Brazilian President on electronic games tax

>after reading on my Facebook a complaint from [some person] regarding electronic game taxes, I've consulted our economic team

>currently the IPI(name of the tax) varies betweens 20% and 50%. We have issued a study towards reducing it. Brazil is the second (?) largest market in the world in this sector.

This is within a larger context. This is not the first time that a game tax reduction has been directly touched upon by him and the Senate is already evaluating the issue.

>Brazil has over 62 million active gamers, which is more than most major European markets. In comparison, France has 44 million active gamers, the UK 40 million, Italy 38 million, Spain 28 million. It is also nearly the size of Germany's gaming population, of 65 million.

tl;dr You will begin seeing a lot more Brazilians on video games, specially on consoles.

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Does that mean mexico wil no longer be the largest latinamerican videogame economy powerhouse?

so that’s why every free to play game is infested with BR

Weren't Bralzilian hues gib mone or report swarming online games a meme for more than a decade now? You're telling me that there will be even more? How is that even possible?

Getting more BRs in online games is totally worth tearing down the Amazon rainforest, corruption, and destroying the free press. Based Bolsonaro.

huehue monkies are worse than chinks

Why do the germans play so many video games?

But do Brazilians BUY games?

Brazilians in gaming were known to infest online games, mostly free to play ones on the PC. Now imagine that but widespread to every ecosystem in gaming.


Its obviously not safe to go outside anymore

What is wrong with rightists? Seriously. Even if you look past their tendency to commit genocide regularly their environmental policies alone are pretty much a war of extermination against mankind itself

>turn on tv merkel says white german evil and nazi
>look outside muslims and black people raping germany women etc.

obviously games and anime are the only thing keeping them going at this point

>tl;dr You will begin seeing a lot more Brazilians on video games, specially on consoles

wtf I love the PTB now!

They either don't know, don't care, or think the rapture is imminent so it won't matter.

online games yes, single player no

Brazilians love video games but the official prices lead us to not buy them upfront. Maybe you've heard of gray market and other bypasses we use for affording video games?

With affordable video games, you can bet your ass people will be buying them.

Those tax reductions aren't just about software but for every single sort of hardware too. PC components, consoles, accessories, VR, you name it.

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but the genesis doesn't have online play

>62 million active gamers
>they just play fifa and pes on the ps2

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Man and I thought Bolsonaro was based when he was jailing commies and fags.

Yes it did. Get educated.

It's not like the Mega Drive and Master System huggers will let go but those are our national equivalent to boomer gaming. Unironically.

>politicians want to replace you with muslims
>females assist them in your destruction
>if you speak out you get unpersoned and/or visited by the nuGESTAPO for wrongthink

Sometimes I wish I lived in the version of Germany rightists think they're living in

Imagine how much safer the Olympic games would have been if bolsanaro was leader, no subhumans would be fucking with the tourist so much that a good Samaritan with a gun had shoot at them to fuck off.

(((some person)))

You mean the real one? Easy, just throw your passport away, get a tan and claim you're a rapefugee and you will get in with generous gibs.

no it literally doesn't the first sega console with online is the dreamcast

>reducing taxes

I hope one day I'll be able to have everyone shot who uses the word "rapefugee".

Tropical Trump doing his part to make video games more shitty.

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Yeah I forgot, pointing out rapefugees rape gets you executed for wrongthink against their superior muslim masters. You already act like a german, good job.

Why? It's accurate. Just look at the rape statistics.

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I am a German you fucking retard.

Care to show me those "rape statistics"?

They'll never drop the tax. And even if they do, they'll just tax console and pc sales harder.
Brazilian politicians are openly corrupt and all that tax money goes straight into their pockets.
Those 62 million people are all pirates anyway.
Brazil is a shit market for videogame devs.

Ah so that's why you want more muslims.Should have known. Well done, I'm sure Ahmed will be pleased with you're conduct today. Perhaps he will let you watch him with your wife today.

thankfully everyone hates this guy now

he really was our bush jr

I'm not gonna spoonfeed a shitposter, just google it yourself.

this is me at a party

XBⱯND sales about to go through the fucking roof!

Nintendo saw this coming and that's why they don't let you communicate with people you don't know.

