I can't say it did anything best in the series. Hell, I can't say it did anything right. Everything is seemingly made to feel clunky, out-of-place or annoying, starting from the gun limit to losing control because you banged your toe on something while dodging. The story wasn't anything special either. Not really bad, but just uninteresting.
the snowstorm was so intense and the entire city was on lockdown so nobody was outside and all of the gangs in the city had free game to wage war, Woden could have just crossed them off as gang violence
hipfire isn't as good as OTS aiming in 3, retard.
posting anime gurl, you sure showed them! retard
>all these people saying 2 has better gameplay than 1
The shotgun breaks the game to the point that there’s no challenge. There’s also significantly less variety in terms of levels and enemies.
>hipfire inst as good as OTS aiming
says you
hipefire works fucking fine in MP3, if you are so casual that you constantly use OTS thats on you
the game also hands you shitloads of explosives and has many explosive shit all over the map, add to the fact that explosives are fucking powerfull too every firefight can be over in a second
Max Payne 2 is a breeze compared to Max Payne 1 and even Max Payne 3
1 is the best without question
the enemies in 2 feel like they are made out of tissue paper and the slo mo seemed really overpower but the level where you play as both mona and max was amazing
there are no bad Max Payne games
not even the GBA version
I liked that level too for the most part I always see people complain I about it though.
1 and 2 because 1 is awesome and 2 is more of the same but even better.
3 is utter trash and shouldn't even bear the same name.
Question is, will Control be as fun? Probably not.
>3 has the best gameplay
2 is the best