Fuck cumbrains
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He cute
I want to fuck a female horse
what the fuck is a cumbrain
why are you people trying to force this
what else are people like this going to do with their lives?
Because it's all memebrains have. I guess have sex got stale so they need a new brainless liner they can spam ad nauseum for the next year.
the cumchads are laughing at us bros....
Seething cumbrain.
Keep watching porn
reminds me of this
No chad would be an anime obsessed loser who does nothing but think about waifu garbage.
can i get a rundown on this new meme?
it's back ladies and gentlemen.
it's over bros.... they won....
I was worried after 10+ years of jerking it to porn constantly my dick would be ruined. When I finally got a gf and we started getting lewd and shit I had no problems getting hard and didn't bust my load in 5 seconds either. She's so horny all the time too that I haven't even needed porn these past couple of months.
I had almost reached wizard status, but the sacrifice was worth it.
Not video game related, hope this thread burns together with OP.
Nothing, people rightfully making fun of masturbation addicts.
Roasties, jews, faggots, niggers, sex addicts, degenerates, masturbation addicts etc. should all die.
You are meant to be a healthy male with a healthy sex drive for other females. You are also supposed to be strong, sporty and independent enough to survive on your own in variety of situations through different trials and tribulations.
Chad is not meant to be a caste, it is literally meant to be an archetype that everyone SHOULD BE trying to act like by default.
How old were you when you got your first gf?
are you doing all of that user ?
based and realisticpilled
this but ironically
Why do stormniggers care so much if you have a porn addiction or you don't have kids? If you're a genetically inferior male (manlet/unsuccessful/dicklet/ugly face/balding/etc), you do not deserve to pass on your genes. Genetically inferior people don't have souls and they don't have a right to happiness.
I actually had some negative effects on my dick from masturbation. My dick is very decentralized, I can have sex for literal hours until I come unless I am masturbating and after 20 minutes or so of having sex with a condom on I lose erection, so I go only raw any time I can. It came to a point where I've had partners that were frustrated by the fact that they couldn't make me cum as fast as they were used to even if they got off themselves so there would be times when the girl would have an orgasm but I didn't. It is very individual, I used to fap 7 times a day or so, I can say that not masturbating improves the sensitivity from sex probably for most men.
Slowly, I had a major leg injury so I lost all the gains I've made but I still didn't return to being fat, just drastically decreased my caloric intake to at least stay lean.
I also have a reasonably well paid job, inherited a small apartment and have a girlfriend. I always feel on edge of falling back into degeneracy and retardation, but I am objectively happier when I actually act like a normal human being instead of an autism consumption machine.
>I used to fap 7 times a day or so
Jesus Christ user I didn't even think that was possible.
>My dick is very decentralized
Got some poo's over in India helping you with your erection?
drastically reducing your calorie intake is also bad user, take it easy dude, calories are important
People who let their addiction to masturbation run their lives. All they care about is what gets them horny and what lets them masturbate more.
And that's a-ok. We don't need inferior beings reproducing and passing on their genes. Darwinism is God's Plan after all.
Maybe not every day. I would masturbate two times a day, then I would have a day where I would break and fap 4 times sometimes fit one in at the work, and try to abstain, but after one day of nofap I would relapse hard and fap up to 10 times to all sorts of increasingly degenerate shit. I actually have a very high libido and constantly want sex, it's not just masturbation, and I absolutely caused this addiction on my own.
Please try to not be like me, if you hate roasties and don't want a girlfriend just pump and dump. Sitting at home and masturbating slowly turns you into a subhuman traglodite, I wish I could erase memories from that period of time.
So how's life in the mountains then? You are a mountain man arnt you? All those survival skills won't help you in the city. And all the doomsday prepping in the world won't save you if your not far far away from population centers. You wouldn't just be another university baby talking tough? That would be some serious hypocrisy user.
I don't move most of the day because I have avascular necrosis in my bone. I had stem cells injected and it got better, and will inject more later this month, but I have been sitting most of the time for past 6 months and taking slow walks with doggo or gf when it hurts less. I was deadlifting 140kg, if I would stay on the same caloric intake I would be a lardass by now.