Why did I never see this before? It's perfect.

It's just a matter of convincing them that you can actually get more money by reducing taxes enough that people buy products.

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It's not going to change the fact that people in brazil are pretty poor compared to most places.
Even if they do lower the cost, most people are too used to getting their games for peanuts and aren't going to change.
You're not gonna start seeing people pre-order the latest 90$ Panty Raid Quest special edition for the Nintendo Switch.

I don't have a wife.

Why do you people act like we have to take your lies as gospel? Post proof or shut up.

I'm sure you can provide me with some pertinent quotes in that study that prove your point.

>France has 44 million active gamers, the UK 40 million, Italy 38 million, Spain 28 million. It is also nearly the size of Germany's gaming population, of 65 million.
Brazil mush have hell of an economic spy team because I never ever heard of those numbers before

>Post proof or shut up.
It was posted, you did not read it, fuck off shitposters.

that's about 2 more games than any ps4 player in 2019

Perhaps not but now people will buy more games and will be able to take advantage of basic privileges such as warranty and customer service. I can't say I am unhappy.

God bless whoever put Trudeau between Winnie the Pooh and Bolsonaro .

ah yes just what i wanted to hear more parental abuse, dogs barking and gunshots

Pretty sure it's alphabetical by country.

Brazil, Canada, Chinam

All hail alphabetic order!

whats everyone hate this guy for? i dont keep up with shit in canada



Sorry eh

Most liberal person on the planet. He fits in better with Muslims than he does Canadians.

>board is absolutely garbage right now
gee i wonder why

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He's a living caricature of modern liberals.

I'm lmaoing so hard right now holy shit

i hope they throw glenn greenwald down a well

I am sure he will find a bad ending here, no doubt.

fuck brazil even their president is fucking retarded

>free press
You mean political activists disguised as journalists and videogame urinalists? Kill them with fire.

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yeah confiscatory consumption taxes on entertainment rules and they should keep those

imagine shitposting on Yea Forums at a friday night

Brazil has traditionally been a place where bad people come to in order to escape persecution.

>nazi officials
>Cesari Battisti
>train robbers
>Oda Nobunaga's descendants

However, Glenn decided he wanted to poke at a hornet's nest in here as well. It won't end well for him.

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Consumption taxes on enertainment are great as they stop poorfags from my hobbies

Thanks for giving us Battisti back. The leftynigger will rot in prison till his death now.

>Oda Nobunaga's descendants

There's nothing to explain. His descendants aren't very well seen in modern Japan and a quite a few scattered around the world. Brazil was one such place because it's the most Japan place outside Japan.

>I want my country to increase in power
That's it, that's the entire thing, he's burning resources in the hope of increasing relevance. China does it, India does it, the US does it. If you want to climb up in the world, you aren't going to do it with nice, conservative measures, you're going to do it by burning everything you have in the vain hope of succeeding before everyone dies.

>Brazil is the most Japan place outside Japan
Wait, what?

he probably means that it has the most japanese migrants living there. the country itself is like the anti-japan

In countries like this taxing video games is essentially the same thing as an income tax. Most of these players are involved in some kind of scam.

It's got the most Japanese people and culture outside of Japan. There's extensive literally about it online, if you care to google.

ice cold holy shit
bolsonaro alpha chad

>put a right wing male in charge of country
>country starts un fucking it's shit

We have about a $50 tax in Mexico for the Switch.

Current price on Amazon is $357 USD.

>he is a cuck
Like pottery.

amazes me there are retards who fall for pr like this every single time

more spics on Yea Forums
just what this shithole needed monkeys too

you can always leave

literal reddcuck

Based El Presidente


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>white hand
What kind of prank are you trying to pull on me son.

brs come in a wide range of pigments, because like anywhere else, they segregate

I swear if this happens I'm moving to Brazil next year.
My country is going to be the next Venezuela.

What country?

I am extremely white, some people here are too.
There is a common nickname here, Alemão, which is German.
Some people called me this when I was a kid.

But I am a nigger in soul and mind, see how I quoted the wrong post?


For what i've understand North and East Brazil are populated by locals, mutts and niggers and its shithole tier, while south Brazil is where ppl from Germany, Italy and Poland settled and its a civilized place.

