What makes you instantly drop a game?

What makes you instantly drop a game?

>Stealth section in an action game

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Other urls found in this thread:


>action section in a stealth game

>Underwater section

Attached: 1497715971172.gif (500x376, 412K)

>cumbrain section


Irredeemable controls

oversexualize character.

>Cumbrain section in a video game board

This is usually worse.

>You've spent the whole game avoiding threats but now you have to use the """combat system""".

I've slogged through some really shitty games, ugly games, games that crashed every few minutes, games with insultingly bad plots.
But the only thing that has ever made me drop a game almost instantly is terrible controls.
Then again, I also love C:DDA, and play console ports with a keyboard.

Stop making up your own acronyms for shit no one but you has any idea what the fuck it is

Google results being the in the overwhelming majority in favor of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, would seem to disagree with you. I trust Google to have done its privacy intrusions well and formed these results around what people use the acronym for, so it's probably safe to say that guy was talking about the primary fucking result that highlighting and clicking "search" gives.

>Google results
Fuck you, type it out. I'm not googling acronyms all the time queer. If it's a common, well known game fine. But fucking that? Get a brain.

>Not playable offline

Attached: 11.gif (278x288, 228K)

I'm not the guy who made the post talking about C:DDA (get fucked lol). How hard is it to highlight 5 characters, right click, and MMB "search"? I bet you're the kinda fag who constantly goes, "SAUCE," without even using the integrated reverse image search options or checking the fucking title of a .webm.

>How hard is it
How hard is it to write out words? No one plays your obscure fucking gay games or understands what CDDA means faggot.

You don't even have to highlight. On Windows, you just have to doubleclick on the text.

You're on a phone, aren't you?

that's a not even start

Give me some more games to play that have prominent female characters with prominent 4-8 pack abs.

Attached: leo.png (544x1322, 692K)

cumbrainia 4 for the nintencumbraindo switch

You've probably already played it, but you can get a whole gang of musclegirls in Dragon's Dogma. Good taste, by the way.

Is that the in denial gay trap from Krek?

It's Zelda from the Legend of Mario and Luigi

>go back a few years
>nintendo makes children's games and sony is the one all the waifubait games are on
>Yea Forums loves it
>fast forward to now
>sony declares war on lewd things
>nintendo picks up their slack
>Yea Forums suddenly hates lewd things
Just kidding, anyone can see this is a blatantly obvious forced meme being spammed by Sonygaf/Retardera crossposters and not actual Yea Forumsirgins

Attached: gay_thinking.png (420x420, 28K)

>Just kidding, anyone can see this is a blatantly obvious forced meme being spammed by Sonygaf/Retardera crossposters and not actual Yea Forumsirgins
Actually, Puritanism is just making a come back since now it's backed by science AND religion.

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Me on the left.

I could always replay it. I ended up making a generic dude for my pawn because I didn't want anyone on my friends list to think I'm a weirdo, but my PC was a tall buff grill.

I made my PC a regular, slightly athletic chick and my pawn a 6' tall, dark-skinned Amazon with exposed, muscular abs. My friends already know I'm a fucking weirdo. Oh, I think you could probably play as one in Conan Exiles, though I've heard mixed things about the game and have never played it myself.

Attached: hildryn.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

What's her gimmick?

Game has turn-based combat, and isn't TTYD

No energy bar, huge Shield capacity. Her shields are her energy bar. She is also a helicopter, maybe.



I don't see how that's worse than

>You've spent the whole game facing threats head on, but now you have to use the ""stealth system"".

I shall continue to be a 'cumbrain' and enjoy myself, have fun restricting yourself from things you would enjoy but choose not to out of some advanced form of contrarianism.

Combat in a dedicated stealth game is usually way worse than stealth in a dedicated combat game

>some advanced form of contrarianism
Stealing this for future use

Attached: 1554832604737.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

>the "we're gonna take away your powers you've accumulated throughout the game" level

Attached: Oas6nbF_d.jpg (400x376, 12K)

Single player game
>Game gets fucking boring.
>Progress stops for long time.
>Almost empty big open world.

Multiplayer game
>Smurfs everywhere

>Tanks are squishy

>Lack of decent PVE/CO-OP content

>stealth and racing sections in a card game
I actually didn't drop it but the stealth was bullshit

Game has microtransactions of any kind
Game has turn-based combat
Game is being published by EA or Activision-Blizzard
Game has most of its content planned as updates/DLC to be released later

I actually like that shit.

>getting this defensive over your porn addiction
“Cumbrain” is just a joke at this faggot ass boards expense and every other off topic board for posting porn and jerking off all the time and it’s accurate

enjoying things and putting your preferences on a display in innappropriate places are two different things. there is plenty of sites and even boards on this site filled to the brim with porn for us to consume.

This. Cut your dicks off, bros.

I fucking wish that was what this was about, but what they're really advocating for is you to go out and have sex with strangers and do a bunch of drugs because apparently drugs are better than looking at anime titties

>Feminists use loopholes and mental gymnastics so they can say porn is empowering and avoid being called hypocrites for supporting porn and prostitution
>/pol/ larping as Nazis on the Eastern Front fighting 20 y/o California Liberals larping as black transexual Soviets, ends up leaning more left than half the Democrate Candidates by going against porn

I imagine people who enjoy stealth games hate it in action games since it usually stands to reason that the action version of stealth is about on par with a stealth game's version of action.

Every joke has some kind of truth behind it.

You have to dig real deep to find the truth behind one-word spam like cope and cumbrain

>game is cumbrain b8

You underestimate the power of memes.


Things like "have sex" were supposed to indicate that the person you're telling to "have sex" was only angry or frustrated because they are a nerd who never gets any sex and spends all of their time on the internet all day. Basically it implied things such as "only an incel would be mad about this" or "only an incel would like this". "Have sex" only actually got popular as an insult because people put sex on a pedestal. "Cumbrain" is meant to indicate that the person is only interested in something because it arouses them. These people are so obsessed with sex and pornography that they think about it nonstop. Basically "These people make ecchi threads on Yea Forums because they're porn/sex addicts therefore they're cumbrains"

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>falling for a roastie meme

imagine being this stupid

Wow, your "lmao" really added a lot to this discussion.

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It goes deeper than that, and almost all of it leads back to american politics. Then, the only truth you'll find are americans being fucking pathetic and trying to act like they're not wastes of oxygen by telling other people to improve themselves.

imagine believing anyone saying they're puritan

fucking Thief 4

Attached: 1553246448952.png (600x338, 123K)

Who drew that art?

So basically americans are the nation equivalent of a woman asking the entire world "you ok?"
It really does go deep

What are smurfs again? Why do people do that?

it doesn't have an action section, stop lying
you can ghost whole game through

fuck off

What are you talking about? Self-improvement is popular everywhere.

Smurfs are more experienced and more skilled players who created new accounts only to be matched with newbie players.

They do that just to pubstomp newbies and boost their egos.

Except america, which is why they've taken to acting like it's important to them rather than actually making it important.
Has america ever left the top 10 obesity bracket?

Literally no combat involved you're just running away

Obese people don't represent all of america. Most of the fat people I've seen in America were Hispanic.

literally no one said anything about combat. It's still an action sequence in the middle of a stealth game. Get btfo.

>cutscenes that strip control from the player every 3 seconds
that's not an action sequence. Every part of that that could be action was turned into a cutscene. It was essentially a light jogging simulator with jumpy music.

And yet we find ourselves awash in content contrary to the original purpose of this board even discounting the porn brought here 'innappropriately', being subjected to /pol/ material and 'e-celeb bullshit'.
If i'm going to be inundated with anything i'd like it to be big tittys, not politics and social media.

>ctrl+f cumbrain
>10 results