How are the things going for the rest of my south american bros?

Yeah, a lot. My 3DS and Switch collections are pretty decent too.

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liberals bad
corporations good

>weebs once again knowing nothing about the country they fetishise.
absolutely based

no one fetishizes brazil it's a garbage fire

I have not heard someone once speak well of this man. hopefully he's gone soon.

>I have not heard someone once speak well of this man. hopefully he's gone soon.
Believe it or not a world exists outside of /pol/, m8.

i hope those australian supporters help him with his bad approval rating in canada

you're mistaken. im canadian and work in an industry where I interact with a lot of different people daily. I haven't heard someone once say something nice about him.

People wanting to fuck a man or praising him for being a woke bae isn't the same as approving of his policies. His cabinet has been involved in corruption scandals and he has dealt with a lot of protests since working class Canadians felt he took away the pipes project from 3rd party businesses and then did nothing with it, which is the opposite of what he was elected to do and removed a lot of expected jobs from the market in poor cities.

living in ontario here
everyone fucking hates him hes a god damn clown
just loves to be a good boy and wear dumb fucking outfits and smile like a fag for cameras

have not bumped into one canadian who says they like trudeau. hes a huge beta who somehow became prime minister




also canadian. everybody hates him. I've never actually seen someone so overwhelmingly disliked. as someone who doesn't pay a lot of attention to politics, it's kind of crazy.

What are you playing right now, my brazuca friends?

I’m playing some Ys VIII but I just installed Saint Seiya Soldier’s Soul cause I’m feeling nostalgic now that I’m re-watching the anime

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Pathfinder Kingmaker and Daggerfall Unity.

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Bolsonaro is a huge gamer and weaboo. He wants to lower the tax to buy more waifu games.

Emulating pic related.
Will vidya ever be as fun as they were in the 5th and 6th gen?

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Brazil tried leftism for decades and it resulted in 60,000 annuals murders a year
Bolsonaro has already decreased all crime in brazil by 30% and he's only half way through his first year

The new Date a Live compilation game for PS4, still doing the first of the three games.

The 8th gen has been way better than the 7th, something I had little hope for. Who knows?

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Dark Souls and the Naruto figthers, waiting for Dragon Quest and Astral Chain. Thinking about buying Ys VIII since it's on sale, how do you like it?

Aren't they trying to impeach Bolsonaro over something he said about the court's president's father now? I don't know the full story

They're going to keep trying to impeach him forever for any dumb reason with no avail. It's the same thing with Trump; we don't have a political left wing, we have cartoon villain of the week shit.

> a lot
>half the library is likely cheap bundle games or just free games
>featured games popular, but also cheap as hell
br pls go


>impeach Bolsonaro over something he said about the court's president's father
That's what the left says but I doubt anyone is delusional enough to believe that could happen. They just want people to keep talking about what Bolsonaro said because it was incredibly retarded.

It’s fun, the best of the Nu Ys (party based ones)

Doesn't that description include every AAA released more than 2 years ago? Things go on sale now, user.

Lower vidya taxes AND murdering natives and running them out of their homes? Talk about BASED.



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Settle down Navajo

Just like Trump, the opposition will cry IMPEACH at every little thing he does.

The thing you're talking about is regarding the military dictatorship we've had in the 60, 70s and 80s. The father of the current head of the OAB(not the supreme court, it's and organization that represents lawers) is one of the "missing" people from that period. He said that the guy's father was not killed by the military government but rather, he was killed by the members of the communist guerrilla that he belonged to himself because he was a traitor.

Despite what the leftist historians try to claim, the military government period wasn't nearly as brutal as we're led to believe. The number of "missing" people are in the 100s only and the majority of those people were communist activists, terrorists and saboteurs. The situation was the same all around in every western country.

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some cuck who is a mega liberal and opened Canadian borders really wide

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Bolsonaro has zero support from the congress or the courts, in fact everyone else in brazil's politics despise him

>in fact everyone else in brazil's politics despise him
which is why we voted him in, petista safada

>President nepotism
>Investigations against corrupted officials are cancelled
At least we are selling meat.

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The best thing possible, it only confirms why people were right to go with him

The paranoid leftists really made a number on you, you fucking gullible nutjobs.